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Dunno what happened but it was getting time to make a new thread anyway

Post 5-6 images.
You are swift anon
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God is unhappy with you lmao
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Oh yeah? Explain this
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That clown DD makes me think of ketchup for some reason.
New notglue animatic dropped btw
>Dunno what happened
Our incompetent overlords nuked around 20 different boards.
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A whole bunch of boards had their entire catalogues nuked for some reason
this is too cute and happy. It's a trick for what's to come. Everyone knows best friends and roomates share the same bed btw
Where do you think you are?
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>The rest of their art
Oh my
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>Player ships
It's gonna be sad watching all the anglefags die off once the identity of the player is revealed. Maybe sunnyangle will live on in some other form but I don't think the dynamic will be appealling once you need to visualize Rich or Stella in the role.
I'm not sure why are they a thing right now since its pretty much confirmed that the player was an active part of the BBI. Not to mention that he is always some kind of turbo femboy in these ships, like people bitch about Dogday always taking that rol but with the player is like a million times worse.
It's for people who pay just enough attention to know CatNap and DogDay don't actually like each other, and also it might have self insert appeal. Again, once it gets revealed we play as some gruff guido or crazy dutch lady the ship will disappear.
You literally don't know how shipping works if you think any of that's true lol
Catnap really loves egging him on.
My first thought was Ronald McDonald.
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Well? Which one is better?
Psycho Dogday.
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Overprotective far-future M&M Dogday, my beloved.
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I just noticed Catnap's pendant being all weird. Since this is the far future were they are not fighting anymore, I wonder if all the negative emotions he absorbed in the past is resurfacing and making him sick.
>Catnap doing Dogdays Tie for him
Its too good
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Not at all respectfully looking at his chest
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>sleeping in the same bed
They are so fucking.
mature DogDay and Friendly CatNap
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>notglue outright saying that Dogday and Catnap need a honeymoon
They should just marry already.
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not super high quality art or anything,but I think it's cute
>Friendly honeymoon
I always picture notglue with a classic troll face every time he posts stuff like that.
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>goes from total coward to the most confident guy in the room
Love this trope.
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>Their twitter has Monkie kid art
Cross fans just can't stop winning
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>as always, he complains that kickin didn’t wash the dishes after himself, and while he was looking for Catnap, he washed the dishes, which is why he was delayed
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Ah, yes. the 15 minutes gay break. Very important.
Can we post Rambly here?
I'd say no, but honestly I wouldn't really care if like max 5 posts per thread were Rambley, there's some crossover art of him with the critters anyway
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Playful gay banter. My favorite meal of the day.
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it just keeps getting better
Catnap is the type of guy that would have AT LEAST 3 boyfriends.
Maybe more...
Damn, this guy is evil.
Notglue feeds on our tears.
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And hot Chicken
My dumb pacifist chicken himbo.
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I like the design
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new inubis animation is finally out. Lots of good Daynap moments in this one too.
stolen character
Your mom had her character stolen from her when she birthed you.
If y'all have to do this somewhere, at least do it in the /vg/ thread
They didn’t hold hands this time :(
Dogday did look pretty exited by the prospect of giving Catnap CPR tho. I do like how Inubis handles the relationship, close enough for the shippers to get their fill but not enough to be all over your face.
Dogday is still pissed that Catnap tricked them. No handholding tonight.
Just a little mad about it.
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Of course the gay dog would be excited at the prospect of touching lips with the cat.
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Catnap and Kickin got hot huh
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Smallnap is super cute, he should draw more of him.
Hoppy can be an honorary cm here
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What do you think they’ll show on the 30th? I’m guessing a teaser for chapter 4. Here’s the finished poem from the codes hidden in their latest videos. I’m not sure what it means.
That last part makes me believe that is just Huggy again.
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It's either Huggy again or they're really shoving it our faces that the Player was involved in the BBI experiments.
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It really saddens me that Dogday is not only the youngest in M&M but had rpboably the most drastic personality shift next to Theo himself. Seeing brightly cheerful and happy characters becoming cold and hateful really strikes a chord with me.
Also going by his most recent post, M&M Dogday had SEVERE main character syndrome.
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Zionist characters
People still don't understand that leadership is a skill.
Being entirely fair, the point here (as spelt out by notglue's follow-up posts) is that Dogday is a kid who was literally groomed to be easily manipulated by having it constantly forced into his head that he's "perfect", that "he's the leader because he is" and that everyone should listen to him by default. Nothing about his obsession with leadership is natural - it's supposed to make him entirely dependent on BEING the leader as the crux of his self-identity, because without it he's useless and has no purpose.

Dogday is very much meant to be one of those kids who think they're all-important because they spent their entire lives having that repeated around them that they're inherently superior to their peers, but they actually aren't better than them in the majority of activities (him getting an F compared to Bubba and Crafty, popping the ball, annoying Bobby, etc). It helps emphasize that in M&M, he's the youngest SC and the most naive.
The cutest future cultist.
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We might get a trailer tomorrow, hopefully at least a teaser of chapter 4 or a look at the villain for that chapter. I assume that the Prototype will be the main antagonist of the final chapter.

