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Reminder Dipper is a little kid who is around bad and worse people, and girls flock to him for moral guidance and strength.
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What did Bill mean by this?

Why did she play with his emotions like that?
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Finncels remain the lowest form of life
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>That one episode where PB kills Flame Princess and reveals that she never cared about Finn the entire time
kino... so kino...
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Nah that was another character.

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I wonder if the show will let Darwin turn into the craziest mutations or mutants.
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I thought the arms were legs
Lmao nice drawing can you draw him like a deathclaw or some kind of monster? >>145514338
His head is still intact ofc
Wonder whats the most powerful form of Darwin here?
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I wish people would draw concepts of Darwin evolving into anything creatures or obejcts he could evolve his hand into some organic double barrel shotgun or a gun but its made in flesh and give himself a organic armor that protects him from danger
Snake Darwin and Magic Darwin are forms I want to see from Darwin

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Is Black Cat more or less popular than Catwoman?
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May as well do the entire thing.
what is it with flashes being bodied by cat themed heroes/villains
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More. Felicia is Peter's partner, and Spider-man is the number one comic after all.
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Perfect cast.
By this point yeah. No one likes dc anymore.

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How good was Liberty's Kids in comparison to other shows on PBS? I usually hear praise for Arthur and i'm curious what people here think of Liberty's Kids, particularly those who grew up without cable.
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great show
The voice acting was good.
I recall my 5th grade teacher showing us a few episodes and it seemed cool at the time, but ccan't say much beyond that.
Pretty good show, would recommend.
Better than Histeria

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Here's the first 8 episodes of Season 2 from Disney+:

I watched it till episode 4a so far, but sadly comedy and action are noticeably weaker than S1...

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What level of autism is this??
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"I didn't know that uhhh, Wario was my boss."
>I get videos like that, just pure unfettered autism.
That's exactly what I'm interested in and I fucking love it. Takes me back to 2007 youtube.
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These videos are honestly just sad to me.
I feel like these autists should get cartoon shows made for them that appeal to their specific narrow range of interest and sensiabilties but actually teach them how to be functional adults and improve their lives.
I know even high funtioning autism can be debilitating in ways but I don't think it's good for the mental wellbeing of these turbo autists to let them run wild and completely indulge themselves in their kindergarten cartoons and childlike hyperfixations. It's not really amusing to me since most of these chronically online Deviantart autists are very depressed and live in poverty.
This dude is honestly to analytical and introspective to be as low functioning as he appears. He's probably had a shit upbrining and poor education that stunted his intellectual growth. I feel like at minimum a quarter of these verbal "turbo autists" are in actuality moderate to high functioning. This sounds crazy but in my experience with autistic people growing up I noticed the stark difference in intelligence and ability to mask between the ones with wealthy parents and the ones with poor parents.
You're telling me you don't wanna see her NSFW art?

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>S-she's evil!
>She did bad things!
I don't care.
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Not by blood
They're not biologically related, so it's not creepy!
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As Adora said, "I never hated you."
Yeah..? Duh

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Stupid wife, you make me look bad.
Eustace would never
Stupid dog, stop making me gay!
He would try but Muriel is a lot stronger anyway.

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Look how James Gunn massacred our Guy.
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Fillion is like over 50yo. lmao
What the hell is DC doing?
>Mr. Terrific has a 10/10 outfit, right down to the FAIRWAY sleeves
>rest of the JLI has generic outfits that just look vaguely similar to his
I mean I KNOW it's supposed to be intentional due to the plot but it's still annoying.
>I get the feeling James gunn doesn't get the nuance in JLI Guy and just wanted him cause "lol funny toxic male idiot"

That IS JLI Guy. He’s only nuanced outside of JLI.
The person you’re responding to? Unless you admit you’re just a schizo talking to yourself.
guy is an asshole

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I'd Cleo her patra
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not really a futa guy, but I recognize and appreciate the effort and wanted to let you know that your work is appreciated
There's enough setup for more adventures for Cleo.
>You will never see Maihack get it together enough to do a few more graphic novels of Cleo leading a team to invade Atlantis, Barsoom Mars, or defend Egypt against some other country's Stargate team- in past or future.

Obscure waifus
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Is that the Green Goblin?
Is that a man or a woman?
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Her voice is raspy.
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In retrospect, was he doomed to be a villain?
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They missed the point by giving Megamind old friends and introducing other villains
Megamind was supposed to be alone and wanting attention and Metroman was fine to retire because the only villain was just a dork who would never actually hurt anyone
>if the man had any power or influence he would do horrible things
>but because hes too much of a coward to actually put his evil desjres in effect hes a good guy
Kek cowards are funny people. They call weakness virtue
"Hey, you wanna go out?"
"Maybe later, see ya later!"
>somehow this make him an unpleasant person for thinking she might want to go out with him later
>trains a super-hero so he has someone to fight
>turns out the hero is a psychopath
he deserves praise for fixing his mistake

So why any of this?
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How do you circumcise a four headed penis?
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Penders thought people cared about his autism.

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This is Anne's mom, please say something nice about her.
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I mean because of the thread topic
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Anne's delicious milf boobs
That's Anne's mom.
No, that's Anne as a 30 yo

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