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Never seen this show. Is it worth the watch?
It's a golden age show
I feel like it's worth at least one watch. just to gain the perspective on why it's so liked and/or disliked.
It starts falling apart after S1.
Unironically a solid concept that they ignored to go up their own ass with it.
I'd say you could at least watch a few episodes to see if you like it.

Personally, I never heard of Steven Universe before because I stopped watching cable before it premiered. I only began aware of it when I began browsing /co/ a while later.

While I have no ill will towards this show, it looks and sounds like a show that's not for me, to put it politely.
*I only became aware of it when I began browsing /co/ a while later.
it is a very good, but also flawed show.
a lot of the issues it has can be attributed to studio meddling (forcing them to be more episodic when the showrunners wanted to tell a more serialized story, cancelling the show prematurely, etc)
but I don't think CN is entirely to blame. a lot of big plot moments come and go as if they were just making it up on the fly. and some interpersonal character shit that was built up was walked back because rebecca didn't know how to tard wrangle the shippers in her writing staff.
it's definitely worth a watch.
the movie has some great songs but don't expect to be blown away.
luckily the movie was popular enough that they decided to give rebecca another season, which is how we got the sequel miniseries Steven Universe Future, which I think was a more satisfying conclusion to the series
I never seen it either. But no.
I've never seen it either, but no, it's not.
Golden age of of piss?
Steven Universe is better than the Owl house at least.
the "golden shower age" pun was right there and you missed it
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It's worth watching for her.
It has some good moments sprinkled in, but she's the most consistently good part.
Hell yes you have watched it before, you child-molesting queer. You just want to keep it's presence constant with yet another shitty thread. It's been the same shit all these years after SU ended. If it isn't a thread about how good it was (these don't get much traffic), it's a thread about how shitty it was (these get a lot of traction because people hate calarts and homosexuality) or a thread about wanting to watch this long dead and forgotten show. The objective is to keep it alive in the minds of people. Shut the fuck up and let it be buried and forgotten.
It's not bad, but it deffintly isn't good. I didn't hate it, which might be suprising coming from what my opinions are. But asking if it's worth the watch is complex question. When it's good it's really good I enjoyed the earlier seasons, but the show just becomes painfully dull to the point of annoyance by the end. I'd say avoid it for that. It really isn't worth the watch if you genuinely want a good show.
And yes an original opinion on 4chan I'm breaking new grounds.
If you're a guy, don't watch it. It's a girl show,
do you enjoy a tumblerina shouting at you about how trannies are just normal people with 2 souls ?
if so, then crack on anon.
There was nothing in this show about trannies
awful bait
I think anon was comparing one to another and not saying that it literally happens.
i know what i said, and i said what i meant.
Yeah if you just ignore the fact that almost half of her character development got ripped apart for Zuke's bizarre fanfiction shit. As it stands Pearl, Amethyst, and Jasper were the only characters that were solid all the way through, although Amethyst was borderline written out of the show in its latter half and Jasper didn't get nearly enough time on screen to be derailed in the first place.
>And yes an original opinion on 4chan I'm breaking new grounds.
That's kind of the general consensus about the show though. Strong early part that falls apart about midway through and makes it hard to justify a recommendation.
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>golden age
it was great until Sugar handed the reins over to people with the emotional maturity of middle schoolers
>a video essay where the person is viewing something “through the lens of x”

