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/i/ - Oekaki

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I lack drawing skills thus I traced like a noob.
I take picture of DBZ scenes and turned the characters into Chrono Trigger cast.
I'm posting my latest ones...
It's going to take a while, I've done quite a bunch already.
File: 1734362133126967Zeal.png (252 KB, 536x1038) Edit
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File: shotgunlunchAylaedit.png (507 KB, 1432x1074) Edit
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File: 1733952357076702Zeal.png (572 KB, 1590x2160) Edit
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File: 1734119318265458Guilty.png (551 KB, 1439x1079) Edit
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File: 1734101297709203Zeal.png (934 KB, 1440x2996) Edit
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File: HurtCrono.png (152 KB, 680x419) Edit
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File: 1733964055246074Glenn.png (371 KB, 1080x1080) Edit
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File: IllustrationLavos.png (220 KB, 800x600) Edit
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File: CHADcellor.png (231 KB, 708x531) Edit
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File: 1733851937921901Zeal.png (670 KB, 1650x2048) Edit
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File: GTFlea.png (213 KB, 708x531) Edit
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File: tegaki.png (15 KB, 400x400) Edit
15 KB

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
File: SlapCrono.png (279 KB, 841x634) Edit
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>Sometimes you have to make your own justice
File: TatapucnhingMagus.png (620 KB, 1920x950) Edit
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File: 1733865266670877.png (91 KB, 480x360) Edit
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File: LavosvsMagus.png (321 KB, 1050x559) Edit
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can you put those edits in a mega file or bunkr?
I had to recover my MEGA account and reset it. It's been too long since I've used it.
File: 1733586270635853Lucca.png (260 KB, 1164x871) Edit
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260 KB PNG
It includes some uncolored JPG, I could have zipped the folder but I didn't.
Yakra? GUILTY.
File: MasamunevsFlea.png (326 KB, 1035x772) Edit
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File: Chancelooredit.png (231 KB, 1088x613) Edit
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File: FutureLucca.png (145 KB, 701x561) Edit
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File: 1733504954370810Crono.png (432 KB, 1448x1080) Edit
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Never heard of bunkr?
And I haven't registered an account for catbox either.
File: 1733501937723647Flea.png (294 KB, 1249x739) Edit
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you dont have to register an account for any of those
For catbox just drop your image into them and it auto genrates a link where you can download them same with bunkr
Either way I shared on MEGA
File: Cronoeatingslop.png (218 KB, 497x620) Edit
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File: Cronorelax.png (226 KB, 1526x850) Edit
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I feel like taking a nap despite only image dumping...
File: LavosVore.png (416 KB, 1920x1080) Edit
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File: deadcono.png (66 KB, 437x470) Edit
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File: 1732645847346540Marle.png (135 KB, 1059x791) Edit
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File: MagusjobbingtoAzala.png (384 KB, 1446x1080) Edit
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File: AzalarapesMAGUS.png (633 KB, 1428x1080) Edit
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File: Piccolo85Magus.png (412 KB, 1435x1080) Edit
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File: cryingMagus.png (412 KB, 1420x1080) Edit
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File: smugZala.png (180 KB, 1094x827) Edit
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File: Freeza85-Freezala.png (396 KB, 1433x1080) Edit
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File: beigtaMaguspowerup.png (498 KB, 1440x1060) Edit
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I've been sleeping for 3 hours.
File: Lavos2ndform.jpg (372 KB, 1441x1080) Edit
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File: MarleEdit.png (387 KB, 1434x1079) Edit
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Once I revert into an egg I must bury myself underground for 65 million years. There, my form matures.
File: FleaACK.png (511 KB, 1434x1077) Edit
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File: FleaStrike.png (294 KB, 1920x1333) Edit
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File: Daltonly.png (397 KB, 1898x1028) Edit
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File: beatenupCrono.png (393 KB, 1680x894) Edit
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File: FrogVMagus.png (187 KB, 624x498) Edit
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File: 1732607646659388Fire2.png (192 KB, 1063x599) Edit
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File: 1732607379011746Marle.png (270 KB, 1060x780) Edit
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File: CronovsMagusedit.png (457 KB, 1400x700) Edit
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File: getfuckedfmagus.png (249 KB, 780x711) Edit
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The Dose....
File: youvecometodieCrono.png (649 KB, 1920x1038) Edit
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File: struggleallyouwant.png (320 KB, 1684x974) Edit
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File: FleasbattlewithCrono.png (476 KB, 1423x1062) Edit
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File: MarlewearFleasvest.png (235 KB, 1432x1046) Edit
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File: 1732573825068189stop.png (289 KB, 1280x817) Edit
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File: goodbyemyfriend.png (175 KB, 512x512) Edit
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The more or less animated getting punched in the dick. It's just two frames getting repeated.
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File: Aylasaved.png (134 KB, 495x556) Edit
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I did this one twice>>801156
File: postbattlelavos.png (499 KB, 1024x1536) Edit
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File: CronoCalvo.png (54 KB, 360x269) Edit
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File: tooembarassing.png (313 KB, 1043x601) Edit
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File: cronodisapproove.png (67 KB, 343x252) Edit
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File: smugdeadCrono.png (161 KB, 552x522) Edit
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File: SmugUS.png (101 KB, 480x341) Edit
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Fucking insane I hadn't realized it was reaching almost 300 edits over a period of 2 weeks.
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File: youretard.png (139 KB, 640x480) Edit
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File: fleaxmagus2.png (112 KB, 386x346) Edit
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File: fleaxmagus.png (115 KB, 386x346) Edit
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File: Zealbot.png (188 KB, 720x480) Edit
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From this point it's really OLD edits... Every other edits before this post were done the past 2 weeks.
File: 1432703821521.png (108 KB, 358x480) Edit
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File: Flea 'kay.png (64 KB, 314x341) Edit
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File: zeal megamilk.png (196 KB, 458x795) Edit
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Image limit reached...
Two new ones:
>enough edits to fill an entire thread
I didn't realized I did this many.
Here is another new one
And the few old ones I couldn't post becaus of the image limits:
I wish I had the determination and focus that you have. Regardless if those are tracings
I took a break unto doing them because I haven't gotten new images to work on.
Toasting a truly based thread.

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