Do animators force their fetishes in children's cartoons, or do we discover new fetishes from children's cartoons?
>>147512721>having armpitsIs there a specific example of that?
>>147516237What are some canadian fetishes other than farts
>>147516593Well Totally Spies was Canadian...
Tempest also known as Aqualad also known as Garth
>Introduced in New 52 Justice League during a recruitment drive>Never appears againTELL ME WHY SHE EXISTS, JOHNS!!!!
>>147515521That ended months ago
>>147512730holy shit he got hot
cereal was cute
>>147516725Now this bitch is truly forgotten
It's Pete Day!
Pete lets other guys fuck his wife.
>>147515572Because he knows he's the one in control. Based Pete.
>>147506847>dia de los petes
>>147515572Pete MAKES other guys fuck his wife.
Doom won
>>147515746Legal age in Latveria is upon completion of compulsory education or attainment of a Ph.D., whatever comes first.Valeria has got neither
>>147515746Superhero kids are retarded.
He should capture, impregnate and marry Wanda so that their kid could be even more OP than Reed's. This will be the final victory.
>>147515113>>147516632>>147516695Hags shall stay away
I don't like the white eye lenses on Batgirl, they look to Spidey-ish, and wished they'd go back to the eerie look she had with the all black lenses.
>>147512116>>147513239the duality of man
>>147435957im neutral on it
>>147515887Really proud of it hehe
I feel like Disney execs fundamentally don't understand what appeals to women. They seem to think that a strong, independent 'girlboss' characters is what women want (She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, etc.) and while some women do enjoy that kind of character, it doesn't necessarily make them very relatable. These characters are often portrayed as stoic and tend to exhibit more traditionally masculine traits than feminine ones.There are female fans in every genre, but generally speaking, women tend to enjoy romance and drama, for better or worse, having attractive male characters is also a significant bonus
>>147512931It's Kevin Feige's fault. He doesnt like women being sexy onscreen because it's demeaning or some bullshit.He doesnt seem to understand that these movies are supposed to appeal to what is mostly a heterosexual male audience. What is the point of watching a "girl boss" superhero movie when the character is both annoying and also doesnt look sexy? It's not like you can identity with the character so it doesnt have that going for it either.I am 0% surprised that The Marvels bombed.
>>147515977How did Black Widow in Iron Man 2 happen then? I'm genuinely curious.
>>147515998>How did Black Widow in Iron Man 2 happen then? I'm genuinely curious.See: >>147509943>The MCU was a compromise between Kevin Feige and Ike Perlmutter.Later MCU is Feige having the most influence. Post-Endgame is Feige having full control.
>>147508311The answer lies in their reproductive system. Women enjoy things that stimulates their emotions, and they usually start to have heightened emotions before they start to menstruate, which helps these things to appeal to them even more. And of course this is reduced if not completely lost in post-menopausal women which is why you probably have women like Kathleen Kennedy producing shit that appeals to neither men nor women.
>>147508991I miss both of them so much. They wasted black widow.
Which fictional characters do you think Batman would break his no-kill rule for?
>>147516518bragging that you read isn't impressive
>>147516489Judge wouldn't be a Batvillain, he'd be a Jonah Hex villain.
>>147515553That is the shittiest depiction of the judge I have ever seen. In what way does that guy look like a baby?
>>147516546Nor is being brown.
>>147516603whiter than you pajeet
whatever happened to the average kid that no one understands genre?
>>147513718Maybe. She CAN get a date in the books and a few boys had a crush on her, even the one she pined for. She's fairly oblivious to it though. She's not exactly resentful towards men, either. This song that I'm 50% sure is official shows that she just hates people in general.>What would cause her to move into the femcel territory in the books canon?idfk, maybe a date with Hudson goes bad or some shit. Jamie always learns a lesson in common sense at the end of each book so it's unlikely, but femceldom is built on irrationality.
>>147510900Because the author wrote a good plot despite the book being another scholastic one. The fact that it showed the stepdad being an asshole with details, and also a different type of bullying in book two made for an enjoyable read imo.Sad that they made a live action movie that flopped, I am sure Middle School would've made for a nice animated movie. Btw, much to my surprise, the series is still going on, the author released another book two weeks ago.
>>147502812It would've worked perfectly too since Lincoln Pierce has done professional 2D animation before and has had multiple segments on those anthology cartoon pitching shows, so we know how good it could've looked.
>>147515461I'm retarded, I should've put The Brothers Pistov.
there will be a resurgence in 5 more years like everything else
The one where Batman finally apologizes to his Dick.
Now knowing that one of the writers confirmed this one is Tim Drake is amusing in hindsight
>>147512558This is what fans of TT03 tell themselves
>>147512465really why so precise?
>>147515661They lost interest after S1 I suppose
Rate it and tell me what you want from future seasons.
I'm having a delightful time with this adaptation and it might even be better than Spectacular if it continues to hit its stride with more seasons and good character writing. As for the faithful adaptation trannies, I hope you guys never get what you want in animation form and continue seething at this show's existence.>>147511980> I like Harry but I wish they gave him the Osborne waves rather than the bun.Same but I like the bun as it makes him cute.
>>147516052Find the nearest bridge and take a swift dive, you pathetic faggot. This cheap piece of garbage ain't getting more seasons either.
