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Marvel’s Armored Avenger takes off for new adventures this October in IRON MAN #1! The new hard-hitting run will be written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Spencer Ackerman (Reign of Terror; DC’s Waller vs. Wildstorm) in his exciting Marvel debut. Ackerman will be joined by rising star Julius Ohta (Hellverine, Alien).

Following today’s conclusion of Gerry Duggan’s Invincible Iron Man, Tony Stark is back on top after regaining control of his company, armor, and confidence. He’s determined to never hit rock bottom again, so when familiar threats like Roxxon and A.I.M. resurface, they’ll be met by an Iron Man more than willing to fight back, play dirty, and unleash every bit of his intellect to bring them down! When the best of his own technology fails him, Tony will build a brand-new armor unlike any seen in his over 60-year history. Dubbed the “Improvised Iron Man,” fans will see it assembled throughout the series as Tony does what he does best—tinkering and upgrading it to counter anything the world throws at him. The series will also debut a new Iron Monger, complete with a mysteriously-powered new armor…

Roxxon and A.I.M. team up to take on Stark Unlimited! But they’re ready for the old Tony Stark. This one? He’s a lot angrier than he used to be. Iron Man is going to war! New armor, old enemies, and unbelievable twists abound in this fresh take on a fury-powered Iron Man!

“Winning a Pulitzer is cool and all, but it’s not writing for Marvel Comics,” Ackerman shared. “And to write IRON MAN is a very specific dream come true. A lot of comics’ best creators have used Iron Man to tell big stories about security and freedom – with a whole lot of super hero action, of course – and I can’t wait to build on their legacy.”
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>Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
The problem with Iron Man villains is that the good ones people would rather use for other superheroes and all of Tony's most popular choices of an arch are already Avengers in general tier threats or reserved for a different team with history Tony could never compete with *cough* Doctor Doom *cough*
Yeah, and Nimrod was the name of a mighty hunter. Fuck you, Bugs Bunny!
The armours keep getting worse...
looks gay

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>ingenuity and morality are what makes someone a superhero
Nope, pretty sure it's the super powers.

It's always the same shit with these story lines.
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Is it?
Confucius has had a huge influence on China for... 1500 years now?
Lots of strong people have appeared in China in that time, but I don't think any of them have had as big an influence as Confucius. They're tales are told, but people don't live their lives based on what the strong people of the past did.
Confucius had considerably sway in the courts and would routinely have people executed
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So Batman has powers because of his robot suit(s)?
When using the robot suits, yes.
Batman has superhuman fighting skills, superhuman agility, and superhuman sneaking skills.

>"We are…superior."
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the monthly schedule is killing this book quite honestly
is it sad that i dont want this to tie into the other ultimate books? its so different
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My girl finna get her shine soon
i like these post issue bonus pages, feels like manga
who dat?

I think Peter should have mechanical spider legs in his normal toolkit moving forward. He used them in Civil War, Otto had them when possessing his body, and I think its totally doable within Peter's skillset/budget. It's visually cool to see, thematic, and might be great for action pages.
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>Peter having mechanical web shooter and a spider utility belt with spidey trackers barely make sense when he's living paycheck to paycheck.
God you people are no fun
vampire jubilee
No. All he needs is to use tech like his Spider-Man 1 counterpart from Insomniac. That's it. No mechanical legs, no Miles Morales. Just plain old Peter Parker and his arsenal of multiple webs.
-Kid Jon
-Superior Octopus
-Dark Trinity
-Gamma Flight
-Rainbow Corps
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I hate everything about this and I hate you. There's a reason the original costume survived largely intact since the 60s.

>Tyrants, battle royals, and bubble cities galore as Trini and her teammates struggle to survive during their final hour in post-apocalyptic America
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Cool art
I think these days is the one schizo who thinks there’s a conspiracy to always hire Campbell just because she wrote a comic tie-in to a show she already produced and wrote for.
Just remember there being a huge wave of hatred about her. I didn't have a strong opinion about her either way before I read this. I was pretty shocked how much I enjoyed it. Glad it's getting a continuation. Not for everybody but it's actually a pretty funny comic.
looks lame

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>Gabriel Winter always had one eye on the future. So how long did he know that the end of the internet was inevitable... or that the Lane family would be at the center of this conflict? Elsewhere, FBI agent Siobhan Silk's search for PH34R nears its end, but what she stumbles across is worse than she ever imagined.

Issues 1-6 - >>141647905
Issue 7 - >>142002973
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we all could use such a world i think
Damn, that's satisfying. I don't have any hope of them taking her down, but this page just feels good.

