>Following the victory, He-Man abolishes Eternia's monarchy in favor of a democracy.the left really can't help themselves can they?
>>147163897Democracy bad?
>>147163906trying to Insert real world political systems into a fantady setting because "kings bad" is woke
>>147163911So the American Revolution was woke?
>>147163906>>147164102Pure democracy doesn't work. We've seen that in Rome, Greece, and Germany. America is a democratic-republic.
>>147163897Nobody watched the second part after the bait and switch
>>147164102Is England redpilled?
>>147163911A monarchy is a political system. They’re not a Neolithic society
>>147163897>shilling a monarchy Ew. He-Man's mom was a NASA astronaut, making He-Man American by birthright. I for one celebrate him spreading Democracy across the stars.
>>147164102What part of "fantasy setting" didn't you get? These people keep taking fantasy stories and imposing modern democracy into the setting, because even fantasy has to be forced to align with Our Values.
>>147163897>democracy is now 'the left'we're so fuckedenjoy that billionaire dick, I guess
>>147163906Yes. Read Plato. Democracy as a form of government almost always collapses into tyranny.
>>147164327Except that didn't happen in the case of Athens. The Athenian Democracy lost against the bigger and wealthier Philip of Macedon who pretty much abolished their democracy at the point of a sword.
>>147163906Forcing a fantasy setting to adhere with superficial ideas of modernity for no good reason is bad.
>>147164314>I for one celebrate him spreading Democracy across the stars.Then you aren't patriotic, as we are a constitutional republic.
>>147164102There would be no revolution if the king was a good guy. This just saying all kings are bad no matter if they were saints
>>147163911protip: "kings" is also a real-world political system
>>147163906More like "fantasy settings keep suggesting democracy as the inevitable form of government even if it clashes with the internal logic of the setting and lacks the foundations that enabled it to be created and thrive in real-world actual civilizations"Worse, these shows keep depicting Democractic Republics and insisting it's a Democracy when they are two very different things. Democracy = representative democracy: you elect people who perform the tasks of government. Think Ancient Greece or the UK.Republic = any State where the government is associated with the people's will or IS the people. Think Rome.The USA is a Democratic Federation of Democratic Republics. Hence the United States.Modern writers don't understand...any of the nuances of the above.
>>147164321>democracy is now 'the left'It was "the left" from the very fucking inception of the left-right dichotomy.
>>147163897it's a travesty that this garbage got more seasons than the CGI He-Man that was made for kids but had 100 times better writing and was actually fun to watch
>>1471647212D got MUCH better in the second act.CGI turned to shit near the end.Both fucked up in different ways.
>>147164407We are a constitutional republic that was being called a democracy long before you were born. It's a cartoon, not a treatise.
>>147164102>into a fantasy setting
>>147163897The funnies part is it's never the people who ask for it. It's always just the monarch out of the blue deciding that they don't want to do their job anymore, and thrusts a new system upon the people without their involvement.
It really doesn't make sense when most fantasy settings have idealized monarchies where the monarch is the protector of the laws, land, and people rather than a holder of inherited rights which benefit themselves.
>>147164377But that's the catch-22 of democracy. Democracy allows people to dismantle democracy, and then you no longer have democracy. When your only check-and-balance is, "If that's what the majority wants!", then it's super easy to corrupt that.
>>147164452By the definition you just gave, the US is a democracy. It's a state where people are elected to perform the tasks of government.A republic is a type of democracy, and "republic" implies democracy - but calling a state "a democracy" also implies it's a republic, since presumably there are elected officials, rather than literally every decision requiring a referendum.Regardless, obsessively splitting hairs over "Not a democracy, a *republic*" just makes it sound like you resent universal suffrage and want society to have a dedicated political caste.
>>147164605no you retarded cat, there used to be separate spectrums. liberal/illiberal, in the classical sense, was not the same as progressive/reactionary. the American "right" used to believe in democracy, too.
>>147164102Technically it was. Setting a republic rather than crowning a king was following the Enlightment ideals that later changed the world with the French revolution. Americans weren't as radical as the French considering they kept their slaves while Robespierre allowed blacks to integrate into the French society but still
Buncha Benedict arnolds in this chat
>>147163911You’re retarded
>>147164950Then it's been called the wrong thing long before I was born. >it's a cartoonAnd not a particularly good one.
