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Containment thread for myself
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Now there's more people here
It's over
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on /i/? never
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Are those bunny ears?
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File: Some sort of MOE girl.png (2.84 MB, 2009x3267)
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I really like you hatching (im not sure if that's the right term)
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Yes, it's the only style I kind of get.
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you seem to have an obsession with drawing petite girls with small tits
we have a special kind of containment for people like you.
secure. cheeze. pizza.
You are Kuruminha guy, right? Do you have a model sheet of her (or a character similar to her)? I love that capybara one.
>or a character similar to her?
A similar body? I always try to make something similar to loli Chichi(Milk) and fail.
For everything else you can search for Kuruminha online (it's the mascot of a Brazilian 4chan) or an /i/ archive for that specific thread.
>I love that capybara one.
I didn't make that one but it was a nice drawing.
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Checked, cute.
Oh okay, thanks. You did some colored of that witch in OP right?
>but it was a nice drawing.
Yeah, nice indeed.
>dubs again
Are you a wizard, OP?
Director Oji-san, are you sure OP would be numbered and not working there? The small dangerous creatures should be the ones being numbered.
Kuruminha being the number 55, right? Btw, it seems the brazilian chan (55) is inactive (as many other chans to be honest).
>You did some colored of that witch in OP right?
That was another anon. I only took his design.
Are you the same guy from helldivers?
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Don't worry officer, she's almost legal in some countries
YEEEH, I'm deeply attracted to that Lucifer worshiper.
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I'm not fond of explicit porn of characters I'm fond of or dicks in general.
It's always about pretty and sometimes rapey but without going all the way.
She deserved it however, your vision of her and her world is way more brutal.
I prefer to take mean girls and turn them into lolis or motherly characters. It's like I'm fixing them or something.
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Sorry if my previous drawing was too explicit for your thread.
While I don't have a written story for the witch, I envision her as a messed up character for a dark fantasy setting. I appreciate any interpretation and redesign though.
No, it's a matter of preference, but you can do as you please.
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>it's all anime girls floating in white voids
you could color at the very least
Not true, I also made a Hayabusa-kun floating in a white void.
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here's a contribution to the loli thread
keep on keeping on OP ignore the haters

Oekaki Post (Time: 47m, Replay: View)
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this is very relaxing actually

Oekaki Post (Time: 25m, Replay: View)
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Thanks, that's such a nice and tasteful flatness.
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Please stop drawing belly buttons like they're a massive gunshot wound in the characters' stomach
It should be little more than a dot
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>t. bellybuttonlet
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I want to bone that witch. And OP's doodles.
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Irina a cutie! Hands off, pirate!
That's what good pirates do, keeping the the eyes fixed in the treasure.
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Too close to the sun, pirate, too close.
Someday she will get her deserved bad end. Not that bad though, just spicy.
Go on...
Getting mana drained like in Futoku no Guild at worse and ENF at best. Nothing too tragic.
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