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File: sportysketch.png (257 KB, 458x942)
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Can they be original characters?
As long as they have kind of unique hairstyles and fits of course
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File: Ztch.png (305 KB, 1042x763)
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OK then.
Same character different outfit and hairstyle.
I'm still thinking about some changes for the one on the left so take all the liberties you want.
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she wears tights
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File: Spider person.png (470 KB, 1480x1870)
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She probably needs a skirt...
Nice, really like how you simplified her lashes.
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File: YagiRef.png (616 KB, 737x773)
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Your art is super cute OP, I've seen you around! Could you draw Yagi? I still don't know how the thing around her neck is called it's certainly not a poncho lol. It's some kind of cape but it's.. Trimmed? Idk
But I really like the way her hair is tied, I don't see that often
I can draw something back for your as well, please give me a character (if you have nothing in mind I can doodle the OP image girl)
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She's adorable anon, thank you
File: bugcatcher.png (497 KB, 1166x1562)
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Thanks, first time I've seen my nigga Beni looking so good.
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I'm lucky I entered this thread or I would have missed this nawtyQ
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Coincidentally Kinda looks like my character Atlas, looks fire tho
it's a shawl i think
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File: Belinda2.png (192 KB, 915x748)
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Dig the style. do you post anywhere? Here's my character
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Could you draw her?
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looks great, thank you!
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Hey, can't draw but can you draw this rabbit boy i drew a long time ago? Also ignore the stripes on his ears.
Love it. Great stuff!
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Here's my character, if you like.

goated with the sauce anon!! love these, keep up the good work
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File: rabbitboi.png (378 KB, 674x938)
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Thanks. Bunnybro looks slick
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Oh shit she look amazing, thanks you so much!
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File: choki.png (624 KB, 733x538)
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I find really hard to adapt the style of shinchan to something else, maybe you can do it.
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I’d like to see you try to draw Callie and Milly.
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File: Shion.png (378 KB, 459x807)
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That looks awesome. Thank you.
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Thanks a lot, that's wonderful!
the thread number is right there though
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Holy kino
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super sexy!
Thank you so much, OP! She looks great <3
Incredible draws all throughout the thread, your speed and quality is insane. Here is your girl
>Cropped cape
Thanks for that, that makes much more sense than what I used to call it lol
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Hey moia would you be interested in joining a art discord? I think you would be a great fit on I'm modding and we are a pretty big fans of your work.
And always remember kids, say no to strangers when they want you to join a d*scord server
You're right I should have posted worst before asking, I used to post in the ic oc threads but I loss interest with some time ago. I dont usually come to this board either but seeing this thread made want to ask or even do a art trade if that's too much of a ask.
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Hehehe I love this reaction drawings.
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okay sure, i'm >>788041 >>788044 from eariler and i did >>>/ic/7208123 a week ago :)
forgot to ask for you oc as well
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seconding this! But if not that's cool too we just figured we'd shoot our shot lmao

also post OC pls <w>
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I had a stroke trying to read this. kek
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i got you with my monster boy
he built diffrent
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what is this a kindergarten?
Your girl is super adorable, OP, wish I could draw
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---------> >>788031
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Thank you for drawing!
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3.51 MB PNG
omg sooo cute!! thank you!
here I make for u
File: moai emo aesthetic.png (686 KB, 1154x1400)
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A fellow Moai enjoyer lol

Peak work
This is now a moai thread, drawing and moai heads name a more iconic duo
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Beautiful Maoi fren I love it :D , here you go, take care
File: moai2.png (392 KB, 657x558)
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Here is a quick moai for you. I owe you for drawing one of my characters in a previous OC thread... you doing amazing work in this thread btw!!!
Many thanks, anon!
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could you draw this version of NawtyQ?
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Not my OC, but I love the design
>made it better
beautiful work moaifren i love it :D
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not my oc but my friends i like the way they look
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File: Mendoza Himself.png (10 KB, 280x413)
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Do el Mendoza.
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Draw my daughter plz.
She fights and travels with her trusty axe and bunny bombs. Cursed with the ability that anything her hand touches without her gloves on shall burst into intense flame.
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Wow! I love her!
beep boop this guy
but i would totally appreciate if you put him in this outfit minius the face thing of course
File: rabbt season.png (1.67 MB, 1248x1965)
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Thanks for drawing my dear rabbit
aww thank you!! She looks so cool in your style!
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pencil lady
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nice! Could I get a variant where it's just nawtyq without the other OCs?
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Oh,no! Watch out, NawtyQ!
Awesome! Thanks you!
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i really like your art style and i also like their design and would love to see you draw them posing like fashion models pleaseeeee
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She wore black air forces
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Insane work and I like it. Thank you.
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thank you thank you thank you
your poses are just so interesting and dynamic, i'm taking notes
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wow, she's so classy!
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hb dabi from mha?
Dabi is so fine.
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Wow this one is so exquisite!

this is really pretty too! Thanks!
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how beautiful! Here's something a lot more slutty!
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Now show us the front! Don't be a tease!
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Maybe her? Please
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My character Xoli? Doin some work idk
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stunning! This NawtyQ has different outfits
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You truly are unbeatable
File: Flowery Float.png (511 KB, 847x1193)
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Based censorship
comms sheet/contact??? pretty pls
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Gorgeous, thanks a lot!
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Is this alright for you, OP, or do you prefer designs more coloful?
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File: MG.png (616 KB, 1012x2725)
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wow cool thanks
some more nawtyqs
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File: swimming.png (94 KB, 410x505)
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Very cool tysm
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wow great idea!
My balken witch idella? She into Ice spells
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File: treehair.png (87 KB, 428x672)
87 KB
awe to cute thanks
File: leather.png (722 KB, 876x1340)
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here's a nice red head
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one last one
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Now I need to listen to the song again

wait is this ai?


I know this isn't a trade thread, but so much good work deserves a little consolation imo
lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwQgjq0mCdE
Such a silly vvitch
Thank you Sempai.
Is this thread still active?
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her please. she belongs to a friend
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OP you can draw like a ringin a bell go go go Johnny go go go Johnny go go Johnny b goode
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you draw extremely fast and in great style
nice! thank you for drawing her OP!
Isn't this just poison ivy?

fire song
it died because op stopped drawing bimbos lmao
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I'd like to see your take on the human Mothra from a while back
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File: mothcapey.png (2.63 MB, 1325x2490)
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2.63 MB PNG

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