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>steampunk cyborg
Would have been hot.
I would have liked this version of Mulan more.

Disney really needs to cut it out with the remakes though
>God I want to fuck her so bad

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what an absolute SLUT woman
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I wish comics had actual progression, I liked when Emma went from femme fatale to tired professor, then again this page is essentially just Azumanga Daioh.
Based! That's pretty hot to turn the tables on a telepath and mind controlling her instead!. Definitely counts as an instant-loss moment and makes it even better how it didn't need that much effort too seeing she's that much of slut underneath anyway no matter how powerful.

Man, Scott can't catch a break though. Doomed to be a cuck no matter what lol
I mean that's it? Just some dude who has a job to do and is going to do it properly. You can't have the X-Men being their current villain selves if they want to be taken seriously, so you get this stand-in for the audience to say hey, did you know none of this is how any school ever actually worked? These kids aren't learning anything and "but they're hated and feared" isn't really a good enough reason for them not to be learning anything.

I just think that when you have that situation, where the school - which is a place for children to learn - is constantly attacked and blown up and moved and invaded for Important Story Beats to the point that it's come back from certain destruction more times than Jean Grey, it's pretty clear nobody's learning anything there. The teachers with the exception of Kitty Pryde who actually has quite a lot of qualifications and maybe Hank McCoy although he's an asshole now apparently, they don't have any training as teachers. It's all written off as "well who else is gonna do it" but there are no mutant teachers for real, just people who are barely older than these kids themselves. It's ridiculous to even call it a school but then it's ridiculous to have Orgy Island be like 70% underage teens and and 15% actual criminal supervillains and nobody commenting on what the fuck is going on in Hickman's head to just gloss over that. It's like if somebody wrote a Daredevil book where the Owl opened a school and nobody said hey, didn't the Owl groom and exploit minors sexually? Shit it's like if somebody wrote a Spidey book with the express aim of saying with great power comes no responsibility. The X-kids have these incredible powers and they're being taught to use them and nothing else, ever. I'm sure it's very important to the X-Men that kids learn Shi'Ar history so they know which birds are likely to kill them but it's not a skill that helps you find work, or further education after school. A philosophy degree is more useful.
Because the writer wanted to see some tits

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Null is so disappointing. The sex scenes are so milquetoast and repetitive.
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Spyke was fine. He got unearned hate for no real reason.
>ywn pet rahne and call her a good girl
why even live
They say she has the biggest breast but that still doesn't look that big.
I genuinely want to be fucked by Mystique while my mom is getting double penetrated by mutants and we kiss as the penis-wielders blast their cum.

This is why Krakoa orgy is the best

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>no Archer posted yet
Dude went fucking insane upon seeing her wife and daughter naked.
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So, if we could combine that scene with the uncensored rough version and picrel, could we make a full version without that smug duck?
They really went out of their way to cover Lois's butt in that one scene
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The adult flintstones reboot has been cancelled
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Good, fuck reboots. Come up with your own shit.
I like the Flintstones, the early seasons are still funny. I don't get why it's an age thing, reruns were on CN until the 2000's.
anon its a modern stone age family. just give them smart rocks and flat rock tvs and you are good
they already did that in the WWE movie they can't just do that again
why not

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10 days remain. How will you celebrate with your Primos once it comes out?
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Worth it.
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This is sick! (Awesome)
Is that an SML reference?
Reference to every one of those Aethos FNF mods

The Simpsons never exists, even on Tracey Ullman. Groening remains a lightly edgy underground comic man about half as iconic as Crumb.

How does this affect the 1990s onwards, especially the Taliban and the rise of American leftism when factoring in the inevitable terminal decline of the Fox networks?
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>especially the Taliban and the rise of American leftism
nigga what?
holy kek
>Simpsons never exists
>groening just sticks around as some guy in the underground comics
actually considering Groening himself is a (possible) pedophile what with the whole epstein foot massage, I rather have groening never exist in the first place.

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>The Taliban part is mostly to scare away Famicom
you ever think this board is kinda weird
Genuinely, all you need to clear 90% of the problems we've faced over the past 50 years would have been for the U.S. to back Egypt in the Yom Kippur War. That destroys Arab resistance, plus it means no oil boycott and no destruction of American automakers. I'm not suggesting there wouldn't be other problems, and leaving the automakers as they were would have likely meant no reform (they still haven't made their Corolla analogue), but it would at the very least stop most of those stupid managers from going out into the world and teaching their bad ways of business.

