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why was the marra one of the only villains-of-the-week to get a victory over her?
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>when Hilda almost dies (which is every episode)
take a drink from your mug every time Hilda escapes a second from death
Such is the life of an adventurer
the fairy genes compel Hilda to seek the wilderness, it’s not (entirely) Johanna’s fault.
I gotta resit the finale to remember Johanna’s childhood. It must be even worse thinking your daughter might dissapear in the woods if she remembers that happening to her Mum and Dad in the past
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Are troll posts allowed?
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she fears nothing but two-wheeled vehicles

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Golly I sure am proud of the Animaniacs reboot for getting rid of the hot women and making Dot more mature. I’m sure the staff behind it had the best intentions for little girls.

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Why are people so scared to make comics? It seems a lot of artists would rather sit on a pitch bible for years rather than just making a 15-page comic just to get the idea out there. I see this as a common habit. Many of these pitch bibles are tailor-made for episodic cartoon pitches, so it's not as if the idea is "too grand" to do themselves or something.
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>nobody cared when Lackadaisy was just a webcomic
I lost interest when it became an animation.
Beats me. I have no idea why hobbyists are able to upload new cartoons to Newgrounds and Youtube every single day, yet prospective & aspiring creators and showrunners are unable to spend a few months making a proof of concept animated short for their show. Must be laziness.
>Japan isn't an exception
Never was.
Why are webcomics such a gatekeep-y medium? Where is anyone supposed to hear about this?
This. Gag a day comics get posted everywhere but I literally never see story based comics posted on social media anywhere.

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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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The digital age probably had a poor effect on The Recluse.
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The AI revolution impacts us all.
janitor samefag
He does it for free. Naturally, he must have noticed that people hate jannies more than any regular samefagging shitposter.
Well, goodnight everyone.

itt: we post and discuss sleek /co/ art of the ages, as exemplified by bruce timm, shane glines, darwyn cooke, and others.

panels, pages, pin-ups, all are welcome
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Dead people aren't known for their ability to draw. Or write, for that matter.
The creator of her comic died.
Aw, fuck
Yeah, it's sad.

Think their Earth got destroyed during Crisis on Infinite Earths?
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Was the art of Diana in gala dress having a standoff against another gal (Barbi) in similar dress was ever finished and posted?
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I wish
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Thighs that could suffocate…

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I for one, am excited for BruceWing.
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>Bruce/Barbara becomes canon in the main DCU

Bruce Timm would wank off out of pure delight.
It's not like it's the first time she's seen his cock.
The current Nightwing run will always be funny to me.
>Obviously disconnected from what's going on in the Bat books
>Obviously disconnected from what's going on in the Titan books
>Obviously disconnected from what's going on in greater DC.
Yes. And I made the same complaint for the Batwoman show. And I find it funny that the only time it gets addressed is for Batgirl in schumacher's Batman .
>ahh barbara I thought you might want to be a Batgirl so i made a costume according to your measurements that I just have for some reason

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Requesting a redraw of this pic but with Luz and a gun shaped Stringbean instead
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Requesting Prince Keldor courting Light Spinner.
>not Canon
>"It's an imaginary story."
>"Aren't they all?"
Requesting Connie wearing a front-zipper swimsuit like this, getting Steven to zip it. Or unzip it, your call.
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Requesting Mr. Boss endorsing Mr. Frog like the Savage Dragon Obama endorsement comic.

"LAST KING OF ATLANTIS" War rages beneath the waves, from the lost cities of the Secret Seas to the fathomless depths where the Elder Whales reign. Seven kings, old and new, fight to rule the watery realm. But where is Namor, the once mighty Sub-Mariner? He's sitting behind bars on the surface, with no intention of ever setting foot in the seas again. So begins an oversized Atlantean event that will forever reshape the landscape of the undersea world while at last laying bare the dark history of Atlantis and its fiercest, most infamous defender.
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Didn't Carnage steal Hydro-Man's powers too?

Poor guy
Someone needs to kill Jason Aaron. Zdarsky had fully fixed Namor before in his Invaders run, but this faggot turned him into full villain again for his shitty avengers run, then continued on to disregard continuity to continue from there on this run. How the fuck does this hack even keep getting these gigs, I'd have fired him ages ago. He'll probably turn him even worse this run. Jason Aaron is probably the worst writer in the past couple decades of marvel
Anon he said characters and villains
Because morons keep buying the trash he pumps out, it's fucking awful.

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I miss transformers
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I think these three cured my arachnophobia
What’s that?
No she's the literal spawn of unicron.
Ignoring that Unicron doesn't exist in Animated because the ones making it thought rehashing him would have been lame, you are thinking of the Sparkbots as the Unicron-created trio from KP.

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What do these three characters have in common?
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Wendy brings the hanging-outitude, Frankie brings the sweet tender romance, and Vicky brings the furniture-shattering sex. It's a good mix.
I'm sorry, but I never liked this ship, probably my least favorite of the redhead woman x brown-haired shota trio.
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>saying this on a coomer website
simple buddy!
they have shota husbands!
They won’t fuck you.

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Why don’t heroes try and poach sidekicks from other heroes more often?
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Not really, doesn't matter how much you're paid - it will never be enough to justify the time you spent here
So what does that say about someone who doesn’t get paid to post here?
Is this Black canary?
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Yes, and that’s Damian

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It's been a while since we had thread like this.
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Excellent. Be sure to link the post in the thread they were posted in.
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Still have the pic of her asking for someone to touch her muscles, only for anon to touch her chest (and her by pissed about it)? I loved that pic.
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Yes! Thank you.

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Anyone else notice that Peter's gotten less psychopathic in the later seasons and that role has kind of gone to Lois? I mean, Peter's still a maniac but nowhere near as much as he used to be in the middle of the series
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Lois only because I'm a fatfag and by God she has one of the best weight gain episodes in Western animation.
there's also the fact that this comes out of backlash to the treatment of women in sitcoms and comedies as a whole: for the longest time, censorship and cultural norms frowned on women as the root of laughter
>can't have slapstick because violence against women makes people uncomfortable
>can't have women be goofy/stupid/pathetic/ignorant because feminists and white knights get mad
>can't have women look or do silly things because "that's not attractive"

Examples of this new sitcom mom include nu-Lois and Linda Belcher and Peggy Hill
I prefer it. It makes Lois more interesting as a character. One of my favorite recent episodes is the one with Alana. It's surprising when this show brings up Lois still being a music teacher.
this, making the sitcom mom the crazy one is something inevitable the minute the Simpsons existed
It's improved a decent margin. Don't go in expecting Pre-Cancellation quality, but I've been appreciating their effort to rely less on cutaways, and even have a heartwarming moment now and then. Meg surprisingly had plenty this recent season.

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Blake Lively is playing Lady Deadpool.
Matthew McConaughey is playing Cowboypool.
Nathan Fillion is playing Headpool.
lmao are they gonna actually reference the MZ comics?
yeah. someone leaked that we're going to have a zombie wolverine too
y'know he has this weird tendency to pop-out in the weirdest of places like exiles and that weapon-xmen comic so i guess i shouldnt be surprised

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