>>147164605Hardly. Most leftist regimes do not indulge in democracy
Never watching he-man but you could still get a story of a democratically elected badguy if you wanted. Im just saying. I am the senate.
>>147166159Yeah. It's kinda weird how SW, fucking SW knew that "le democracy" isn't invincible or immune or without its flaws. Meanwhile liberals just naively shove it in at the last minute like some kind of cure-all.Even Adventure Time had a whole mini-arc dedicated to showing how a democracy can go wrong, and in spite of being a jab at Trump, it was handled well.
>>147163897This was the ending of arzette, toothat cdi zelda parody gameI'm still pissed they didn't go full ham with it
>>147164407a constitutional republic is a form of democracy
>>147166429ol' George literally just copypasted the fall of the Roman Republic
>>147165189Exactly. Democracy also exists in a world where capitalism and oligarchy exist so no amount of "I can vote!" or "I'll just choose the non-evil option" can outdo an entire upper class of people who have more literal buying power than you, and who have no incentive to make things more equal for the average Joe. That's how you get a government filled with corrupt shitty assholes for centuries who ruin the fucking world.A person can't say democracy is ideal or preferable to any other sort of system when the world we live in is designed to not let it work on even a fundamental level. Not a single democracy can last or function humanely and it's pointless to act like the American example has the moral high ground which is magically free of any problems, which is the undercurrent these shows keep having. Korra and GOT did it too.Maybe I've been reading too much Conan the Barbarian lately but I think that people who act as if civilization is "superior" to the alternative are just willfully blind to what they believe in, and don't really want to admit that civilization is as bloodless as they like to think it is. There's nothing wrong with believing in civilization and democracy (even with its flaws, it does have the power to do a lot of good), but one has to be reasonable about it. Burying your head in the sand is not an option.
>>147166552*isn't as bloodless
>>147164980Even democracy IRL was never created on behalf of the people (the common folk), but the ruling class wanting more power against richer and more powerful enemies. It's why American history textbooks conveniently leave out how the average person who lived in colonial America pre-Revolution had very little to do with the politicking or even gave a shit, and instead frame "no taxation without representation" as if it was something the average modern land-owning person WOULD be against in the context that they would be the normal person back then. But the average person TODAY wouldn't have anything to do with the formation of America if they were an average person back then. You know who gave a shit about unfair taxes? The rich assholes. You know who didn't really give a shit? The average jackass in indentured servitude or working manual labor as a free man.
>>147166502Most people in Hollywood weren't paying attention in school cause they were too busy drawing in class.
>>147166429>It's kinda weird how SW, fucking SWIt's not that surprising. Prequels get criticism because it's tonal whiplash to have really serious, political dramas mashed with hyperactive, funny, silly space adventure, not because the political aspects are inaccurate or incorrect.
>>147164102I mean, " 'We' the people"??? Sounds pretty woke to me
>>147166627>You know who gave a shit about unfair taxes? The rich assholes. You know who didn't really give a shit? The average jackass in indentured servitude or working manual labor as a free man.This is probably why it was framed around "freedom from the tyranny of a king" to win over the masses, rather than the taxes, even though the monarchy in question had already lost most of it's power to politicians.
>>147163906It has no place in a magical fantasy world of good vs evil.
>>147163897lol this would actually be a much easier way for Skeletor to rule over Eternia.
>>147166113Now if only ol' Robby could have just stopped chopping peoples heads off.
>>147164265Technically we are a constitutional Republic. Any person in position of authority who says otherwise should have their tongue ripped from their skulls.
>>147163906Democracy doesn't really exist, it's an ideal that exist only in fiction. We got the illusion of democracy in the form of the Democrats and Republicans. It might seem like a 2 party system and you have a choice on who you want to elect, but you honestly don't. The candidates for election are predetermined. Both the Democrats and Republicans would conspire with each other in order to enrich themselves, erase the middle class, and make everyone poor and dependent on them for their survival. That UnitedHealth CEO that got assassinated? Just a symptom of people getting tried of their bullshit and fucking over peoples' lives.
>>147164102Yes, it was.
>>147163906Yes, it is bad.