The untouchable finally getting wrecked for just one moment.
I fucking knew it.
bump to read

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>DC Comics has announced a new 12-issue series by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee titled Batman and Robin: Year One. The first issue arrives in comic shops on October 16th. Joining them is color artist Matheus Lopes and letterer Clayton Cowles.

>“While Batman and Robin are the stars of this tale and get most of the panel time, at its heart, this isn’t a Batman/Robin story, it’s a Bruce/Dick story,” said Mark Waid. “It takes place only a month or two after Bruce adopted Dick, and it’s sinking in for Bruce that he has no idea how to be a father to a kid that age. He has no role model—his own father was long dead by the time he was Dick’s age. Nothing he’s ever done has prepared him for this, and Alfred—wise as he is—doesn’t have much experience here either.”
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Waid is taking over Action comics and writing a story about the Phantom Zone, with Xadu, Mon-El and Aethyr.
Also Supergirl backups by Tamaki.
Devin Grayson became a writer for DC because she was Waid's girlfriend, she knew how to work it.
Hype bump.
Now there's 3 books I aint buying, thanx for the heads up anon.
Robin Year One was a dreary pile of mediocrity with Dixon forcing grimdark retcons into the Dynamic Duo. If B&R Year One has half the love for the classics that Waid brought to his World's Finest titles, this will blow everything else (Dixon's Robin/Nightwing Year One, Lemire Robin and Batman, Canwell's The Gauntlet) out of the water.

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What if SpongeBob looked like this?
then it would be a really well animated but ultimately boring straight to home video movie that only 47 people remember
it would flop like pickle goat banana cricket.

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The Nicktoons channel is 100% Spongebob now.

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You know what, I see that a a good thing. Anything on that channel is something Nick plans to kill. This means they aren't planning to kill any of their current shows.
Is this a thread where i can vent my frustrations with the company?
Weird logic. Wouldn't that mean they already killed every other show.

Dose Anybody have this series the season finale came out https://disneynow.com/show/d9a49d83-b337-4f65-8de2-595c1d7e48d7





why he's mad?
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But momma, I want to watch Aqua Teen. I want to see what Meatwad's gonna say. And I want to see if Mister Shake is gonna razz him about it.

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British accents count, right?
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Vera Pike rings your door-bell
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Did she set people's expectations about British women too high?
this is my niche

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Please tell me I don't have to watch any of those shitty Disney + TV shows to understand this movie
I mean, it has the TVA from Loki in it, but that's a huge organization and none of the Loki characters seem to be in this.

It'll probably be full of callbacks to the Fox X-Men (and Daredevil) films though.
It's quriky.
It'll be played ironically by a lot of people.
I see no bangers that cross cutlural lines.
Really want SOMETHING that has a bit of edge to it.
loki is deadpools dad
Someone should make a movie with both the Huey Lewis and Celine Dion/Laura Branigan/etc Power of Loves in it

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So whatever happened to this guy?
Did he leave drawing behind all together or did he join the dark side?
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still can't get the fingers right, wow
I know.
Still gonna take in the laughs before it happens though :^)
nah nothing like that, during that whole weird non binary gf cuckquean event thing, he just said he wasnt gonna do the yearly /fit/ comic anymore since he'd lost the passion for it.
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I don't mean to be a killjoy but the first mistake you made was advertising yourself on 4chan. This place should expressly be used for advice and direction on improving yourself if that's what you desire, if you post your stuff here you are effectively opening yourself up to have the piss taken out of you and worse, risk becoming a lolcow in the process.
I'm not a big artist, but some of my art has been posted here before from third parties who discovered me naturally, because I never wanted to force my creations upon this place, and the reactions I get from my art are monumentally more interesting when people naturally find out about my art instead of me begging for advice and asking anons pretty please if my art is good or not, that's just opening yourself up to weakness and ends up becoming a bad look in the end because people will very easily turn from critique to outright maliciousness in an instant.
I really don't mean to be pessimistic about this, but you really shouldn't be looking for validation on here. 4chan is more of a worldviewing device then a interacting one.

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Honestly, any Ultra alien could be a good GL villain
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The original Mefilas episode would also make a good Silver Age plot
yeah, it's a very fun scheme of trying to decide the ownership/fate of the planet over the choice of a child, if he just waited for the kid from episode 33 of Return of Ultraman, guy woulda won and owned earth easy.
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Saul can be directly inserted into Batman and he'd be a top tier B-villain.
I feel like Kamen Rider Cronus from Ex-Aid or Ragyo from Kill La Kill would make for fun cape villains.

Yee! Go Shocker!
Seconding this, I'll throw in Valentine from SBR.

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