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You can make your OWN Justice League out of all the live action stuff, it can be TV or Movie.

Show me what you want.

ITT: Cartoon creators who are good people
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Alex Hirsch is an ass
Why did kyle do it lads? Do you think he and Andrew Dickman are still friends?
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There fags, enjoy and save it, this is from 6 years ago
>Why did kyle do it lads?
Because he's turned on by little kids.
God, I'm glad they don't have an Israel to flee to anymore.

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What does /co/ think of Cerebus the Aardvark?
Sure, I'd fuck his ass.
Part great, part mediocre, and part what-the-fuck-are-you-doing?, it's an experience.
Arguably the greatest lettering of all time.
It sure was a ride alright.

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Always kill a traitor before an enemy Jimbo
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>How do you know if Kara had any guy from other planets be nice to her before she got her memory wiped out and went genocide mode?
I mean, does that matter? They are likely dead.
If you wanna considering to "too lucky" she got with the human minority, that could basically be said for any single source of media that fantasies how great Earth is. Most stories has zero reason to have Earth not get BTFO'd.
Exactly which is why >>144550446 is more of the point is stuff is going too fast even if you argue that Kara experiences things she never had in other worlds and Lois and Clark always being a thing.
No. We need monoliths. It's easier.
Plus look at all the people who stopped caring about the show when they said Luz was Korean.
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Is jimmy an architect?

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On my way to page 10!
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>he made it
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I'm friggen out of here, so long losers!
Not so fast.
Hey, Carl, where are you going?

Why are the old alien comics generally better written than the old predator comics, what is it that makes the xenomorph concept more interesting for writers?
Because there's multiple ways you can make new forms of xenomorph and put a new spin on the xenomorph concept by making it come from an alien species, or an experiment, etc etc.
Predator will always just be the same and only so many ways you can do apex hunter stalking prey in the far future, or modern day, because there's only so many ways you can come up with how the Predator gets beaten without it becoming formulaic.
Predator stories have always been more fun when they're period pieces.

With the announcement of that Marvel and Capcom crossover Collection we got the popularization of the crack ship of Spider-Man and Morrigan. But what can be done with it?
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His art is crap.
You're crap
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You can't possibly think that art is good.
It's fine

>Usagi, Gen, and Stray Dog have discovered where the rival bounty hunter group — led by the ruthless Inuyoshi — is holding Yukichi hostage. The rescue attempt leads to a huge confrontation, but they receive news that may force the vicious enemies to form an uneasy alliance.
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There are two alternate endings, well one's more of a branching ending
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There were 2 alternative endings for Mayumi. Pic related and then one where she's revealed to be an assassin working with Terminator-san after he gets killed by Usagi
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Found ending 3
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What do you guys think about Savannahxyz's work?
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Eh she’s a youtuber that has her ok moments with her shorts mostly survives on meme culture.




The original avatar had a solid, iconic look to it. The new one is a bit overdesigned, really.
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fucking kino
Yeah I liked the first one a lot more

I like her videos. They're very entertaining, and make me a little jealous that I can't animate in Blender.

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POV: you are an autistic showrunner and you are about to be publicly castigated for ruining an entire network with your "hateful fart cartoon"
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>phew, they still dont know about the discord kittens
But...you were the people that aproved of the show. I literally can't have bathroom breaks without you guys breatyhing over my neck. Every frame that is submitted is subject to review, notes and reworks.

If the show is bad then that makes you just as much to blame because the show LITERALLY wouldn't exist to begin with without you guys.
Hello everyone.
I have a gun, and I am also a person of color.
so THIS is where the white women at!
i have been in many meetings now, and they are never just with pen and papers anymore.
Hell, I don't even know if people bring pens at all. People make notes on Google Docs or some equivalent.

>drunk slut glitches her britches
when you axe wound starts oozing
>Jax: That was one spicy meat-a ball-a!

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Was he... you know...
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I’d actually fuck that
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Me too
i thought it was Chick Figures.

I honestly hope Stick Niggers becomes a thing. Just two homies in a ghetto version of Dick Figures
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He was number one

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Marvel’s Armored Avenger takes off for new adventures this October in IRON MAN #1! The new hard-hitting run will be written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Spencer Ackerman (Reign of Terror; DC’s Waller vs. Wildstorm) in his exciting Marvel debut. Ackerman will be joined by rising star Julius Ohta (Hellverine, Alien).

Following today’s conclusion of Gerry Duggan’s Invincible Iron Man, Tony Stark is back on top after regaining control of his company, armor, and confidence. He’s determined to never hit rock bottom again, so when familiar threats like Roxxon and A.I.M. resurface, they’ll be met by an Iron Man more than willing to fight back, play dirty, and unleash every bit of his intellect to bring them down! When the best of his own technology fails him, Tony will build a brand-new armor unlike any seen in his over 60-year history. Dubbed the “Improvised Iron Man,” fans will see it assembled throughout the series as Tony does what he does best—tinkering and upgrading it to counter anything the world throws at him. The series will also debut a new Iron Monger, complete with a mysteriously-powered new armor…

Roxxon and A.I.M. team up to take on Stark Unlimited! But they’re ready for the old Tony Stark. This one? He’s a lot angrier than he used to be. Iron Man is going to war! New armor, old enemies, and unbelievable twists abound in this fresh take on a fury-powered Iron Man!

“Winning a Pulitzer is cool and all, but it’s not writing for Marvel Comics,” Ackerman shared. “And to write IRON MAN is a very specific dream come true. A lot of comics’ best creators have used Iron Man to tell big stories about security and freedom – with a whole lot of super hero action, of course – and I can’t wait to build on their legacy.”
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>Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
The problem with Iron Man villains is that the good ones people would rather use for other superheroes and all of Tony's most popular choices of an arch are already Avengers in general tier threats or reserved for a different team with history Tony could never compete with *cough* Doctor Doom *cough*
Yeah, and Nimrod was the name of a mighty hunter. Fuck you, Bugs Bunny!
The armours keep getting worse...
looks gay

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>ingenuity and morality are what makes someone a superhero
Nope, pretty sure it's the super powers.

It's always the same shit with these story lines.
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Is it?
Confucius has had a huge influence on China for... 1500 years now?
Lots of strong people have appeared in China in that time, but I don't think any of them have had as big an influence as Confucius. They're tales are told, but people don't live their lives based on what the strong people of the past did.
Confucius had considerably sway in the courts and would routinely have people executed
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So Batman has powers because of his robot suit(s)?
When using the robot suits, yes.
Batman has superhuman fighting skills, superhuman agility, and superhuman sneaking skills.

>"We are…superior."
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the monthly schedule is killing this book quite honestly
is it sad that i dont want this to tie into the other ultimate books? its so different
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My girl finna get her shine soon
i like these post issue bonus pages, feels like manga
who dat?

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