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Why is it that redhead threads do well? Blonde threads do nothing.
Redheads tend to be very interesting and memorable characters. A huge swath of blond girls are just hot or nice characters, which look good, but don't have a lot of personality. I'm generalizing of course.
know what?

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Remember when gamer comics where all the rage? ctrl+alt+del may not be the worst of them but it is the posterchild of what lazy gamer webcomic humor was, let's check how it holds up
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Damn, he strangles the watermelon, but not this panel of Scott? Missed opportunity.

>man 2002 and 2003 were STRONG years
No shit. It's hard to pick, but I was playing the hell out of Vice City, Sly Cooper, Kingdom Hearts.
Probably going to go with Fire Emblem.
>big titty gf interrupts my gaming so i can spend time with her
Yeah I can totally relate ;_;
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Thats it for year one of Ctrl+Alt+Del. Tomorrow i'll dump year seven
Man CAD really is old as fuck then. Also I had a friend in secondary school (so around 2005/6) who had Assburgers and was obsessed with CAD, to the point where he would celebrate Winter-een-mas and thought Ethan was hilarious and relatable.

Reading all these strips made me realise I wasted a lot of time reading this comic in the first place. This, Megatokyo and VG Cats, all a gigantic waste of time.

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Time to have another thread, because why not?
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Palomita is here wearing one of the famous (and scandalous) "Tangas" and excusing herself by saying she is aware that her bikini is very racy, but with her current pay, she simply couldn't afford a more discrete one. (The old guy says that if that's the case, he would have docked all of her paycheck.)
Poor girl :(
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Seems like people are changing their tune about their opinion of Jax after that last episode. I mean sure, he's snarky, but he was going along with the adventure and playing it as if it was a game, what's the big deal? Are people just mad that he isn't the "jerk with a heart of gold" yet?
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Also, female cunts get away easier than male bastards.
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Screenshotting this post for future reference
That is probably coming. Personally I am hoping for a full on anti-redemption. Something like what they did with Ouja from Kamen Rider Ryuki I know I know but I can't think of any non-obscure examples of this sort of thing where it seems like he is showing his softer side only for him to reveal that it was all a trick just to fuck with whoever helped him and make them feel guilty about the consequences of doing so.
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I’m a sucker for suits
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Al Ewing will be writing DC's 'ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN'
>It's Jo Mullein
>No Abin Sur, nor Hal's successor, nor last green lantern
>She was just chosen for being brave and strong
>She is a lesbian (bisexual but her "wife" is a woman)
>No mention of any other earth's corpsmen
>She will stand against the guardians and become the greatest green lantern
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And for some reason, also has Maori tribal tattoos
She's also a witch so the tattoo might play into that
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Well......OP was accidentally correct.....
>It's totally a new all original black woman
That's bad too THOUGH
>Greek war goddess
>Learns magic in Oceania instead of going to Italy to learn Stregheria

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>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs (TLB), DDL sites (getcomics.info / comics.codes), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++, look up Perfection).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).
If all else fails, just >buy it.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's a collection of one-shots by various creators.
Yeah, and when's the last time you ever contributed anything?
>It's a collection of one-shots by various creators.
Were those one-shots originally published by Dark Horse, perchance?
Yes. Not any Marvel ones...

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Desiree would be an absolute 12/10 waifu
I would gladly be her househusband
Obviously, for original Red Tornado
I love huge BBW women bigger than life
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That seems like being married to a pornstar, while she's still filming said porn.
Baby doll.

With the few hintings we have regarding the last four eps, how badly do (you) think they're going to fuck up the status quo by the finale?
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>just "Tabitha"
>probably with a goofy unflattering photo that you'd expect a bestie to use
>she's really just "the other girl" to Courtney despite that slampig being the one that got her into girls
Mud kids love it

I dont remember that.

Exfoliate to the max

I could see it as a Halloween episode.

Those are her woods.
Errors or bold animators. Either way they're a good find.
Going for all the classics without resorting to the patty footage, I commend you drawfren.
I do adore there Mud Gremlin on the hunt. Makes me think we're seeing like found footage of cryptids but at the creek.

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Why is Byrne's Superman run so polarizing?
You tell me.

Mostly because Byrne himself is an asshole.

The stories are for some people the only real Superman they ever knew (kind of like how Tim Drake is the only "real " Robin to people of a certain age), but they altered some characters rather drastically (Lex) and had some controversial scenes like Superman executing Zod.
sounds like zack snyder but good

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Not a fan of Nilsen.
I liked Big Questions but nothing else.
I thought it was whatever. Fuck birds.
Based TCJ.

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>your achieve your goals
>but he has power over you for the foreseeable future
Would you shake his hand?
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>That finish doesn't work for me brother
And then I hit this demon jabroni with my finisher and pin him for a clear 3 count.
No, only retards make deals with demons.
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A very superior series than anything Vivzie has ever done, and even if this also has a gay couple, they're not so on your face about it, they're just two nerds loving each other plus they have really funny interactions.

Also it treats the settings and its characters with respect and it's not a fucking pride parade/ design showcase/christianity bashing, although Bruva and his team go slower than molasses on pumping out episodes, I prefer that to the Trashmazon show model

PD: Grimal and Brock becoming a couple should be a thing
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Alastor still has Husk’s soul, though Husk being a selfish drunken idiot thinks it’s equal to being beaten up constantly by a dumbass moth pimp

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Dadders, we are so back
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Even westaboos love it
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New Transformers One trailer. The movie had screenings in certain theaters 2 months before release and is receiving very positive first impressions.
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I am cool with this kind of pre-story but I hope that they will use it to give it a new spin and add something they have no opportunity to show in the basic ongoing war stories. Like it would be cool to see something about Starscream and other Cons before they became Cons instead of Megatron alone.

But I fear that it will be 1/3 comedy only, 1/3 transformation of Megs to a terrorist and 1/3 about him and Orion already being enemies and the other Cons are just thugs that join him out of nowhere, which would be sad. One of the coolest things IDW did was showing how different their lives were before that point. Or that you had Decepticons that were enforcers of the government before and killed the exact people they later turned into.
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>and cuter
Post hand right now!

Yeah that's what I'm guessing too. My hopes of "Transformers: Exodus but movie" were dashed when the first news article came out.
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>My hopes of "Transformers: Exodus but movie" were dashed when the first news article came out.
Same here. I expected even worse when I heard who was helming this. The latest trailer is way better than the first, but the first is showing movie outtakes so it's actual content regardless. Didn't expect anything serious since they are trying to go for the lowest common denominator which is action-comedy for now. I think it could still do some cool things with the Cybertron setting, even without being on the level of the games or IDW/DW. But I believe it will solely focus on the four main characters and nothing else. Maybe a bit of worldbuilding, but some simplistic one so that four year olds can follow too.

Best I can hope for right now is a more dramatic Cyberverse. Not the best, but it's a step up from the live action movies at least maybe even some of the recent cartoons.
>My hopes of "Transformers: Exodus but movie" were dashed when the first news article came out.

is not like theres no hope for that, i know they planning to do a trilogy if the movie does good money on the big screen, so i could see a part 2 and 3 showing a bit more of other characters and events

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Did it /co/?
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Ai art?
Yes, it's exactly what you think it is.
Naked PPGs?
She was in this comic for a sight gag, so that seems to not be the case.

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