>new GL comic>Copy of Volthoom does a Copy of War of Light>Gray lanterns are taking over and their emotion is sadness>Kyle is back at being rainbow shit>John Stewart's sister zombie became a GL and now it's in a duo with Teen LanternI miss Johns
>>147176335>creat grey lanterns, ultraviolet lanterns, United planet lanterns, shadow lanterns before even really fleshing out the blue and indigo lanterns
>>147176335Yeah, it's pretty boring. Jeremy Adams is still below Robert Venditti during his peak.
>>147176335>JohnsI miss comfy 80s and 90s GL. Just finished a read-through of Gerard Jones' run and it is so fucking good.
>>147176335Lantern comics always follow the same 3 plots of >battery exploding, new corps, new battle>>147176356Shit it's really like that>United planet lanterns, shadow lanternsDo I even want to know?
>>147176589You don't
>>147176589The united planets lanterns were lanterns used by the united planets where they were taken over by durlans. They had slides Troyes the other batteries and created source lantern who could change into any lantern on the fly.
>>147176767Oh military netaphors.And the shadows?
>>147176589Many such cases