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/i/ - Oekaki

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happiness thread
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 10h 45m, Replay: View)
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i thought this thread would have been LONG gone by now

I have never played RDR 2 B4 but I have read blood meridian and I believe this is how this interaction would go. wanted to share, post cowboy's/cowgirls or anything else I guess
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arthur has dead eye thoguh

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Comic and random art battles /crab/ Gaiden are the off season threads between the /crab/2 and the /crab/3 tournament.

What do we do here?

We chill and prepare for the third tournament (/crab/3) this summer (July 2024) with art, stories and mini events.

Wanna join? Introduce your character. Some crabs that participated in /crab/2 continue their character's story even after the previous tourney is over. Others are prepping their crab3 characters.

What is /crab/?

Comics and random art battles is an annual multi-board OC tournament with a strong emphasis on collab and storytelling.

We have a filter d*scord server, to join us in the real one you have to submit your character for crab3 and its introduction in any media format. At the moment we accept a limited number of users, gradually.


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's up, crabs!

Should have stayed on hosted /i/ desu /ic/ is full of insufferable faggots.
Ntw (not the wizard) but /i/ is too slow anon-chu~
/i/is ten times worse. lots of creeps.
oh yeah oops forgot to post the comic here

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Oi! Tales of Bardic Fury Volume 3 storytime

>Finishing where the previous storytime thread left off

Oi is my fantasy comic about a bard who gets sent to a village by the sea that never heard music before. You can read the previous volumes here:

Here's the previous /i storytime thread
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Blood witch summer
love this slut

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ive already been told the paneling is bad
im working on it
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I came to insult your draws but the character studies are way, way, way fucking better than the comic. As other anons said the faces and expressions are the highlight. You shouldn't cut corners on the comic, remember that shit will be out FOREVER and it's really your worst work.

The second problem is the color. I can see you want to tell a color story but bro, you are fucking ass at colors. You should stick to black and white and some accent colors for when it really matters. Instead what you've done is full color comic with clothes that for some reason change, whole outfits of color and then RED PANELS OF CRINGE. Bro, do the whole thing black and white and then if you really need the sunset panel just do that. Or maybe do the blue panels in the style of the red panels - single color instead of full color. It's clear you struggle so don't fucking waste energy on something that makes it worse.

Which brings me to your worst offense. The text. The fucking handwriting. Fucking STOP. it's not iconic, it's fuck all hard to read and nobody is impressed. Meanwhile it's obvious most of your energy is going into crabbing out each letter instead of what you should be doing, drawing the characters. Pick a font, use it. There are plenty of handwriting and comic fonts, free even. Choose for clarity, but mostly change to stop wasting fucking energy writing.

Last do yourself a favor, get clipstudiopaint. Like the writing if you spend your peanut brain energy trying to get panels right (seriously how fucking hard is it?) you're taking away from making a better comic. Clip is cheap as shit and has all the tools including and especially some super banging comic panel tools. And dont' get fuckign fancy at first, you can break panels and do long mixes and borderless later when you're used to typing and your characters are worth it. You don't need it for this tripe, so just keep it simple clean panels until you figure out your drawings.
i make art for fun, sir
this kind of mentality is something i struggled with for years.

in my personal opinion i believe that using the text function in clip looks tacky, sort of like breaking peoples immersion on something that you should be putting love and care into.

i genuinely love the practice and process of learning and im not so insecure as to be ashamed of my short comings that i wont post anything until its perfect, bro.
it is my personal belief that imperfections are what makes something endearing and im not going to shelter myself from criticism by avoiding attempts at coloring just because someone may have the opinion that i suck at it.

if i ever reach the point that people start pulling up and discussing my work themselves i would rather look back on and remember times when i struggled but felt proud of the progress id been making rather than stare at an endless collage of rigid and uninspired bitter tears.

i hope whoever reads this finds the courage in themselves to try in spite of their fears.
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a commission someone decided they didnt work so i half assed into my own stuff
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She may not be my oc but dang I feel like I wanted fanarts of her so 4chan, please do it
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She's from neither Sinnertoons or Sinnerland Sequel (The new version of Lily looks abit wonky but I still prefer the old version of her lol)
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she looks cute I love the googly eye look but rarely draw with googly style eyes anymore I mainly go for smaller beady eyes.
Im from another board where i draw regularly for some frens so might try some new styles and see if they like it
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Imdeed drawfriend, I like the googly eyes too and yet it's up to you to choose what eyes you like because nobody is forcing you . Also what board shall I see you at because you're seems like an interesting fellow to me lol (also great work btw)
She looks gorgeous, thank you so much
You almost did the artstyle right, well done

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making a thread for myself when i want to draw during sleepless nights. feel free to join me frens

Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 44m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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ZOMG is that a shork?!

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 27m, Replay: View)
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This is Floobis. draw something nice with him/her
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Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 42m, Replay: View)
circle of life
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)

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mike and douglas argue on a hill

Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>786769)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
love em

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Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
that one sucked, i prefer this one
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they're so fat and disgusting <3

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)

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Knights in armor, always fun to draw. Why not try?
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What is this style of armor?
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A style of armor inspired by Spanish Tercio pikemen, but with more armor attached to them than normal Tercio pikemen have.
No, I will not remove the pauldrons. Pauldrons are based.

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This thread is a collaborative RPG comic where anyone can contribute.
Continuation from previous thread >>703626, read the story so far: https://rpgcomic.neocities.org/comic2/

The rules are simple:
>Make a comic board that follows the story of the previous board.
>Make sure to leave a choice in the final panel for the next board: (ex: You meet a merchant, a monster attacks you...)
>Make sure to put some kind of effort in your board
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bump, yes
i am
on it
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you're not alone friendo
>OP is never a fag

-Tue 04 Apr 2023 , antiphrasis (or retarded take ?), by /trash/ can
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Still Working on it

This is snailevi. He's a snail/dog who likes dr pepper, monster other sloppish drinks. He's bored, What should he do?
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>What should he do?
Put on a pirate cosplay and join Hunger Games >>784129
Maybe he'll find some friendly twinks that are fan of things just like himself.
>Hes a little scared of women
Reverse rape imminent
Oh yeah >>785253
Kinda want to draw this
i like this character did op die

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hi /i/
its me red_cvnt, the guy who made 4blend on /f/
doin a new draw thread
ill respond more consistently to this i hope
will regularly check
if you wanna draw me too that’d be cool
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Make em swap heads
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Hey, it’s good seeing you too, bro. Hope you’ve been doing good.
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Can you draw Rachel Big Head for me?
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cray cray gang needs an elisocray dude
Painfully unfunny

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