Yeah ok nobody on the show made that. Reminder that these kinds of videos were kickstarted by Lindsay Ellis deciding to view Micheal Bay’s transformers through a “feminist lens.” There is probably a video essay about Bluey being viewed through a “post modern nihilistic lens” somewhere.
More like Bronze.
Meant for >>147167672
They both saved animation
This, as evidenced by the eclectic and varied animation we see being produced today, such as:
>Yeah ok nobody on the show made that.
Know what they did make?
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Only if you are really leftist and want certain things explored in a cartoon. But the whole show follows an ideology. Even by the lore of the show, people who terrorize shit for ages gets forgiven for little reasons and there is almost no punishments for anything
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Yes, but here is the real episode order for season 1 (column 1 then column 2)
Look at Glitch Productions. One of them has Dana's shows.
>But the whole show follows an ideology
It's kind of weird that "caring about other" is considered an ideology, now.
>caring about other
>in particular ways
>and you shouldn't care about other in these other particular ways
>and interpersonal interactions should be conducted in particular ways
>and society should be structured in particular ways
>>and you shouldn't care about other in these other particular ways
>>and interpersonal interactions should be conducted in particular ways
>>and society should be structured in particular ways
It loses all it's shine in the cluster arc and it sucks from that point til the end and second end
Wasted Potential. A lot of interesting ideas and concepts that go to waste because Sugar and her crew of tumblrinas were more focused on tackling what they considered social issues.
Have you watched the show?
>shouldn't care about homosexual or mixed relationships
>shouldn't care about past actions
>hierarchical relationships are bad
>no one should have authority over others, including parents over children
>emotional impulses should be the basis of all action and policy, not goal-oriented analysis
>functional institutions should be dismantled without replacements if they are hierarchical
>>shouldn't care about homosexual or mixed relationships
Where do you get that from the show?
>>shouldn't care about past actions
A big deal of this show is facing the past of Rose before she gave birth to Steven.
>>hierarchical relationships are bad
Uh? For a good part of the show, Garnet is the defacto leader and at some point Steven is considered to have become the leader. Where are you getting that from?
>>no one should have authority over others, including parents over children
No? In one of the earlier episode, the gems even get praised for setting boundaries for Steven.
>>emotional impulses should be the basis of all action and policy, not goal-oriented analysis
Many episodes are build around a goal to achieve.
>>functional institutions should be dismantled without replacements
Gem's world become a democracy where they elect a president.

At this point, you might as well admit you haven't watched the show.
rebecca sugar is literally a trans feminist
>Where do you get that from the show?
The show has homosexual, mixed-race, mixed-gem-type, and mixed-species relationships, with opposition to these presented as wrong. There were multiple episodes about cultural norms regarding fusion, and they had an overt PSA about racism (posted earlier in this thread).

>A big deal of this show is facing the past of Rose before she gave birth to Steven.
And while characters are upset that she hid things from them, this doesn't change anything going forward.

>Garnet is the defacto leader and at some point Steven is considered to have become the leader.
De facto, not de jure. People can choose to listen to what they say, but there are no institutional consequences if they don't. They can't issue formal orders, and people who disobey are not charged with insubordination and punished.

>n one of the earlier episode, the gems even get praised for setting boundaries for Steven.
And are boundaries ever enforced? Steven does whatever he wants to whomever he wants, at all times. Attempts by Connie's mother to control Connie's activities are presented as unambiguously bad, and Connie is presented as being in the right for hiding her participation in dangerous activities from her. Onion's parents don't even try to control his behavior.

>Many episodes are build around a goal to achieve.
And these goals are achieved by narrative fiat as the characters follow their impulses, not by working out what has to be done, and the plan working as intended. The plan to stop the Cluster failed, but it's friendly and doesn't want to destroy Earth. The Diamonds are in a position of unassailable strength, but they do what the protagonists want, changing millennia of policy and their entire societal organization, because they feel like it. Etc.
>Gem's world become a democracy where they elect a president.
And all those presidents are shown to do is participate in the political process. The Gem empire used to actually do things like colonize planets and develop infrastructure. What do they do now?
What a weird image, Jasper never turned over a new leaf and the Blue Diamond image on the left happened after the one on the right.
hell no, watch Season 1 if you're really desperate and that's all
Should be people stop at Jail Break when it got really break or Ocean Gem which was almost the series finale?
Owl House is pure trash. Not even on the same level as Steven Universe.
100%. Most of the actual complaints that aren't just political nonsense were due to the way they released eps. With them all out now and no waiting, it's not an issue.
read a book instead
And yet Dana is an indie superstar now
>And yes an original opinion on 4chan I'm breaking new grounds.
>he says giving the most basic bitch opinion ever
This. The people who hate it are 2000s fag. SU is pure kino and the only thing bad about it was the release schedule.
I don't really understand why everyone says this. I'm about as far right as they come, but I enjoyed the show when I watched it a while back.
Like I know the show is popular with the leftist tumblr crowd, but that doesn't necessarily mean the show itself was leftist.
The only vaguely political thing I remember in the show itself was the lesbian romance subtext behind gem fusions.
But maybe there was other stuff and I just lacked the media literacy to see it at the time. So by all means prove me wrong.
>with opposition to these presented as wrong. There were multiple episodes about cultural norms regarding fusion, and they had an overt PSA about racism (posted earlier in this thread).
So, yeah, since well is "don't hate other because they are different" an ideology that should not be present in kid show?
"Why are they meeting hateful people with opposition" is a weird complain to have.

