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No one told me Pomni would look so happy so soon.
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The Solver takes over drones because there's some bullshit going on with their cores that makes them potentially open to it if the safeties on their cores fail. C&A's systems seem to be regular computer technology that doesn't involve whatever quantum flux bullshit that the Solver can enter through.
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so is this show actually good or is it another FOTM thing that people will get tired of and forget about (but still draw porn for) after a while?
Well, the second episode managed to pull crazy numbers ~7 months after the first. Make of that what you will
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if the next episode is as not-kid friendly as goose says it is then it wouldn't surprise me if views sharply declined, much of the success of the pilot was because of the youtube algorithm recommending it to everyone and kids clicking on it. It'll still be popular but the view counts won't be as huge.
The solver corrupting Caine would be an interesting way to take a story on it, but the problem is that's not how the Solver works.
From what we've seen from the droids who can use the solver, it doesn't corrupt their sense of self, it takes over the body at most. Uzi's mom had to change bodies but she was mentally the same person, and when Uzi lost control it wasn't who she was that was corrupted, it was closer it taking control of her body.
Caine doesn't have a body to take over, he's entirely digital like the circus.

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Is X-23 the only good Marvel legacy character?
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Curvy with a thicc ass
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Laura is back to NYC, back to the street, seem she's dragged back to being a teenager again.
Thought ?
Isn't she dead now?
i feel like writing something where some random somewhat dubious schmuck takes her in
He sees her wandering lost on the street and tries to hire her as a prostitute for her to ask if she can just stay at his place in return for whatever. She's like a pet and a wife. When there's a chance for him to get a promotion, Laura proposes that she assassinates the other possible candidates. He accepts, not knowing she's completely serious, and is actually okay with it when he figures out, having been fucked or at the bottom of the ladder for as long as he can remember. He keeps moving up thanks to Laura until he's rich. Something like that.
>Marvel legacy
You need to leave.

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New TV show from France
>Wonder Pony follows the adventures of nine-year-old Louison, who, on her first day in summer camp, unwittingly frees a bunch of monsters that have been locked away for centuries in an ancient book guarded by … a magical little pink pony called Jean-Pierre! This is how Louison, a little girl who could have been quite ordinary, becomes Wonder Pony: a fun and completely offbeat superheroine!
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already sold, finally a good french comfy series.
Where did you find this?
This graphic novel is first making.
why do I find the pony's voice so sexy?
>The first monster of the show is a tentacle monster

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>nu-darkwing duck
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I think some changes will be made for the final product of this and the Recess reboot, reminder that the Gravity Falls and Star Vs bibles had shit that didn't happen on the show.

Even the DuckTales 17 bible had changes for the final version
A lot of the problems with this seem pretty fundamental. Gravity Falls remained almost the same when it went into test animation.
Thank god.

I actually quite like Jim Starling / Negaduck by Angones. Especially if he'd end up with the same fully evil - no chance at redemption - personality as the original Negaduck. It's a fun character and the backstory only adds to that. It doesn't even make him sympathetic because he's an ass the whole time. And he's insane.
I still think the first ep “Darkly Dawns the Duck” holds up great. People used to love the Negaduck background episode “Life, the Negaverse, and Everything.”

I like the Twin Peaks parody “Twin Beaks” but maybe that’s just for TP fans?
Oh also “Fungus Amongus” “Duck Blind” “Time and Punishment” what was the Splatter phoenix one “Brush with Oblivion”?

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why was the marra one of the only villains-of-the-week to get a victory over her?
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Such is the life of an adventurer
the fairy genes compel Hilda to seek the wilderness, it’s not (entirely) Johanna’s fault.
I gotta resit the finale to remember Johanna’s childhood. It must be even worse thinking your daughter might dissapear in the woods if she remembers that happening to her Mum and Dad in the past
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Are troll posts allowed?
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she fears nothing but two-wheeled vehicles
There are no enough Eugene fanart out there.

no, not counting that self inserting ship guy

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What elements of design, story, vibe or colors indicate that the cartoon was created by a woman/female?
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they like to draw male villains
/co/ cannot stop talking about her.
The example

The Simpsons never exists, even on Tracey Ullman. Groening remains a lightly edgy underground comic man about half as iconic as Crumb.

How does this affect the 1990s onwards, especially the Taliban and the rise of American leftism when factoring in the inevitable terminal decline of the Fox networks?
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holy kek
>Simpsons never exists
>groening just sticks around as some guy in the underground comics
actually considering Groening himself is a (possible) pedophile what with the whole epstein foot massage, I rather have groening never exist in the first place.

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>The Taliban part is mostly to scare away Famicom
you ever think this board is kinda weird
Genuinely, all you need to clear 90% of the problems we've faced over the past 50 years would have been for the U.S. to back Egypt in the Yom Kippur War. That destroys Arab resistance, plus it means no oil boycott and no destruction of American automakers. I'm not suggesting there wouldn't be other problems, and leaving the automakers as they were would have likely meant no reform (they still haven't made their Corolla analogue), but it would at the very least stop most of those stupid managers from going out into the world and teaching their bad ways of business.
I think alot of problems wouldn't happen if things in the middle east was much more stable too and alot more fair for each country without a fear or idea of causing a massacre.
Idk, I just think I should get rid of all the bad people who caused the controversial wars, and ridding of the general US government's worst that caused all suffering, oh and we don't have the virgin islands and have gauntomo bay or whatever.

