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File: tegaki.png (10 KB, 400x400)
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I don't usually post here, but I'm bored and I don't usually draw using anything but my sketchbook or phone,,

do you guys have anything to talk Abt? it could be anything I don't mind! irl stuff, relationships etc

Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
I'm sorry you didn't get any replies immediately anon, this board is really inactive. But I'd be happy to talk, if you're still there.
I don't know what to talk about doe.
I have a really powerful desire to socialize with people and talk and make friends, but I don't know how to talk to people. I'm especially terrible at starting conversations. Most people unironically function on Mr Beast video mechanics - if you don't grab their attention within the first couple of minutes, they will find you boring. First impressions matter a lot. It sucks, because I never know how to create a good first impression on whoever I'm talking to.
One of the good things about this site is that the anonymity allows me to be kind of cringe and annoying sometimes without worrying about what others will think, because no one will ever know it's me. They might recognize my posting, but it'll never be *me* that they recognize.
Why were looking for people to talk to here, friend? Do you not have people to talk to on a consistent individual basis?

(Attached is a shitty drawing I made in five minutes because this is the Oekaki board)
Just realized I wrote "Thursday" on my drawing. Fuck
A) who's this character you drawn

B)Have you heard of Comics and Random Art Battles?
a) mine or OP's? I think OP drew a humanized version of Kuromin (Sanrio); I drew some random nameless cat.
b) no but I looked it up and it seems interesting. It seems it ended in July doe.
ah no, I meant yours, looks cute
And yeah, CRAB 3 has ended, but a new one will come in the future, it's an annual thing, you can come in the next one as a spectator like I did, or you can participate in the 4th CRAB tourney right now

like I did lol
just ask for access to the discord pit >>7354704 and you figure out the rest

(that is if you wanna of course)
oops, fucked up the link, but yeah, just ask in the CRAB thread in /ic/ for access
I actually will, I've been really bored lately and it seems like something fun to participate in. Thank you. My nameless cat might die in an arena soon...
hehe, see you later in the arena too...
alright, I'ma just give you the link if you haven't already
bro wake up, crab season is open

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