>And while characters are upset that she hid things from them, this doesn't change anything going forward.
It make them face reality and take responsibility for Rose/Pink Diamond's legacy.

>De facto, not de jure.
Same difference. Heck, they even have actual elections for the town and recognise the victor as mayor. And, like said before, Gem's world also have their own oficial elections. I really think you haven't seen the show.

>And are boundaries ever enforced?
Yes, Steven is not allowed to watch television and does do so until he is allowed again.

>And these goals are achieved by narrative fiat as the characters follow their impulses
Several time they will mount strategy to achieve their plan. Even if they have to alter it on the fly, as is often the case with plan.

You have oddly specific complains that don't even get to be valid anyway.
just season 1 and thats it. you only wanna keep watching if you're a massive fag who likes gay shit
>Doesn't like lesbians
What are you gay?
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I came across an Instagram poll that was the final round of a "Favorite Steven Universe Character" tournament come down to Pearl and Lapis. Pearl ended up winning with 53 percent of the vote!
>So, yeah
To refresh, when I said >>147170732
>and you shouldn't care about other in these other particular ways
to illustrate that the show does, in fact, follow an ideology, I was met with >>147170819
and >>147171031
>Where do you get that from the show?
So, yeah, you've conceded the point here.

>It make them face reality and take responsibility for Rose/Pink Diamond's legacy.
They were already trying to promote self-determination and deal with the corrupted gems. Steven notably refuses to take a leadership position in the Gem empire and actually deal with things himself. But we're getting sidetracked here. Rose/Pink is not an existing character that might face personal consequences for past actions. White/Yellow/Blue and various other antagonists are.

>Same difference.
Not at all. The show's ideology opposes one but not the other.

>Heck, they even have actual elections for the town and recognise the victor as mayor.
And what authority does this mayor have? What authority does a Gem President have?

>Steven is not allowed to watch television
That's not what it means to enforce a boundary. Enforcement of a boundary is physically preventing the boundary from being transgressed or punishing the transgressor if it has been. What you mention is voluntary compliance with the wishes of someone whose opinions you care about. The show doesn't have a problem with that. But that's not what parental authority over children is.

>Even if they have to alter it on the fly, as is often the case with plan.
These alterations work by narrative fiat and emotional impulses, not planning. Again, Cluster. They didn't plan what actually happened as a contingency and make preparations for it, it just worked out due to narrative fiat demanding that the Cluster didn't want to destroy Earth, and there happening to be a way to prevent that.
>>and you shouldn't care about other in these other particular ways
>to illustrate that the show does, in fact, follow an ideology
You are still not making sense, anon. I still do'nt undestand the complain and how it is "ideological" to not hate other because they might be different?
>So, yeah, you've conceded the point here.
I don't think your logic work well. You might as well say that it's an ideology to say to not stab other to death. It doesn't make more sense.

>White/Yellow/Blue and various other antagonists are.
They were demoted from their leadership position and are basically on community work for their past deeds.

>Not at all. The show's ideology opposes one but not the other.
What other are you talking about?

>And what authority does this mayor have?
The one of a mayor. You are not making a point, there.

>What authority does a Gem President have?
Probably similar to the one the Diamonds once had?

>Enforcement of a boundary is physically preventing the boundary from being transgressed or punishing the transgressor if it has been.
>But that's not what parental authority over children is.
The authority of the parent is respected, so yeah, it is.

>These alterations work by narrative fiat
Everything in a fiction work by narrative fiat. It doesn't change that plan of action have to be modified as the situation change, and it still establish they don't solely act through impulse.
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>I still do'nt undestand the complain
See pic. Actually linking things triggers the spam filter.

>how it is "ideological"
An ideology is a body of belief that provides normative (rather than instrumental) guidance. Any statement about what people SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do in a moral sense is ideological. A statement that people shouldn't marry people with whom they can't bear children is an ideological statement. A statement that people should marry whomever they wish is also an ideological statement. A statement that people who harm others should be punished is ideological, as is a statement that people who harm others should not be punished. The show clearly promotes a particular ideology with various such statements, both explicit and implicit in actions and narrative structure.

