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Spooky edition

Welcome, one and all, to the Hungry Games General! This hub aims to have multiple games per thread, so don't be discouraged from stopping by if it's already at 100 posts.
For the uninitiated, the premise of the games is simple - draw a contestant to compete against 23 other challengers, and they'll all be put into an RNG simulation, often full of wacky events, where every new slide could mean life or death! You're encouraged to interact with these events via drawing your character and anyone else that shares an event with you, but it's entirely optional if you just feel like watching instead. The last one standing gets the glory of victory, and maybe a snazzy wincard as well!
There are no set rules for these threads, however some basic etiquette should be followed - make sure you reply to the host with your character's picture, their name, and their gender in case it's not immediately obvious. Make sure your entry is drawn by you - this is the art board after all! (If you want to use non-drawn tributes, why not check out the HG threads on /trash/ or /b/?) Try not to spam a bunch of tributes at once - give other people a chance to enter, and if you can't, be nice and swap one of your characters out if there are latecomers.
>Question of the thread: What's your Halloween costume this year?
Happy drawing, and good luck!

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
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Anchor post for hosts to make sure their games remain visible, and hosting tools/info for any new hosts who want to give it a try!

>Brantsteele Hungry Games
>The new version of the Hungry Games sim
>Community Codes and /co/des
>Aikawa Tools Hub
>Virginia's Script Host Helper
>Aikawa's Hungry Games Customizer
>Hosting Manual
>Hosting Guide

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
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He's the little devil darlin! Ready to smash your face in!
>What's your Halloween costume this year?
Thinking of going as a character from Bendy with a Bendy mask

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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The Warlock Cat, with her control remote that allows her to steal any car, including yours
>What's your Halloween costume this year?
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Randall O'Burke, a dangerously charismatic bounty hunter
>What's your Halloween costume this year?
A plague doctor
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First 24 for a good old-fashioned Trope code game
Keep it clean, please.

Reminder that you gotta reply to this post right here if you want to participate in this game. I appreciate the enthusiasm though!

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Linking Park
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Hanayo Koizumi in her bra and underwear with smelly feet
fixed her hair
use this one instead!
besto frenz
here we go again
look im sorry blame my OCD okay
just that you cant edit or delete posts here
now i promise this is the FINAL edit so use this one and not the previous two:
i wont pester you with my edits again after this scouts honor! ;)
spoke too soon O_O
dont use these:
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Chally Six Toes.
Currently gathering the pieces of his cousin Mustard. Btw has a lot of cousins.
Hehehe, i loved your post on /crab/, and i must say i'm the one who has to thank you for participating. Irina flaring her nostrils is gold! Mustardo thinking too much of himself, eh? Maybe the giant Mustardo has a chance against Admiral Pizza... And thanks to Erina too! Luigi will keep doing delicious delicious pizza on the eternal Bucket. Cheers!
this one now
again very sorry for the inconvenience
on second thought
pull me out of the game i wont play
again sorry to bother you
Mistakes and imperfections happen anon, the sooner you can accept this the happier you'll be with your art.
Are you doing this crap on purpose?
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Quirked up doodle fred
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Coppetina with a pumpkin
I don't do halloween B)

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 11m, Replay: View)
Y-you're welcome.
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bump (again)
Sounds fun!
Feel free to join in
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Right way up is how many tributes we need to go
Upside-down is how many there are so far

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
I know this idea might be the last nail in the coffin but if asking people to join in doesn't work, maybe we should borrow OC from other threads.
Asking people to come is a waste of time anyways, it's always the same three or four anons the only ones drawing the events.
At least we should try this once, I think.
This thread on /i/ always takes long to start, but yeah, we can pick stuff posted on /i/.

We can also point here on the creator's thread if his char win, possibly making him inclined to participate on the next HG.
If he doesn't like it, at least Anonymous can't sue Anonymous (r-right?).
Yes and also, if their characters get a drawing we repost them in their threads.
>If he doesn't like it
I doubt people will complain about their OC's getting recognition. The only thing we should take care of is to not lewd characters if the creator doesn't want it.
I'll wait for Lenny's confirmation.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
I'm a bit of a purist, I reckon if someone really wanted to join they'd join, and if not then not. If I were to pick entries from different threads I might as well just pick and choose whichever tributes in THIS thread I like best
I can understand that it takes a while to fill a game, but I don't wanna resort to that. Feel free to try this next game though.
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LGBT Lenny

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)
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Hangman hanged man
We are SO back
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Hello yes id like one ticket to enter plz
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Ticket to enter joins the game (filler)

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 5m)

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