I’m still banking on Ollie being Baby Long Legs. Him being the Prototype is just so obvious that I hope that’s not the case. There are a couple of reasons why I think that BLL is Ollie- for one, it would explain why he still sounds like a kid despite being down there for many years, and BLL is the only male child toy that we’ve seen depicted. Also he has a cutout but he has no button for voice lines, so we still don’t know what he sounded like. Daddy Long Legs also had a cut-out but when you pressed his button you just got static so we don’t know what he sounded like either. Finally, there was a cut character who originally filled the role of Ollie who called himself Ace: https://youtu.be/WjhQtEEI4Ss?t=783. This was an older male character with a gruff voice. My theory is that Ace was originally going to be Daddy Long Legs, but for whatever reason they chose to switch your helper from DLL/Ace to BLL/Ollie. Both DLL and BLL’s voices haven’t been shown, which is unusual as every other character’s voices have been either in real life or on a cutout.

If Ollie ends up being BLL, I imagine we’d get a lot of new fanart of him. Ollie is a cute character but he obviously doesn’t have much fanart because his appearance hasn’t been shown yet.

As for DogDay and CatNap, who knows, maybe their unexpected popularity will cause the devs to rewrite some things.
Damn, they’re ripped.
Damn. Always sad to see a really good artist drawing them once and then completely stopping. Call me a coomer or whatever but all the puriteens in the fandom really crippled its potential to growth. Noir might be a great artist but honesty he was the worst kind of trailblazer we could have had. We are in a really dire need for a restart here.
I dunno. First of all I’m not sure that Huggy is intelligent enough to have thoughts like that. Second, it mentions sleep and being unafraid of death. Both of those make me think of CatNap. He’s the only character who accepted his death without fear.
>First of all I’m not sure that Huggy is intelligent enough to have thoughts like that.
All of the scribbles on the walls during his chase in Chapter 1 are from him. So he's definitely intelligent enough, but is mostly driven by hunger.
Well you may be onto something now
>Confirmed girl
Welp, back to cat and dog it is!
There's at least 4 other potential boy Critters also
The world is already so cruel to my dear startstudent boys tho, who knows if people will even look at these new ones.
Looks like these one's will actually appear in game so they'll probably steal away any spotlight Kickin and Bubba had
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it's over
They've drawn them at least 3 times looking through their twitter though
Jokes aside, so wow. This is just a straight up continuation of the Critters? I wonder if this was the original plan? They kept referencing felt, but this is just another Critter right? The Critters are absolutely the most successful thing to come from the series so far, so I guess they had no choice to pivot unless this was always the plan.
Screenshot 6 looks like holding cells. So this must be where CatNap was kept when he wasn't allowed to see the kids.
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Not the original plan not by a mile, and everyone in the Poppy community is losing their shit because it shows how little they care if they're willing to throw their story away for some furries
Go back and bitch to the /vg/ thread you retard, you're not in warm company here
They aren't welcome over there either desu. The new chapter announcement just brought in new and old doomposters
You shut the fuck up, you wanted an answer I gave you an answer
>He needs rest, not work. Don't stress him out.
>I'm not people.
>You're Catnap.
How did Theo fuck up so fucking badly that he managed to turn a hopelessly loyal muscular himbo who would do anything for him into the mess of incoherent rage we have now? Was the Prototype gaslighting just that good, and was it really worth it if so?
Is there a trailer yet or did they just make a Steam page?
Just the unlisted steam page that leaked. They did announced something for today.
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It’s here!


That's a LOT of dead toys.
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Sounds like an asshole and not very cool.
Also, does everyone have a canon smell or is this a new thing? I never really paid attention to twitter stuff.
Literally all the Critters have a scent, that's the gimmick, you pull their strings and they dispence the scent like an air freshener
>you pull their strings
i thought it was their tails, which makes me wonder if icky's got a little tadpole tail or something that isn't shown or if he's just an exception for some reason
All of the Nightmare Critters will be assholes in lore. They’re the villainous counterparts of the Smiling Critters.
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Judging from the logo, it looks like there will be a bat, a shark and possibly a snake or dragon.
Bat just got revealed, but it’s a girl.
Well, time to make the bat and the sheep gay.
A shame it won't be allowed here though.
(I personally wouldn't even care if the girl critters got posted here)
All of the Nightmare Critters are assholes. Baba is a NEET to the worst degree, Icky is a bad sport who always whines and bitches, Babies has no concept of boundaries and restraint and will literally make up bullshit to spread rumors about, etc.

