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Why don't you eat some more pizza? That's all you ever do is eat pizza, no wonder you're bald and your wife left you!
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Keep it down guys, will ya? I'm trying to get through an article on vintage Camaros, and I've been on the same dang page for 20 minutes.
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The new King of the Hill episodes just won't be the same without Dale...
Terrible timeline
I still quote the "dang ol pretty pretty pizza" on a daily basis when making pizza, it has become ingrained in my head along with "BOGGLE".
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>Boggle? Ugh, better put some LOSER on that.

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its valentines day down under already, so post all your favorite couples and pairings, canon or otherwise
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>Disrespect and abuse your wife for years
>oh but he got sad without her one time tho :(
Underestimation of the fucking year buddy
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Its a shame that the showrunner didnt want them to be a thing
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may as well bump

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It's Draculuara's birthday, so I'm gonna storytime the new MH comic.
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What would you even do with G4? Go full shonen battle school?
>10 of swords
>Luckiest Scarot card
Hehehe...tarot humor

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holy kino, c'est du cinéma!

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>you don't seriously still believe that propaganda about elf girls being impressed by your tiny human manhoods, do you anon?
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Yeah, she was probably hit the hardest with the new design
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I'll take at least a simpler design than the cape/belts over design that we got in these last seasons
It's almost impossible to write in this fandom with the amount of bullshit on their clothes, Imagine trying to write a fic involving clothing lmao.
>Claudia, how do you want me?
>On the ground, legs spread.
should've grown her hair down to her hips

ITT: /co/ "Villains" who did nothing wrong
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I don't think the Nazi party asked to be treated with pity or sympathy. You could maybe argue the sympathy bit regarding seeking sympathy from other Germans, but even then I think it'd be a hard argument.
Twilight Zone did an entire episode about this.
There is nothing scarier than the realistic concept of a child with superpowers
>The most influential people involved in their creation are Jewish: Lee, Claremont. The villains are the "villains" of the Jewish people: Christians, the non-mutant (ie Gentile) governments, and most of all the normal, everyday, well adjusted people that, for no reason at all, hate their guts.
Did you forget Magneto who was a Jewish mutant Holocaust survivor? Oh wait that would go against your narrative.
>There was also a video about Jews being involved in every subversive movement in the West
You mean bunch of racist schizophrenics Madness to make a video where they ignore anything it doesn't fold their Narrative of Jews being behind everything and everything they don't like is somehow magically made by Jews even if it's anti-jewish by a huge degree more than the mainstream?

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The Hit

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These threads are like a yoyo
Post cute art of the girls
Digital Cringe
i like the way the artist colored then cause they really feel like theyre glowing
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caine from behind is horrifying

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Best shadowcat.
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She pays much younger Boys for sex. She s a budding Shotacon.
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I always had an idea that Magneto sent her to the same asylum he sent Wanda. Colossus finds out and asks the X men to help only to discover her cell empty with her being stuck in limbo she then appears as a teenager later

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>Sharon Carter being the Power Broker.
>Shang-Chi’s rings sending a cosmic beacon.
>Shang-Chi’s sister taking over the Ten Rings organization.
>Starfox and Pip the Troll linking up with the Eternals against the Celestials.
>Dane Whitman becoming the Black Knight.
>Jake Lockley being Moon Knight’s secret third alter.
>Clea recruiting Doctor Strange to deal with incursions in the Dark Dimension.
>Zeus sending Hercules to kill Thor.
>T’Challa Jr.
>The Council of Kangs plotting to conquer the Multiverse.
>Rocket forming the Annihilators.
>Star-Lord living on Earth with his grandfather.
>Monica Rambeau ending up on the X-Men’s universe and meeting Beast and Binary.

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Same for “Rocket forming the Annihilators.” It’s just showing that the Guardians of the Galaxy team lives on with replacements for the members who left. It’s not really a setup for a sequel just a nice way to show the audience that these characters didn’t just end after the events of the movie. Now, if the movie had ended with them meeting Kang, that would’ve been a setup for another movie.
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?

>Sharon Carter being the Power Broker.
wont be revisited/will be brief in a show before they retcon her back to shield
>Shang-Chi’s rings sending a cosmic beacon.
nothing will come of this/will be mentioned if a cosmic power come to earth ( i feel like they wanted this and the eternals to sync up)
>Shang-Chi’s sister taking over the Ten Rings organization.
nothing will come of this/ will be mentioned if she shows up to a team up
>Starfox and Pip the Troll linking up with the Eternals against the Celestials.
nothing will come of this
>Dane Whitman becoming the Black Knight.
maybe in blade (if that ever appears) theyll mention him?
>Jake Lockley being Moon Knight’s secret third alter.
second seson bait
>Clea recruiting Doctor Strange to deal with incursions in the Dark Dimension.

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I guess everyone has forgotten about the Marvel one-shots?
Remember that couple that found Chitauri tech after the invasion and got it to work then used it to rob banks. Then Sitwell recruited them into SHIELD.
True, except normies will still want dumb shit thrown at their faces

I don't like the white eye lenses on Batgirl, they look to Spidey-ish, and wished they'd go back to the eerie look she had with the all black lenses.
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I do
the duality of man
im neutral on it

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Texas and Oklahoma are different in accents, Texas has like a bunch of variations, more North you go more Midwestish everyone sounds (less Southern drawl and more coherent words), more East you get the Texans you can't understand, and more South, and West you go everyone has a weird cross between a Southern accent, and a Hispanic accent, and then there's the Houston accent which has its own different variants. That's from my experience living here my whole life.
Alot of people just associate Texas as Cowboyland.
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I know actual Southern people who grew up with the phrase "y'all" and have used it genuinely since they were young. I hate hearing people from places like San Francisco use it on twitter because they heard black people use the word and are trying to fit in.
I think he probably knows and assumes Sergio Whoever is a bit like him.

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I just think she's neat!
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>she dated that horse
>I envied that steed I suppose
Elseworld idea:
>Clark adopts Kara upon arrival
>develops father-daughter bond
>Clark has to raise superpowered teenager and young son
Ehh, I felt DCAU Kara looked best when she finally wore the proper blue uniform late in JLU.
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>add lashes
>100x sexier
how does this work?
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>"We're always in our clubhouse getting high"

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Now THOSE are some background bazongas and she's looking at the audience like "yeah, sorry your watching this garbage, stare at my jugs hun".
I remember that big tits science lady.
Dick was pleased we see her more than once.
The what?

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