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draw bury pink, bury ebil & friends
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Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
why are so many files gone in this itt?
It's all over the board. More site jank that will never be fixed.
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Its a very simple design, anyone can draw her, come on xd
21 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
True, looks easy!
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Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 50m, Replay: View)

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Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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>Mmm, I want some of that!
What happens next?

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 42m, Replay: View)
They all join together lmao
Yo, people say you've done a legendary post; I'd like to see the fried chicken KKK
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Yeah, I guess that was the obvious outcome

Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 18m, Replay: View)

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Hi anonies, it's me again
This thread will be composed of drawings along with your thoughts of the day so we can share ideas, feelings or generally have a fun interaction!
I'm also going to use it to post practice drawings.
Feel free to participate, take care!
84 replies and 37 images omitted. Click here to view.
Is it bad to want to be happy, to pursue it, when it makes others sad?
Should "myself" be the most important person to me no matter what?
What If I find pleasure and joy in being how I am?
Sometimes people just like being like that.
Like what? Like me.
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thought of the day #15:

I have memories of having trouble being photographed. All the time they would say ''smile'' but I would just open my mouth or show my teeth, like an animal. It was an exaggerated, comical smile.
To this day I still have trouble smiling naturally. I don't know how they do it. My trick is to remember something funny.
hey i had the same thing back in my childhood are you also mayhaps autistic?

i learned to optimize my smile eventually lemme give you some tips
ya gotta flex those muscles on the upper back of your ears that subtly raise the eyebrows
very slightly squint your eyes
for the smile its best to not show teeth
but if you absolutely have to for the teeth its differentt for every person but the ideal is
to have your lower row of teeth half covered under your upper row
yes i'm diagnosed and thank you so much :+D

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run them hands

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
88 replies and 73 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)
Japanese tomboys are the cutest

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Draw creatures >:3
Bonus points for types and pokedex lore
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Type: Ground
Species: Snake Pokémon
Length: 1 m (3'00")
Weight: 16.3 kg (36 lbs)
Ability: Earth eater

It's cheeks are full of sand that's been chewed from large rocks. It always likes to keep a little stored in case of emergencies.

An ambush predator. It hides in burrows, ready to shoot sand at flying Pokémon up above. It knows how to aim for weak points.

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What do you think of this cat I made several years ago?
How do I delete this?
I know, thats why i want to delete this

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A small man encounter two large ghost ladies one grumpy, one more flirty, what will happen?

Oekaki Post (Time: 36m)
16 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
Fight the green men! I dont want them touching MY ghost lady!
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>The three men starting to bicker on who gets to keep her which turns to a fight with each other, the ghost lady, however starts to lose patience. "HEY!" She shouted startling the three. "I didn't invite you idiots just so you can fight like bunch of baboons, in fact, I didn't invite you at all! But I wanted to be fair, so consider this warning, I'm going to beat up ALL of you if you don't cool it, got it?!" She gives a very intimidating glare at them as she says this, best not provoke her.

Oekaki Post (Time: 21m)
Aw goddamn it well let's work out in peace and see if these ghosts get sweaty
Hell yeah, brother. I do not feel like getting beat up before getting a chance to show off my cool moves.
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The three man thought it best not to fight anymore and decided they did want to the workout as previously mentioned which the ghost woman did cool down "Alright have at it then, just try not to hurt yourselves" she said. Eagerly wanting to show off their moves, the three men chose their weight while the ghost chose her own. Try as the might the three men struggled to lift the weights off the ground, however many pounds they weighed felt immeasurable to them, and the ghost was lifting an even heavier weight, but she made it look easy. While the men did look somewhat pathetic attempting to lift these weights that are nothing to her and her sister, she was at least glad they stopped fighting with each other

Oekaki Post (Time: 38m)

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Post art you made that you got off to. Today was picrel for me.
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Forgot /i/ exists, not sure if this counts but this is an old one i jerked to after drawing years ago.
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Animation always does it for me.
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I find this thread interesting to read but at the same time I don't want to post my art in it at all.

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ill start. heres a cute dog
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Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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Cuteness overload!
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Big cute is eye

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)

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Hello /i/

I have ran away from all my social media platforms I was a part of. I guess it just felt weird getting love and attention for something I felt was not enough.

This Oekaki board seems pretty cool. I've posted to Uboachan's art board, but it was kinda, lame I guess. I don't plan on posting more here. I just want to improve quietly until I gain the confidence to post to any platforms again.
I should've asked, does anyone feel the same way? I mean more than just not feeling good enough. I just feel like I can't improve fast enough. I don't want to let the people who supported me down y'know?
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howd ya get dubs twice, such luck, and nice art as well

relate to you, especially with not improving fast enough. feels like im getting worse alot of the time but i think thats just part of it d^;
Stopped posting my drawings to social media as well (twinsies?)
I only really show em to one person if its one of my better drawins.

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i tried
Good effort!
Very nice OP,saved.
damn i don't want this thread to die,maybe i'm gonna try drawing her too

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Knights in armor, always fun to draw. Why not try?
33 replies and 26 images omitted. Click here to view.
-or a foble nella
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any good dithering software to draw like this
i want to know too...
op here
you can try jspaint altought it lacks some standar stuff like shortcuts. To activate the dithering settings just press ctrl+e and click black and white

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choose any of these >>778830

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