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This movie will flop.
maybe, probably. doesnt matter much to me.
And when it does, you still ain't getting anymore Snyderslop, pajeet.
Will WB survive if the Gunnverse fails?
considering they own another 20 studios, i highly fucking doubt anything will bring them to the point of having no funds to continue
I hope not
How shocking

Blue Beetle was embarrassing.
the only enjoyable thing was peacemaker
why is Aquaman movie the one with the highest gross?
first ever solo aquaman movie and china/ east asia liked it i guess
China buys it.
Using Kryto is a cheap pop.
Rabid anti-Gunn anon, what's your plan for life when this very obviously does well? You'll have to find a whole new purpose. Worrisome.
WB will but I hope Tom King's writing career doesn't.
China loves mermaids fir some reason
So the Bush Administration & Mommy Issues are the menu.
There is no universe where this does not flop
Keep fighting the good fight, Hadji
So glad Synder is gone. Let him continue making cringey Star Wars fanfiction and keep him away from DC, please.
No DBZ fight scenes.
No sale.
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Snyderverse is over sanjay, he's too busy animating Indian men getting fucked in the ass. Maybe that's why you like him so much though.
The jeets throwing fits is the icing on the cake.
If you didn't like Man of Steel you don't love your Mother.
Very true saar
I'm whiter than you.
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I'm not a fan of the Sneederverse, but I hate Gunnslop even more, so I really hope Superman (or rather GotG 7 with Superman) flops. Gunn is an insufferable fag with a shitty sense of humor and delusions of grandeur.
Besides, we've had more than enough capeshit for the last 25 years, it's time to move on and explore new themes and genres. And we definitely don't need any more Superman movies, because the first 3 movies by Donner and Lester are already perfect, and all other attempts to make a movie as magical and exciting as those 3 will never succeed. Singer is certainly no worse a director than Gunn (did Gunn ever direct a movie like The Usual Suspects? I doubt it), and yet he failed.
>using AI

Your manlet king would be proud
Superman really is looking like Black Adam but in reverse.
Where's the lie
>Snyderfags thinking Snyder vs. Gunn is a thing.

No one cares about James Gunn and nobody feels insulted when you shit on him. We care about the DC characters. You fuckers are fans of Zack Snyder, not comic books. If Gunn succeeds in making decent movies, great. But at the end of the day, we want good movies, no matter who makes them. Snyderfags aren't interested in good movies or DC characters, they're just obsessed with Zack Snyder. Probably because they're all incel social outcasts who feel a strong bond with losers like him, but that's a different story.
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Thanks for counting Lester, he tends to get shit on by Donner fans
You guys will literally complain about everything so it hardly matters, will still watch in some form.
They own only 4 studios (WAG, Castle Rick, New Line and recently DC Studios became seperate from mainline WB)
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People are also more overall sick of superhero movies now than they were in 2014
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>You fuckers are fans of Zack Snyder, not comic books.
A great writer can make a masterpiece with terrible characters.

A terrible writer can't make a good movie with good characters.

Whether you think Superman is good or bad doesn't matter. The writer is more important.
Why do people just worship the shit out of Snyder so much and then do weird things like becomes incredibly pissed off at the idea of someone else making a cape movie that is not Snyder? Why does he have this loyalty?
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This is pathetic cope
More so, why the fuck do Snyderfags have this belief that people are just as super dedicated to Gunn, like the only people who want to see a Superman movie as a cult of Gunn worshipers who only want to see Snyder's vision destroyed in some holy console wars scenario.
I don't think it will flop. Some people are shitting on the superman costume and casting.
I'm seeing a lot of good will being directed towards things like the inclusion of Krypto, Guy Gardner, Mr t. Outside of 4chins anyways.
People that are superman fans (idk who would be) seem to be optimistic about this characterization.
Gunn did a good job with gotg. I think he might be capable of leaning into the comicy camp and silly stuff that is utterly ungrounded.

