The rest of Season 7 was released on some streaming service, anyone able to get access to it?
>>147516666No, I mean, I know for a fact that in the Coffee Shop episode where Mandy was a spy, they used a helmet on her to erase her memories.My mind isn't making this up, right?
>>147516666Okay, mega Satan
>>147516336if you don't watch the show, shut the fuck up
>>147516359she had many "this should be a pantyshot but let's pretend her skirt magically bends and extends there"moment in that finale
This pic goes hard
>>147511775He's immortal
>>147503826they're always trading out boogeymen, remember when they thought it was the shitredditsays subreddit of all things?
>>147499728I really hate this kind of shit, latam was filled with these horrible fanarts
I just binged all the episodes again last week, it was kino.Also the backgroung fluff was weirdly interesting.
>>147513101This show was ugly as shit but the writing was absolutely golden
>>147514681Really reminded me of something that would appear on Adult Swim or another adult cartoon site
Is /co/ ready for Dalia and the Red Book to come to English speaking countries?
>>147516560looks mediocre
I hate modern cartoons. Nothing is worth watching anymore.
>>147512271Modern anime is also hot garbage. "Oh look at me, I'm a completely vacuous nothing of a character Japanese High school student with poor hearing and depth perception living in a city with worse road laws than a destruction derby. And evidently my nothing of existence was so pitiful that even the gods themselves can't laugh at my sorry sad sac existence so they send me to the most generic fantasy setting imaginable with some kind of cheat code and now a gaggle of vapid bimbos with a bout a dozen brain cells to split between them can't help but mind my sorry uninteresting ass irresistible because of the way my modest amount of basic human interaction makes their lady parts wetter than the kid who got here in a rowing accident." .... CORNFED! Where's the nearest shipping center?
>>147512234I pretty much gave up on Western animation. Nobody wants to make anything original and all the cool looking shit has woke shit in it. I've been mostly watching Donghua and Korean animation, and older Anime, and shows from other countries.
>>147512393Because that will change things right
>>147516738Then why are you still here? Fuck off
>Would you like some cheese, lad? I got whole stack of Wensleydale in the storage.
I prefer a nice smoky and/or spicy cheddar myself, but Wensleydale is alright.
Feeling depressed so what are some good comics that tackle the subject of suicide? I’d even settle for hokey PSA type shit.
>>147514690All-Star Superman
>>147514690Can I ask why you're thinking of suicide?
>>147514690I can only really think comics that deal with death.
>>147514690I'm sorry to hear that.
ITT: canon HMOFA
>>147516218Depending on what tags you search, you'd swear it was a chinese site.
>>147516517Eat shit and die you actual fudge packing faggot. If you like Undertale or Steven Universe and gay shit like that you need to be pushed off a building roof for real Islam style. Legit die a very painful death for being a homosexual.
>>147516694next level asspain
>>147516471Sorry I'm still going to fuck the goat milf
Such a cutie. Does anyone know of she still kisses men in the modern Animaniacs?
Invincible is FINALLY getting good
>>147516762I'd like to think they've learned their lesson from the lackluster reception of the S2 finale and will go balls to the wall
>>147515036You could totally fuck someone made of glass just fine. Maybe paper would be a better analogue.
>>147516713I don't think he wants the responsibility of being a leader long term. It's why he's such a Cecil shill>>147516722I'd say that he's on par with end of season 1 / early season 2 mark. The only problem is that he's too arrogant and stuck in his ways to really train properly or spar with Mark to become stronger
>>147516787He's been alive for so long, who's to say he would even benefit from any further training? He probably hit the limit of his power a long time ago.
>I'm gonna GRIND YOU UP and use you to PAVE MY DRIVEWAYI love Machinehead and his auto-tune voice
1, 59, 86, 93, 95, 126, 179, 197, 202, 214-5, 252, 279, 355, 386, 394, 413, 446, 448Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
It's Draculuara's birthday, so I'm gonna storytime the new MH comic.
