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this nigga still missing

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Season 2 will premiere this September:
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You know damn well why /co/ ignores this show
me when la cebolla appears
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But they were crude and wonky and played with shapes in a way that made the designs fun to look at. The designs on Hamster & Gretel are so uniform and boring by comparison. It's fine if Povenmire was aiming for more realistic proportions since it's an ACTION-comedy, but there had to have been a better way to implement this vision. I still feel Milo Murphy's Law was a better middle ground of looking like a Dwampyverse show without looking quite as goofy as Phineas and Ferb. The color palettes were also easier on the eyes.
They don't blame Hamster and Gretel for that anon. You know this already.

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Bruce Timm can't keep getting away with this
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Suck them titties
The audience is made to observe a passive character that observes other characters do things. Like towards the end when Batman fights Penguin, the camera keeps cutting to Sherman because we're watching Sherman watch Batman beat up the penguin. But Sherman himself isn't doing anything. Sherman himself is annoying and keeps trying to act like a big boy grown-up detective. But he's in over his head and makes bad decisions. Like refusing to call emergency services and actively stopping Roberta from doing so. After they get Batman to the basement, the audience is basically just kept waiting until Batman wakes up and everything else is padding. All of the traps just slow Penguin down, either way he still reaches Batman and gets into a fight with him.

It basically stinks a script that needed to go back to the drawing board - but the writers had run out of time and had to hand something in.
Bro, I was over 30 years ago. He got away with it Scott free.

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Obscure/underused/forgotten villains

Discuss any and all villains who you just think should be in more comics, whether they are older characters or newer ones.

Let's start with the fact they need to have more Iron Man stuff where he actually fights villains of his own rather than fight against himself or somebody else's badguy.
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I don't know any of these besides MODOK, Whiplash, Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo
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Impressive, very impressive
You're the Death's Head anon aren't you

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ha ha yes jews
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>my gender inclusivity studies class told me this is bad!
It's a cultural thing
>big nose
>curly sideburns

what else is missing?

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DC All-In will carry the classic DC logo. Dare I say....SOUL?
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Something is off.
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I actually really liked the 2016 logo, but there's no denying this was always going to be THE DC logo. It lasted as long as it did for good reason.
It's not entirely nostalgia. Times are changing, there's been a rise in backlash against the minimalism and streamlining of the 2010's over the last couple years.
2016 was best of bad situation (seriously fuck whoever came up with that page flip shit) I’m beyond stoked that the bullet logo is back. I understand Gunn isn’t the popular choice off the bat but to me this shows he gives a fuck.
Hey look the Chojin association logo, does that mean that Superman is back at the leading chair?

>hulking spiked monstrosity
>hey bud fuck off
What a brave man
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Based City-bros showing Barbaricucks how to run shit, goddamn
Because he was a loud annoying twerp who was a creator OC donut who spoke it bogus slang and kept his boxers outside his pants. He was a complete HELLO FELLOW KIDS AND YOUNG PERSON character and most people would probably have rather seen an actual X-men character like Storm get more attention than needing to tard wrangle porcupine fag.
>boosted powers
>leader of morlocks
>gets with hot older chick
Despite being written out of the show, at least he got a good ending. It's like being a CEO that's fired from his company and gets millions of dollars as compensation.
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I think a lot of people were pissed he essentially stole Marrow's entire schtick seemingly for no reason. Like why did he need to exist at all?
Spyke doesn't get cool until they decide to do something with him then write him out of the show. Before the second mutation Spyke is poochie, an OC written in to appeal to black and/or radical edgy kids. He's annoying and sticks out if you were already a fan of X-men wondering "who the fuck is this?" Honestly it makes no sense that they didn't just make his character into Storm who retains her street rat origin apart from the liklihood the demo they were aiming for in Spyke was males and they doubted that Storm would be relatable. Once he starts breaking out, it has a more interesting dynamic of "Loudmouth show off is put into the postion of no longer wanting to be seen" which eventually transitions into him becoming responsible considerate and introspective whereas before he had none of those qualities. But you can't fault people for never really coming around to him especially when there's so little time with him as a good character. It's like two episodes.

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https://youtu.be/-w7dbx3VHSI?si=Ptjl2P69LIEFn68P I can’t watch Volere Volare without noticing the most absurd thing in the film is how cartoonishly hard and tight this actress’ nipples are. They’re so distractingly piercing.
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Imagine the roles reversed
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Who is that with peppino?

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>‘Solar Opposites’ Renewed for Season 6 at Hulu
Season 5 coming August 12th
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Rick and Morty for normo leftists
Endless trash.
Covid created a race of work from home normies.
And /co/ tried to tell me the show was going to be cancelled with no Roiland.
I never hear about this crap anywhere and constantly forget it exists

At least I know a real flesh and blood human bean who watches Bigmouth

>Viva la Robotolution!
>TMNT (march 2007)
>Astro Boy (october 2009)
What a short lived studio. Only 2 theatrical movies.

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What did you think of Darcy?
>Rape Marcy
>Rape Darcy
Same ole same ole
Same hole?
Same bitch, diferent mind

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Who are they?
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dont know
red herring charles
Means looks like Sinister
Well I'm The Means and this guy >>144677350
is The Zealot but don't tell anyone
Hellion's new helmet is similar to what the Chairman is wearing
Hammerhead(yeah he was a mugga)
Zorn/Xorn worshipper of Khorne listening to Korn and Masada.

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Through the power of cinema. That's why when it was broadcasted on tv, they just let him die

Let’s have a thread discussing hypnosis
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Please don't try and justify you shitty fetishes to us faggot. >>144675444
This coomer already demonstrated EXACTLY what this thread is for
Actually I’m far more interested in the use of hypnosis plotlines for the purposes of perception alteration and mystery
Imagine a whodunnit where everyone knows who the killer is but the memory has been suppressed so they have to find clues from themselves
Why is always cartoon fags
What Hypnosis, Ponies, and Comic sans has in common ?
People here HATE these 3 , for no good reason.
Just maybe the fun of hating something .

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