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If Cats Don't Dance got a sequel, what would you expect of it?
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thank you, she deserves to be fixed not broken further but hate fuck is hot in concept
ok liberal
don't die yet

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I like the new suit edition
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Gunn feels the same about WB and Cavill's wasted potential, but it's not Snyder's fault and everyone knows that
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I’m not a fan of the new suit

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New episode titles, descriptions, and air dates from TV Passport.

These are four of the presumed final five episodes, after the show’s order was cut.

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>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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bullshit, you can find almost anything on the hubs
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>dakota-scanning doesn't do HD releases only SD
>>2. dakota-scanning doesn't do HD releases only SD
>>2. dakota-scanning doesn't do HD releases only SD
Still provably false
Jesus christ, what tiny dick energy that loser is emanating
Batman & Robin's version of Nightwing's costume? Based.

The amount of butthurt this cartoon caused is legendary.

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Based lmao
I would argue the two are fundamentally related.
It's unsustainable because it was turned from a nation of people with shared identity and values into some globalist economic zone to rape as much as possible before it collapses entirely.
Nobody invests in the future of the country because every subverted institution tells us that it's a white supremacist apartheid state built on stolen land by slave holders and shouldn't exist in the first place.
I'm sick and tired of all the pandering towards minorities.
I ONLY want the pandering towards WHITE MEN.
Chill, Phineas and Ferb comes out next year
>every subverted institution tells us that it's a white supremacist apartheid state built on stolen land by slave holders and shouldn't exist in the first place.

i mean that's not entirely correct, but...

Anyone like PAW Patrol?
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Pay attention to this link now.
No, we mustn't.
He treats his dogs better than nearly all Pokemon trainers.
Claw needs to call Chase a faker.
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I think the fandom largely soured on Dave Filoni over the years, but people ignore that the last season of The Clone Wars is not George Lucas' story, it's Dave Filoni's story.
>Dave Filoni is credited on most episodes of S7
Many don't realize this, but TCW is NOT Filoni's show, and during the run of the show from S1 to S7 he only wrote ONE episode. He was an animation director, not even a showrunner, not even a writer. George Lucas CREATED the show and personally approved/rewrote every script.
>Disney-era references. Maul uses Force powers introduced in Disney Star Wars (Kylo Ren's mind reading was supposed to be a unique skill). Also, the scene between Ahsoka and Maul was obviously inspired by The Last Jedi (Filoni praised Ryan Johnson).
It just feels jarring compared to the rest of the show. Filoni directly going against Lucas' wishes and modifying scripts approved by him.

The bottom line is that The Clone Wars' ending is not faithful to George Lucas' vision. The scripts from 2012/2013 were either heavily modified (Ahsoka's walkabout arc) or written from scratch under Disney (the finale).

We don't know what George Lucas' exact wishes were but it's clear that Filoni didn't respect them at all (despite being vocal about talking to George for "feedback"). We know George was leaning towards killing Ahsoka off and there is concept art of her confronting Vader at the Jedi Temple after Order 66 (which would have been the real finale).
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Why does he look like Varg
I wonder how well an original crew might`ve compared to what we got.
thats because hes a carry over from the Clone Wars era, they wouldnt dare recast him because of the fans and because hes actually good at his job.
Rebels was incredibly promising since fans have been wanting just some show about a ship full of adventurers getting into trouble in the Star Wars universe for 30 years at that point. All anyone ever got was Ewoks and Clone Wars up to that point. So it was a huge welcome event.

But it devolved into callbacks from Clone Wars real fast and people lost interest. Season 2 was just Ahsoka, Rex and Wolf all over again, season 3 was Maul, and season 4 was weird fucking nonsense that actually turned people off.
Rebels was just so boring from inception. Star wars adventure stuff is fun once or twice but it gets old fairly fast if the characters are boring.

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New update from the comic project:


Thoughts? Will it improve the writing seen from the Valentines Day comic?
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which s retarded since Euro media industry is like hollywood but on cuck steroids
Are these Koikatsu Party or the other maid 3D porn simulator game?
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Built for gene dilution.
>t. Daffy

Can they just replace Julie Kavner with AI already? They did it with James Earl Jones. They can still pay her for the rights so It's fair.
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Lion King "Live Action" was largely just his audio from the Animated Version.
Simpsons fucking suck
That was BLM that caused the mass recasting
I'm pretty sure they used an ai voice for the Kenobi show. I'm not sure why they couldn't replace him too with the many actors that played Vader
No, it's good now. He told me.

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they all look weird because it's a bogged middle ager
get out
>shut yo goofy ass up nigga
Please dear God, can someone make an AI audio file of Kara saying these exact words
All in the right places.

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would this have worked better than the actual show?
also, Molly McGee thread, I guess
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i won't lie to you, my most dedicated of fandreas. its tough being discriminated just for being a minority, all because i'm richer prettier & more famous than the common normie! but i'm going to tough it out, because if there's anything my mother taylor swift taught me- this kid is on her own and always is gonna have her own back first. that's why i paid some shady dude in the back alley of davenport's to slash molly's mom's tires. so long the ghost and molly mcgee, its time for the andrea show to take the stage. and no one is going to stop me.
>slash molly's mom's tires
Good move Andrea.
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It's funny to see a bunch of delusional Mollytards pretending that Libby and Andrea are not just some irrelevant side characters that got sidelined in the show. There's no trio in the show. It's just Molly and Scratch. The transflag-haired color discount Pacifica wasn't even given a single line in the finale.
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bye bye melinated molly and co.! its time for a rich white girl to take the spotlight! ^u^
>Malvin's altruistic nature starts to come through
>Levi and Andy are a little uncomfortable that he tries to work their dicks and talk dirty with them and act like he likes it just to make them have a better experience topping, but don't stop him because it feels great
>they are however a lot more distraught about him trying to do his best to hit their prostate and work their erogenous zones, making their hated bottoming feel better and even more embarrassing

Tourist here, I was recommended a video of "forgotten" mid 90s cartoons on Youtube and it really got the ol nostalgia juices flowing. We're talking shows like Cadillacs and Dinosaurs and Cowboys of Moo Mesa. I have vague but fond memories of these shows, sort of the last generation of American "action cartoons" before the anime boom. I mean it's easy to see why anime took over and this stuff faded out but I think it has a charm to it.

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Happy Mexican mother's day. Post Mommies, Latina encourage but not necessarily only.
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If she was the main character instead, I'd watch her show. A kid's version of Nurse Jackie.

I hope this thread stays active for awhile. I think I'll draw something of her tomorrow.
Why do you hide your name?
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Last one of these I promise
You'd be surprised to find out many people say the same thing. Tho i'm more surprised at your weird ass obsession with that guy Billy, tracing him here of all places.
It's not the first time he posts without namefagging to go inconspicuous. It's too big of a coincidence for someone to post that same opinion with the same wording in such a short time.

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Well /co/?
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PB has a lot of JUNK in that TRUNK, if you get what I'm saying
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She knows hot to shake it.
Oh cool, Koko is gonna draw art of it if he gets enough likes.
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Heathcliff is startled.
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Budget cuts, you know how it is. Nobody wants to go to the library anymore.
It's a library for cats
Which of those three would win the heart of the green m&m
Where do people go to work out then?
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Cats actually can't taste sweetness.

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