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Bonjour Oekaki, and welcome to the OC Thread! This is the place where we draw and talk about our Original Characters!
This thread's theme is all about nighttime -- does your oc have a cozy pear of jammies? Are they a night owl? Do they even have to sleep?! The answers you seek lie within...
the server: gg/7BuVsAuuNT
On a final note, we've hit 50 Threads! How exciting! We wouldn't have made it this far without all the people who have shared their ocs in these threads.
Let's keep drawing, Oekaki!
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echo in the void
i played picayune dreams and thought i should do more with the space horror stuff i had in mind, so I've been trying out new things. its not exactly what i had in mind but ill get better with practice
canon occurrence in claude's experience before the earth was born
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20 minute draw after dipping more into the clazziquai project discography and it was like 2am

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for the 2nd half of the song
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Vantablack coal i made, tencents to whoever can guess each jak and person it's based on.
Jarvis, pull up fredface.jpg
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made a pretty major change to my story recently btw

the witness's end goal in the story (of the comic) is to harness magic to turn into their true form (giant space worm) to create a catastrophic event that the mortals would have to rebuild from so they'd innovate and therefore come up with new ideas and such.
however, godspawn are made purely out of the magic of their god, and they cannot create. if they could manifest the energy they hold within they could potentially ascend to overthrow their god, so gods have ample reason not to tell them that that's possible

the witness was made by nihilet, the god of nothing. it's been absent since time began as the domain of nothing had become much smaller after things started existing.
Nihilet's presence signifies that it is time to rebuild that domain. it is time for time to end.
the witness, once harnessing their magic, begins her ascent - their purpose, now as Nihilet, rewritten to prioritize rebuilding the domain of nothing, their stomach an endless void and an insatiable hunger as the new itch.
The Witness, unaware of what would've happened, began the universe's apoptosis.

in other news, the universe is alive.
thankfully this does get stopped, the whole ordeal fucks claude up big time because he wouldn't have known that any of this could've happened. There's a great shame in feeling like you were about to usurp your creator who you have a lot of respect for.

if they did succeed, the last thing that would've been eaten would've been the witness themselves as all those mouth growths turn inwards to tear each other apart - the paradoxical energy from the void stomach being voided with the mass of everything within would've been used to complete the ascent and replace Nihilet
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ascent to godhood that is as painful as it is unnatural aside,

I drew fred as a drawjak to repay the favor
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Forgot to attach image lmao
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>he fell asleep during the water temple
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finally drew my protagonist more properly
Josep is a normal construction worker who ended up getting summoned to the magic world because the wizard mispronounced his name and the spell to send them back hasn't been invented yet. hijinks ensue
very small hands. must be female
looks like mc ride
has this thread always been filled with troon shit?
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sorry i cant hear you over the crashing waves and the thrum of my own beating heart as i'm left vulnerable on all sides in the vast expanse of the ocean
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bishounen claude 2 because ive gotten more into ffxiv now that i unlocked the crafting jobs
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oh also i've drawn florence again for the first time in ages, and probably the first time this entire year

im so sorry my spider queen </3
Yes. Leave this thread if you know what's good for you, lest you troon out yourself
and what are YOU doing in the troon thread?
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for an anon on summer scramble
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cringe as fuck
As expected, a reddit meme from the schizoid faggot, still can't draw hands
cringe as fuck
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this fucking freak wont leave the redman alone
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i love the redman

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
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drawing something more detailed for the summer scramble, in the meantime have Juul Pod
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Sorry late reply mods say no to furry nsfw I only post BBC oc now all legal all guidline assigned
Going strong o7
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This is my OC John Bon Jovi he kills people when the clock strikes noon
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green's anthea for the summer scramble!

give him a few more years he'll be encased in ivy
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friendly fire for anon in the scramble because shes fun
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Damn, who the fuck did green piss off?
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Feedback suggestions taken if have happily If want I swap BBC asset for own oc and she will still suck
Want blue cat bj ? She suck 4 free learning speed control soon for xtra sloppy toppy also
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Template for man then anonsedit to make own version for I to render anyone can get free bj her treat
Say thanks blue girl
its just kottfag attentionwhoring again. hide and ignore
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Full support saar don't redeem :DDD
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Oekaki Post (Time: 40m, Replay: View)

Animating for Green is crazy dude.

Like why would you waste all that animation time and potential on a shit character on a board no one even goes on anymore.
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Wise Buddha once say "lol....lmao, mirth, joy,happiness,whimsy,glee,fun" then shot a guy everyone present attained enlightenment only
kott is a salty faggot but her and delta did piss off a lot of ppl
what do i do with this
Can you do Delta's OCs next?
Who is Delta? what are his OCs?
Fuck u asshole I want no part of this
my shitty mobile internet has a 50/50 shot of being already range banned at any given time I don't wanna waste it on this
Keep this in ur containment thread hes already shitting up the ic animation general
Stop using my name here dickhead

Let it stay buried bozo don't give him ideas
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post ocs

i got custody of one of my friend's scrapped ocs and im trying to get the hang of the look of him
the event >>788993 has many outside observers
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hobbyist magic incident investigator following along a 'fae'

im making him immune to the horrors via the raw power of pure unadulterated whimsy
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Been traveling the country, now i have all the imagery I'll need to fill any page ahead! And believe it, just forward is something wonderful, in yourself, in your efforts to reach that better vision!
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(A buddy did this guy for me)
Go get it everyone!
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heres his last bitch go nuts
lmao get fucked you creeper faggot no one wants you here
Question as an occasional lurker- Do you guys draw RP here? Or is it mostly just sharing art of your OC's, talking about OCs, and sharing your own art/drawing each other's OCs?
Would I be labeled a weirdo if I came to draw RP? And by draw RP, I mean every reply I make will have a new drawing of my OC and I'd in character engage with other characters with my own?
and said characters I interact with would be open and welcome to reply back. I wouldn't be controlling their characters.
And in this way, I find it more engaging to interact with people and learn about their characters. Plus, it'd lead to more art of each other's OC's.
You're better off looking elsewhere for RP. Preferably a Discord server that caters to it.
I'm already familiar, but 4chan has always been the place for it in my opinion. The layer of anonymity and threads that will be remade over time, allowing the drawings from before to rest, is truly the ideal.

Would an adjacent, sister "OC RP General" thread of its own fit better?
You guys are such scumbags lmao
throwing your friend under the bus like that
What you are describing would technically be avatar use.
Not him but- They used to do it on /b/ without issue
Its the same as the other threads on /i/ where someone has an oc go on an adventure right? It's building up a story, not just playing with talking heads
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ride never ends huh
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it'd probably be better to make a dedicated thread for this kind of thing, so as to avoid flooding the thread. that said, its not like nobody interacts with other peoples ocs here ever. in-character posting in and of itself isn't bad either.
just an issue of spam, really lel
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Generous cat girl sucks homeless disease men how bittersweet her love

L8 b8 m8 Andrew t8
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berry flavored monster meow meow meow
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seraphims don't sleep but anyway
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Comic soon, phew!

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