>Also, does everyone have a canon smell or is this a new thing?
All of them have a scent. Dogday specifically smells like vanilla.
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I thought pachi deleted their shit
Nah, they are just extremely unstable and private their twitter often.
I know it’s a snout, but does anyone else see a jewish nose?
How antisemitic of you, anon to see a reptile and automatically go "IT'S A JEW IT'S A JEW"
literally the first thing I saw, this one is super ugly and highlights the limits of the critter design
Well the fanartists have made small changes to make the other critters look cuter so I’m sure they’ll do the same with this one.
>It's ok if it looks awful the fans will fix it
Shows where your priorities are
Go away Ted
Is Ted in the room with us now?
>Randomly brings up Jews out of nowhere
>Post has fan hating in it
>Ted IE you has said they come to /cm/ before
Yeah its a real mystery who the poster is
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Look who is back
You're as beautiful as the day I lost you
Go away, whichever schizo you are.
>Shows where your priorities are

“The people in the fanart thread are interested in fanart?? WHAAAAAAT??”
>I don't care about the game or characters because some artists will make the right changes
Actual fake fan behavior
You're in a /cm/ thread for fanart fuck off you retarded cunt
While I see your point, this is the gay containment thread. We are here to be gay about the characters.
>I d[rambling strawman]

He has no point. Nobody said they “don’t care what the characters look like in the game”.
looks like a turtle
hell can't even tell if he's actually an alligator or a crocodile with his jewish nose

i hope the dragon critter is male, all the males so far are not cute
He kinda does. I actually don't care that much about Poppy. The day they make a game for the critters I am jumping ship.
tardyday...my beloved
>can't speak
Oh no he's retarded.
Oh no he's a /ppg/ poster
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Mmmmmmm..... No I dont like it.
This artist has really good Poppy x Gravity Falls crossover art
I hope all this renewed attention brings new daynap artists too and not just lowtier shitposters.
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Also this thread is a month old already so let me dump some good stuff since you guys only post notglue.
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Really like this for some reason. I hope the artist makes more.
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Why is the cat pouting?
Mabel redeeming the child-cultist is something only she could do.
Dogday is giving attention to a w*man
I wish he would just add actual voice acting to his stuff. I bet there's a lot of people who would do it for free. Talented people even.
Why? Its fun seeing the media references he finds for these animatics
I just think it makes things more difficult to follow between events. notglue jumping around the timeline doesn't help either.
We got more pages already!
We're eating so fucking good
>more unhinged Catnap and equally unhinged Dogday
Haha yes
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Damn brat..
Damn, first decent one (imo) I would like to ship him with someone but I find both Icky and Allister too boring, and both daynap and starstudent are way too good. I guess is up to the last male NC.
Gay lizard and gay frog?
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i don't know the exact details, but isn't having an earring on one specific ear supposed to be a signal that you're gay?
gargamel ahh nose
I think it was the left one, but don't quote me on that.
A quick google search says its the right ear
Huh, I guess I am not that gay. That's a relief.
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Welp, this game now has a they/them. Cute design though. He’s named after a male so I’ll just call him a he.
Mmmm, I would rather not have this as our last male critter.
I wonder if one of the remaining two Nightmare Critters will also be a they/them. If not, it’ll be pretty obvious if Poe is actually a boy or a girl because there will be four of one gender and three of the other + Poe.
Last one will be a robot or some kind of actually genderless creature
I think Maggie is a girl, but Toul could also be one
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Needs correction.
I’m curious if we’ll see BBI versions of any of the NC.
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Kids these days, can't even look up proper grammar.
I really hope they go the extra mile and make a cartoon like the sc. Otherwise they're a complete downgrade.
the nc already only exist as a compromise between keeping the story mostly intact and having more critters, so if anything these are going to be the characters who never left the board room and so didnt have a lot of stuff made yet
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and with this, we now know that poe and the last one are girls.
A lot of people are drawing Poe as male so I dont complain.
>lively conversationalist
>has nothing to say
Oh so he's Bubba but retarded.
All the new losers are going to do is take attention away from Bubba and Kickin
Honestly? Very unlikely. They are all bland as fuck, if they are not properly used in chapter 4 then they are going to be forgotten very quickly.
...Just like Bubba and Kickin
Bubba and Kickin are used in fan content all the time even if the latter is made the butt of every joke. The Nightmare Critters meanwhile have barely gotten any decent fan-art and are just kinda...there. They simply don't have the presence of the OGs. Even Picky is more popular and nobody LIKES Picky.
They literally did just get revealed, at minimum they'll get the same amount of attention from the Chapter
I still believe they will use the other critters for something else. A comic, a set of images, a small animation. Something...
I want to choke and buttfuck CatNap while DogDay watches
The gay dog will kill you anon.
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>notglue Dogday is over 30
Grouchy old dog.
What?! Fuck yeah.
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So...does he have two or one?
I think the dragon has my favorite of the boys’ designs.
Poppy Playtime ch. 1 released 3 years ago today.
I think Touille has potential, but I need for artists to spice him a little but, like with Bubba.
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I need to obliterate this brat.
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Thoughts on Pianosaurus?
It's a goofy design but I really like it. Seems like the kind of thing I'd have wanted as a kid.
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Yarnaby is now confirmed to be a boy, and he sounds like an opposite CatNap but instead of worshipping 1006 he loves Sawyer
He's also apparently non-sapient so RIP any ships.
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M&M Catnap manages to look exceedingly sassy no matter the situation. How does this fatass do it.

He needs to stop eating so many of Picky's pies...

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