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Pure sexo
Fuck Disney. Glitch is the one giving us real cartoons.
is this just a graveyard for dead shows?
Can we deport all the nasty Mexican looking people and stop pretending like it's normal to have so many
Not gonna happen after Trump makes Mexico part of Gringolandia, Taco.
It's like DTVA's Jellystone.
So yeah pretty much.
Zoomers killed this board
This. Fuck Disney.
I wish frogfags would stop sucking so much mouse dick. Fuck Disney,
>DTVA's Jellystone
I never thought of it that way. that describes it better
Dana won.
Stay mad. Dana was right about your shitty company.
Only when we stop relying on third world slave labor
Based. Fuck Disney
What does Master Shake have to do with this?
Easy he got paid from both Warner and Disney playin both sides bitches!
I remember wanting a CN City crossover series as a kid, the studio behind those shorts actually did pitch one at some point.
This is like if Disney did that but with bottom tier cheap animation, and instead of featuring good shows, it’s the crap that only annoying online faggots care about
Yeah, fuck Kim Possible
He's the "ghost" and molly mcgee
Any thoughts on the episode?
The episode is out on YouTube:
These are toddlers...
...OUT OF fuck off pedo
If there was a rule against homophobia, I’d report this
Dana stays winning
How? They’re using her character's for this as well anon.

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