>>147507724>2012 team spider man>2017 team spider man & lab rats>2025 team spider man and lab ratsJust imagine pushing one concept for 13 years
>>1475077241/10no new seasons
>Doc Ock is tired of dealing with Spider-Man and has decided to move his operations to Central City! But there's no way Captain Cold is letting this happen without a fight! It's the Sinister Six vs the Rogues in all out war and Spider-Man and Flash are stuck in the middle!>Hank Henshaw lost everything on his faithful space flight. He now set his insane sights on the Family that survived theirs: The Fantastic Four!!>For the young man formerly know as Speedy, Roy Harper's life has it's great highs and gutter level lows, but now a new chapter is to be written: Welcome to the Supreme Hazard Intervention, Espionage and Law-Enforcement Division! Okay, we'll spell it out for ya. Arsenal, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 is out now!>Sandra Wu-San is on the warpath and she won't rest until all Seven Champions lay beaten at her feet! Can Iron Fist stop her or will Kun'lun fall like all the others? It's Lady Shiva vs the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven!>Ultron has always been dangerous, but now he's arranged a little family reunion with his "cousins", the Metal Men and he's prepared to take their abilities for themselves. Can Hank Pym and Doc Magnus keep themselves sane long enough to stop him? Find out in Ultron United!>The All-Star Squadron had a team up with the Avengers during WW2? How can this be? Find out when the Kang/Degaton War begins!
>>147513044You think Hank Pym would try a romance with a DC gal that'd fit him once the whole Janet romance falls through?
>Henry Peter Gyrich tries to take control of the JLI>It ends with Max, of all people, punching him out in a direct recreation of the Batman/Guy page>Hawkeye: One Punch! ONE PUNCH!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!>Wasp: that Gyrich on the floor?>Herc: Indeed it is, Avenger! And Zounds, what a punch it was!>Hawkeye: By Maxie, no less! HAHAHAHAHA!!>Iron Man: I don't condone violence between our teams and liasons but.....>Wasp: I can't believe we missed it!>Blue Beetle: Man, that Deja Vu is sure something, ain't it J'onn?>J'onn: Indeed.
>>147513128which one?
>>147513044Who was in the 7642 JSA?
>>147514975well it'd maybe either be a female scientist like Kimiyo Hoshi/Dr Light, there's Giganta but she's committed to The Atom, there's Atomica but she's with Johnny Quick and kinda evil in a undateble fashion so I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any surprise gal that might oddly work for Pym?
Cool World would've been a better movie if it focused on Frank/Lonette instead of Holli/Jack
>every cartoon I like flops>every cartoon I don't care for does numbers Unironically should I just give up on cartoons? I don't think any cartoon has my genuine interest as of late or anymore for that matter.
>>147515856Nta but I've been doing just that. Watching Shinsekai yori lately. Pretty interesting show.
>>147516163>are any of the newer ones worth a watch?I'd say the only AS originals worth watching since 2020 are Smiling Friends and Common Side Effects. Everything else is largely trash, it feels like they've just turned AS into a block for rerunning old FOX properties and airing kid's shows at midnight because actual kids don't give a fuck about the channel anymore.I've seen some anons say Royal Crackers is good, but those anons only seem interested because it has voice actors they recognize from the crappy anime dubs they watch, and I can't remember a single joke/gag besides the grandpa falling down the stairs for a full minute in the first episode.
>>147515515Never gave a fuck about this shitshow until like a month ago thanks to you homoniggers, it fucking sucks, is the worst "muh animu attempt" that I've seen like forever
>>147516244>actual kids don't give a fuck about the channel anymore.I always forget that kids mostly watch whatever is on youtube or twitch or whatever. It feels weird to be a fan of something with a foundation that seems to have been irreparably cracked. >>147515856I am mostly a weeb the above makes me wonder what Japanese kids consume in their free time and if the tablet/phone menace has been allowed to trickle down to them (all I currently know is that they still draw Touhou fanart, very cute). It seems to be something that only happens in the west.
>>147516164Got any non-cape recs?I'm trying to branch out to replace some of the stuff I've been missing from cartoons, because man is shit rough right now.
Why don't you eat some more pizza? That's all you ever do is eat pizza, no wonder you're bald and your wife left you!
>>147514147The new King of the Hill episodes just won't be the same without Dale...
>>147515294Terrible timeline
>>147513891I still quote the "dang ol pretty pretty pizza" on a daily basis when making pizza, it has become ingrained in my head along with "BOGGLE".
>>147515933>Boggle? Ugh, better put some LOSER on that.
This makes me want a French bread pizza
How do you think they'll handle this scene?
>>147511297they'll take turns being perpetrator and victim
>>147511297They won't show any skin but they'll have it be more violent and show mark more distressed
>>147511297I hope they expand on it and make it repeat for months!
>>147511337No fucking shot they animate Strong, independent, black Amber getting beaten by her boyfriend.
>>147511337I hate all the pointless drama in Kirkman shit. He did it in the Walking Dead and he does it in Invincible. It's a shame because the characters and ideas he writes are good. I just don't give a shit about his retarded couples drama he shoe horns in and the characters flip flopping on if they want to kill or not