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bnuuy Edition
Old: >>3913600
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Thanks for the new thread.
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omg Bunzo! Someone loves him!
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I'm here too
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Do you guys have any recs for kemo content?
Preferably kemosho' but I'd take anything. I'm kinda new to this side of the genre.
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>Do you guys have any re
Play Klonoa!
>download catboi pic from artist I follow
>filename starts with "Gayer"
>not just "Gay" but actually "Gayer"
>hihihi gay
>gay gayer the gayest XD
>did I mention I am gay?
Why are furfags like this?
because we're socially awkward autists on top of being gay
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I couldn't care less if some antifur activist didn't get it, but this reply made me think that maybe the joke was completely lost. It's not that an artist titled his picture "Gayer," that would be pretty silly, I was talking about the Twitter filename.
Images on Twitter have a filename formed by letters and numbers, and the uploader can't choose it. If you look at any other pic from Twitter in this thread (or on Twitter) you'll see that they're usually random gibberish. I think it was a funny coincidence that such a pic started with a legible word, but for the sake of it I'll add that it was a pretty unlikely coincidence.

You have an incomplete explanation here, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21919766/image-url-naming-scheme, but to summarize it, the first letters in the filename are the timestamp at which the image was uploaded.
If we convert GayerxRaAAA7a_S from base64 to binary we have 00011001 10101100 10011110 10101111 00010100 01011010 00000000 00000000 00111011 01101011 11110100. The first 42 bits are 441081052241 in decimal. Add the 1288834974657 from the Github link (the value is wrong in the Reddit explanation) and you get 1729916026898, a timestamp from the 26th of October, the day the image was uploaded. So far, so good.

Out of all the possible filenames that would start with "Gayer", the first one would start with "GayerAAA" and the last one would start with "Gayer___". The timestamp for the first possible file would be 1729916023745, and the last one would be 1729916027840. There are 4095 milliseconds between both timestamps. Out of all the files uploaded to Twitter ever, only those uploaded in a span of barely 4 seconds could have a filename that started with "Gayer."

If you were curious, there was a span of 63 milliseconds between 1660895072001 and 1660895072064, back on the 19th of August of 2022, when pics uploaded to Twitter would start with "Faggot." I didn't see any of those.
>furfag has a persecution complex
dude i don't think anyone didn't get it. it's just that the other guy was pointing out that you cared about the filename starting with gayer and i gave him a generalized answer to his probably rhetorical question
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Well, fuck, that's very unfortunate. I can't believe I wasted so much time investigating Twitter filenames to figure out how likely a specific filename is, only to reply to a post that I accidentally misunderstood. It would have been so much more convenient if that was something I had calculated beforehand out of sheer curiosity and I had been waiting for a excuse to share it somewhere. Alas, that's definitely not what happened here. What a shame.
Nobody cares about your faulty calculations and trivia funfacts
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oh no the horror at literally anything being in this thread other than just that one guy silently posting boys every day
I care about your faulty calculations and trivia funfacts. I appreciate you posting furry boys. Thank you.
>tfw you talk about gay and gayer but you turn out to be the gayest of all
kek owned
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I blame Oman〇ko.
I noticed that kemoshotas have bigger butts than human shotas. Is there an evolutive reason for this?
As an expert in kemoshotas and a connoisseur of their butts, I think you made a rookie mistake. Kemosho butts might look bigger than they actually are because they're fluffy, you need to squeeze them gently to truly appreciate their real size.
I personally recommend asking the kemosho to sit on your face instead of using your hands though, because that's the best way to enjoy a fluffy butt. Or, well, one of the two best ways, at least.
ew you are gonna get fur in your mouth and eyes and all over your cace
That's why you do it with your penis instead.
You have to brush your kemosho so he won't shed on your face.

This works too.
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Happy Halloween!
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This one isn't too Halloweeny, but it's the final version of >>3927670 so I'm gonna post it too.
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I need more pics of Nico.
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Hey, look, it's... the entire kemoner community!
Screenshot to roll for boywife.
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Man that's A LOT of cute kemoshos.
>Ultra cute
>Loves to clean
>Can be bratty on occasion

Is Agyo the ultimate malewife!? (Yes)
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Nice bulge. Would lick it.
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Tasty kemobulge
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I translated a couple pics from Piporinton with an automatic translator, posting them for interest.
Last one.

The program is https://github.com/zyddnys/manga-image-translator
Although it can be a pain in the ass to install if you're not familiar with command line tools. There's an online demo at https://cotrans.touhou.ai/.
Fuck off with your homojacketing, human male on kemoshota is literally THE straightest thing in existence.
You may want to delete that one
Butts help them attract (human) mates, who help them survive and procreate.
No miracles, just natural selection.
He was a sex-slave, wasn't he?
I don't know any other reason to keep slaves in rooms with small windows as opposed to having them on planation 24/7.
have some beans instead
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And here's even more beans!
What's dis doe?
Kemo Regu is best Regu.
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A magazine for Kemoners of culture.
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My long is cuter than your kemono.
Not to mention he's the only kind of kemoshota you can practice missionary handholding vaginal sex with.
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An unexpected /c/ crossover.
>ywn be a kemosho's pet
It hurts.
A Kemosho trying to make a human its pet is a sign that said Kemosho needs behavioral correction ASAP!
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That's not a kemosho, this is a fucking AMERICAN KARTOON
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One more season of this shit and I'm coming to China to knab myself a little pixubrother.
It's a British cartoon created by a French guy though, please do not insult my European cartoons comparing them to anything made in Am*rica. Anyway, that specific pic was drawn by a Japanese artist, so I'm sorry but that's enough to consider it a kemosho and I'll continue to do so.
I have plenty of kemoshos, so have a different neko in a more Eastern style to calm your 'tism. You're the only one who didn't post a kemono boy, by the way.