I think it will open well. Maybe it will slow down if word of mouth says its it's bad.
>set photos
This is pathetic.
James Gunn has such an extreme overwhelming hatred for all conservatives (where conservative is defined as someone who is not progressive on even a single issue) that it seems understandable to me why someone who isn't progressive might decline to go see the movie in theaters.
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For a few reasons.
>First he created this whole persona of the guy who makes Badass Hero movies for ADULTS who FUCK! Not your pathetic little kiddy shit from Disney! And you might be gay if you watch Spider-Man!
>Second he made Watchmen, the book the capefags worship and adore, and constantly spout off Rorschach lines in hopes of looking cool. and then made it mainstream. They cannot thank him enough for that.
>Thirdly just more DC vs Marvel console wars shit where people think they have to choose a side and then defend their side to the death. The equate defending Snyder to hating on MCU, and to them Gunn is not a true believer, he is still a MCU Marveldrone to them
I can't wait for a joke every 30 seconds with a side helping of bathos.
At a bare minimum, even if you dislike Snyder's DC films with every fiber of your being, you cannot deny that his films are visually stunning. Great cinematography, great special effects, the works. With Gunn, he has no signature style. Or rather, his style is every other california soifuck's style. You expect tasteless, mass consumable slop without a shred of dignity or creativity to be had. If Gunnman ends up being good, it will be in spite of itself and it's hack director. Snyder wasn't great either, but there was a quality to his films at the very least. There was artistry at work. Gunn is like the McDonald's of Hollywood.
I don't know, why do Marvelfags show up in DCEU threads just to start shit and make troll posts about things that only exist in their heads?
You first anon.
Soooooo, we're just going to pretend 2020 was not real and people suddenly did not stop going to theaters in wide numbers, while Streaming services also never switched over to a format of showing the newest movie about 3 weeks after it comes out in theaters. Further incentivizing not going to the movies at all and just waiting a couple week?
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>More so, why the fuck do Snyderfags have this belief that people are just as super dedicated to Gunn,
Because we're giving Gunnfags the benefit of the doubt rather than dismissing them as people who just want to see their favorite characters in dogshit movies are
>Excuses excuses
Hows about kill yourself Marvelfag.
Snyder consistently sold tickets long after he stopped working for Warner. NO ONE has ever reached the same levels as him, or gained the same fandom as him.
So are you lying to yourself or are you lying to me?
We all know goddamn well this is nothing but Mousefags companywars. no one ever gives Gunn the benefit of anything, we have seen the fullest extent of his skill and that is a series of failures that barely make more than $200 million at the best of times.
>people unironically sharing PunisherPanther
>Bait used to be believable
You first, why are Gunnfags consistently worshiping Gunn no matter how many pieces of shit he churns out and overjoyed at ruining the DCEU?
This thread reeks of curry
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Gunnfags = shills of the new movie

If they want to see Superman in a flop, then they're simply retarded.

So I assume they're simply ignorant of Gunn's talents, or rather, lack thereof.
>Like a good movie
>REEEEE you MUST be a paid shill REEEE!!!!
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CI know it's hard for Twitterfags like yourself to understand since you live and breathe contrarianism at all times of the day, but fans of a character and/or franchise don't particularly like zero skill outrage farming fucks coming in and shitting all over their favorite character. James Gunn is just another one of those Twitter based, terminally online activist faggots who only exist to ruin things that were fun and entertaining all for the sake of social media good boy points and other fellow outrage fags.
Yes yes, it's such a confusing contrarian take to actually Not want MCU directors to turn other film franchises into even more MCU quippy slop. Clearly one has to be a dedicated fanboy cultist if they DON'T want their favorite characters to become exactly like the big huge collective.
There's fucking no such thing. Most people don't fellatiate directors.
You're projecting in a weird way.
I love Snyder because he's a stuttering idiot manlet like myself and that gives me hope that even a retard like me can be successful.
>The same images again and again
This faggot is obsessed
>Most people don't fellatiate directors.

