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Take responsibility edition

Please refrain from posting burnt Curly unless it's 100% free of guro/guro implications
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It's unfortunate that the threads keep getting pruned because the rules are so vague. Does cute little chibi nugget Curly count as not /cm/? There are threads for monsters, serial killers, hell I've seen south park guro in the generals. It would be nice if posts just got pruned rather than the whole thread being deleted. Or if a mod could come in and clarify.

Fortunately there's lots of pre-burnt Curly to post now that it's revealed he's thicc
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We should just make a /trash/ thread if we want to post Nugget Curly.
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There's an idea. Could post all the nugget lewds too.

I wonder if stuff like pic related is allowed here? It's obviously cute
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Sounds like a plan since Nuggetman is one of the main attractions.
Anyone gonna take one for the team and make a /trash/ thread for nugget-kun?
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I'm starting to love all versions of Curly.
>few posts in
>already trolls posting guro
Wait, where is the guro?
Starting to think she's doing it on purpose to get the threads nuked, but we'll see.
File deleted.
Could you point out which images are the problem so we could know what to avoid?
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Genuinely not trying to troll, I just don't know what the threshold is. I've seen angsty images in /cm/ generals for years, is it images like >>3925764 or >>3925742 that are the issue?
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Done. I'm not linking it here.
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Shame last threads got pruned, I wasn't done saving pics.
Thanks, I guess all burnt Curly art can be relegated there while regular Curly is posted here.
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Thank you, dear anon
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I wanna stick my dick inside of his tiny wounds
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why is curly adorable in all forms
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>thicc curvy thighs and big tits
>beautiful eyes
>cute curly hair
>easy to manipulate
>would let his entire team smash if it meant keeping them happy
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If Jimmy didn't regularly bite and suck on those things while Curly was sleeping then he's a turbofaggot
fucking busty tease
needs correcting
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They keep taking our threads sisters...
Uoh... Curly booba...
Curly's trusting retardation pre-burning makes him so cute, I want to blackmail him into being my sex slave
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It's okay now, we'll keep /cm/ strictly regular Curly (and the other boys) while /trash/ can be used for nugget Curly. It felt so good to finally nuggetpost with impunity on a board that allows it, thank you >>3925802
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Also if the /trash/ thread dies by tomorrow, we can make another one if there's a demand.
Curly apologizing when he performs badly in bed!
Curly apologizing for cumming too soon!
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anon, there is a good fic in ao3 called "there is very little left of me and it's never coming back"
curly apologizing for everything and accepting whatever shit jimmy wants to do with him is super hot
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bullying Curly for being so bad in bed and him agreeing with you and looking all flushed and embarrassed...
God, I love that every Jim/Curly fic is rapey and fucked up
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i wouldn't last a minute
dayum he chunky
Uuoooo captain curvy...
Bedbreaking sex with this Curly
Ah, yes. I'll take a Curly, extra THICC, and hold the bandages.
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>Jimmy didn't rape this
Absolutely worthless faggot
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Are mods seriously that scared of jerky Curly? Hell he's so highly stylized even in-game that I can't imagine anyone actually being squeaked out by it, and I'm a huge pussy when it comes to gore
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Most of the nugget Curly posted was extremely harmless chibi stuff too. I've never been in a thread so heavily scrutinized before, I think it's a persistent anon constantly reporting stuff. In any case, we have /trash/ for nuggetposting so that's something at least
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Jimmy doesn't deserve Curly this is BULLSHIT
>I think it's a persistent anon constantly reporting stuff.
Antis/guys are being big weirdos about there being a fandom around this game and specifically the shipping stuff, they're acting like the game is Big Brain Media and if anyone is drawing shipping art or little meow meow Curly art then they must not have any media literacy and cannot possibly understand the themes of the game.

