So would you like to draw some frogs?
>>774727How about yes
your wish by yours to keep
Oekaki Post (Time: 47s, Replay: View)
>>774725it's been a while, mr frogmanOekaki Post (Time: 43m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 50m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
>>775621>>775699Yass queen slay
I knew the tongues had a purposeOekaki Post (Time: 1h 20m, Replay: View)
>>775878queen frogOekaki Post (Time: 1h 3m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 49m, Replay: View)
Anuran sigil
>>776040Why penis so small? You can't make tadpoles with that pathetic stick lol
>>776082you're right, you're rightOekaki Post (Time: 1h 18m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 28m, Replay: View)
>>776283>>776432Tits too small
>>777562mind if i get a ref for the frog chick in the kimono?
>>776283Kek the jawline
>>774725why cant yall just draw a normal frogOekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
>>779107Um sweety your coming to my thread and dictate what frogs we should draw?You can draw any frog you want of course your contribution is greatly appreciated Have a frog day
i'm so bored i forgot how2drawOekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 3h 48m, Replay: View)
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>>781480>>781481Oh hell naw)Bolotor getting his ass completely annihilated
Oekaki Post (Time: 25m, Replay: View)
>>781658>everyone is so mean 2 me :(
>>781658front pls
>>774725Hey, Frogman. I've drawn a frog for your thread so it would be wise of your part to let a tribute for HG >>784129 in return.
>>785210>>785211No bully pls
>>785362too smallOekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
>>785211We have frogs with juicy yummy pps in This thread Shitgle is so retarded that they/them can't figure out their gender That's why Anuran race is the most superior race
>>774725 Hi uhh Another frog from another placeWe uhh Traveled here from our planet by sitting in a tin can and launching that tin can using a uhh trampolineWe noticed that we call ourselves frogs but uhh we look completely differentWe uhh have some questions for you, (Uhh I believe you were called Anyoorahns or something)>1. How do you guys breth>2. How do you reproduce?>3. Are you one tribe or like many? (Are you Dominant Race on you Planet)>4. How smart you all? Have such Advanced tech?>5. Have you tried Communicating to like different races outside you planet or something?Uhh Feel free to ask us any questions or something
>>785482Greetings frogget I'm Negus the frog scholar, traveller and a diplomat of great imperium of Anuria I will answer all of your questions Do do we breath?The air of Anuria is the cleanest in the world due to our racial supremacy and our scientific and arcane achievements But should you venture outside of our nation carry a gas mask with youHow do we reproduce?We Anurans are not a single frog race but many we have catesbeians and caeruleans and rananiansCatesbeians are a straight forward folk they marry the frog by proposing and later fuck creating their generation Caeruleans are a bit different First caerulean male will cum on female Later they fuck and then they venture into a path of lilies where ancient caeruleans traveled to proof how strong is their future marriage and if they survive they take the magic waterlilies and fuck as hard as they can they believe the crazier the sex the healthier the offspring Rananians are back in the day used blood magic and rituals to reproduce but such practices are a thing off the past so they just gather in the pond and fuck as hard as they can We're a race of Numerous cultures with different cultures we have our own holidays and architecture our culture is the envy of our environment where ever you go you will find that we don't have the same culture and customs but we share the unity We're extremely smart we have advanced technology and we also practice magic So don't mess with us if our tech won't get you our battle mages willWe have a communicating with different races as they gave us trouble and shit also our arch-lagushka doesn't take shit from anyone so we communicate with genocide, biological warfare, chemical warfare, destruction magic, and we also nuclear warfare We hate cats and humans the most
>>785491>rananianssounds familiar
>>785492Rana means frog in Latin Also this is bolotor the example of rananian male
>>774725Is this cute enough?
I will rather impale glegle on frog's cock
Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 9m, Replay: View)
Kotenok slaves will be freed from captivity
>>787279okOekaki Post (Time: 1h 25m, Replay: View)
>>787499Mewing frog
Are there any canon blue frogs in this frogeverse?Oekaki Post (Time: 53m, Replay: View)
>>787500Oekaki Post (Time: 31m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 28m, Replay: View)
>SK84PROekaki Post (Time: 52m, Replay: View)
>>787725Draw frogs asslicker
>>787651Goth froggo, I love you.
Oekaki Post (Time: 30m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)
Are frog monster stories about french "people"
finally got around to finishing this stupid fucking shitOekaki Post (Time: 98h 49m, Replay: View)
>>788297Oekaki Post (Time: 39m, Replay: View)
>>788297>>788460When salamanders are getting a bit sussy
>>788500Sad moment. But will she meet the same fate?Oekaki Post (Time: 31m, Replay: View)
>>788510Her fate is to be turned into salamander deluxe dish
>>788613Anuran imperium is dead but its frogs live on Don't think that all Anurans are xenophobesBut most of them are lol
>>788612That's even sadder, but I hope she was tasty at least.Oekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
>>788297Frogest Croak>>788612Death to all salamanders
>>788619How would you feel when an entire world is against you and French """"people"""" exist?>>787852There are no horror stories about frog eaters because they get blown up by RPGs
bump because i unironically find op's shit very fascinating
>>792653No smoking crack on Anuran premises
>>787727>>788612>>788614>>789196OP... Will you ever draw a couple of your frogs doing this? ---> Would be great in your style, decoration and all. Asking for... me
What wonderful day to raid and conquer
>>794253>>793543Less war crimes and more kamasutra lovemaking please! >>792719
>>794281Making demands and not drawings frogs makes my Howitzer go blast off instead of blasting frog cum inside frog girls
>>774725OP moar frogs please
Sure, sounds fun!
So, do da frawgz celebrate halloween or what?Oekaki Post (Time: 56m, Replay: View)
>>797240Begging is a trait of lesser beings that are no fit for a respectful frogAnd you have no titties for paizuri that means you shall be executed for not having big boobs
>>797280>you have no tittiesI feel like I should've learned my lesson by nowOekaki Post (Time: 1h 7m, Replay: View)
>>797344Those titties aren't big enough...
>>797962HOW ABOUT THIS?Oekaki Post (Time: 50m, Replay: View)
>>798280Ugh stop drawings such small frog titties...
>>798286Please, tell me this is enoughOekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)
>>798287Well this is enough i think....
So no Halloween, got it. But what about Christmas?Oekaki Post (Time: 56m, Replay: View)
>>800817The only religion anurans are allowed to follow is frog paganism and the Anuran cult So noooooooo Christian holiday are allowed