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I don't like the white eye lenses on Batgirl, they look to Spidey-ish, and wished they'd go back to the eerie look she had with the all black lenses.
230 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
no this is Cass thread
I do
the duality of man
im neutral on it

Are you ready for the Peeps Movie, /co/?
>implying it's real
>where's your proof
Ohohoho... I can say only one thing to you, at least as of now. It's very much real, and not only that... certain... we'll just call them 'roadblocks' have been cleared.
Buckle up, Peeps lovers. You might think this is just fluff, but they sure are tough.
holy shit

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>Sharon Carter being the Power Broker.
>Shang-Chi’s rings sending a cosmic beacon.
>Shang-Chi’s sister taking over the Ten Rings organization.
>Starfox and Pip the Troll linking up with the Eternals against the Celestials.
>Dane Whitman becoming the Black Knight.
>Jake Lockley being Moon Knight’s secret third alter.
>Clea recruiting Doctor Strange to deal with incursions in the Dark Dimension.
>Zeus sending Hercules to kill Thor.
>T’Challa Jr.
>The Council of Kangs plotting to conquer the Multiverse.
>Rocket forming the Annihilators.
>Star-Lord living on Earth with his grandfather.
>Monica Rambeau ending up on the X-Men’s universe and meeting Beast and Binary.

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> Star-Lord living on Earth with his grandfather.

I understand the others, but that one is just an epilogue to the story. No one expects a movie of the further adventures of starlord and his grandpa on earth.

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ITT: canon HMOFA
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Who's she?
He's full of it. There are three main threads, and they are separate because they have three different interests. Those who want to dominate anthros, those who want to be dominated by anthros, and those who want to be on equal terms with anthros. The only time the other threads even come up is when someone posts something that doesn't belong where they posted it, and people are telling them to take it to /adhg/, /hmofa/, or /collared/.
The only inter-thread drama was one or two trolls who coordinate on discord who were trying to get /adhg/ and /hmofa/ to fight. They kept posting /adhg/ material in /hmofa/, screaming about gatekeeping when told to fuck off, then tried to gatekeep soft femdom out of /adhg/, and were also told to fuck off. Both threads caught onto their shit quickly, since a large amount of the posters visit both threads.
Only current drama is some bitch in /adhg/ who has some personal grudge against one of the content creators, who keeps trying to make threads with all that person's material removed from the links. Everyone keeps calling him out on his faggotry.
>Funny how the stranger danger stuff stopped the second you let fags in school too btw.
don't worry anon, parents still don't let their kids outside because they're scared every adult wants to rape and kill them, now they get to be tablet babies and get groomed on roblox instead
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>you just know

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Name a more obvious furry bait character that worked
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The entire cast of Sing
This SHIT is why Skibidi Toilet keeps winning.
Kara from Monkey Wrench but nobody gives a shit about that show
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Those have some kind of traits that make them actual characters unlike >>147514150 who is a walking Mary Sue who gets a pass from coomers beacuse "she's hot"
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>furry bait
Vivzie has always been a furfag. She just wanted an excuse to draw an anthro woman on the main cast.

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Look I don't give a rats ass that's it the fucking weekend I want answers and I want them NOW nick lowe. I am guessing norman is behind this right? it can't be warren since he is behind jail. I am not buying the bait that the real Gwen is coming back to life. if this out to be the real brought back then I will eat my favourite hat with salt and pepper.
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Fuck off shill, kill yourself
This was Lowe idea not mine so go blame him for this.
it's Gwenpool and Spider-Gwen

Gwenpool's trying to prove 616 Gwen had a penis and Spider-Gwen's teaming up with Peter to try and stop Gwenpool from revealing the truth (her penis)
Nick Lowe is a FUCKING ghoul! Why nobody throws rotten eggs at him will be a question for the ages! ASSHOLE!
Honestly, just do it. Fuck it, bring her back. Who cares except old ass nerds who'll bitch like children as they always do? It's been like half a century.

Everyone talks about Cyborg's awesome design in this show but I alwsys liked tbe way Terra looked in this show to. The goggles are a neat touch
I like how big her hands are.

