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The issue that singlehandedly saved IDW's Sonic The Hedgehog comic series.
Any reason they have to drop it exactly on their base?
Aren't they more or less in the wilderness?
Restoration is a huge facility underground, supposedly this was the only other place to crash the ship instead of in the city it was flying over. It's kind of retarded but I think we can all agree it was for the best.
Nope, hiding this thread, not dealing with more of this shit.
It's funny how she forgot that there were people inside the restoration HQ.
Let's be honest, she hated that job and wanted to be free of it.
The best part is that she knew and decided it was less casualties than the city
Why does everyone here have a beef against the Restoration? You'd think it was a rape factory with all the hate it's got.
Good choice
No. Lanolin should have gotten completely ass blasted for her poor decisions.
Because it's not Fleetway/Archie/SATam; just a sanitized imitation leftover of forces.
Didn't someone say they were gonna ignore this and still use the Restoration group?
I think Surge's character would be improved if sonic raped her.
Because it took the fun adventuring characters and made them the justice league
I forgive Lanolin because she is hot.
Restoration still "exists" as the people who were a part of it, but most likely we won't be seeing it as a central hub tying down the characters to it outside of probably the DC.
Why do you LIKE the Restoration? I'm genuinely curious, what do you think it's good for and how does it benefit the comic in any way?
Am I supposed to know what this means
Because it was a boring,underutilized, and derivative concept that was taking up precious space and serves as a reminder of said concept was done in past incarnations of the franchise
I have to wonder what kids reading this series think of the comic OCs.
Everyone loves Tangle.
She's an actually fun character so that's probably why
Restoration fills the complete lack of authority without propping up any monarchs or government agencies. Or Avengers. No more kings or princesses. No secret military organizations or men in blacks. No capeshit round tables. Just average voluntaries.
Or is it autistic dhit that o ly autist will understand?
But why does Sonic specifically need that? What does that actually serve, outside of creating needless red tape that grinds the series to a screeching halt?
To be a copy of the Freedom Fighters, because Ian won't let Archie go.
Someone get this anon a glass of water
And grab a QRD while you're at it.
Tangle and Bunnie are the only comic OCs I would ever want in the actual games. Everyone else from both continuities can burn.
>he wants the quick reandown
Sorry bro, wrong board.
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The way how there's not a single soul out there who cared deeply enough about the Restoration and its base to feel anything over its destruction.
Meanwhile the destruction of Knothole in Archie was a hype as fuck plot escalation that dropped the jaws of many
How do we feel about sonic 3 movie? I felt like the movie was a little too silly but I didn't mind it at all. Found it charming even.
You know you can just be NEUTRAL to something, right.
That’s because the Freedom Fighters and Knothole were around a lot longer in comparison, so people got more attached to them.
It also helps that Yardley is a better artist.
it was really boring, barebones and by-the-numbers, didn't try anything cool or daring and wasted most of its characters.
I don't think it was any worse or better than the other two which were exactly the same, but it's a pity because an SA2 adaptation would've been the perfect time to actually try hard at lore and cool action for a change
Were you disappointed that there was no Biolizard?
I maintain that Yardley did far more to revitalize the comic than Ian did, simply by having an art style that looked closer to what people would expect a Sonic the Hedgehog comic to look like.
not really, fighting the ark itself was a good enough substitute to me. Tails and Knuckles didn't get any good substitutes for their levels though. Should've spent more time giving them cool stories and less time on "revenge guac" and robotnik's gay butler
Literally everybody likes the pronghorn sisters.
Liked it but my boy Tom didn't get to punch anything so that knocks its score down a point.