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I've been asked if he has gone mad. For he has been bewitched (having coupled with a sorceress.) For he is wretched, consumed by the abominable, the detestable and unclean.
Michael Cera was workin' with the fuckin' pigs, dawg!
that would be really cool but i just think they should look like the most normal/down to earth kids you could think of inicially.
I love how Fugger is the worst character in the show and he doesn't even know it.
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He 100% thinks it's the other way around. I've never seen a more delusional character. His trying to make Joey out to be the bad guy just to then mumble like an idiot when trying to get a word in with Strokette had me dying

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Could you explain why?
Ok Babe

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>Guardians of the Galaxy

Why the fuck does he keep getting /co/ characters with daddy issues? What the fuck.
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probably some writers fetish idk
The only daddy issues Mario has are with Bowser.
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The whole point of his and DK's talk was that both feel bad because their dads think they're a joke.
Since he technically did the Lego Movie just before Guardians of the Galaxy, I think he shouldn't be given as much flack for voicing animated characters so often because he was a TV actor when he started. It'd be like dogging on Will Arnett or Kelsey Grammer for it.
That movie (and all the other animated movies Lord and Miller did) involve daddy issues.

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>replaces shadowcat
was she better or worse as the resident new girl?
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He's unironically not only part of the peak of that run, low as the bar may be, but actually really fun as a villain even if he ultimately has the same nonsense powers as like 3 other big bad doomsday mutants. And at the fucking least he had a bit of a unique personality for an X-villain at the time as being kind of a huge smarmy cunt back before that was a common thing. Post-Krakoa Sinister is basically just Azazel personalitywise and it's a huge improvement.
He was supposed to be the son of nihjtmare and grandson of mephisto
His teleportaion isn't his mutant power
It's his demon birthright and he teleports to his hell dimension.
He's also not supposed to be blue
He's supposed to be pitch black, they just used blue highlights so you can actually see things on him.

BUT Claremont had a hair up his ass about his creepy trans shape shifting male that presents as a female OC Mystique being Nightcrawlers daddy instead.
But Shooter put his foot down and told him he'd personally beat his ass in the middle of the office if he tried.
But claremont wanted his OC to be tied to the Xmen and be mystiques offspring in some kind of way so...you had that origin.

Problem with this is, it made no fucking sense, and added absolutely fucking nothing in terms of story or drama or anything.
It's just something that's informed and no one does anything with

Hell I think Nightcrawler was retconned blue at that time to make it easier for his OC fap fantasy character to be tied to him and thus the X-men.

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>>BUT Claremont had a hair up his ass
Hare. He had a HARE up his ass.

I swear, the entire internet is retarded. Almost any website mentioning this idiom says "hair," which makes zero fucking sense.

How can a hair be wild?
You know what IS wild? A hare. A wild, fucking, rabbit. And since the main meaning of the phrase is to be excited and jumping around about something, the comparison to having a wild hare/rabbit jumping around inside you becomes obvious.

When did it become so hard for people to add two and two together?
Paige and Jono as contrasting venn diagrams overlapping at "depressive episodes" that they kind of pulled each other out of was something I enjoyed, but I'll not fault someone for not liking it.

It was his big canon ship but she utterly fell off the rails after Gen X ended. Just dating whatever creepy old man will have her.
I dont think it was bad mind you. Just that it felt like the weakest part of the book. Tho desu I mostly remember it just feeding into those things than helping too much.

I do still like paige for what its worth. Tho I just think chamber and jubes ended up having good chemistry because they don't have that sorta negative drama and it allows for both to just not deal with problems.(Skin is choice 2 but there's zero art of the two anywhere).

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Sexy people in sexier outfits.
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Stating for the record that V's outfit change in Episode 4 of Murder Drones made me (more) diamonds.
imagine slowly pulling those shorts down below her considerable robotic backplate.
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Post them!
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Who are they?
touhous you goddamned newfag, there's an entire board for them

goddamned newfags I swear to God
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Wow fanart where the girl is actually thinner than she canonically is.
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liked it enough to finish it. hope this is alright

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>ERB said Opar was an Atlantean Colony
>Tarzan cartoon adapts Opar
>Makes La, who was the Queen of Opar in the books, have the same dark skin and white hair as the Disney Atlanteans
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Good point. Those Lancer paperbacks beginning in the 1960s mixed in Howard's Conan stories with pastiches by L Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter that just lacked all passion or conviction. You could say that it was the reader's responsibility to check the credits but I think a lot of newbies read a Lin Carter story and thought, what's the big deal?
His best friend was a fucking celt anon, the Irish were literally considered barely better, if that, than niggers at the time. You're thinking of modern color racism and falling into the trap of thinking fags back then saw any difference between an italian, a latino, an irishman, or an african beyond which kind of slurs they'd use for that flavor of subhuman.

