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Time we had one of these.

Talk about this Franime from the early 2000s, what you like, dislike, hate, love about it. Do you wish it could've been darker? Did you ever have a crush on any of the characters?

Prompt question:
Would you love for an reboot to come back? If so, when would you set it: Early 2000s like the OG, or experiment with it set in modern times given the advancements in tech and social media?

If you were in charge of a reboot and gave it a Mature rating, what kind of stakes would you add? What kind of plot points?
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need to do a rewatch but I feel like social media and xana would be a deadly alliance.
What are you looking at, Jeremie?
I didn't like this show back when I was a kid. The forced anime shit felt so tacked on.
Those feet are massive

Been seeing more animation studios turn to AI, and here's one of them. The funny thing is this is gonna be showcased at an actual corporate event
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>At least they put the disclaimer unlike some other studios I've seen do trying to pass it off as legit art

Because it is legit art and anyone who says otherwise is a Boomer faggot.

You tried marching against Calculators in schools and now every kid has one.

AI will replace you and your tears only makes it more powerful.
Not that different than typical animal movie designs since they are based on previous designs instead of real life and personal expression.
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Tech bros (hate that term) have far more wealth than your poor ass and they are quickly building up robot soldiers to protect themselves.

I'm not sure why you dorks think you can win against this.

If you declare war this is what you're going to be up against faggot.
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I personally think it looks generic but in no way is it the worst thing ever.

Go ask your average human to draw a picture and the vast majority can only do something like this.

AI is clearly better so I do not mind it.

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What's an acceptable amount of fanservice in cartoons and comics to you

When is it too much, post any examples
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Great ass.
bruh how do you get traumatic flashbacks from a fucking comic, and an absolute kino panel at that
i mean look at this shit, it looks so fucking good. Arent tumblr bitches always the ones going on about ptsd, angst n shit but when they actually get some actual angst stuff they cry like fucking babies
this is just like the switch 2 "DUDE JUST DROP A TRAILER" "okay heres the trailer" "WHAT THATS IT THEY JUST DROPPED IT WTF" just people going on and on about stupid shit and complaining like little children
still, absolute kino panel
Is this lucky? Is this not lucky? I'm having a hard time reading this situation.
The difference is that men collectively have the wealth and power to actually put women in a position in society where they are treated like objects. Women cant do that to men except in a few rare exceptions
more like whorely quinn lmao

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did any of you guys ever watch 64zoo lane
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I think this was the first time I had ever found my TV provider's "on demand" section. I remember being up really late one night just messing around on Direct TV and the only reason I know what this is or remember the name is because it popped up on the list, and I had never heard of it before or since. I think I ended up watching a minute of it or so and then just switched to trying one of the live action pink panther movies instead.
This sounds like every illegal fetish at the same time.
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Suich as?

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is /co/ a pro jeff board, or an anti jeff board?
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Hahahahaha! BA-
>*looks away as Hulk finishes*
I wasn't aware he existed until Marvel Rivals came out.
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>her design was so good they had to make her as ugly as possible in the sequels to stop the gooners
Is this true or just an urban legend?
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If anything it focused the porn on just the underage version which is another thing that bit them in the ass. The 15 year old version is still underage but you know what I mean. And then there's the 11 year old version that has tits. And the reboot version is pretty cute and funny as well. The only older version that can compete is Gwendolyn from OS.
Are you saying Casy is a whammen?
who are you talking about here?
I'm pretty sure most of her admirers today were kids when the show first came out.
Ugly old hag

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Remember when a multi-millionaire writer and billion dollar company convinced people to pay for a legal battle so Marvel could sue Image? And how said writer said any any money made from the legal case after legal fees would go to comic related charities, only to put a mere 300,000 out of 2 million in a fund, and then giving only 120,000 of that to comic charities after 9 years, never donating anything after 2019 (with 50,000 going to one of the writer's kids)
Remember how after 23 years it's very likely the comic that was part of the deal between the writer and the now even bigger, richer company will very likely never be completed?
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Neil did nothing wrong but Miracle Man never sold that well for Marvel to bother spending any money on it.
Marvel wasn't involved in the battle over Miracleman until the very end (aside from funding it indirectly through Gaiman by paying him to write some books), when they swooped in and bought it from Mick Anglo
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Hope Angela was worth it.
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anyone even excited to see the dark age?
miracleman was a complete retard in silver age.
miraclewoman should have stayed evil
Marvel did it all for 1602.
Which all it proved is that if given the chance to play around in Marvel, Kneel Gay Man would do DOOMwank.

>Antz, Shrek, Shrek 2
Do they hold up?
Hold up what?
hold up dese nuts haha

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prev >>147141342
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Baw Gawd the asses Bing is giving.
I can relate to the sleep schedule thing. I have monday and tuesday off coming off the next weekend so I get a 5 day. thats gonna throw me off on wed and thursday at least and than weekend to remess it up again. I get you friend.
My main objection to that would be the station wagons built by BMW, Audi, Volvo, and of course the Subaru Outback. While the first three were used more of just normal family cars with more room and the ability to take you to ski resorts the Subaru was perfect for driving around town in the snow and for getting you to trail heads. It wasn't exactly an adventure vehicle itself but it was perfect for getting you to the jumping off point of your adventure. The loss of pretty much all of them wounds my soul greatly.

Model A came later and has much much easier controls. Model T has got a really screwy control set up and pretty much as two transmissions for high and low gear.
Don’t get me wrong, I do love having so many days off to be able to do whatever I want. Like, sleeping for example. It’s just, after a few days, it gets concerning I’m missing too much of the day just sleeping.
New bread


Talking about last week's premiere:

Also, who watched today's episode?

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Warner Bros has the chance to do the funniest thing possible here
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I'm starting to think it's some sort of raid
Says way more about you that you think that really

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Can we talk about Venom?
I think he's really cool and I really resonate with his design.
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Haha what if Carol is a big monsterfucker and gets turned on seeing Venom in the mirror haha
I would like it a lot more if it were just an alternate universe thing
I just want a Venom game that plays like PROTOTYPE
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So when is Mashed going to make Episode 2?
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Ublock origin.
And? Revive is a thing in the game
Any other source that doesn't give my laptop 200 virus?
Yeah, try ImAragingFaggotPleaseRaceMyFace.com

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Damien isn’t even a super.
Having a girl as one of the duo is way better.
Children love twin characters or girl/male duos better.
Look at Dipper and Mabel.
Or Ben 10 and Gwen.
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Two daughters?
one to plap and one to love
I hate that freaking child Mary Sue so much
Knowing the writers, you can be certain that she has a gruesome end coming up in the near future.
It's too late for that

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After twenty years dead, Nyssa Al Ghul and her khazar milkers are back. How long until her father also comes back to life?
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>Pre-New 52 appearances

Detective Comics #783
Batman Death and the Maidens #1-9
Batgirl #67-72
Batman Villains Secret Files and Origins 2005
JSA Classified #6
Robin #148
Countdown to Final Crisis #4
Fairly sure it's dravotnogg.
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R'as didn't stick around in the Middle East, he spent a long time in Europe too. The ME is just his home base.
Wait how many continuities between Cass’s introduction and giving her a sister?

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