>>147510333>10 of swords>Luckiest Scarot cardHehehe...tarot humor
>>147515574Can Frankie produce milk?
>1. Absolute Batman #5 [100%]>2. One World Under Doom #1 [81.8%]>3. Magik #2 [39.4%]>4. Eddie Brock: Carnage #1 [38.2%]>5. X-Men #11 [38.1%]>6. Transformers #17 [37.9%]>7. Amazing Spider-Man #67 [36.1%]>8. Green Lantern Corps #1 [27.5%]>9. Bug Wars #1 [27.0%]>10. Deadpool/Wolverine #2 [23.9%]
>>147515361>1. Absolute Batman #5 [100%]>3. Magik #2 [39.4%]>4. Eddie Brock: Carnage #1 [38.2%]>5. X-Men #11 [38.1%]>7. Amazing Spider-Man #67 [36.1%]Ah, yet another terrible week for the Polish, for the child rapists, and for the Polish child rapists. X-Men is still a fart in the wind compared to Absolute Batman, Amazing Spider-Man is losing to a Venom sidebook, and Ultimate Spider-Man is poised to continue to dominate.
>>147515361>1. Absolute Batman #5 [100%]
>>147515748>>147516748Saar pls buy the DC book bloody bich
Will next season of the boys lay off the one to one political “satire” or double down?Eric Kripke seems to have lost it after his home was destroyed in the LA fires, and Amazon ordered parts of next season to be reshot and altered. My guess is they’re probably lessening the whole “drumpflander puts minorities in death camps” plot
>>147516059Free speech clause, same as Last Week Tonight dragging WBD weekly, or letting The Simpsons shittalk Fox News or Rupert Murdoch on their own channels.
>>147515182They still wouldn't get it
>>147514874It'll quadruple down and it will somehow TV Amber itself; aka be hated by all sides of the political spectrum
>>147514874Eggs are 3.99 where I'm at now so this "joke" is already outdated. Also did everyone collectively forget about the bird flu or the fact a bunch of chickens just randomly died last year?
>>147516448fake news and alternative facts
What a worthless character.
>>147516301SatAM Antoine isn't even one character. S1 Antonie is different from S2. S1 was actually a bit of a relatable, charming character. A little bit of a scaredy cat and an egotist but ultimately has his head in the right place. S2 is just a screeching child that never shuts up.
>>147516644>these characters are all the same!>but what about their unique character traits?>no, those are ARTIFICIALok
>>147516693If I clone Sonic but cut off one of his hair strands, is that Sonic a different person?
>>147516522>you only have personality if you hold a grudge!what the fuck are you even going on about?>But the freedom fighters (And Sonic) just want to vaguely help people in their generally vague way.>glosses over Sonic's stubbornness, often he will ignore advice or help>glosses over Antoine's timidness>glosses over Rotor's mechanical smarts>glosses over Bunnie's physical strength mixed with Southern Belle charm>glosses over Sally's leadership and desire to connect the disparate groups of freedom fightersyou're just babbling nonsense for the sake of keeping a losing argument going, little bro.
>>147516705are they? >>147504589
Upload images of edits or requests for edits. Request for edits to be made by giving a description of what you'd like to be edited for a supplied screenshot, and reply to requests when making a delivery.Get high quality screencaps for edit requests here: thread:>>147277542
>>147516077>all that fuzzy lightingAre you retarded?
>>147516117 Sorry I don't edit myself and I don't have a version of that image without the flashing lights.
>>147516138I don't edit either, but I can still tell when an image would be a fucking pain in the ass to work on.
>>147509280If they are not reaching the bottom of the screen then they are not big enough.
>>147509750i could probably do it, but i'd need an image to be edited. i'm not feeling any of the requests right now>>147516077>>147516117>>147516138>>147516151i think clip studio paint has a brush for that? if not, it doesn't really matter. there's ways to work around that kind of thing. i could probably do it if i can make a non PG-13 version.