I really need to check this out, many artists I follow keep making fanart of it. I think it has twice as many episodes now as it had when I bookmarked it, it's becoming a bit intimidating.
I have a mighty urge to stroke that kemosho's tail.
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Kemoshos are extremely strokable creatures.
Well there's certainly something I wanna stroke on him!

Oh, and his tail too.
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Each episode is 5 minutes long. All four seasons together are a little under 3h total right now. Could totally be binged in a weekend. Usually they put out a new five minute episode each Sunday, but now there will probably be a little break between S4 and S5.
They also put all the seasons together into feature length compilations at the end of each season, but those are missing OPs, EDs and bits of chinkland lore told at the end of each episode. I'd recommend checking the OP, the first season ED, the first season end ED and the lore dumps for episodes that introduce new characters separately if you watch the compilation.
Each comic "chapter" is one or two 4-komas, so divide the chapter count by 3 or 4 to get a proper estimation.
FENZ also animates a different comic about beasts who have taken human forms and went to wagecuck for human society instead of segregating onto a youkai mountain. It's called Fei Ren Zai. It features some cute yaoguai /cm/s too, not to mention pretty girls, and has tie-ins with fabeasts. I honestly grew to like that one more because it's more relatable and leans way more into the gags around the creatures' original lores, and thus also has a bigger cast and more diverse jokes.
Too bad, it only has 2.5 out of 8 seasons of donghua subbed, and only 300-ish out of 1500+ chapters of manga scanlated. But, at least, if it's of any indication, beasts aren't going anywhere any time soon, because that's 8 seasons and 1500+ chapters of a property that chinks DID NOT deem perspective enough to export to gwailos.
Though, on the other hand, they also seem to not be able to figure out how to properly monetize YouTube videos, first releasing all fabeast episodes for free, then paywalling everything other than the first and the last episodes behind channel membership (retarded idea), then unpaywalling everything and instead releasing episodes a week early for members, and now also putting some premium water adreads before each episode
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How did a Kemosho get such thick thighs!? They require stroking, I mean studying, at once! (And might as well check what's between them too while I'm at it.)
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Understandable, I want to study all the kemoshos as well.
Hmm, a fellow researcher in the fluffy art of Kemosho biology! Any types in particular you're particular to? I'm partial to chubby kemoshos like Zhurong here.
I like all kinds of kemoshos. I like smug kemoshos, I like excited kemoshos, I like shy kemoshos. I like sporty kemoshos and sweaty kemoshos, I like nerdy kemoshos, I like sleepy kemoshos. I like kemoshos with human hair and kemoshos who only have fur. I like kemoshos in undies, naked kemoshos, and fully clothed kemoshos.
I can't choose only one kind as my favorite, they all deserve all the love.

I love this artist.
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- kemololi (male)
- mature, stoic and loyal (lovable)
- mature, stoic and loyal (breakable)
- broken (menhera)
- reverent little bro
- submissive and huggable
- heroic boy with strong sense of justice (obsessed with me)
- his parents' pure, obedient little boy (obsessed my cock)
- has a sister that wants a threesome
- has a sister that wants a "threesome"
- has extremely ticklish crotch-nipples.
Roll no less than two.
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On second thought, having Mamoru-kun secretly have a massive brainrot for my cock in a (mostly) non-romantic way would be hot too...
I guess you could say it's a mix of 7 and 8, but it's not really.
5,6, and 8. Perfection.
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I fucking HATE boy undies!
Thong rebellion!
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This guy was pretty mediocre before suddenly getting good around this summer..
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Actually, the more SFW of his arts seem to have improved the most.
I wonder if that is because more clothing makes anatomy easier.
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>shine-through shirt
Segs. NOW
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See, it doesn't look as pretty without the clothing shading.
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Fish on a leash.
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Oh, this thing's cute.
I'm taking it home!
Piporinton drew the opposite scenario today, here's the translation.
>there was a 4 second span on earth where twitter filenames would spell the word gayer
thank you for this wisdom, o fag wizard man
>this outfit
He is literary wearing nothing
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I mean, he does have a collar...
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"Getup" would be more correct as that could include only wearing restraints.
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Wish that happened to me...
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You can't see it from this angle, but he actually has a massive hardon.
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Don't learn bad stuff from him, kitty!
Clothes are for humans.
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>is a nigger
>i cannot comprehend this
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Fucking done from just these 4 pages.
I intended to just casually read and maybe post this comic with that autotranslator in 15 minutes.
That was 4 hours ago.
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Man. Being a dog is rough.
I wonder how much he has to depilate to reliably have clean wipes and for how long.
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New: >>3931716

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