"OMG James Gunn is perfecf for Superman! He reads comics! He'll make it comic accurate! He's made "obscure" characters like Rocket Raccoon in household names! He'll bring hope, joy and optimism back to Superman!"
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>nobody pointing out this logo
Just look at this shit. Lmfao.
Nobody pointed it out because it's a nonfactor.
How do people still defend Snyder after rebel moon?
It's very telling that you can't separate your forced meme hate of the man from objective reality.
>I-I don't like him, so no one else will see it either
Do not lose hope sir
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>Gunnbots really can't get Snyder out of their heads.
It's been 7 years. It's time to let go.
I am personally a fan of Snyder take on comic books, he's far from my favorite director though.
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>Bait used to be believable
How do people still defend Gunn after Suicide Squad?
TSS was one of the better dceu movies, that's not saying much though
How mindbroken will he be Superman is a hit?
Absolutely fucking horrendous
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>Gunn is responsible for movies that were made before he took over
>Snyder gets the participation trophy and proves Quesada's porn quote true
>Some people are shitting on the superman costume and casting.
Rightfully so.
>I'm seeing a lot of good will being directed towards things like the inclusion of Krypto
Useless gimmick. Seriously, Donner's movies did fine without it.
>Guy Gardner, Mr t.
They don't belong in a SUPERMAN movie.
>Gunn did a good job with gotg
Yes, well, the problem is that this is the 5th time in a row he's remaking the same film, and if you count Peacemaker and Creature Commandos, the 7th time, only now with Superman in a role of Star-Lord.
>I think he might be capable of leaning into the comicy camp and silly stuff that is utterly ungrounded.
People are kinda tired of these kinds of "post-ironic" or "meta-ironic" movies at this point. We've already had GotG (3 movies), Deadpool (3), Ant-Man (3), Shazam (2), THE Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, probably a few others. We don't really need any more of those. Not that we need anything like Snyder's grimdark crap with terrible dialogues, but camp and unnatural humor isn't a good choice either. We need NORMAL movies. Like The Batman with Pattinson. Not too gothic and surreal like Burton's, not too campy like Schumacher's, not too modern and realistic like Nolan's. Maybe the movies we need don't even have to feature iconic characters, why not pick something and someone else? New Gods, Sgt. Rock, Jonah Hex, maybe something from the Vertigo/Bergerverse other than Hellblazer or Swamp Thing. Make more sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mystery, war movies based on comics. Especially war movies, since a global military conflict is imminent in the next few years. Something like Dunkirk and Top Gun 1 & 2, but with Sgt. Rock or Blackhawk or The Losers, and set in more modern times instead of WWII, with our actual enemies, like China, Iran, Russia, etc, not the Nazis or some "hostile nation" for the 99999th time.
>Creature Commandos end
>Season 2 was announced
>No one gives a shit
The Gunnverse already failed.
>Sgt. Rock
>He doesn't know
Well, after watching the director's cut versions I can say that it's not too bad, a solid 6.5, maybe even a 7. The plot had more detail and was more elaborate than the original versions (Netflix cut, PG cut, whatever). It's still flawed at times, but at least the characters' motivations make more sense in the director's cut. I can't say they're great movies, but they're okay, definitely an improvement over the original cut. Kinda like how the BvS director's cut is a bit better than the theatrical cut.
>Sgt Rock
>I'm modern times
>maybe even a 7.
lol don't give me that shit
>Season 2 was announced
>No one gives a shit
Because it's just boring and unoriginal. It's just Suicide Squad, but with random freaks and monsters instead of villains. And S1 wasn't even that good, especially animation-wise.
This movie has 50 characters so it should make 2 billion right Gunnjeet?
I was skeptical too, after watching the original cut and being a little disappointed, but then I finally decided to check out the director's cut, and it was... Alright, I guess. A bit better than I expected. If the originals were ~5, the director's cut is definitely 1.5-2 points better. So yeah, 6.5 to 7. Definitely better than the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and almost on the same level as Episodes II and VI, which imo are the weakest points in the Lucas' trilogies.
BvS director's cut is the exact same movie but longer, and doesn't fix the problem of the script being total fucking nonsense
What are you talking about dude? Of course Superman shot all those people, burned them but then piled up the bodies
And he used special Lexcorp bullets
Benthic imagery is pretty common in their main moba.
Your dick flops, OP.
It matters to me. If it flops then capeshit movie slop is dead. I want it to happen.

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