>They were demoted from their leadership position
Trying to weasel by using the passive voice here? No one demoted them. They left their positions and gave up their authority of their own accord. Because problems in Steven Universe can't be solved by imposing authority or punishment.
>and are basically on community work for their past deeds.
No one is enforcing this. They just feel like doing this, and they do it. The show's ideology promotes the idea that people should do what they feel like, and that others shouldn't force them to do otherwise. And so there are no punishments, no enforcement of rules, and no authorities in Steven Universe Future. All those things were done away with when the antagonists were defeated. That is, when the antagonists decided to do what the protagonists wanted without being forced to.

>What other are you talking about?
De facto leadership is like Garnet's leadership of the Crystal Gems. She has no formal authority, but she can see the future, and is personally reliable and powerful, so the others look to her for guidance. She can tell the others to do things, but she does not punish them if they don't obey. There is no enforcement of Garnet's will, and the others are free to do as they please. De jure leadership is like Yellow Diamond's leadership of Peridot before Peridot joined the Crystal Gems. Peridot officially worked for Yellow. Yellow gave work orders to Peridot, and Peridot followed them. This was supported and enforced by the infrastructure and institutions of the Gem empire, where the Diamonds rule, and other Gems obey. If Peridot disobeyed orders, Yellow could have sent other subordinates to investigate, and/or could have punished Peridot. The organization of the Crystal Gems is presented in the show as good, while the organization of the Gem empire is presented as bad.

>The one of a mayor.
That's the name of a position, not authority. Can he arrest people, as some mayors can? Can he make legally-binding ordinances? What does the mayor actually do? What does the Gem President actually do?
>Probably similar to the one the Diamonds once had?
The Diamonds exercised absolute autocracy over all Gems in all areas of life. Diamonds decided when Gems were made, what Gems would do, and they could summarily reformat or execute Gems as they pleased. Do you think that the Gem President has similar authority?

>The authority of the parent is respected
By an obedient child. It is not enforced against a disobedient child. So, to being it back: >>147172090
>And are boundaries ever enforced?
No, they are not.

>Everything in a fiction work by narrative fiat.
When it rains on Steven, and Steven gets wet, that's not narrative fiat. That's the in-universe physical processes working as they have been established to work. When the plan to stop the Cluster fails, but everything turns out better than the best hope of the plan due to factors outside of the characters' control which were not established as plausible factors ahead of time, that's narrative fiat.

>it still establish they don't solely act through impulse.
The plan failed. Things worked out because the characters' emotional impulses just happened to line up to produce a happy ending.
>See pic
Still not making sense. There has been no concession. You are still calling "caring about other" an ideology and failing to make sense of what you tried to add after.
>An ideology is a body of belief that provides normative (rather than instrumental) guidance.
>A statement that people should marry whomever they wish is also an ideological statement.
It really isn't. Letting other people do what they want is the opposite of a guidance.

>Trying to weasel by using the passive voice here? No one demoted them.
Steven defeated White Diamond so he likely did. If he didn't other gems did after they saw WD wasn't all powerful. I used passive voice because I don't know for sure who did, but the fact of the matter someone did. It still contradict your point.

>but she does not punish them if they don't obey.
Seeing an absence of punishment doesn't mean there isn't authority or disrespect of it. None of that constitute an a disrespect of authority.

>That's the name of a position,
No, "Mayor" is the name of a position. "Authority of a mayor" is an authority, by definition. Just because it's not spelled out to you how it is exactly doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>No one is enforcing this.
That doesn't change it invalidate your complain they are not facing their responsibilities.

>De facto leadership is like Garnet's leadership of the Crystal Gems. She has no formal authority
And? It is still respected, which invalidate tat the show say hierarchy is bad. The fact that there are election and official post further does that.
>The Diamonds exercised absolute autocracy over all Gems in all areas of life
I said similar, not the same. Just because it's spelled out explicitly what it is doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It still invalidate your complain that the show is saying that ">functional institutions should be dismantled without replacements if they are hierarchical"

>By an obedient child.
It still contradict your complain that "hierarchical relationship are bad". It is not systematically represented as a bad thing.

> due to factors outside of the characters' control
Steven had to learn to bubble. And communicating is something that was in his control. Once again, none of that establish that "emotional impulses should be the basis of all action" This is not an action based on impulse, but the result of seeking a solution and understanding the problem.
Watch the first two seasons and the movie (or just find a Spinel supercut on YouTube). The rest is just a downward spiral of shit. If you're having trouble maintaining interest at first, skip ahead to Giant Woman. That's where the good stuff starts happening.
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>There has been no concession.
>since well is "don't hate other because they are different" an ideology that should not be present in kid show?
>an ideology

>It really isn't.
Do you need me to quote a dictionary at you?

