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No Invincible thread?
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Who should play him?
Bad animation despite taking THREE FUCKING YEARS and the mid season hiatus killed all hype.
This fucking series will have to win back it's hype.
Remember, a North Korean company is going to be animating this. As bad as season 2 looked, expect season 3 to look even worse.
I just wanted an I Hate Fairyland cartoon man...
Why don’t they just outsource to Japan ?

It ain't getting a Third Season.

This is what happens when you suck Indian Cock and Disrespect your fans.
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Both of these shows deserved to be cancelled. After the horribly paced and written first season, Hazbin Hotel should have been canceled immediately.
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>You’re telling me /co/ defended
When the hell did /co/ defend this? It was mostly anons hatewatching it. I saw more defenders for Velma.
Gandhi would've become a shit character so be glad he wasn't in S2.

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Okay, I promised you kids I'd finish this thing first chance I got, so here goes nothing.
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The fuck happened with MCU Thor? Even before the disaster that was Love & Thunder, Thor has had the weakest solo film series by far.
>Crap romantic partner
>Series doesn’t do magic stuff well
>Warriors 3 and Sif were WASTED
>Thor increasingly becomes flanderized, getting dumber with each film
>Thor frequently makes Asgardian life worse with each visit, abandoning his throne repeatedly
>Backpedal on the fake eye

Even Hemsworth admits his last film was crap. Was Endgame Thor at least good? Can Hemsworth do one more sequel and end on a high note? What would you fix?
>Decent first film
>Alright in Avengers
>Mediocre second film
>Does fucking nothing on Age of Ultron
>Decent third film
>MVP on Infinity Wars
>Garbage redemption arc on Endgame
>Garbage ass fourth film

I think this is as good as it gets OP, sorry. At the very least he didn't get Hulk'ed
Hulk had a solid solo movie with Ed Norton before Ruffalo made him shit, and even then before Savage Hulk was ruined he had genuine cool moments. I can't call Thor Ragnarok good given the complete disconnect between what is happening on Asgard and what occurs on Sakaar
Endgame Thor was trash. The only times MCU Thor was good was the first movie and Infinity War. Every other time he’s either boring or a clown.

What screwed over Thor was a clear lack of direction. Dark World was completely devoid of any identity. Even the first film at best was just a watered down version of a classic Thor story and their big mistake of making Thor’s mythos more technology and less magic based just so it’s more believable.

The Waititi movies are shameless Guardians rip offs that lacked the heart that those movies had.

They basically wasted a lot of Thor’s best stories with crap now and Hemsworth ain’t getting younger, and everyone has pretty much written off Thor as just a joke, so there’s no salvaging it now.
I enjoyed his arc from Ragnorak - Endgame
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Chris needs to suck it up, put on a real costume, and wear the helmet

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How’s James Gunn gonna react when he finds out the guy he hired for his passion project used to draw women with gigantic sized breasts having sex with underage boys?
fr fr?
Anon James Gunn jerked off in his boss’ office.
Give him a raise

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Post them!
talk about them!

Vive la France!
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France has literally never lost at anything and anything that resembles a loss was actually a long-term win.
>But what about-
Not that one either.
>What about-
Sorry, France actually won that too.
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the greatest of all
Is Miraculous Ladybug good? I'm looking for good /co/ shows that never ever EVER get bad.
Well, you won't find that with the tv show. But the movie was good and exists in a separate canon. So you don't have to watch the tv show at any point.
Homer´s butt has more motion frames than an anime girl's boobs jiggling physics.

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obscure waifu thread
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There used to be lots of artists here.
But evil millenial fucks like you hounded them off the internet.
Go on anon. Tell the truth. You yourself took part in harrassing artists didn't you?
You're confusing how toons think with how toons operate. They emulate the human world to a certain extent, so a conventionally pretty toon would be put on magazines. Even if that beauty doesn't even resonate with most toons aside those specifically designed to react to it, like womanizer characters, shy guy characters and envious female characters. Winnie is the latter. Her becoming envious and attempting to sabotage Jessica would result in her hi-jinks backfiring for comedic effect, so it happened.

Why does she look like she's been rolling in dirt?
>Why does she look like she's been rolling in dirt?
She's from a Jurassic Park cartoon where she's been stranded on an tropical island of dinosaurs. Some dirt on her outfit is pretty much guaranteed.
You're welcome. Sad that this show got overlook since the cat witch and bunny show took most of the limelight. It has a nostalgic feel
No? I am an artist. Also, there's still a ridiculous amount of us. Have you even been to the request threads? Check the migrated /co/llection, we still get nearly 50 images a day in there alone.

Are you a fucker zoomer or something?

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I liked Big Questions but nothing else.
I thought it was whatever. Fuck birds.
Based TCJ.
Based TCJ poster. Fuck TCJ.
Yeah nothing I've seen has been good

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They mocked you
If ragebaiting in comics and movies was punishable by death, with every fanmade death threat followed up on 100% of the time, then storytelling would be in a far healthier place right now.

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So I've been watching KOTH lately and I have to ask. What happened to Hank's voice in the later seasons? I can't articulate what changed exactly, but it doesn't sound authentically "Hank" anymore.

Feel free to discuss anything else about King of the Hill and the supposed revival ITT. It's free real estate.
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Turns out it's hard to maintain a funneh cartoon voice for extended years at a time. Whoda thunk.
His voice changed a bit after Peggy drugged him with testosterone supplements, remember?
The opposite of flanderization.
He sounds less authorative in later seasons, instead he sounds more wishy washy.
Yeah this is probably what I'm hearing, or most of it anyway. Thanks.

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Theoretically speaking, what would happen if the jonkler actually accomplished this

Why did the art and animation never improve in Ralph Bakshi's later pictures, even though by all accounts Fritz was a solid success? Is it a legitimate skill and ignorance issue, where people from the dark age literally didn't know/care about animation?
>Is it a legitimate skill and ignorance issue, where people from the dark age literally didn't know/care about animation?
It's genuinely this. Studio animation was in fucking shambles and Bakshi alone couldn't animate the entire production. He basically scrounged up what he could.
Hey American Pop looks pretty good

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The first episode premieres tonight at Adult Swim's Pirate Parrrty on the Green at San Diego Comic Con. What will you expect of it?
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Ok actually looks better when they are shorts but still think in different lightings and tons that'll give flesh tones.

Also I'll wait til someone post the mega, I'll watch later. if I like I may actually draw something of her. Concept is perfect for a specific type of art
Yeah I'll be watching.
When character looks better in fanart
Probably, but I feel like I remember there being times when these kind of batch premiers were considered exclusives for the event and not reuploaded, but I may just be being paranoid. Either way, is that fan art for the show? It's already gotten some notice? That's pretty cool.
Definitely. Though how much is hard to say. The Superman show got a decent amount at the start, though it definitely petered off after a bit. I imagine this one may get some notice. Anything more is up to the show.

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Gotta post it on aco simple thread
that's the strongest man in all of bulgaria

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>ditches her friends for cool girl and acts generally mean to them throughout camp
>is easily forgiven at the end

>breaks into coach's office at night
>never gets in trouble for it
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Are you saying that she should have received some kind of correction for her bratty behaviour?
Kinda weird there's two pixar girls that squirt water out of their nose
She was brat corrected off screen in the end
The life of a white girl
>acts generally mean to them in camp
My gods…to the Tower of London with her

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