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>pic related
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You're from the Eastern Bloc aren't you? Those walls give it away.
If its just, tilted a teensy bit it fucks it all up
Op here, I live in Ohio
Oh I'm sorry. Yeah Eastern Bloc would be better damn.
Its cool man

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how come fallout hasn't gotten an animated show?
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He looks like he fucks anthro women
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>He looks like he fucks robot women
>Dinosaurs breaking through wall eating salad

If you had a girlfriend that could turn into Aliens would you ever go for vanilla human sex?
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If by "cut it out" you mean "lost all interest in Ben and told him she was only interested in his body to add insult to injury", then yes, I agree.
>she just LOVES to play dress up for you
Lucy's the type of girl who will hop on your lap and start grinding, only to lift up her skirt and reveal a mouth where her pussy should be.
Then when you recoil with suprise you look up to see a vagina on her face, as she giggles from her crotch about how she "got you."
And THEN you'd have sex.

You will never have an unknowable-horror gf. Why even live.
Absolutely would need to one-up him and prove he's the real hero by starting up his own rival Onlyfans
Ben always had no stigma or shame about things like that so he'd probably even throw in some lewds in his human form
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>Lucy's the type of girl who will hop on your lap and start grinding, only to lift up her skirt and reveal a mouth where her pussy should be.
Omfg you are a genius anon. See? There's no limit to what our Lucy can do
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>Omfg you are a genius anon.
I think about Lucy a lot.

>THE ENERGON UNIVERSE IS IN DANGER. Cobra Commander has found a new ally-willing or not-that may just make him unstoppable. Unless, of course, someone is one step ahead of him...
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cobra commander's gotten better as it goes along
Why does CC assume it's Golobulus and not any of his rivals for Golobby's attention?
Still wonder if CC is taking place before or after Duke.
Because Golobulus is the one who asigned Nemesis Enforcer to him?
I think they're happening at roughly the same time.
>Because Golobulus is the one who asigned Nemesis Enforcer to him?
Yeah but we saw some other lady talking to him afterwards, one he seemed aligned with.

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What's the different between Inhuman and Mutant?
Inhumans are made and make no money
Mutants are born that way and are marketable

loony toons
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Never heard of her before but she is.
I'm not dating a poo, even if she is fluffy.
She cute
All female anthros do it, it's an open secret

So how the fuck are they gonna motivate not just going back and rebuilding Krakoa? They're beating the everyloving shit out of Orchis on every front and we have less than 3 months left to explain why suddenly the mutants have supposedly "lost" their homeland. There's not even any internal treason that prevents them from just going back and fixing things up again.
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>Moira then gets an alliance of Xavier, Magneto, and Mr Sinister together
I thought it was Xavier and Magneto who bought Sinister on board which Moira was kind of pissed about
Krakoa fucking sucked and had zero good comics.
The stuff by Spurier, Gillen, Lavalle, and Holtham that took the whole thing to task was cool, as was Ewing's due mostly to not really dealing with Krakoa.
It was. The other anon is confused. Sinister betrayed the mutants in the life she had just before the current one. It was because of him that they lost the war to humans and machines. She wanted nothing to do with him, but Chuck and Erik thought they knew better and recruited him to build a DNA archive of every mutant on Earth. That's the limit of his involvement though. He didn't have anything else to do with them until everyone moved to Krakoa.

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How could he have been used better?
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The show was way better than Rise of Lyric, though. At worst it was harmless, RoL was the true dumpster fire.

Shattered Crystal was okay I guess? I'd rather Fire and Ice. The fans hate it for being DKC, but DKC > Sonic anyway.
Right, what I'm saying is Sega is like "use the characters that we are incorporating into the Sonic Boom game" even to the detriment of what they could do with those characters.

In other words despite being superior the show was playing second fiddle to the game with Sega's strategy around it (they were trying to use the show to drum up interest in the game).
Sadly the glitches were more well-known than the show itself.
Sega's decisions never cease to baffle me, especially for a "Sonic made to appeal to Americans" when that was all Sonic ever was from day one.

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What to you think of the Dragon Warrior?
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They should have made her a kid that Po adopts/trains throughout her life.
She would have a badass adoptive mom
>tfw it's a wet one

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Why did they forget about her?
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Not enough porn, this is their punishment
the first girl he got after personalitymaxxing was even better
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Yeah she was good too.
Anon for those last too here. Sorry my man, dunno, I got them from here.

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This is filtering everyone
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I read the first issue, and was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe the tighter deadlines on a monthly book have caused her to compromise her art. Afterwards, I read her Demon Days series and realized she always draws interiors like shit, her work only looks good when it's for covers.
It’s great
I like shojo so I can get behind this
It's not great
Gr8 b8

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How does it manage to surpass family GOY, SHITsons and south SHART and have little to no virtue signaling vs the aforementioned 3?
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>No Sam Elliot!

I guess Francine can't watch Family Guy, which is a canon show in their universe.
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Let me go a step further; The only good thing I ever saw in American Dad was Jeff's space trip, and if an homage to how status quo is chief in the show, it was discarded before being basically written off.

American Dad is laziest showcast of "Just keep the status Quo and pretend something happen" show ever. The most you see is a new character being added, ala Poochie. The only consistently good thing about the show is that it showcases the level of cavemen that look forward to this type of show, above and beyond even other Seth MacFarlane shows. "Character driven comedy"? In a show that changes and/or restarts the personalities of their character every episode? Good lord, you American Dad fans must purposely give themselves brain damage, there is no other good explanation.

Anyway, enjoy you pathetic thread, it might even reach 40 post of pure nothing, or something like that.
>family GOY,
Hey that episode wasn't so bad
>where's muh character development muh continuity muh storylines
The past decade has proven that cartoons get ruined by unnecessary changes more often than not. If a cartoon has a formula, don't try to fix it. That's why American Dad has stood the test of time and can still make good episodes every now and then while shows like South Park or Rick and Morty can never go back to what they once were because they have changed too much. Trying to make characters evolve in a cartoon comedy is utterly pretentious and only gets in the way of the humor.
I keep seeing threads like this, and I have to wonder if these are made for validation. I just can't get into these recent episodes no matter how much I try.

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I do cocaine.
>I believe that is, what is know as, freeballin'
Ooo! C'mon girls!

Rock all night
Sniff that line
Roll that money
No more clowning around for you

Got it bad
Need to get some more
They say it's gonna snow
Gonna put White Christmas up my nose

I ain't no weatherman - don't know if it's gonna rain
'Cause I'm a rock 'n roll clown, do a lot of cocaine

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Chapter 93: Page 30

Shadow has some babysitting to do.

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I had seen this one. Pretty cool.
Now for the question of the day. Why can't we get that in the comic today?!
It unironically feels like Tom chilled out too much after his marriage, it's right around then that all the really dark shit got dropped even in his streams.
>Everyone is in fact doomed because Annie's been following Boxbot this whole time.
So it's Hideaki Anno all over again?
Many such cases.

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If this is what the Solver meant by not discarding people, then are there worse fates for those the Solver will actively hold onto to?
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Fucking heretic.
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Always a good thread when these two get the spotlight
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All J's must be 'inspected' by no less than 1 (one) N before they are allowed out of the factory
>Holy trips

Our Goddess speaks, KILL THE HERETIC!!!!!!!

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