>Letting other people do what they want is the opposite of a guidance.
The notion that people SHOULD let others do what they want is an ideological statement. Libertarianism is not the only ideology, but it is an ideology.

>Steven defeated White Diamond
Steven didn't defeat White Diamond. White Diamond had a breakdown after realizing that Pink Diamond was gone, and she stopped fighting. She began to doubt everything, and agreed to reorganize the Gem empire because Steven asked her to.

>Seeing an absence of punishment
It's not just an absence of punishment, it's the absence of punishment from the conceptual relationship they have. Garnet doesn't have de jure authority, so punishment for insubordination is not part of the relationship model they're operating under. If the other Crystal Gems don't want to do what Garnet says, they just don't, and that's that. If they stop getting along with each other as a result, they might stop hanging out together, but that's a very different thing than de jure authority. And the show treats those things very differently.
>No, "Mayor" is the name of a position.
Yes, like I just said there in the part you quoted.

>"Authority of a mayor" is an authority, by definition.
The term "mayor" refers to the highest official in a municipal government. As specifics vary by jurisdiction, there is no particular "authority of a mayor". The authority of a mayor depends on the specific jurisdiction the mayor is in.

>Just because it's not spelled out to you how it is exactly doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
As Steven Universe is a work of fiction, there is nothing to it besides what has been shown to exist in canon media. As such, a fictional mayor only has the authority he's portrayed as having. The mayor of Beach City can make emergency announcements. Can you name any other authority he has?

>your complain they are not facing their responsibilities.
You appear to have made this up out of whole cloth. Can you provide a quote?

>And? It is still respected, which invalidate tat the show say hierarchy is bad.
Garnet is not in a superior hierarchical position. She's one of the Crystal Gems herself, a peer of the others. The others can do what she says or not, same as how the other Crystal Gem relationships work.

>The fact that there are election and official post further does that.
An election to a position of what authority? The Gem President hasn't been shown to actually do anything or to have any authority.

>I said similar, not the same.
They appear to be profoundly different in all shown aspects.

>It still invalidate your complain that the show is saying that ">functional institutions should be dismantled without replacements if they are hierarchical"
The hierarchical institutions of the Gem empire have been dismantled as of Steven Universe Future. Nothing has been shown to have replaced them.
>It is not systematically represented as a bad thing.
It's something only the antagonists do, and it stops when the protagonists have their say. Throughout the show.

>Steven had to learn to bubble.
Can't bubble a hostile Gem. Why did the Cluster want to be bubbled? Because it felt like it, for no particular reason that the Crystal Gems knew about or planned for.
Watch the first season, and maybe the second, and then stop. There is a twist near the end of the show that was supposed to change your perspective on the entire thing. But the way it was executed, it retroactively ruined a lot of the good scenes in the early part of the show.

Also, come in prepared that most of the lore hints they give in the first season will be tossed out and never mentioned again.
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Not really. It has a number of great highs but not enough to justify the absurdly deep lows.
Greg is my favorite though. He's easily one of my favorite cartoon dads of all time. Honestly the show would be unwatchable without him providing some normalcy to contextualize all the DEEPEST LORE shit.
90% of it is shit townie episodes that do not matter.
So if you skip all of that it's...mediocre.
townie stuff is a complete non issue now that the whole thing is on streaming and you aren't waiting 5 months for an Onion episode. The show is good, it goes off the rails a little in the later seasons but I'd never say it's below a 6/10
It's better than 2000s crap
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SU was the last time /co/ was fun but it may have to do with the marvel movies and election drama because the whole internet became lame over time.
lol no
Marvel movies should be more like SU
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It's 2025 and you still haven't seen Steven Universe... ?
You'd be surprised
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You know what frustate me of Steven Universe? A villain/catastrophe is coming, you see them getting prepare to the fight, training, learning the lore, everything for 5 episodes and in the episode where they face the villian/catastrophe they say "no, this is not ok, lets find another way, i forgive you, lets be friend" and all done... So fucking infureating. And it wasnt just with 1, it was with EVERYTHING!!! Only Jasper was exception.
The power of love cant fix everything, you stupid shit; and you can forgive a literal race of space nazis who destroy planets to reproduce but no a bratty teenager?!?! ASS

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