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That's it? That's the christian analog horror cartoon?
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Gabby reminds me of Ol' Drippy for some reason
Rude shes not that ugly
I want to have 10 kids with her
that look....my fragile faith....

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Why are western mecha a cursed genre?
Are they destined to fail because people love the eastern ones more?
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By what metric? I don't think there's plans for another season that I've heard of
I've never seen an actual thread about the show that's just people discussing it, like or dislike
I'm not sure I could say it was by about any angle

Also me personally it was aight for the "disparate team learning to get along" aspect, but the robos themselves were severely disappointing for the premise we had
Yeah honestly Goku is one of the few to somehow not get truly "predestined to greatness" protagonists. Episode of Bardock is only referenced by the games. Goku is still a low tier product of low tier saiyans who improved beyond levels expected for him
>american think he has any right to call others a nigger
Now try making an actual response, this time without crying
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Eastern mecha suck tho

Honestly Dev is so much better than Hazel's friends who are bland and boring. Think he functions best as he gives the episodes stakes and conflict. Most of Hazel's eps without him are pretty mid as she is just overly nice, basically really one of those situations where you need the asshole/downer too a optimists over positivity. I'm almost into the show now but Dev and Peri aren't in every ep so still meh.
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Are you also waiting for the degenerate artfag who does Peri/Dev? B to the ased.
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jasmine of course!
I mean, she is kinda cute…
For anyone who's seen the new episodes, how did they handle Cupid? I heard they got someone else to voice him instead of Tom Kenny.
He's balding and ugly as fuck lmao, if you are a fan I feel bad for you, anon.

Why did the art and animation never improve in Ralph Bakshi's later pictures, even though by all accounts Fritz was a solid success? Is it a legitimate skill and ignorance issue, where people from the dark age literally didn't know/care about animation?
>Is it a legitimate skill and ignorance issue, where people from the dark age literally didn't know/care about animation?
It's genuinely this. Studio animation was in fucking shambles and Bakshi alone couldn't animate the entire production. He basically scrounged up what he could.
Hey American Pop looks pretty good
he was also fueled by cocaine. not sustainable. once you crash from that you don't really come back in a meaningful way

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obscure waifu thread
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>stuck on dinosaur death island
>still vlogging
Do people get eaten on the show? Or is it more of a kid-targeted thing where they always get "almost" eaten?
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People and dinosaurs do die, but it's pretty restrained on what it shows and obviously they don't kill off the kids
Have a Yaz
Almost no main characters in any Jurassic Park movie dies.
>still vlogging
Yeah. She's based.
God they're both so fuckable ToT

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What did Regular Show have that Close Enough was missing?
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My mom
Restrictions. Part of the fun of Regular Show was how adult it could get on a TV-PG rating. When Close Enough didn’t have those restrictions it lost the fun and cleverness.

It was funny to hear Regular Show characters say “pissed”, not as much when Close Enough characters do it.
Regular Show was unique because it was a kid's show that pushed the upper limits of what it could get away with to effectively serve as a Pre-Adult Swim show for kids and teens.

Close Enough is just your run of the mill adult animated sitcom with no restrictions, no distinctions and the caveat of basically just doing what Regular Show already did.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I thought it was comfy. But it definitely wasn't fresh and it definitely wasn't as iconoclastic as Regular Show.
An audience, unfortunately.

Most writers are tards who need to be wrangled.

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They mocked you
If ragebaiting in comics and movies was punishable by death, with every fanmade death threat followed up on 100% of the time, then storytelling would be in a far healthier place right now.
I never say this, but touch grass
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Could a full series starring Goldie really work?
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So....... white. Got it.
The other one was also you?
There are some suggestions here >>144673528
It was silly, but I miss it and Richie Rich. You just don't see cartoons where the joke is how ridiculously rich the protagonist is.

Goldie and Goldie could really work together: GG demanding some ridiculously expensive and specific solution and the GB engineering it for her.
Did the new Duck Tales do any?
Why would it? I think you're forgetting Scrooge's whole deal: he's a super rich guy who's incredibly tight with his money. Aside from his vault swimming pool, he doesn't own anything ridiculously flashy.

