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We didn't get pruned edition!

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3925703
Also reminder that there's a nugget Curly thread on /trash/
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He deserved so much better
They all did, except Jimmy.
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whoever bakes should include it in the op as >>>/trash/mouthwashing
I've been banned 3 separate times trying to make these threads so I'm a bit paranoid in linking to anything nugget related. Thanks for doing that though
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i want to be held in curlys big manly arms
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Korean twitter seems to have debunked the myth that Curly is taller than Jimmy
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the same height?
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I want to motorboat his boobs as he blushes and does nothing to stop me because of his terminal niceness.
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Whoops, wrong thread
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Anons why do some ppl get up our ass about yaoi in this game while they're drawing sobby art about Anya's poor dead horse baby? Almost as if they can't think any deeper about the complicated feelings a woman might have about pregnancy from SA, but thinking any deeper about the psychology of a guy who did an SA is not allowed... Who is media literate now?
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Who cares about twitter cunts whining about rape and misogyny just post hot men
I just want Jimmy to rape both versions of Curly
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Have to scroll twitter to find art and just tired of art of Anya cuddling her rape baby
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it's funny because that would actually result in the good ending.
Is there a nugget version of this?
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Yes, I will go put it in the trash thread
I'm tired of that shit too, I don't need to be reminded constantly that women are raped and suffer in a game where I get peak male ryona and suffering. Fucking annoying.
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Jimmy does not deserve Curly hugs
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>small captain
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Made for Jimmy rape
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Swansea Lake
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Part of the set
No Jimbo with Mega Rayquaza?
No, the artist didn't draw him
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