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Yellow Dog edition

previous thread
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Okay, I promised you kids I'd finish this thing first chance I got, so here goes nothing.
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Post them!
talk about them!

Vive la France!
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France has literally never lost at anything and anything that resembles a loss was actually a long-term win.
>But what about-
Not that one either.
>What about-
Sorry, France actually won that too.
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the greatest of all
Is Miraculous Ladybug good? I'm looking for good /co/ shows that never ever EVER get bad.
Well, you won't find that with the tv show. But the movie was good and exists in a separate canon. So you don't have to watch the tv show at any point.
Homer´s butt has more motion frames than an anime girl's boobs jiggling physics.

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I liked Big Questions but nothing else.
I thought it was whatever. Fuck birds.
Based TCJ.
Based TCJ poster. Fuck TCJ.
Yeah nothing I've seen has been good

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So I've been watching KOTH lately and I have to ask. What happened to Hank's voice in the later seasons? I can't articulate what changed exactly, but it doesn't sound authentically "Hank" anymore.

Feel free to discuss anything else about King of the Hill and the supposed revival ITT. It's free real estate.
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Turns out it's hard to maintain a funneh cartoon voice for extended years at a time. Whoda thunk.
His voice changed a bit after Peggy drugged him with testosterone supplements, remember?
The opposite of flanderization.
He sounds less authorative in later seasons, instead he sounds more wishy washy.
Yeah this is probably what I'm hearing, or most of it anyway. Thanks.

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Theoretically speaking, what would happen if the jonkler actually accomplished this

Why did the art and animation never improve in Ralph Bakshi's later pictures, even though by all accounts Fritz was a solid success? Is it a legitimate skill and ignorance issue, where people from the dark age literally didn't know/care about animation?
>Is it a legitimate skill and ignorance issue, where people from the dark age literally didn't know/care about animation?
It's genuinely this. Studio animation was in fucking shambles and Bakshi alone couldn't animate the entire production. He basically scrounged up what he could.
Hey American Pop looks pretty good

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Gotta post it on aco simple thread
that's the strongest man in all of bulgaria

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>ditches her friends for cool girl and acts generally mean to them throughout camp
>is easily forgiven at the end

>breaks into coach's office at night
>never gets in trouble for it
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Are you saying that she should have received some kind of correction for her bratty behaviour?
Kinda weird there's two pixar girls that squirt water out of their nose
She was brat corrected off screen in the end
The life of a white girl
>acts generally mean to them in camp
My gods…to the Tower of London with her

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New York X!

Also in this thread: BLOOD HUNT FINALE! - Wolverine: Lord of the Vampires?

Comics in this thread:
>NYX #1
>Wolverine: Blood Hunt #4
>Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII #3
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We are finally back
That it is and I enjoy seeing the concept explored as at least an Alternate Continuity/What-If Story.

Kamala being seen by the public as essentially the token orc tropes but with Mutants standing in for orcs could make for some interesting storytelling.

Iman was likely venting her frustration with Editorial and the X-Office through her passive-aggressive writing.

I agree with you Anon.
It'll be the same old same old soon enough. Go read the new Ultimate X-Men.

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I keep reading that The Marvels went through extensive reshoots, but I can never find info on what they changed. Does anyone know?
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And here's a pic of Carol and Monica in Hala during the first rainfall.
What the fuck were they thinking including it at all?
Why does Bender have some metal teeth, anyway?

She's not a purple people eater like Thanos. She looks too human to just have weird teeth for no reason
>we need to be crazy and silly, just like Love and Thunder which we are sure the public is going to love it!
Man. When I saw that Taika was bringing in Janethor I thought it couldn't get any worse

Then he decided to use the Godbutcher storyline, making sure nobody else would ever be able to use it and that was just...

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Hazbin Hotel renewed for seasons 3 and 4.
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It's demonic and has gays so...
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I LOVED pilot episode Alastor and was disappointed in episode one when he’s immediately acting bitchy about the commercial. Amir’s voice grew on me though, I guess. But I really miss Ed Bosco’s version
you told me Vivzie failed /co/ ? she won so hard is not even funny
If anything Sausage Party is the worst thing on Amazon Prime, I was hoping for it to get canceled after it's first season.
Like I said in a previous threat, Adam and Lute(who you might as well call Eve and throw that Roo plot to the trash) shouldn't have been the villains, they should have been something like supervisors in the Hotel, teaching Charlie how to actually get sinners to repent and to change their sinful ways, and watching the sinners staying actually progress into becoming virtuous in an adequate way, but with both of them being very strict and having the balls to tell Charlie 'No, a simple sorry ain't enough, Little Miss Antichrist'', also maybe they tell Charlie to take out the bar(because seriously, who has a bar in basically a detox centre?) and put a chapel or something so the sinners can actually pray, confess and search for some guidance, all that jazz, you know right.

Just write their relationship with a similar vibe as the actual show

Also throw the Extermination plot to the trash, change it for Heaven wanting to close the embassy due to multiple attacks from the turf wars between the overlords, that took control of everything when Lucifer got depressed after his divorce from Lilith, and then you can make the Big Main Bad guy who is basically controlling the overlords either Moloch, Baal, Baphomet or even Azazel, idk, you think of something, also make Alastor a lackey infiltrated in the Hotel

And for the Love of God, give me Adam as a priest wielding blessed double barrel shotguns and Lute as a nun wielding blessed Uzis and both busting the Kneecaps from Valentino's lackeys to help Angel or something, it could be really cool

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Hatsune Miku Ghost Rider is appearing in the upcoming Robbie Reyes one-shot. She is finally becoming real.
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These bitches gay. Good for them.
Wonder how the spider society feel about this?
Fantasma is probably one of the better legacy ideas since she isn’t just taking someone else’s mantle.

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That seems like being married to a pornstar, while she's still filming said porn.
Baby doll.
But is she even capable of having children?
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Maybe a boring answer but I would let her top me every night and raise our Viltrumite children by myself

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> Marvel Comics Exec Editor Confirms ‘X-Men’ Books Will Continue Hiding Last Page Behind Annoying QR Codes In Order To Avoid “Early Spoilers”
> Marvel Comics executive editor Tom Brevoort has confirmed that the X-Men line will continue to hide their last page behind a QR code for the foreseeable future.
> As seen in the three books thus far released as part of the X-line’s new, post-Krakoa ‘From The Ashes’ publishing initiative – X-Men Vol. 7 #1, NYX Vol. 2 #1, and Phoenix Vol. 1 #1 – upon reaching the end of a given mutant-centric title, before being met with the standard next issue preview, readers are presented with a giant QR code.

It’s so over.
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so its just going to make people wait until the complete thing is out?
i was trying to play ff9 with a strategy guide a few months ago and thought shit like this would never happen again
>Go to see latest Marvel movie.
>instead of last scene, you get a giant QR code on the screen.
I'm honestly glad I no longer have an interest in anything.
Yes. Every one of them so far has been the same generic, meaningless teaser of the book's villain practically saying "Haha, I'm doing secret villain things that I won't give any details about!" You get more story out of an ad page in a different title.

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