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What do you hope for in Season 7?
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>liking a girl is considered faggotry
Darwinian evolution
>cracker skin
Anon Darwin is orange therefore its unrecognizable I already said this in the previous thread
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More development of its lore called the Void but it was already announced this season will be focusing on "whats in the void?" So I'm hyped

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>In this deep space misadventure, the evil warlord Kalissa Gore and her vast armies are unstoppable. And yet, there is a DEADLY TRIO who dares the impossible: DORIAN, a planet-hopping mechanic; RE-RE, a fighter pilot with unmatched skills; and GARGA, the cult leader sister of Kalissa Gore herself ! Can THE DEADLY TRIO overcome insurmountable odds (and each other) or is the universe doomed to extinction?
Jimmy Palmiotti, Brian Pulido, Billy Tucci, and Amanda Conner if her hands don't cramp up wicked bad again. Soon to be on KS.
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>Because I'm tired of comics with the promise of cheescake but surprisingly very little of it

This. There's about a hundred comics out there with cheesecake covers and absolutely nothing worth looking at in the interiors.

this goes way harder thar any intro from discovery kids had any right to
>Opening shows original distinct style, the characters, their personalities, their counterparts, relationship to each other, the likelihood they'll swap places, shenanigans, and we don't even know their names
This is exactly how to sell an idea
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Now it's a Heroic Trio rip off

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why were colors so poorly applied back in the day?
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there was basically one company in charge of "cutting" colour for nearly all the industry at the time.

Like >>144672525 it was basically an unskileld job and people walking on the street would literally get hired.

There IS some nuance, cover art got a different treatment by more skilled workers.
this shit made the new mutants remasters basically unreadable for me.

i'd fucking murder to get the original prints in high quality.
thanksfor the effortposts senpaitachi, someone should save this for posterity, practically nobody knows the differences.
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Vaguely off-topic, but was the prevalence/trope of villains who have non-human skin-tones a result of early printing methods or was it just a style at the time? I notice it a lot in old cartoons where the colour limitations of print wouldn't have been an issue, but maybe that's just animators imitating comic style.
>ending sentences with an ! or ? because a period might not reproduce

oh wow, i had no idea. neat bit of trivia.

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Fish Police, enjoyed it, underrated id say, i think it deserved more its not nearly bad or anything it just needed to find its audience, I liked the detective noir premise and which there was more cartoons like that, i feel like outside of the occasional one off parody it doesnt show up much, if youre into that sort of thing id recommended it. Also wish it got rereleased in higher quality or it had some better quality vhs rips, if anyone knows of any lmk, still have yet to read the comic but ive heard its atleast decent so ill check it out, also might as well dump some screenshots since all the ones in the archives are all pretty old.
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>Have fun keeping your hot middle-aged waitress/whorish nightclub singer fish in here, kiddos!
had it gone on longer theyre defintely would be more fish furrys in the world that became that way because of those two
Personally, I think only the turboest of the turboautistic have only a few specific types of furry they like. The rest just fap to whatever looks hot. Angel and Pearl are simply objectively hot if you're not a complete normalfag who can't get past them not looking exactly human.
yeah i definetely agree i just think people would probably be more would be interested in fish characters or making fish oc's had it gotten more exposure, and had it been sucessful maybe more fish related animated stuff wouldve followed as a result
What do you think are the chances we'll get anything visually mature in the near future? It seems like even family animation, forget adult animation, is less and less common now.

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Baby doll.
But is she even capable of having children?
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Maybe a boring answer but I would let her top me every night and raise our Viltrumite children by myself
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Bad news anon...

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> “Hey, how’s it going, I’m Dr. Eigerman”
> “Look at that face! So young! I wanna breastfeed that face!”
They screwed when Bob passed out didn’t they
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>why is bob seemingliy the only one in their town that cant get away with being selfish?
He does get away with it in the episode where his rich friend gives him 100k to invest in his business and he returns it in the end because he doesn't like the changes he makes, even though it works and attracts more customers.

That episode is specially stupid because his family struggles with money all the time

so you let people walk all over you because men are supposed to be better than women and children? i bet you trick on women all the time huh?

>That episode is specially stupid because his family struggles with money all the time

a lot of the time thats on them or some karmic shit. after almost getting killed by felix he had a deal in place with big fisch before his family butted in and deaded it
>“Look at that face! So young! I wanna breastfeed that face!”
How do you respond without sounding aroused?
Why lie?

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Why doesn’t he or really any of the other “heroes” in marvel ever help mutants?
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What issue is she referencing?
>alien invasion
>don't grab a weapon in an attempt to at least slow it down or stop it, you have to find a way to have your browser history and text logs erased
Priorities, fucking muties.
I agree that most people understand Mutants fine.
The X-Men really don't seem why Mutants are at least treated with a sense of caution, they want to act like the unpredictability of what powers someone will have is okay when it's really not.
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Because there is evil to smite
Unusual but very welcomed.

Thanks for providing receipts.

I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet or maybe it has but the villain didn't stick.

It's really a shame Editorial would shoot this down right away, because it could easily end up being one of the Best X-Men stories ever told.

Damnit, I want to see this story published in some form.

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