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I don't have any baity or culture war things to say about this show, I just want to make a recess thread because I think its the one of the best cartoons ever created. What's your favorite episode?

Mine has to be the one where everyone discovers spinelli's name is Ashley.
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If you count it as an episode, I really liked the movie. Having TJ and Prickly work together was fun.
Also the movie got me into Three Dog Night.
He gets Prime Gretchen so, it's not all bad.
The one where TJ becomes a millionaire by selling Pokemon cards.
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>When we learn Gus was a bad ass dodge ball player (Dollars trilogy homage)
I don't get it.

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>double sized
Maybe it'll feel like a regular sized issue.
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Exactly what >>144674756 said. A cool Riders story ruined because they HAD to make it all about Surge and Tangle and Whisper and Lanolin and Clutch and Jewel and fucking BELLE of all things
Execute all the lesbian OCs immediately, please and thank you
It's the very antithesis of a Sonic story, what the fuck are you smoking?! It's angsty melodramatic trash where everyone acts like a complete moron just for the plot to even function. Sonic decides he wants to fix up and spare Metal Sonic, depsite literally doing the opposite every single encounter before. Eggman is a sadistic, cruel monster that prioritizes anarchy over flashy spectacle. Do I even need to bring up Shadow here? Because that shit was indefensible no matter where you stand.

Nothing is set up, things just happen for the sake of it. They kill off characters expecting the audience to care for characters who only had a handful of appearances. They drag out the Deadly Fucking Six because apparently it wasn't enough of a bloated corpse of an arc. It's a slow, plodding mess that ate up nearly half of this comic's run so far, only for it to end on "Sonic turned Super and saved the day or whatever". Which only begs the question of why even waste so much time when the resolution was so flaccid?

It's a fucking mess that killed this comic before it even have a chance. You can tell everyone behind that arc deeply regretted writing it because they've spent every issue since walking back on it.
Personally, I've never liked any of the rogue rivarlies besides Sonic and Jets.

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Primos premieres tonight at 8pm on Disney Channel! Will you be watching /co/usins?

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boy I wonder who is shilling this show so hard
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Dilate and join the 41%
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of course the white guy is mac tonight
This has meme potential

Time for Raven
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The art here isnt even that good. Half of it just looks like ai slop.
Who's to say that's not where the direct descendants of lilith will end up at?
Raven needs more gothic friends.
Friendly reminder her along with the rest of the 2003 Titans are all canonically dead.

Will they ever make a second movie?

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ha ha yes jews
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>my gender inclusivity studies class told me this is bad!
It's a cultural thing
>big nose
>curly sideburns

what else is missing?

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DC All-In will carry the classic DC logo. Dare I say....SOUL?
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Something is off.
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I actually really liked the 2016 logo, but there's no denying this was always going to be THE DC logo. It lasted as long as it did for good reason.
It's not entirely nostalgia. Times are changing, there's been a rise in backlash against the minimalism and streamlining of the 2010's over the last couple years.
2016 was best of bad situation (seriously fuck whoever came up with that page flip shit) I’m beyond stoked that the bullet logo is back. I understand Gunn isn’t the popular choice off the bat but to me this shows he gives a fuck.
Hey look the Chojin association logo, does that mean that Superman is back at the leading chair?

>hulking spiked monstrosity
>hey bud fuck off
What a brave man
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Based City-bros showing Barbaricucks how to run shit, goddamn
Because he was a loud annoying twerp who was a creator OC donut who spoke it bogus slang and kept his boxers outside his pants. He was a complete HELLO FELLOW KIDS AND YOUNG PERSON character and most people would probably have rather seen an actual X-men character like Storm get more attention than needing to tard wrangle porcupine fag.
>boosted powers
>leader of morlocks
>gets with hot older chick
Despite being written out of the show, at least he got a good ending. It's like being a CEO that's fired from his company and gets millions of dollars as compensation.
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I think a lot of people were pissed he essentially stole Marrow's entire schtick seemingly for no reason. Like why did he need to exist at all?
Spyke doesn't get cool until they decide to do something with him then write him out of the show. Before the second mutation Spyke is poochie, an OC written in to appeal to black and/or radical edgy kids. He's annoying and sticks out if you were already a fan of X-men wondering "who the fuck is this?" Honestly it makes no sense that they didn't just make his character into Storm who retains her street rat origin apart from the liklihood the demo they were aiming for in Spyke was males and they doubted that Storm would be relatable. Once he starts breaking out, it has a more interesting dynamic of "Loudmouth show off is put into the postion of no longer wanting to be seen" which eventually transitions into him becoming responsible considerate and introspective whereas before he had none of those qualities. But you can't fault people for never really coming around to him especially when there's so little time with him as a good character. It's like two episodes.