- 1/10
They're mad because it's I Can't Believe It's Not Freedom Fighters
Knuckles had some of the best moments in the movie though and anyone who disagrees is mentally weaker than me, maybe physically weaker too.
If you didn't think revenge guac was at least a little funny, you take this franchise way too seriously. No need to reply to me and prove me right.
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Being a consoomer doesn't make you strong or smart, it makes you docile and stupid.
Baleeting Knothole was kino because it felt like something meaningful was happening, getting rid of Restoration felt more like they finally made a good decision writing the comic for once.
judging by next issue the restoration's here to stay. Only thing they got rid of was the vague nebulous shopping mall area they're always sitting in
I like him but he has kind of a big sameface problem and I can't unsee it after somebody pointed it out. Personally I prefer Evan and ABT but they're all great. I'd like Evan more if it wasn't for that strained look she always draws on characters' faces.
Yes all the characters lived, but with any luck Restoration won't be everyone's home anymore.
Never understood why people keep saying nothing ever happens in IDW when it's telling some of the biggest stories in the franchise. "Muh status quo" is a pretty worthless argument when things also go back to normal after each game too.
I disagree. IDW’s art has consistently been pretty unremarkable, and feels like it’s missing something. And the pastel colors do nothing to help it either. Evan’s also a model tracer, so it feels really stiff, and that’s unacceptable in a series like Sonic that was inspired by Felix and Mickey.
Quit hogging the copium.
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I never noticed idw using much pastel colours. Mostly to me the problem is the uninspired designs like repeating nondescript "villages" in Green Hill Zone, the really stiff sega game models like you said, and the very weird thing they do where sometimes the artwork isn't even finished in half the pages.

Did you read the 2024 annual? It's very noticeable there in the Mimic story. The first half looks like shit because the colorists just didn't start on any of them, then the second half are the pages they did do and the art magically turns good like night and day.
Yeah IDW had a real problem with locations, pretty much all we got for 95% of the run were generic grasslands town, generic city, and Ian's all-time favorite, the abandoned Eggman bases.
I know people accuse both Evan and ABT of using models but I've never seen anyone post proof, they just default to "dude trust me" and "it's so obvious" but they say it so confidently you'd think there would be a twitter or discord screenshot to follow it up. I think it's only "unremarkable" in the sense that they have to go as on model as possible without any wiggle room for adding more of their own styles to it plus it doesn't help when you have some fairly hype looking art paired with some of the most sanitized, least thought out dialogue the series has ever seen like when Surge confronts Sonic. The coloring budget seemed to take a hit sometime around Bad Guys iirc, I was informed by IDW copers that it was a stylistic choice but it doesn't look that good and even Archie managed to have basic lighting. So while I agree the art overall isn't as engaging as it should be, I attribute most of it to budget and on-model mandates considering what I've seen of these artists' previous work.
Both Evan and Adam have admitted it but for stuff from like, five years ago. Other IDW artists have admitted to using 3d models for scenery or robots, but in general in the case of ABT he just knows how to draw solidly and on-model, and the same with Evan to the point she's now an official Sega artist, which to less trained eyes who're already set to hate things, looks like "traced".
If they actually did admit to it then I guess that's one thing, no one else seems to have ever brought it up though and just defaults to yelling until the conversation is over. I think people just assume it's impossible to draw the characters that close to how they look in the games so it may just be jealous /beg/s lashing out.
The ship was already coming down in the city and would've caused mass casualties. Jewel wanted it to crash on restoration HQ because there's comparatively few people there, and any lives lost would be people dedicated to the cause of protecting innocents. Sonic and Jet still sped ahead and evacuated everyone anyway.
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It's certainly not impossible, but I'm more willing to believe they trace every now and then than not.
I hate to use the term, but it really feels soulless. Like they didn’t care or try to make it look good.
I’m willing to believe it’s very often.
Comic books are a medium where the individual artist should express their own style anyway.

Bad comics strive to be on-model character sheet/style guide slop.