Why can't people handle secret identity drama nowadays?
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In this day of ubiquitous social media and an almost pervasive surveillance state, it is impossible for a famous person (like a superhero) to maintain a secret identity. The concept is no longer realistic.
I'm not usually one to cut cape writers any slack, but it may just be because it's tough to keep the same story beats, involving the same characters, fresh for going on (in some cases) 90 years. The idea of keeping a secret when the lives of your loved ones are at stake is always going to resonate, but I wouldn't blame audiences for getting a little bored seeing yet another story centered around Clark not wanting Lois to find out he's Superman. Nowadays it may just work better as a constant threat in the background, with a few trusted confidants in on the secret.

They're superheroes, and they tend to be well-connected (nevermind that sometimes their own powers can be useful in avoiding detection). If I were close friends with Batman, I probably wouldn't have any trouble avoiding government surveillance enough to keep my identity a secret.

I'd definitely have to worry about surveillance from Batman, but that's another story.
Quite frankly, this was actually about how people get mad every time a supporting cast member doesn't react super positively to learning the hero's identity in adaptations lately
People who love this genre have wanted to explore the effects of a hero coming to terms with their loved ones finding their identity or coming clean for decades. Editors are the ones who want to keep things stagnant.
Would it be cringe for someone to say this to Clark, that a superhero identity is impossible?
But it is never brought up after, so the intent is despite all of modern surveillance, no one has figured it out.

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whatever happened to the average kid that no one understands genre?
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>she also understands men and how they think to an extent
I do think a lot of femcels tend to understand men more than their male counterparts understand women, at least from my experiences with them. I just notice there's an understanding but a resentment that is directed towards them because they feel like they can't obtain one or don't understand why. Maybe femceldom is a spectrum though?
>I wouldn't call her a femcel, at least not yet. There's still hope for her.
What do you think would be the moment where hope is lost? What would cause her to move into the femcel territory in the books canon?
When she's like 20 ig
Isn't the entire Wimpy Kid series predicated on this trope?
Maybe. She CAN get a date in the books and a few boys had a crush on her, even the one she pined for. She's fairly oblivious to it though. She's not exactly resentful towards men, either. This song that I'm 50% sure is official shows that she just hates people in general.
>What would cause her to move into the femcel territory in the books canon?
idfk, maybe a date with Hudson goes bad or some shit. Jamie always learns a lesson in common sense at the end of each book so it's unlikely, but femceldom is built on irrationality.
Because the author wrote a good plot despite the book being another scholastic one. The fact that it showed the stepdad being an asshole with details, and also a different type of bullying in book two made for an enjoyable read imo.

Sad that they made a live action movie that flopped, I am sure Middle School would've made for a nice animated movie. Btw, much to my surprise, the series is still going on, the author released another book two weeks ago.

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Unfortunate. Hopefully you find more at some point. ENF is my favourite fetish, and Pomni is perfect for it.
I want Pomni and Ragatha enf with barbie anatomy
These threads are like a yoyo
Post cute art of the girls
Digital Cringe

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ITT: We post pictures and clips of Dr. Doom, the greatest character ever created. Pictures that amuse you, or are kickass. Post Doom humiliating that fool Richards, or anyone else that stood in his way.

No Squirrel Girls Allowed.
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They should really engage in Latverian politics more like how Latveria is the laughing stock of Europe cause its a gypsy nation whos gypsy king spends 99% of its budget failing to beat a single American.
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>"We're always in our clubhouse getting high"

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Now THOSE are some background bazongas and she's looking at the audience like "yeah, sorry your watching this garbage, stare at my jugs hun".
I remember that big tits science lady.
Dick was pleased we see her more than once.

How would things have changed if Wilhamena replaced Enid in the series?
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i have
the good old sinkids days
I've NEVER seen this show, only jerk hard to wobbletits the cum guzzler.

What is her voice like?
Like a basic american black woman
Which is odd because Enid doesn’t sound black at all
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Happy Valentines Day!
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A hall from my loca art school
Wow, shes really famous huh
i remember
I don't know how famous she is around here, but as long as I have a marker then there will be drawings of her on some wall.
Anyone found/made new pieces of huge tits nia art?

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This is such a weird... show/webcomic?

The characters are cute, if not a little overdesigned. The animation feels like it was made in the early 2000s, but it's also set in that period. The characters' interactions are adorable but also a little forced. It's cringe yet based.

I've never been so confused by a cartoon before, but I still like it.
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Ever the strange elusive one,
Got a ship? She'll be there.
Snapping pictures of the pair,
So smiiiiiile
for Spider[bun]
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this one was from last Valentine's Day
Mitzi is dangerously close to orgasm, isn't she?
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