Derleth was also very likely kinda gay for him or at least was kind of obsessed to the point you couldn't help but think he was and several of his other friends were rampant sexual deviants with one of them being not only a swinger but an avid race mixer which back then was looked upon as even worse that turbofags and trannies are now because nobody would go to bat for them at all on any real organized level.
Which of his best friends was a fucking celt? Not Robert E Howard, they were penpals but never met. August Derleth was married to a woman for a few years and there is no evidence he was bisexual. To claim he was sexually interested in Lovecraft is libel, and the fact he was obsessed with Lovecraft's writing means nothing. Christopher Tolkien was not incestuous with his father because he spent decades editing the work.
Which of Lovecraft's friends was an avid race-mixer? Where are you reading this stuff?
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I gotta sleep and I am doubting thread will survive the night, so I will post big Mirage titties in the drawthread if thread is dead when i finish tomorrow
Fine, I'll fucking watch this show.

Previous Thread: >>144490470

Sounds good to me.

Easter could work as they could see who can paint eggs the best or who can find the most during a hunt, and yeah some of them in Bunny Outfits, or turned into Rabbit Version of their usual selves like the Elf spell was doing tho them in the original episode. Mr. Jingles back in the original episode cared so much about getting Christmas perfect that he kept pushing it back for decades, if we wanna make it more interesting, we could do something similar to that with a mischievous Easter Bunny turning people into rabbits.

For Valentines Day, I'd imagine it's some kind of Alien that induces love in people and the girls are too overcome with loving Ben to actually fight, maybe it's one of Gutrot's species producing tons of Love Potion so he can commit crimes, maybe it's up to Ben's Gutrot to solve the problem all on her own since she's immune to his gases but can't physically overpower him on her own. I'm just imagining her with her Brooklyn accent just chewing everyone out afterwards.

Halloween sounds like it could be a post-Anur Transyl episode with Whampire taking charge of the other Anur-Girls (Ghostfreak, Frankenstrike, Snare-oh and Blitzwolfer) to make the Tennyson house extra scary that season and you just have the running joke of then scaring Ben's parents. Or Gwen invites Ben to her School's Halloween Night and the Anur-Girls just can't help themselves in scaring people. XD

That New Years idea sounds pretty good actually, who gets to kiss Ben at Midnight, I like that.

I'd suggest Saint Patrick's Day, but I can't think of anything other than an evil Leprechaun. Which, may be too dump even for Omniverse.
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For the teen titans inspired episode, it looses combined with the 90s The Mask cartoon series (here is the episode: https://m.wcostream.tv/the-mask-season-2-episode-6-channel-surfin), charmcaster sent Ben and the aliens to the tv world due to being sent into her charm bag from the university arc. The shows themselves are anime inspired ecchi style, a dating game show with pimpzmuth as the host, and finally a beach show with Ben being the eye candy to the girls.
I got an idea: Ben meeting a kamen rider inspired hero who is basically a Japanese mirror version of himself. Not only that but also his armors are all sentient girls who are like Ben’s aliens except not tsundere or Kuudere (a bit yandere though). Both of their enemies are working together (Dr.animo and his kamen rider villain organization).
The OG series is pretty solid with Omniverse following it up. I think Alien Force and Ultimate Alien just start going down hill.

I'm just gonna throw these together. There's a lot of ideas that can just work as "Stuck in TV world" trope.

That could work. There are a few fillers of them inside the Chaquetrix when not summoned, though I don't know if that should be the case from the start or after he gets the Completed Chaquetrix?
I would say after he complete the chaquetrix. Speaking of which why not an episode of Ben entering the omnitrix without a villain in the picture. He ask pimpzmuth and wonders if he could enter the omnitrix. For this episode, I just wanted to see some chaquetrix aliens being perverted and wanting Ben.
I think we had a prior talk about that. How the original Omnitrix generated an internal world by accident do to it being bugged with Mana in Destroy All Aliens, and then the Ultimatrix did the same thing through a glitch that gave the currently existing Ultimate forms their own sentience.

I'd think Pinpzmuth at that point just builds it into the Completed Chaquetrix as a feature after that since he has enough data to show that it has the power to do such a thing on it's own.

Buuut, anyone have any non-filler questions or ideas? Characters or what not?

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