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AI artists can now generate fake drawing timelapses. We are so cooked.
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The fact that this has to be done means that artists won, if people liked AI art more than normal art than AIfags they wouldn't have to do this in the first place.
>The fact that this has to be done means that artists won, if people liked AI art more than normal art than AIfags they wouldn't have to do this in the first place.
*then AIfags wouldn't have to do this in the first place
There's no such thing as artificial intelligence or digital art. If it's onscreen or in a book then it's only an image. That's not real of art.
You're shortsighted if you think employing a generator is adapting.
By your own admission it's not even worthwhile.
I hate that all of the newest technologies that are being pioneered right now seem to just solely exist to scam people man. Its fucking grim. And hearing these shitty back and forths on these threads about "Artists had this coming, fuck em" just kind of shows the mindset of people who want to push this. It isnt to help artists at all, its just to have a rat race to the top and see who can bullshit their way there.
People still seek good art, and if you are an aspiring creator Im sure a publisher or whoever would rather do business with an actual human who makes their own art as opposed to constant spam of AI portfolios they must be getting on a day to day basis.
Yeah, you just have to ignore the abomination it drew next to the bnuuy.

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Post lightning in a bottle gags that cant be repeated lest they be ruined.
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you're right OP. take example this. A really funny gag to end an episode, and now he's a recurring character.
nah i can still ignore nubob and enjoy this episode. if you let nubob ruin things for you that's your fault
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No, no what I mean is series staff reusing a joke in a later episode and ruining it, but not the original version. Obviously those cant really be ruined.
If they ever use the spinning 3d alien again, then Smiling Friends has officially run out of ideas and become a zombie show

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>It's over, Freeze! I've got a big shield!
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Infantino's biggest claim to fame in terms of Batman being the artist to first draw the yellow oval and the "New Look" design that took over the Dick Sprang era.
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Mike Decarlo was another artist for them, he's best known as an inker for a lot of DC comics
Bright colors sell to kids.
Kids also for some reason love buying multiple versions of the hero.
The Kryptonian must die. Inshallah, brothers.
Time to leave them all behiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!!!!!!!!

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>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs (TLB), DDL sites (getcomics.info / comics.codes), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++, look up Perfection).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).
If all else fails, just >buy it.

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Thunder? Thunder? Thundercats?
not this week
Loud - Stories to Make Your Voice Heard (2024) (Digital-Empire).cbz

The Magic Order v01 (2024) (Digital) (XRA-Empire).cbz

Union Jack The Ripper - Blood Hunt 003 (2024) (Digital) (F) (Kileko-Empire).cbz

The Powerpuff Girls 001 (2024) (4 covers) (Digital) (dekabro-Empire).cbz

Dracula - Blood Hunt 003 (2024) (Digital) (F2) (Kileko-Empire).cbz

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I want to push Kelsey!
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>Brigid all the way in SSS tier
>Eliza all the way at the bottom

Very much
I need that "Daily Dogfucker" twitter cap with Brigid.
Eliza deserves her spot, right next to the honeysuckle faggots and that weird groomer-looking kid that runs the daycare.
You know, I can see what you mean I think. Though I don't think Sparkle Cadet would really vibe with them considering her angle of spreading positivity compared to Eliza's whole everything for herself and trying to start conflict. Almost an opposite of each other but just as colorfully dressed. But I could see an episode where Eliza sponsors Sparkle Cadet giving her all the glitter, glamor, props, set pieces, and stages she could ever want. Making Sparkle Cadet think she's getting a better way to spread good vibes and positive all while actually advancing Eliza's own secret machinations. Or just being a rival Magical Girl herself if she thought it was a field she could abuse and manipulate through. But with her money instead of the raw hand made positivity Sparkle Cadet has. Like a Princess Morbucks to Sparkle Cadet's Powerpuff.

I do like the idea of how some of these kids would look like had they became Tea Timers though. Some what if scenario could maybe come with that. Or just see what snazzy new outfits they'd get put into.

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Is this sex?
the penguins are pretty spot on, but King Julien and Maurice just seems kind of off. Maurice probably would be black, he's voiced by Cedric the Entertainer in the movie and Kevin Michael Richardson in the show. Not to mention, they're from Madagascar
they make them too attractive. Like Bojack is canonically a fat, old horse man.
humanization is more a japanese thing than a western thing, Not that the West didn't humanize stuff, but they tended to do it for more grand things like nations or ideologies, not non human characters, you'd just draw the character. so I am not shocked it's mostly anime.
>Female Frylock
Is this because of that gag in the Movie?

Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward have to search through a spooky mansion because Spongebob and Patrick accidentally flung Squidward's clarinet through one of its windows. Who lasts the longest and who dies first?
depending on which rules we're going by they either instantly die or complete it to the end
Why is the mansion underwater?
Specimen 13 got homesick and Spooky felt like giving her a surprise birthday gift.

23 explorers drowned from the sudden change of location.
The mansion extends into the ocean.

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Doesn't....everyone....do this story?

>What if Superman was mean!?!!!!
It's been done. The actual subversion now is what is Superman was a genuinely helpful nice guy....
Who said he was going to be a meanie?
These wounds the will not heal
More like Supermad LMAO

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