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I want to inflate her
Is it possible to do that? I always wanted to see if that was possible.
Genuine question, what is next Helen’s character? Now that superheroes are legal again, will she be less controlling of her kids, or will she still think fighting crime is too dangerous for them. Or what if she started to prefer being a superhero over a mother?
why hasn't anyone made an Incredible Gassy version of her yet you'd think fartfags both unironic and ironic would be all over that
Same, I want her to blend in the next city parade as a balloon
>will she be less controlling of her kids, or will she still think fighting crime is too dangerous for them
That would be a good thing to explore in the Incredibles verse. If kids in that universe potentially can stop whole crimes by themselves is it morally ethical to let them fight crime?
There's anal vore fart porn of her. It's kind of well made too

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https://youtu.be/-w7dbx3VHSI?si=Ptjl2P69LIEFn68P I can’t watch Volere Volare without noticing the most absurd thing in the film is how cartoonishly hard and tight this actress’ nipples are. They’re so distractingly piercing.
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Imagine the roles reversed
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Who is that with peppino?

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What do you think of eye powers?
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eye dont know
Eye think they are cool
Eye guess it's pretty cool
I know his visor is iconic and how he gets his name, but eye powers are usually better when you can actually see a character's eyes. Close up eye shots are always kino in comics no matter how much that might seem to be infinitely played out.
They’re cool but like >>144677316 said they are objectively worse than the same power using hands. Though they can be a great source of drama and struggle as seen with Cyclops since his are hard to control he’s constantly walking on eggshells and they contribute to why he such a stick in the mud half the time.

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Al Ewing will be writing DC's 'ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN'
>It's Jo Mullein
>No Abin Sur, nor Hal's successor, nor last green lantern
>She was just chosen for being brave and strong
>She is a lesbian (bisexual but her "wife" is a woman)
>No mention of any other earth's corpsmen
>She will stand against the guardians and become the greatest green lantern
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Trash, theres nothing to look forwart to in modern DC, trash art, trash writers, building stories around political agendas (like everything else) instead of around a good premise, everything has to rely in crossover so theres zero character development you will end up buying covers and thats it
Is this an Elseworlds?
>No source
>street clothes
Anon that is a jacket and pants, what are you talking about?
This won’t be good. None of it will. We seen it time again much DC fails at everything. If the writers and editor are the same, then this is going to suck. You have to insane to fall for this obvious trap.

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Previous threads




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How did Lola take this? Anger? Jealous? Amazed?
I could imagine being a brother to her and not liking Shannon.
I like to Imagine Gorrath coming to conquer earth but this time Coop and Jamie are doing their best to keep this from ruining Robotgirl's date
>Kiva: "I'm surprised you two are doing great at avoiding collateral damage"
>Coop: "Thanks Kiva we-"
>Coop: "I'M ON IT"
>With Robotgirl and Tommy having their date at an ice cream shop
>Tommy: "I gotta say Roll you look amazing in that new paint job"
>Robotgirl: "Hehe thanks Tommy"
>Tommy sees a giant shadow when he turns around he sees nothing
>Tommy: "Did you see that?"
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl saw nothing"
>At space Goop is strangling Gorrath
This episode Lola doesn't appeared and this this type of game is boy demographic.
Completely loss for words

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Remember when gamer comics where all the rage? ctrl+alt+del may not be the worst of them but it is the posterchild of what lazy gamer webcomic humor was, let's check how it holds up
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Damn, he strangles the watermelon, but not this panel of Scott? Missed opportunity.

>man 2002 and 2003 were STRONG years
No shit. It's hard to pick, but I was playing the hell out of Vice City, Sly Cooper, Kingdom Hearts.
Probably going to go with Fire Emblem.
>big titty gf interrupts my gaming so i can spend time with her
Yeah I can totally relate ;_;
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Thats it for year one of Ctrl+Alt+Del. Tomorrow i'll dump year seven
Man CAD really is old as fuck then. Also I had a friend in secondary school (so around 2005/6) who had Assburgers and was obsessed with CAD, to the point where he would celebrate Winter-een-mas and thought Ethan was hilarious and relatable.

Reading all these strips made me realise I wasted a lot of time reading this comic in the first place. This, Megatokyo and VG Cats, all a gigantic waste of time.
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People talk about how Wonder Woman sucks because she doesn't have
>Death of
>All Stars
>Year One
but how many heroes have them? Like do Iron Man or Captain America have them? Thor and Spider-Man?
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Pretty much, Harley is an accurate depiction of what a woman might view as a power fantasy, Wonder woman isnt
They should never have changed Carol's Ms. Marvel suit. You can call her Captain Marvel to make her seem more important, but that costume is the best one she ever had.
Wonder Woman is a man's fantasy of what the perfect woman is.
>Beautiful and healthy
>Mentally sound
>Strong without sacrificing femininity
>Embodies the virtues of truth, loyalty, love, and faith.
>Mature and responsible
>Selfless and cares about her community and the betterment of future generations.
Meanwhile, Harley
>Sexy but self-sabotaging.
>Mentally destroyed
>Strong and feminine, but has moments of slovenly or masculine behaviors.
>Embodies a new vice every week.
>Immature and irresponsible

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>Wonder Woman is a man's fantasy of what the perfect woman is.
And this is exactly why she consistently fails in the modern era, because they try to take a male fantasy and rewrite her to appeal to feminists, when feminists will never care about her and identify with Harley instead. Given this, the smartest thing to do would be to just say fine, women can have Harley, and go back to writing Diana in a way that appeals to men.
she is, but iconic doesnt always mean popular

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