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>still doing this replacement bullshit
Fuck Jason Aaron.
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Casey's mask isn't supposed to deliberately be a skull.
I fucking hate what he did to the turtles, Tom Waltz and Sophie Campbell were already terrible.
They changed it when he became Karai's buttslave. Even had a Foot clan insignia on it until he returned to New York. The whole storyline sucked ass because Casey was supposed to be her advisor, but was treated like a lackey, until he wanted to be her advisor again and tell her to stop being evil, so she kicked him out.

The fight scene in the back of Mutant Nation #4 was really cool though. Like actually a genuinely well drawn action scene for once. None of the rest of the Foot Clan stuff from the last year has been even 1/10th as good as those few pages, though.
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>assumed that they were finally going to reconcile Casey and April's relationship
>after over 100 issues of both characters being directionless messes without each other
>It's a bait and switch and April's now the new Casey, while Casey himself is in a coma
My expectations were low for Jason Aaron's TMNT but holy FUCK.
They gonna loose the license and Kirkman is gonna snatch it like with Transformers.

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>hears the blood rushing to your penis
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remember when girls in comic books were drawn this way? Gods i miss it
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>Gee, it sure is windy today! Wouldn't you agree, anon?
That's why I used lead paint for my bed room.
Wonder what being a human father to half kryptonian kids is like
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>will fly you to work if your car is broken down
>uses her x-ray visions to peek at her birthday presents
>tantrums usually mean buying a new house
>wants to show off with her powers, but you told her it wouldn’t be fair to the other kids
Probably a bit stressful, but completely worth it

Make someone want to read a comic by posting ONE page from it.
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The Armory had plenty of good thread ideas, also weapons and tactical approaches all throughout the comics. Even a hand to hand section that was intriguing. Then the regular comics just drew "man frothing at the mouth with mini Uzis" or "Rambo knife Punisher" without a thought into his strategies for war. Great reads those Armories, then the regular series would let me down for the most part in that regard.

The final season of Jellystone, including the series finale "Cartoon Network vs. Jellystone: Crisis On Infinite Mirths" will drop on Max tomorrow. Any final predictions?
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I mean, the episode came out just days after his death man.
The inside of Dexter's Lab used the Season 4 background style and the house exterior used Season 2's style.
Man this is painful to hear, George sounded so sick :(
Same. But you have to respect the man for still doing the role in that condition.
Never watched Jellystone before, but I liked this special. Glad the Eds were in it.

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Holy kino
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It's supposed to look like comic book art. That was what was popular at the time.
Just like the Bionic Six. That show was fucking gorgeous.
A lot of them were. They were getting better all the time, and were still cheaper.

I do sometimes wonder if all this cost-saving is why contemporary Western animation is... how it is, y'know? A generation or more of talent left uncultivated. Something like that.
We need kids shows where adults are the main characters again.

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Because is dumb random grossout humor but without what made la casa de los dibujos popular
The lat dub does not have the meme energy that other adult cartoons have like The Simpsons or La casa de los dibujos
Stop giving me nostalgia.

Stop reminding me of my mom throwing away my DBZ stuff
It's over.

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Sexy Fan art from Gen alphas and Zoomers of Marvel Rivals has given me hope once again
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This is true.
Even solo titles with ugly male protagonists need one sexy cheesecake character, be it girlfriend, sidekick or villain.

Look at Ms Marvel Kamala Khan solo. Who is the cheesecake character in that?
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Fanservice isn't as prominent as in the past, but it still gets the job done from time to time. Marvel Rivals was definitely one of the better examples
>Look at Ms Marvel Kamala Khan solo. Who is the cheesecake character in that?
Zoe Zimmer

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>Thoughts about how the season has been going so far?
>Predictions for this episode?
>Any other interesting Object Shows you've watched?
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yeah, but pretty much all of the OSC is on their own island, partially due to how other fandoms like to "bully" it for being considered animation only for kids, but paradoxically also being bullied for having "edgy" or more mature moments here and there in those shows so it's a lose/lose, and let's be honest if you're on 4chan you'd have at least some slight autism that makes you more open onto liking these kind of things, there's an entire board about one specific kids show due to how much it was posted after all.
Well the episodes do get millions of views now, there's gonna be some sorta base
And beyond anything else, it's fun
Book will always be UFE
She will never get a WAFT of dream island
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I can't trust Jacknjellify after the whole Popsicle fiasco

