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Len-kun is salvation; give him your love and save yourselves!
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Len is eternal
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the most huggable pattable kissable adorable wonderful boy in the whole wide world <3
I will protect len
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how did he got injured
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He can have it all
Hot but the only thing I don't like is when they give boys bikini tops. Let the tiddies be free.
They are there to take them off yourself and expose their puffy nipples. It's another fetish apart of the obvious cross-dressing one.
I prefer sukumizu though.
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Figures the Brazilians would make Len look hideous.
This anon has sex.
This one not.
Fr, some people have no taste.
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t. huehue

Even your language is foul compared to the beauty that is Len
>the Brazilians
Barking up the wrong tree here, that art is from a Japanese artist. it's just a gyaru Len
>Even your language is foul compared to the beauty that is Len
Any romance language mogs most other languages in terms of how they sound, and Japanese isn't particularly beautiful either
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Len upshorts...
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bro no one is impressed that you fucked an ugly brown-skinned tranny
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One of my favorite Len pics from my favorite Len artist. Itching to buy their new Len doujin but they're only selling a physical edition...
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cute len i love his hair
Holy shit Oliver mentioned
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oops my pic didn't post
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Len feet!
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Para los palurdos del chanclas.
Gross bastardization of my boy Len
Hot but that's Spanish

I'll put a bastard in him alright
Only boy that's on par with Len
The cyclopean pretender doesn't hold a candle to the divinity shaped with form that is Len.
How could you hate this sweet lil guy?
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first vocaloid ever coming through
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Sometimes I fantasize about kaito coming home drunk and beating me until I feel numb he kicks me in the ribs until I can hardly breathe Then he starts to cry and apologizes begging me to forgive him
he holds me all night as I gently cry into his shirt
Is there any hope for me
Why is Len depicted as being grumpy so often?
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Len is either the serious no-bs guy when he's around Rin or Kaito, or the empty-headed sexual freak when he's alone
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New Len art from proseka
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Help prove that Len is the undisputed god of shota
Voted. Killing myself is he loses.
Len and Oliver belong together.
Figures the Brazilians would make Len look this erotic.
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what's your opinion on this
Terrible, even if it weren't sped up that's not even Len's voice.
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Brazil Len is sexy!!
Can we get less gay and horny looking Len imgs pls?
boys dont belong in dresses
2010 was a different time
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Len is gay and horny and that's why everyone likes him
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Len's brief
How about... Len no briefs?
How about... I BRIEFly brush shoulders with len?
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He would be very embarrassed.
Need Len bulge on my face
More kaito please
This but with Len
love it. len is so cute
Why is this child covered in bandages?

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