Good comics exploit their individual artists personal talent - sometimes it fails, but when it hits its legendary.
Just seems like pointless busywork.
I wouldn't try too hard either if I was getting paid the minimum, had all these retarded mandates, getting flak from 30 year old autists online, and didn't even like the stories I had to draw.
Then quit.
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Lanolin would be the kind of e-girl that leave 112 angry messages if you're half an hour late to your daily Discord private meet-up and then act all cute and sorry about being so angry telling you how much she loves you. While she's surrounded by three dozen or more beer and soda cans/bottles. She also happens to only wear some ironic internet meme t-shirt and panties that look too tight for her.
That's only looking at it from the perspective of a fan who wants a better product.
This except the part where she pretends to apologize or love you.
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The mandates aren't as strict as the team is saying. They're held back by their own liberal biases and cannot write or draw at their best due to that mental block. That Woke mental block is plaguing all corners of the Western entertainment industry.
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It's a private meet-up and she's stressed out to the max due to her profession that she really isn't all that good at to begin with; Lanolin would definitely spill the beans, she's soo pent up she becomes a blabbermouth and adds meme pics next to her comments like 80% of the time. Occasionally her mom will even check in on her, causing a rustling of cans she has strewn over her dirty floor.
Felt like a lot was missing, especially how Maria and Gerald didn't have a single scene together outside of when they were running for their lives.

I liked it more than Sonic 2, but both 2 and 3 suck compared to the first movie because they're trying to adapt game plots whereas the first movie actually had breathing room to make something engaging.
We've already had two threads about this awful comic over the last week and it's all the same bullshit on repeat.
Three is decent, my brother and I will be going to see it a third time before it leaves theaters. It follows it's own continuity on the SA2 plot and does it's best with the limited run time it had. The first movie is still slightly better, but the third movie definitely blows the second film out of the water. There isn't like a 20 minute minute subplot involving that fat black actress, so it's a major plus.
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Forgot to add in the fact, there's way more of a run time with Sonic, Knuckles and Tails, along with Jim and Shadow, so, another major advantage over the second film.
The annoying thing is 2 and 3 have the same "Sonic fights a guy similar to him but with a worse upbringing" plot. It's annoying because I like Knuckles more than Shadow, but Shadow just pulled it off better, so Knuckles feels very abritrary in the movies.
Yeah, that's another reason why the second film fell flat, Knuckles' introduction felt forced and incomplete. Like, Knuckles could've been rescued by Robotnik or something as he may have been trapped on that Mushroom Planet as well instead of having that rock companion. Some pirates would try to swoop in, but Knuckles knocks 'em out, takes the rings and he and Robotnik escape. That would've been an improved intro and would've been more tragic when Robotnik left Knuckles to his own devices later in the film.
No! Did Jewel get roboticized?
Also there'd be no weird "why is Knuckles a space pirate and why is that never addressed again?"
I'm gonna be honest, I don't like her mom. I think it's a good design in general but it doesn't turn me on as much as Lanolin's design.
Her mom isn't real, just her creator's personal musings.
I was with you until the rent-free /pol/shit.
I went back to 1 and 2 recently and it was surprising to see how well 1 holds up in spite of everything it should have done wrong. On the one hand it's clear execs tried their damndest to make it boring CGI mascot with plain guy road trip slop but the shit they adapted from Sonic like Eggman or Sonic having powers turns into a decent enough superhero origin story instead. It's not great but it really shouldn't be as good as it is.
Makes me wonder if 2 and 3 would have gone better if they'd tried to be less faithful to the source material.
how is not wanting the creators to be limited by puritan-tier crap "/pol/shit"?
Hey man, I ain't going to judge, Lanolin's a bombshell even with all of the IDW's teams attempts to make her as unlikable as possible.
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Sorry, wrong image.
I don't know about 2 but I think 3 struck the best balance it could for normalfags and fans, aside from what it did to Live & Learn.
Whatever happened to Yardley? I miss him.
"He's an environmentalist now so that means he's redeemed, guys."

How very subtle, IDW.
They bring him in for special edition covers but never for full books.

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