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It can't be THAT bad?
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The way zoomers worship BFBB as some kind of videogame masterpiece is embarrassing
Also feeling the need to shit on the movie game just to reinforce that, absolute retard
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The guy is clearly some form of autistic, and a lot of his insults and turns of phrase are 'whisper-scream' tier terms of cringe, but I admire his passion and dedication
It's a moutain out of a mole hill, but not a single thing he says is wrong, and he goes out of his way to hold this piece of shit under the most intense microscope imaginable
I think the biggest problem is that there are parts where he could explain quickly why some parts of the movie suck, but he just keeps ranting in a way that feels like the wrong type of autistic, the part where he rants about the guy forgetting his keys so the movie can have a Woody and Bo goodbye scene in the prologue embodies this, it could have been a simple "he's checking some other stuff before he leaves" but the movie had to use an excuse that feels more about convenience than anything else, even if it has happened to people before and can be within suspension of disbelief.
It's so sad
The guys clearly intelligent to some extent, he's just not very articulate, so his passion here is easily mistaken for mania

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I wonder if Doll would live in a major city, or in a village if she live in Russia, back on Earth.
i don't use twitter because i'm not a fag

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Post the best bounty hunters here regardless of their morality or ethics
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Crazy how he went from mercillesly shooting some random guy he tortured to going "muh respect" and the "oi mate let me get ya outta there!" After spending like what... a few months to a few years in a Sarlaac pit
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Believe you mean "freelance peacekeeping agent", yes? Simple mistake, eh?
Jazz Jackrabbit? Is that you?

Why was it forgotten? It's pretty good.
Storytime it.

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I am unironically very fond of early 2000s Marvel movies. The heights (Spider-Man 2, X2, Hulk) were really high, and the even the lows (X-Men: The Last Stand, Ghost Rider, Elektra) have their charm.
Catalog is a thing
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>Reading the catalog

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post knight comics

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>tfw no passive-aggressive Asian gf
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Maybe there was a treaty in place already. Or maybe it was to make them look more sympathetic and inclusive, when Wade lives in a luxurious apartment while Ember and her family live in comparative slums. Her story is basically a rags to riches romcom.

Look at >>147464089

It was founded by water people who slowly invited other elements, Then fire came a while later.
He'd probably call Wade son.
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I love when she gets mad with her tsundere face
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Ember is made for ryona

Is there a big two character with more solid stories than The Punisher that isn't Batman or Superman?

Apparently graphic novel adaptations of the first and second to last Narnia books are a thing
From what I can tell they've never been scanned (checked the usual places), had a very short print run, and are pretty pricey on the second hand market
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Speaking of CS Lewis, Marvel released a Screwtape Letters adaptation once
What am I supposed to be weirded at?
Eric Powell apparently adapted Huckleberry Finn

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>tfw they still haven't found the skeletons in the basement
what is this expression?
Who cares about this fat fuck? He's worthless.

>we will never get sequels of TMNT 2007
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Good, that movie was fucking retarded.
Shredder is overused anyway, give the rest of their rogues a whirl
The only good part of the movie was the Ralph Leo fight, and it's not worth sitting through the rest of the film to get there.
Looking at the screenwriter that Imagi got for the Astro Boy movie, it's obvious that they wanted the movie to be something comedic and (for the most part) lighthearted.

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She's rich now
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Class-action lawsuit.
>She's rich now
For been a furry witch artist
This one's actually funny
They come back for another treatment, of course. That’s where the money is, a secure customer base.

The in-universe Marvel Comics hired Mark Millar to write a racist comic about the X-Men so people would hate mutants.

>there are people who defend Gaston
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Got to be the most deranged shitpost I've ever read.
I really wanna know what show this is.
Somehow I find this shit a lot more hilarious than the sitcoms that nickelodeon does
Isn't the Alcase dialect a mix of French and German?
>writers realise their villains have a better moral standing than their heroes and so tack on unrelated atrocities to their character after the fact in a shallow attempt to make their position less credible
Many such cases.

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Personally, Azula in Zuko's Harem is my 3 favorite end game with her . Number one is tied between couple with Ty Lee and part of the avatars Aang harem of wives for new Airbenders.
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Have a loving relationship with plenty of children
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>implying mai isnt into it

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