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>tfw no ogre gf
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I could see the other three babies have been retconned out of existence and Zendaya orge is their only kid now.
That’s the point
Anon, imagine living with a slightly cleaner Shrek. That's her.
its kinda impressive an ogre looks better than zendeya

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Are they ever gonna address this. What’s Trevor planning?
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At least Big City Greens is good enough to actually be worth being a cash cow, unlike Loud House and Teen Titans Go!
Miss Deer Teacher has the sweetest voice.
She’s voiced by Pearl from SU.
She’s so down bad for a bf.
She’s Felicia Sundew from Amphibia as a deer.

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What was it about Season 1 of SpongeBob?
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>hop in, Mrs. Puff!
Rocko > Spongebob
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Who are some of your favourite artists who've worked on the show? Greenblatt and Sherm Cohen are my go-tos
>Also more importantly bubble bass only appears for one episode

he is in the FUN episode, he sits on plankton at the movies, and I think spongebob even calls him bubble bass so it's not just some other guy
>Also more importantly bubble bass only appears for one episode
Got something against Bubble Bass?

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The joke is that she never did another major character
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>I think dumb things are frickin' cool and I. AM. FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
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I never understood the hate that this little dude got.
>H-he’s a spoiled, entitled brat
Yeah, so? He can’t redeem himself or be straightened out by Batman if he’s already perfect. It makes sense that the rich dude’s biological son has a superior complex that he needs to delicately handle.
>H-he replaced Tim!
Tim’s a fag and shitty Dick clone. Damien is a more interesting character.

His hate reminds me of a certain other Robin who was unjustly hated.
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Damian's been Momma's Big Boy ever since he debut and will continue to do so even into the future where he will also be bald.
Damien does work as Bruce’s biological son. His personality wouldn’t make sense if he wasn’t his biological son. It wouldn’t make sense if he was raised by Bruce from birth. Talia is also the best choice for his mother because of her relation to Ra’s, which adds to his superiority complex, and because Bruce wants nothing to do with her, which makes dumping him onto Bruce make sense. You’re clearly a melding Timfag.
>Bruce having a blood child should be a HUGE deal. Ideally would Bruce raise his child from infancy and we'd how fatherhood changes him.
Just go read Levitz's Huntress comics and stop crying.
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Well, at least until Jim Lee retires, which is probably 3 to 5 years from now.

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Final 8 episodes of the season (and series unless they pull a last minute renewal like StuGo) deop on Disney+ in a few hours

So thread
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At first I thought it was a parody or a lie, since I know that Bobby's voice will be done by Max Mittleman, that is, Saitama's voice actor.

But then I listened to the entire video, and I noticed how the guy knew things that were not revealed until 2024. That is, in effect, the guy had the script for "The Doomies" in his hands.
Caleb Caz most likely provided Bobby's demo voice. It's the voice that the mouths are animated with, and that's what the final voice actors work on.
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And well, for those who are interested, the video has several curious lines from Bobby.

The most important thing I found is that Bobby's birthday is on March 5th, and that he seems to have some kind of Mommy Issues, since his mother only sees him on that day. So now we have one more piece of information about Bobby.
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I'll be honest, the formula of:
>Tater acts like a retard
>Then she gets depressed/feels inadequate
>Finally, the Primos or Serena cheer her up and help her get back on track
Got old pretty fast in this final batch. My favorite episodes were the ones that avoided this like Toxicas, Muralistas and Cumple.
And finally...

Someone have more information about "The Doomies"?

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Why are cartoon dads the best characters of their shows?
They're funny
they're the only characters allowed to have complexity
Industrycuck thre- never mind you keep doing your job soldier.
The showrunners are adults, so they naturally know how to write them.
Where is Omni-man

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