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Will we ever see Power Girl in live action?
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Name. Now.
How do you feel about Afro PEEG?
Cursed since her eyes are similar to my sister, despite the rest of her face being different.
this is proof that dobson did not live in reality.

Previous >>145506618

Today is the first half of 2001.
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That's all for today, next time is the second half of 2001. April attends summer camp, Candace begins dating Rudy, and Michael and Deanna have their wedding.

But Elizabeth's relationship with Eric takes a turn when she suspects that he's being unfaithful. And while Candace has her own issues when she comes back to Milborough to see her mom over Christmas, Elizabeth gets her own shocking news. Anthony is engaged... and he has the world's ugliest mustache. The long, slow march toward's Liz's doom has officially
Me in the bottom right.

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What level of autism is this??
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For me it's the blatant fetish channels that just collate hundreds of chopped up and unedited clips from shows.
The one I aspire for
That atrocious and a painful read, especially if it's real. I wonder how his parents are now and where this guy is now and if he's even still alive because man, his parents deserved so much better than what they got.
I feel bad for this guy, he's sort of a laughing stock on bbwchan but seeing a face attached to the posts just makes me incredibly melancholic for some reason

/co/ talks a lot about underrated villains, but what about villains who just make you go "not this dipshit again" every time they appear in a story? Bonus points for more obscure picks than Joker or whoever is popular.
For me it's
>Silvermane, Tombstone, Count Nefaria and Madame Masque. Marvel's crime lords outside of Kingpin and maybe Owl suck.
>Purple Man
>The Hood
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Scorpions fucked if he tries to attack him at his barber lol
at least MCU/616 Chitauri have a unique look/aesthetic and I like that they have big flying snake monsters.....but where the woman at?
>The first comic I consciously recall ever reading in my life was the arc where Arcade had the X-Men in his death trap for the first time.
For me it's the one where he caught Spider-Man and Captain Britain.
It's why I kinda prefer magic, aside from being less prone to escalation over the years, the inclusion of wonky magical rules and such means that it can run the gamut with less trouble. Not *no* trouble but it means there's room for Blade to fight Vampire Gangbangers or The God of Vampires without either being too jarring because the later can have a special weakness or something without it being too contrived narratively, or Blade getting like a special anti-vampire sword or something from the vatican or wherever. It's just a bit more malleable in "plausibility" to my experience.
James Gordon Jr
Everything about this shitter requires reducing the heroes and their secondaries to blithering idiots just waiting to get dabbed on. His whole schtick is just taking a shit in the regular dynamics of the feature and declaring it the most clever thing. Fucking insufferable, and can't wait for Joker to inevitably make a punchline out of him.

now that scott pilgrim is out of popular memory I decided to watch the show, I discovered that I'm 2 years older than him and I feel extremely old now.

ended the episode 3 now, this really makes me hate the netflix marketing, they made the show look really bad and the only people saying that the show was good were people with really bad opinions.

the show is better than the movie, the ramona in the show is a good person with real feelings.
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What are they like in the comics?
You're looking at it the wrong way round. The more guys she has sex with, the better at sex she is. And considering the universe she lives in, she probably gains sexperience points for every guy she bangs and unlocks new sex moves when she levels up.
anon... that's how work to every woman
Ramona has the magic pussy, you cum inside her and make a wish.
that's way the lesbian it's just a random loser

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Watched finally season 4
It's freaking shit as 3rd season. Even more.
Why Ankama keep doing this?
Why Waven is trash too?
It's objectively better than the shit show season 3 was though.

Was it kino?
Never heard of it
klonoa but dark and mature.
porn where?
somewhere on e621.

angry birds underground is canon

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But what if his.... penis... gets in the way?
Fucking tranny show with shit ass ugly characters.

Right here are the previews for thiws anons, enjoy if you can.
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>ignores the fact it's a tragic echo of the original reign
>and dead Paul
Can we go back to talking about the USM previews? What do you guys think the new suit is?
Iron spider superior fusion
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Maybe it'll be an Insomniac-esque suit made of some sort of Lyte-Byte prototype material.
*, which will become the origin story of Ultimate Spider-Man 2099's suit.

>Forgot to add this part.

Post Pearl [pearl loser ahead, be aware!Anon]
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Order of which gem fucked Steven
Wrong, it's
Don’t forget the diamonds and homework’s gems
lapis is a very shallow, very annoying character
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Why did they make her an insufferable girlboss?
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Sure, but I'd never got violent because I'm not an animal nor a thug. I've ignored, or cut-ties with them if they are genuinely bad people, but getting the urge to hot a woman was never a consideration. Maybe the problem is your stupid ass mate.
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She literally is a 'girlboss', in that she's a female and the uncontested leader of the Autobot Resistance on Shockwave's Cybertron.
I think the anon you're talking to is just a kid.
This movie will flop
>75M budget
Would have to be catastrophic to not make its money back with that low a budget
This is still not airing in my country but it's the first time I am planning to watch a TF movie. I hope this means they will do more purely animated ones in the future and without shitty actors and US shit. Bee sounds annoying and I usually never like Elita (mostly because I hate her design, same with Arcee), but if the rest is decent it will work for me. And the premise sounds good at least, unlike with the other movies so far.

G-g-g-got what you need?
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>G-g-g-got what you need?
nice letter pages design.
Wait a second, that's not Scrap Iron.

>"Embrace your divinity."
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Probably not. The whole conceit of the Ultimates universe is that the Makers surpressed anything abnormal or super-powered. He very likely killed or trapped any major X-Men character he couldn't convert, while in the background Sunfire has been experimenting with the X-Genes.
>The whole conceit of the Ultimates universe is that the Makers surpressed anything abnormal or super-powered.
Not really. Its more like him trying to control the world so he can create the perfect society he always dreamt about
Maybe it's my limited experience in capeshit, but I really enjoy the pace and scale of this book.
I wonder how he would feel about giving everyone organic circuitry heads. That seems the best way to improve the world.

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*saves the MCU*
*is incredibly popular*
*destroys the chuds*
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Agatha is still in Westview, but thinks she's a cop for some reason, and investigating Wanda's death. The green witch and the teen show up and snap her out of it. She runs around naked for one scene. The green witch is acting like her ex girlfriend, and tries to kill her, and says "my black heart still beats for you", before warning her about The Salem Seven. Teen wants to go to The Witches' Road, and Agatha agrees to take him when she can't hear his name. They need a coven. They recruit an old lady divination witch, a black makeup lady potion witch, an Asian cop lady protection witch, and Agatha doesn't want to recruit the last one (she didn't write a name, but we already know the green witch is the green witch and they're looking for a green witch and it's labeled with a black heart, so it's a non-mystery), so they got Kitty from That 70s Show. They cast the spell to go to The Witches' Road, the Salem Seven show up, and everybody runs through the portal. To be continued.
Or oh please double down on the whole shit like with Quicksilver and he's just some kid from the town.
Yeah, when she snaps out of the spell she runs around naked and screaming for one scene.
no he's very obviously super important, and agatha knows it. the plot doesn't make sense if he's a rando. he doesn't HAVE to be billy, but it's not a ralph situation.

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