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I just can't believe that despite everything we already know about the way so much kids media operates and what it does to their brains, parents still let their toddlers watch this crap. At this point it can't be attributed just to "they're busy" or "they don't know better" there has to be some kinda deliberate incentive to ignore all the faults. Are they being strong armed into not seeing or talking about it somehow?

Also post more terrible kiddie slop
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>a handmaid's tale
>lord of the flies
idk what's dumber, your idea that these 'came true'... or you referring to them as 'sci-fi novels'
An insidious plot from the adults to keep the little shits brainrotted? Better foward it to numbah one den
In what fucking way is our society anything like A Handmaid's Tale?
This made me think... Are kids nowadays more rebellious than kids their age were in any previous generation? Everyone claims kids now are more "activist", but that's not actual proof of rebellion, just an occasional symptom of it in an environment wherein activism isn't incentivised, which means kids who partake in it in an environment where it IS incentivised would actually be doing what they're expected to do and not rebelling
Is there an actual way of telling if kids now are more or less susceptible to abiding by social normas and authority demands?

One common trait of developmental retardation is a lowered ability or desire to rebel, especially during childhood and one's teenage years
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look at the fucking crust on that image
anon probably got it off of instagram or something

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Another bimbo thread
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kek I got to check this out
Jungledyret Hugo
Evil mad scientist lady accidentally turns herself into a dizy super heroine
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Favorite cartoon couples?
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girls with girls just makes more sense
It´s the tribefag. Expect some massive psycho posts strewn al over this thread.
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Man FUCK brown lesbians
ESL Owl House pajeet
I'd love to.

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As far as the show goes, unfortunately there is not a lot of material to theorize on, since gooseworx can't shut the fuck up and keeps confirming shit on tumblr instead of the actual show, I'll use the tumblr trivia as facts just because, since they are not in the show they aren't really canon and can change whenever.

>what is The Amazing Digital Circus?

The Amazing Digital Circus is a hyper augmented reality game running exclusively in one single computer in an office building of a company known as “C&A”, some have theorised C&A is Cain And Abel, with Caine actually being the creator of the game, this is false since Caine is an acronym for Creative Artificial Intelligence Networking Entity, which means he is not a human being and just a barely functional AI who is sentient of his own condition.

>how does one enter the TADC?

No one knows. Of course, the physical action is just plugging the headset in your head, this automatically erases all the memories of the individual such as his name and physical appearance, but how does one come across this computer is not known. All the characters in the show come from extremely different backgrounds and ages, Kinger is 48 and a computer science specialist while Jax is a farm boy and only 22. My best guess would be that it happens just by pure luck and currently the company known as “C&A” is no longer active or does not know about TADC, the question of how is this sci-fi abomination running on a PC from the 90's or early 2000's is also completely open.
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What if this show was actually good, what would change?
>but Caine would hide that information anyway since wants more and more players
Funny, the vibe I got from him is that he legitimately doesn't know HOW to leave the game. He said he'd been trying to make an exit, since that's what everyone kept asking for, but ended up hiding it because he had no idea what to put on the other side of the door.
Caine's name is an acronym for the type of AI he is.

I got this feeling too, he seemed to genuinely want to make it for them but he just can't understand.
>caine trying to figure out where an exit goes
I do like the idea that hes genuinely just trying to do what the avatars want and keep them sane but is a half-baked AI

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next episode is among us vs fall guys
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Tim wins.
>Tim wins.
>Disney's Twisted Wonderland Anime
I dare Ben to put the characters from there into DB.
Who would win Scarlet Witch or Jean Grey?

>"It's hard to keep a secret, especially when it's such an important one."
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How is that even a question at this point?
Is Lassie the dog a rough collie?
>MJ being worried about Peter
>"Must be a cunt"
It must be hard to not understand english.
It's like he's an actual man or something. Like a Spider-Man. God damn, for all the decompression this book can be a delight.
>God damn, for all the decompression
Its not as bad as the first USM. Peter took like 5 issue to become a superhero.
Kek. Yeah I remember how that was just Bendis writing for trades.

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Why did DreamWorks give up on this franchise? It had 1 movie, 2 TV specials and a TV show, yet nothing has been heard of it since 2014.
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Not really.
>4 out of the 5 monsters in the movie are mutants
I feel like you're just splitting hairs there, mutants can be considered monsters too, it's an umbrella term and the creatures in the film definitely count.

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ITT: /co/ characters with surprising ages

Picrel is only 32.
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Wouldn't think it from the white hair. Looks mid-50s at least
I like how it says "Read Welker!" underlined, like he was notorious for not reading shit.
Anon is scared he's growing old.
it's an instruction to make sure Welker read for the character, but yeah
You'd think someone who fucked all his sisters and mom would be older.

