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People talk about how Wonder Woman sucks because she doesn't have
>Death of
>All Stars
>Year One
but how many heroes have them? Like do Iron Man or Captain America have them? Thor and Spider-Man?
Doesn’t Wonder Woman have:
Paradise Lost
The Hiketeia
Look, those three don't need them because they fundamentally work on a basic level as entertaining characters.
The other NEED those stories to make their shit work.
>People talk about how Wonder Woman sucks because she doesn't have
Then they're retards, those stories happened because Superman and Batman were iconic in the first place, not the other way around. The more iconic a character already is, the more good writers will want to do interesting stories with them.
Iron Man did have them
>>Death of
The masters of silence arc (he died as in cryo stasis for a short time and then returned to take back his property that Justin Hammer stole)
Demon in a bottle (and before Batman's)
>>All Stars
Armored Wars
>>Year One
International Armor
After the Onslaught war when he was saved by Reed's son
Most heroes suck.
>Death of
Unworthy Thor run
Arguably Ennis vikings
>All Stars
Thor corps?
>Year One
God butcher arc
Destroyer's arm arc
What is considered necessary about those stories? That they form pillars of characterization?
that the characters were so pointless they needed something to boost sales
What are those?
>Like do Iron Man or Captain America have them?
Iron man did have the critically acclaimed armor wars and stane arcs
He was also present for a lot of avengers events like the korvac saga
>International Armor
meant International Iron-Man

You made this exact same thread with this exact same opening post like two days ago. You were informed then, and are now, that your premise is false. Wonder Woman sucks because she's unappealing and boring as shit.
Face it.
WW is popular for being THE FEMINIST ICON and some perverts creepy child indoctrination fetish. That's it. She works best as an empty female empowerment suit women can pour whatever they want into.

Giving her a concrete origin is stupid. Hell WW would work best as a canon role that the long dead civilization of Themiscera gives the best and most beloved and noble of women

Just uh....some new WW finds a woman that might be worthy and hands her the tiara rope and gauntlets and invisible chariot and she becomes the new WW.

Have it so that every age there was a WW.
Does Spider-Man have death of stories? Bit too obvious with the troll post.
ACTUALLY the time where he was swallowed by The Other. The JMC run especially which also had a doomsday (Morlun)
See, I think the problem is you, not Wonder Woman.
The vast majority of superhero comics suck cocks. Batman and Superman's greatest hits are a small sample of the few exceptions to this.
>Batman and Superman's greatest hits are a small sample of the few exceptions to this.
Especially since those stories are the usual go-to for most adaptations.
A League of One
Gods + Mortals

There are also arcs, besides Paradise Lost and Gods * Mortals that people consider important.

Classic "tell me you don't read comic books" wall of text.
But if Wonder Woman is the most iconic female hero, why there's no good writers trying to do interesting stories with her?
Death of Superman is a bad story
Best selling author Jodi Picoult lobbied and did succeed in writing WW.
Don’t you remember?
>A League of One
A JL story
>Gods + Mortals
An origins story
yesterday's thread was better
it was famous
so was Bill Cosby

even ignoring the rape shit, I defy you to point to one thing of worth Bill Cosby made that was made because he was Bill Cosby and that alone would sell it

