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Post fluffy boys!
Previous thread: >>3906983
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I hope it's not too lewd, this is supposed to be safe. I love this artist.
He would be good friends with Jim Macchiato.
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I want klonoa to sit on my face
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I want Klonoa to sit on my lap like this.
Hnnnnng. I love him so much.
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>open the door
>see this
What would you do?
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>kemoshos in my room
Take a second to appreciate that I died and I'm in heaven. And exactly one second later, join them.
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did bronies normalize furfaggotry to society?
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There’s a slight chill in the air.. the spooky season is not far off.
Well, I dunno about all that. But that rendition of Chase is cute. Cute!
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Sihan is back bros
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I didn't know this artist, thanks for the recommendation!
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more cute patrols
I wish there was a show with a style like this.
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I really hope one of Nagabes kemono stories gets picked up for an anime or short someday, this or one of the wizdom chapters.
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I wonder if orange catboys are as silly as real orange cats.
Any dragon kemono? :3
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I'm not completely sure if he's a dragon but I have this.
New one!
Also man apparently yesterday was Klonoa Day, I can't believe we missed it.
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I love him so much.
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/v/ just banned me for posting this and they called it “anthro pornography” lol
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One of the /v/ mods has such an autistic hatred for furry characters that I wouldn't even be surprised if he tried to ban people for posting actual screencaps, I can imagine the sight of furry artwork made his blood pressure go through the roof.
GR3 was changed in July 2019, from banning all furry images to only banning furry pornography. One would think that five years should be enough time for moderators to get used to the new rules.
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>boss leaves its weak spot uncovered
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God I hope that Nagabe writes a manga with these new cat and snake characters.
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The artist shared the finished versions, gonna post them all (well, except for Skye, she's here in case anyone wants the full collection https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXhE8AybMAAumQK.jpg:orig)

1/5 Chase

2/5 Marshall

3/5 Rubble

(skipping Skye)
4/5 Zuma

and 5/5 Rocky
I want his paws on my face
GOD what i would do to him in bed
they have forgotten the ways of our 4chancestors, who were vanquished to this purgatory by the hateful god lowtax for being weebs and furfags >:(

One day, moot-sama will return and if they are not ready, they will no longer be. ^-^
>the cat is a 45 y/o boomer and the snake is his young horny bf

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>bloodborne if you played as a goat

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