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>woke show
>filled with fanservice / pantyshots
Lower Decks was weird
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I think it means whoever wrote/retranslated that part of Genesis was a narcissist
Being a Lezzie Dykes shill must be the most humiliating thing in existence.
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10*5=50 Anon
Flop territory.
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Tendi needs to flop her tits out

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>"Bob is going through what all of them are probably, secretly, going through," Florence Pugh explains. "Yelena sees parts of herself in him. She’s always been someone that wants to look after people. She has a sweet spot for him, and essentially likes looking after him because he’s useless. He’s absolutely useless."


Is /ourguy/ Bob finna gonna smash?
It’s gotta be so painful to speak like this about characters. I see it with actors on like normal (non-cape) tv shows too.

These aren’t real people. These are fictional characters who’s lives, compunctions and actions are decided by writers and producers. but because of our autistic fan culture these actors can’t discuss them like anything but real people. It’s such a cringeworthy thing to see.
You're so cool and rebellious, anon.
> Pairing a Black Widow with a mentally unstable powerhouse.
What is with this dumb ship nonsense going on that they like so much at Marvel Studios. First Hulk and Natasha and now Yelena and Sentry.
Nothing they said was rebellious…

fleur de lis edition

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Carol v Cammy for the right to use one long braided ponytail
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A secret of gaston genning: DALL-E uses prince eric's face for him like 40% of the time

Because planning to have the next thread in a month's time is ridiculous.

Tag OP for any draw requests.
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>Timmy starts out bustier, but Cosmo gets so lost in character that he sees Timmy as a rival and magics himself bigger
Well, yeah... they were made in 1971 and 1995, respectively. That would be plagiarism, anon. If you want a really good film that fucks with this concept and would never be made today, look up 'Ice Angel', a 2000 TV movie. It even stars the voice of the DC Animated Supergirl as the actress of the female body.

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Dr Jekyll and Ms Hyde at least doesn't take half of the movie to get going, but at the same time it goes too fast to be interesting, it goes from discovery to both personalities being enemies fairly quickly, there is no slow corruption where the guy realize the other personality is taking over.
It's too bad both Sister Hyde and Ms Hyde went with the other side being a completely separate personality instead of the original way of knowing everything but finding Hyde too fun and getting scared of not wanting to stop being him.
I know that's how most modern adaptations go but I prefer the original for Ms. Marvel-Venom
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Could be worse, Timmy could be reading about Lady Godiva.

Make someone want to read a comic by posting ONE page from it.
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This one got me.
ASM V1 #331 (Apr 1990)
That is so utterly divorced from irl economics that it's retarded. Who the fuck wrote that?
Lovely Piranesi-type sense of scale.
David Michelinie. I don't keep track of writers, so I have no clue if that name stands out.

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nah he's right, I was gonna say "rapebait" to the op image
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Can you people just go to /trash/ already
Sorry, are we taking up space reserved for Twitter screencaps and bot threads about Shrek 2?

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Ultraman X Avengers #4
Avengers Academy #35
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You've heard of the Z-bolt but get ready for the Zam-bolt

Favorite sister?
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They are drawings.
How do i meet girls like this
>and he doesn't like talking about it
So he was raped by 3 girls, and didn't like it? What a fag.
You got a time machine?
This is friendly fire you fucking dumbshit, being based on real life experiences doesn't mean I'm calling the thing real.

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/co/ keeps saying Marvel nixed Bucky becoming Captain America, but is there a single source that was even in the cards besides Bucky briefly holding the shield in The Winter Soldier?
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i dont know man, im not the one making up opinions for the entirety of 4chan and then calling people newfags for not agreeing with my headcanon.
whatever helps you sleep anon.
>this mind controlled assassin will be the next captain america
didn't make sense back then either, besides I prefer Bucky to be Cap's sidekick/keeper.
>he was Captain America in the comics & he's Steve's closest friend

The same applies to Falcon, though.
him being the better choice
>b-but the com-
those comics are shit and full of shit decisions that we could waste thousands of posts naming and explaining why they were terrible
BuckyCap came before Captain Falcon

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>2.5 seasons of building tension by hiding his appearance
>ends up just looking like Zuko in his 40's
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He's like 20 years older and has participated in multiple wars.
yeah he should have been a robot or something
They should have given him a bunch of scars or a tattoo for each victory in agni kai. There's no show of accomplishments or any reason to believe he's dangerous except for characters explicitly stating it. What happened to show don't tell?
That’s autistic and borderline worthless. Dont ever write or work on television let alone tv animation, you are clearly not up for the task.
>They should have given him a bunch of scars or a tattoo for each victory in agni kai
they wanted him to look normal, almost mundane, not a grizzled veteran

>What happened to show don't tell?
when he does actually fight, he is the real deal

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The watcher and the monitor have called you to their realm to settle a bet. Between Agent Walker killing a super soldier in F&TWS and Magog killing the joker in kingdom come, who was less incorrect?
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Walker wasn't found guilty either, I don't know if magog lost his VA benefits
The "sympathetic" antifa super soldiers were the death knell of the MCU so Walker was more justified
He brutally murdered someone who had surrendered and was actively begging for their life.

Regardless of your belief on the rules of warfare, Walker is wrong from an optics perspective alone. Seeing a Government Agent clad in your flag drenching himself in blood, viscera, and bone fragments is NOT how you win hearts and minds.
>Walker directly disobeys the rules of engagement he is obligated to obey in order to brutally murder an activist in a case of mistaken identity.

What are the rules of engagement as they pertain to terrorists hopped up on super soldier serum? Because it's not like Walker was fighting other soldiers, in uniform, acting on behalf of a UN recognized nation that was a signatory of the Geneva Convention.
The rules of surrendering aren't clean cut, specially in that situation.

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No one has better redheads than /co.
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>humans are human.
That being multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophs which lack cell walls. I.e. animals. Did you think humans are plants?
>close to 1000 dollars
Wait, that's all?

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At this point, is there anyone who can stop him?
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It took more than one braincell to come up with that one, huh?
Obviously not 911. You take a picture then get the arcade attendant who either can open it with a key or get the person who can.
Fucking the entire neighborhood and her sons.
She doesnt have the stamina
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She'll train it. Gotta start small after all.

Do you think Spider-Man will get another battle soon?
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They all victimize Kratos.
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Shouldve been mirko vs carrot because i'm horny and this season lacks ryona
*Mirko vs Lopunny
How long would Goku last against Reverse Flash
>Spidey is for the Turtles.
Scott thematically, Joe for an even fight, Jack for legacy
Everyone in the thread...
Darkness victim

The final season of Jellystone, including the series finale "Cartoon Network vs. Jellystone: Crisis On Infinite Mirths" will drop on Max tomorrow. Any final predictions?
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oh you fixed the mandy quote, nice
That Cindy garbage was the A plot.
>they already had their big crossover a bit ago
When? Pibby got canned.
It was the OKKO/SU/TTG/Ben 10 crossover

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