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Here is an MP4 of Pomni
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Oh holy shit you can post mp4s n-
oh. Well then what was the point of this
First off, how, and second if that was the case why would they still enable it on /hc/ and /gif/? Those would seem like the worst possible boards for that, then.
>imlpying you can't have silent pizza
Compatible with a wider variety of programs.
Its a play on Novocaine, the dental anesthetic. Because he is teeth.

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>show about satirizing black culture
>not a single black woman character
Maybe they could've imported Isis, but with no Caesar it would've been useless
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>Luna isn't black
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Hey Nicole, it's me, Luna. Anonymous just straight up forgot I exist, what should I do?

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ITT: Iconic and classic comics that actually suck
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The dark knight returns
I would appreciate it more if people atleast explained why they think it's bad.even if I disagree I want to know why. Otherwise it's just bait
That one's great.
Here are the ones I agree with:
>any event
They never hold up. These commit the crime of diminishing a supermassive, cataclysmic battle between giants into a series of lame physical exchanges, like any other average superhero fight. There's so much strong writing, incredible art, careful planning, and great level of detail required from a clash of this magnitude that never seems to be present. Infinity Gauntlet had decent art until Perez dropped out.
>Claremont's Uncanny X-Men
The most acclaimed part of Claremont's tenure on UXM is from Proteus through the Brood Saga. The captivating moments are few and far between, with a good bulk of the run dedicated to very corny characterization and a shitload of contrivances. You have all of these interesting powers that are constantly blitzed by stupid bullshit.
>Identity Crisis
Shitty writing all around. The heavy moments are laughably over-the-top and the murder mystery >>146433836.
>Fraction's Hawkeye
The snappy, cringeworthy television dialogue is unbearable. Same goes for several other writers, like Bendis.
That hawkeye shit was the most overrated garbage i have ever read

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Ari is a cutie
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I haven't watched many eps yet so I haven't seen much Ari, but the whole trio is undoubtedly adorable!

Here's my first Elinor drawing, hehe — I know I wanna draw her a couple more times so I'll be trying to catch some Elinor threads in the future
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Cute stuff, drawfriend
how tall is elinor I would like to know
About 3 rabbit feet.

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>Tim Burtons Batman isn't good.....because BATMAN DOESN'T KILL, it betrays the comics
>Now the MCU is amazing, 10/10, because they are exactly like the comics
Yeah because the Mandarin is a British guy acting as a Middle Eastern terrorist on TV, and Spider-Man is Iron Man's sidekick and wears robotic suits in the original comics

Is he just a shill or does he simply truly only have autism for Batman and no actual knowledge of anything else in comics?
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is this board so underage that they forgot he actually wrote comics?

he brought green arrow back from the dead for DC. he has bullseye kill karen in daredevil

he definitely knows his shit, even if one disagrees with his takes
>remember that iconic moment from Year One? Lol actually Bruce pissed himself during it!!

No-one has forgotten that.
not canon
>>your dad named you after a CASUAL BAIT comicbook character he wanted to fuck
>Is he just a shill
"I'm not a shill. I WISH I got payed to say good things about Marvel, but they don't pay me anything."
Kevin, people are calling you a shill figuratively, not literally.

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How the hell do you re-animate a scene this fucking fast? I'm still amazed by it. They must've fucking worked those artists to fucking dust to meet this sudden deadline.
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Dick Cheney called Mike Eisner and told him what was gonna happen several months sooner.
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When the hour of reality approaches, the zero hour, wholeheartedly welcome death for the sake of Allah. Always be remembering Allah. Either end your life while praying, seconds before the target, or make your last words: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his messenger.
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This makes so much fucking sense holy shit.
I always felt the ship was sort of awkward for being a space ship but if they reanimated it from being a normal plane it makes so much fucking sense.
the scene where Jumba's gun blows up was also changed, from fiery explosion to the green one we see in the movie. They also had to add a little scene of jumba using the ship's keys to show where he had it hidden since it's no longer a hijacked plane. All these redrawn scenes, or newly drawn scenes have Jumba with a weirdly big head and tiny body.
I heard that when the station goes under lockdown and the orb is green or something originally everything was going to be bombed, which is why mike and sully's hair is moving when they look back, and why you later see that work bag charred. That was more unsettling to me than them remaking the plane in L&S because it's basically a cover-up of a more disasterous scene with remnants hinting at it you never saw

>"Every decision we make is meaningless because somewhere, on a parallel Earth, we have already made the opposite choice. We're nothing. Less than nothing. And, as you know, awareness of our insignificance is the worst hell imaginable. Somewhere in the Multiverse there is a world I call "Earth Prime". Every earth is a variation of this one; The Original. And once I destroy it, all reality will follow."
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I can't watch this without imagining a fart noise when her dress opens up.
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