All while ignoring the game's characterization is kinda clunky and did not really NEED to have the only female character get SA'd just to progress a man's story but we daren't not criticize the holy text of wrong organ. (I LIKE the game btw, just don't think it's "perfect")
>but we daren't not criticize the holy text of wrong organ
I will never criticize WO because they gave me Curly, both nugget and uncooked flavors.
Anyone know when they're answering their Q&A btw?
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There are so many regurgitated dogshit opinions that I just scroll past everything until I see art now.
>"durrrr Curly is the type of guy who thinks women deserve to get raped and doesn't give a shit about Anya"
>completely disregards the very obviously upset and discordant music choice that plays after Curly is looking for Jimmy, implying he is horrified by the news
>completely disregards the dynamic of Jimmy constantly negging and shitting on Curly and explicitly manipulating him by the end, implying a very toxic friendship where Curly doesn't seem to have a handle on things at all
>"durrr Curly told the crew they were fired because he wanted to gloat"
>when it's so clearly because he felt terrible after they went through all the trouble of using their one birthday party on him right after getting the news seriously you fucking retards think about why those two scenes happen in succession
>literally no mention about the obvious enemy aside from Jimmy being their fucked up company that they work for
It's all so tiresome
Oh also
>"if Swansea knew, he'd kill Jimmy instantly!!"
>Swansea literally knew and did nothing until Daisuke was dead, who he explicitly said was his one regret in not protecting as well
It's like these idiots didn't even play the game.
Very hot. I want to take advantage of Curly's niceness.
The actual problem was that he wasn't a faggot. If he were none of this would have happened.
But he is a faggot, he's obsessed with Curly and only cares about him. He only raped Anya to get back at him and ruin his career, when he should've just raped Curly instead
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Eat the captain
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The ones that piss me off are the people who say Curly is evil and just as bad as Jimmy because he didn't immediately ventilate Jimmy's head with a bullet or axe upon hearing from Anya, followed by the "toxic masculinity" song and dance they all parrot.
I'd go off on a tirade about just the Pony Express posters that alone would refute the claims, but eh, I'd just be preaching to the choir here and the detractors wouldn't listen anyway because >men bad because RAEP
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Hit the nail on the head, God I hate Twitter
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It's weird that the very thought of Curly also being a victim of Jimmy's bullshit isn't even humored by the twitteroids
literally, Jimmy raping Anya was literally to ruin Curly's clean record as a captain
idk if i interpreted it wrong, but i really believe that if she hadn't gotten pregnant they all would have survived that trip

Jimmy only wanted to ruin Curly's life but he ended up having to possible paying child support for the rest of his life

there is this whole other layer that people just ignore, jimmy is in a whole other level of freak
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Dumbfuck should've just raped Curly.
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the good ending
I could be wrong myself, but I'm pretty sure he did it because he was a douche
He was frustrated, needed to blow his steam off after the news was broken, and now that he decided that trying to be better a little a day wasn't worth it, went to the only woman on the ship
He possibly wanted to do it for years, as sad as it could be, or just decided that she wouldn't be able to prove anything once they were back on Earth and he'd never see her again
Given how Curly talks to him in the cockpit, it's entirely possible that Jimmy was some sort of recovering ex-convict before Tulpar, and if people are right when they say that he seemed to have some experience with roofying someone's drink, then he could very well have been a sex-pest
We'll probably never know. I'm just not sure where people get the idea that it too was about Curly
>I could be wrong myself, but I'm pretty sure he did it because he was a douche
He is a douche, but it's pretty heavily implied he did it to fuck over Curly. Rewatch what he says to Curly when he's confronted, he very pointedly frames it as something that will ruin Curly's life. Jimmy is obsessed with and bitter about Curly. This also tracks when you realize how little Anya actually matters to Jimmy (he even gives Swansea and Daisuke more attention) and that all his psychosis is centered around Curly, the only person he has any real relationship with.
Psychosis, yeah, but the confrontation is happening after 1. he discovered he'd been found, 2. he was told that Anya had a proof, a baby he'd possibly need to pay for, 3. he realised there was no axe or gun to deal with her personally. I'm pretty sure he was just manipulating Curly into letting him do something stupid, but again who knows. Not like you need deep feelings to rape someone
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I think you're a bit daft, anon
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did they actually do a Q&A?
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They said they were going to, I don't know if it's happened yet
>pretty heavily implied he did it to fuck over Curly.
I think he did it because he felt like it, and then when confronted about it he turned it back on Curly. I don't think Jimmy was a big schemer with some grand plan to fuck over his friend, just a guy who acted selfishly at all times and seemed to assume that others would always do the same. He assumed that Curly would only be concerned about his own status because that's all Jimmy would consider in his shoes. He doesn't really care about anyone around him and will only interact with them as necessary to get what he wants. He can't even conceptualize that Curly actually cares about him as a friend, he's the type of person that resents even a favor because he thinks the other person is only doing it to show that they are better than him. But he will still happily accept the favors and think he is just getting what he's owed.
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He's shit either way and should've raped Curly.
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kills me having to censor the precious nugget
Jimbo sounds like textbook male BPD.
Even more reason to kill the fucker
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and here I thought he couldn't get any worse.
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>Jimmy raping Anya was literally to ruin Curly's clean record as a captain
I know ">capitalism is le bad" is considered a reddit tier take, but it's actually shocking to me how much of the discourse surrounding this game completely ignores the abusive workforce that is Pony Express. Hell, the mouthwashing (which is locked up safely while sleeping quarters are not) is there specifically to point out that the company values something so trivial over the humans they employ.
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Curly must've been one tasty guy if after eating him Jimmy finally had an epiphany and tried to repent
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daisuke is the it boy of the month!
His meat looks really juicy desu, bet he tasted delicious
for me, it's the cute burnt chicken wing
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