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This pic goes hard
he looks like my down syndrome cousin wrapped a red dishcloth around his neck
I do anything for a darker superman again.
>This pic goes
in the square hole.
>another DC shill thread

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Who will it be?
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Domestic abuse charges and particularly bad ones where he was proven to be talking her out of going to the hospital after her beatings so he wouldn't get caught.
Once the investigation was on him he basically plead guilty because the case against him was way too solid to contest iirc
Apparently they were trying to contrast Thanos (a guy who spent most of the series sitting there menacingly before finally taking action towards the end) with Kang by having Kang be a guy the various heroes fight frequently, but that badly backfired because it just made Kang look like he sucked and lost to Antman on his major debut.

But it's not like it matters, unless they can get some actual A List heroes back again any further Avengers film will bomb like everything else they've been doing.
Kang was never gonna work on film, especially when he was introduced in a show most people don't watch.

It doesn't help that it was 4 years of jerking around about how big and mysterious and super powerful he is and when he showed up he was killed off twice. No, I don't care about the dumb "it wasn't the REAL Kang" nonsense, we saw him die, no one cares.
And Jonathan Major's weird and gay Shakespearean performance with that fucking weird ass accent he speaks in doesn't help, it's just weird and boring
Kang just isn't a character that works on film. An audience won't care about a person that has an infinite variant of himself out there. It destroys anything he could do because there's no consequence.
This misrepresents the situation pretty badly. The woman started the fight in the car, then chased Majors for several blocks. She played up injuries she incurred when he was defending himself from her assault. The jury basically split the issue, because he was clearly not guilty of anything heinous, but it's pretty much impossible to get the American mind to acquit when a white woman is accusing a black man of assault. If he'd actually done something serious, he'd have gotten jail time.

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I just found out about picrel. What's co think bout it
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Has Parlov commented on it at all? There's no reason to assume Ennis decided personally to fuck him over when it's even more believable that Marvel or Parlov himself made the decision to move on with a different artist.
He seems to be still drawing, but maybe can't take on larger projects. He drew a cover for Get Fury.
Ask him on social media he’ll tell you he would have liked to do it, he’s not going to throw a collaborator under the bus (even if that collaborated did that to him).
I don’t like the boys but I’ve liked a bunch of his comics, particularly with Parlov on the art. Continue being a whiny faggot and referring to factual information as “character assassination” though you histrionic cock sucker.
>Parlov is well know for his work on Y: The Last Man
I didn't even remember him working on that.

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I'm not saying they should commit ethnic cleansing in as we all but what I'm saying is Hamas has been trying to do it since they took over Gaza and the Palestinians there never should have let them get into power and also I'm not Jewish. The Palestinians are not being actively cleansing the Gaza Strip they're being used as human seals by genocidal terrorist group Hamas who's found in Charter says we're going to commit ethnic cleansing in Israel and then internationally. Not to mention throughout most of this so-called ethnic cleansing the Palestinian population has been shooting up like a locket at an unsustainable level before the current conflict begun they don't need to lay down and die they need to lay down trying to kill everyone in Israel and get rid of Hamas.
stupid fucking kikes
It's about him learning to accept his daughters turning away from tradition.
You know, Ben is based on Jack Kirby who was technically 'jewish' but he was a bible thumping Christian and Hannakah is an anti-christ holiday. Jack would not approve, tho maybe not intended as an insult.
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Planet of the Apes references in the Simpsons. Let me know if I've missed any.




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Oh, and the end of "Rosebud".
I wouldn't know jack shit about that. Let's keep it to the first 10 seasons.

He can talk? He can talk?
It was the Star Wars before Star Wars.
Merch blitz and all

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On this date five years ago, Alan Moore's final comic was published. Alan Moore left comics five years ago. He will never return.
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Unfortunately, he's the GOAT.
If there were many better writers, I'd talk about them more.
That's cool. Can he now also retire from complaining about comic books as well?
I want you to tell me the last time he complained about comics, which comic he was complaining about, and the exact date it was reported
He will as soon as you stop complaining about him complaining about comics.
That's up to the people that interview him. They're the ones that bring it up all the time.

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Every single thing that The Comics Journal praises is garbage
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Why would they make something that's pleasing to look at? That's not ARTISTIC enough.
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I just went to the website and every comic they reviewed on its front page looks like shit made for art school weirdos.

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Are they gonna be fucking ?
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>Young guy with older lady.
Is it based?
Let's see Emo Lois Lane first
I hope so
Wonder Woman fans hate like 95% of anything in her comics
Same thing

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>she sees your dick
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will we ever get more of her?
I know, it's always had that shape...
You must think very highly of our endowment if you think a lady would make that face of fascinated fear and nervousness upon seeing it.
I'm not paying you to critique, lady.

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"Mephisto Confirmed" has been a meme for years so why isn't anyone making a bigger deal about him actually being in Hit Monkey season 2. As far as I know this is his first major role in a Marvel show. I just binged the whole season and he's actually a pretty cool villain. Also he's voiced by Keith David, which is fucking awesome.
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I thought they didn’t name him in the show.
Nigga last time i checked mephisto was a blud red
I don't think there's much that discounts this as having the potential to be retroactive MCU canon.
I cant belive they turned even Mephisto black like his son
Yeah, they had no Marvel characters this season besides Hit Monkey and Lady Bullseye both of them.

How could Marvel have distinguished Kamala Khan's powers from Reed Richards without changing them completely?
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That didn't stop Marvel from still changing them. Or at least trying to
thats because marvel is run by a bunch of retards.

their starting line up for the avengoids was Strong Guy, Strong Guy (Hammer Version), Peak Human Guy with Shield, Slightly Less Peak Human Guy with Bow, Peak Human Girl with No Shield or Bow, Smart Guy with Metal Pants. There can be two stretchers, just have Kamala get tiny to dodge and BIG before smacking something and instead have Reed tie himself in knots to dodge and distract people with his stretching until he reveals his hands were in the other room building a Go Fuck Yourself Machine to make the villain fuck himself.
I don't think it was ever needed we have like 5 trillion characters with light beam, construct, super strength, psychic abilities, fire in marvel already I think two being stretchy is ok.
>get tiny to dodge and BIG before smacking something
Ant-Man (and Wasp, and their daughter)also do this
It was probably just too expensive to make it look good irl

Something about aquatic women got me acting up.
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Who the fuck is this? Not Adam, of course.
His daughter

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If Crisis erases the DCAU what does it mean for the Legion of Superheroes set in the future?
Are they dead before they were born?
Were they aborted by the crisis?
Does that mean Crisis is about the danger of abort?
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You want reboot?
Maybe, just not in MAWS style
If it's anything like the Arrowverse DC mandates that nothing is permanently destroyed no matter what happens, and as it was the DCAU is deleted in the Justice League era, despite it clearly moving past that. Bruce Wayne lives to be a lonely elderly man via Batman Beyond, not get deleted in his 40s. Not that I think they'll touch the DCAU again without Conroy, nor does it really matter because there's nothing in the DCAU they can't do in another continuity.

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