Ghost Dad? that's your answer? hate yourself
>But if Wonder Woman is the most iconic female hero
She isn't. Next question?
Then who is?
DC among normies? Harley.
>but she's not a hero
Doesn't matter, she's DC's most iconic female protagonist right now.
thor has simonson run which is literal one of greatest runs on any book. iron man was never relevant so no one cares what he does. cap has sterenko run and modern brubaker stuff was good.
>Like do Iron Man or Captain America have them? Thor and Spider-Man?
Yes. Several in fact.
>iron man was never relevant so no one cares what he does.
Shut the fuck up.
Michelinie and Layton are the real Iron Man writers.
Wonder is a poor character. She just sucks.
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The Avengers fucking suck, there's a reason Marvel had the licensing for them and not Spider-Man, the X-Men and the F4
It'll never stop being funny to me that it's entirely accurate to say Harley is more popular than Diana but no one wants to admit it
As much as Harley represents the worst parts of toxic girlboss white girl culture, it's why she's gotten mainstream popularity among hoes. Diana is too committee-approved to appeal to anyone. In that respect, Marvel's attempts at turning Carol into their own Wonder Woman succeeded perfectly, just not in the way they wanted.
Is the ANY way to salvage her or is she just a lost cause?
make her a nudist and have her nude every time
Pretty much, Harley is an accurate depiction of what a woman might view as a power fantasy, Wonder woman isnt
They should never have changed Carol's Ms. Marvel suit. You can call her Captain Marvel to make her seem more important, but that costume is the best one she ever had.
Wonder Woman is a man's fantasy of what the perfect woman is.
>Beautiful and healthy
>Mentally sound
>Strong without sacrificing femininity
>Embodies the virtues of truth, loyalty, love, and faith.
>Mature and responsible
>Selfless and cares about her community and the betterment of future generations.
Meanwhile, Harley
>Sexy but self-sabotaging.
>Mentally destroyed
>Strong and feminine, but has moments of slovenly or masculine behaviors.
>Embodies a new vice every week.
>Immature and irresponsible
>Selfish. Doesn't give a shit about her community or the betterment of those around her. Only when it's convenient to do so for her own feelings.
Is the embodiment of what the modern young woman wants. Absolute freedom to act up and be as whorish and angry and carefree as you want.

Which is funny when you think about it. Because most men are fine with fucking a girl like Harley a few times for fun, while Diana is the woman they're proud to introduce to their family and friends, Diana is the type of woman a man will move mountains for, and Diana is the kind of woman a man will respect until the day he dies.
More and more girls want to embody that Harley Quinn energy but still get the Wonder Woman treatment from men.
>Wonder Woman is a man's fantasy of what the perfect woman is.
And this is exactly why she consistently fails in the modern era, because they try to take a male fantasy and rewrite her to appeal to feminists, when feminists will never care about her and identify with Harley instead. Given this, the smartest thing to do would be to just say fine, women can have Harley, and go back to writing Diana in a way that appeals to men.
she is, but iconic doesnt always mean popular
Is that why MTF trannies are obsessed with Wonder Woman and living in a full women island while FTM trannies want to be Harley Quinn and criminals?
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>Given this, the smartest thing to do would be to just say fine, women can have Harley, and go back to writing Diana in a way that appeals to men.
The problem is they'll never do this and the vocal minority pretends to like her and post edits and shit of her on Twitter (but then not actually buy her books) so they'd throw a hissy fit if Diana went back to being more male oriented
I'm sure they will cry and nothing will happen like with Kamala funeral being christian rather than muslim
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How come Wondy can't be more like Thor ? Marvel figured out how to get the god shit working but DC is so all over the place with it
a lot of women don't identify with Harley either, given she's a domestic abuse victim

at least, not intentionally identify
That's why the series and the current run make it so she CHOOSE to be Harley and Joker was simply a man that stopped her from becoming queen of Gotham? Kek
Differences in power scaling. In the Marvel universe, Thor gets to be a god among mortals. In the DC universe Thor would be an average Justice League seat-warmer.
Really depends, Harley Quinn could beat the trinity like nothing.
Power scaling in marvel got off bonkers when they decided that killing Galactus means you're stronger than street level thug
Orion is DC Thor and he is just a jobber until they remember the Kirby estate could sue so he needs to be badass
she's still in an abusive relationship
Spider-Man has these:
>Death of
Kraven's Last Hunt
Superior Spider-Man,
Marvel Knights Spider-Man (series 1), heck, it's even 12 issues.
>Year One
Ultimate Spider-Man
Captain America has these:
>Death of
Um... Death of Captain America
The rest of Ed Brubaker's run
>All Stars
That's the entire Stan Lee Gene Colan run on the character.
>Year One
Lost track of how many mini-series retell his origin.
The Ultimates 1 & 2, or Earth X

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