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Time to have another thread, because why not?
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First for Palomita... because she makes me happy c:
Damn, i'm to the top with requests, but when i'm done with those, i'll be coming to draw in this thread
Because these are shit threads, mostly filled with crap nobody ever has seen for a good reason?
Déjense de joder con esos personajes weeb del orto que solo aparecen en páginas con visitas que arañan los tres dígitos.
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Even though i don't know any Portuguese this show is pretty easy to follow and understand what's going on. Thanks Brazil
Calla, lacra
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Here is the trailer from Vamos Mandy a new Chilean cartoon and it seems that the series premiered today on Max, what do you think?


Honestly i dont like the art style but i am going to give it a watch later, to see how is the show in general.
Yeah, kinda looks a bit like Victor Y Valentino, and i don't like that one bit, but this one isn't made by a chicano faggot, so i have faith
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Lupi e Baduki
they should be browner
They should be downer
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Why? The main character's voice actress isn't
They don't live near the equator
cute CUTE
God I hate americans...
I'm writing a list of NSFW artists from my country. So far, I've added around 60 artists, but I'm sure there must be even more out there. What do you recommend to find them? Also, is there Venezuelan artists here?
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This joke was recycled once, with don chuma and huevoduro instead of the girls
Is tehre a place where I can read the first Condorito comics? I'd like to know how different Pepo's Condorito is to current one.
Honestly i 100% prefer this version
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don't get mad, get naked.
Nice, a latin thread
Linda la furra
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Super hot, more Violeta is always good
Well i am half way into the show and is really fucking mid holy shit, the art style looks awful on movement.

The story goes abount Mandy a random girl from a place called El Pueblito, she desires some accion and adventure in her life but thats not posible because her mom Ruby is the tipical strict overprotective mother that stops her well until Mandy´s grandpa Brad comes from visit and turns everything upside down.

and the episodes are about the little adventures those character have, and his generic as hell,it even have the "The main character has two commitments on the same day and at the same time" episode
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Eh at least those girls are cute.
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This one as well.
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Finally episode 6 and oh my god is a fucking musical and is not an even good one.

What a waste of time thanks for fucking nothing Chile y chupalo Boric culiao por que si.
Okay take your time
Who is your favourite Monica character /co/
I think all those characters look like ass
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>Boric with all that hair
Talking about images that aged like milk
Frankelda movie preview from Annecy 2023 was uploaded recently. Includes three WIP scenes and a teaser.
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Ok, i'm pretty much done with the other stuff. Any requests?
Can you draw Teodora, Frankelda and Catalina in swimsuit? It's almost spookymonth!
This month is Peru's birthday Causas
and I haven't done anything yet, I feel like an upa again
All three?
Would it be insensitive if i drew a pigeon girl?
>new Chilean cartoon
So... how much will El Golpe be implied or straight-up mentioned?
>mostly filled with crap nobody ever has seen for a good reason
These threads are mostly filled with coomer art from Palomita, Condorito and other hot girls... what are you talking about?
Yes, please
Who are they?
¿No le pierdes, culero?
Normal chocherita, we latinos love to make fun of each other, and hate gringos too :D
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Somehting like this but with Ms Danuza please?
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El Arca is a movie that exists
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Violeta and Kariel about to fight for who of the two has the biggest non existing obesity complex.
death to all burgers

Have mrs.danuza cosplaying like in the photo but also posing and squatting like in the other. Have her also doing the peace signs in both hands and have her tongue out while looking at the viewer. Also it is backview with showing her ass to the viewer.
Dude, he doesn't have to do it, it's just a request, the drawfriend is free to ignore it, draw just one or two characters, or whatever he wants
Ups, the first link was "error de dedo"
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Are you even from Latin America?
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Requesting Candela cosplaying as Lilith from Darkstalkers.
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Dame un pedazo de ese chocolate
Kairel culo
Don't worry
>personajes weeb del orto que solo aparecen en páginas con visitas que arañan los tres dígitos
What the fuck are you rambling about you absolute retard?
Look at this calart thing
fuck off coomer
>ignored during the entire thread
>only gives me a (You) to insult me
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Since you can talk about animated movies from spain here, does anyone have watched or remember this movie? from what i see it was spain attempt to make anime and i think it was decent.

The readhead was a cute.
You shouldn't, you have eurothreads for a reason.
Oye, Po
Not that anon. Fuck off, dude, be a wannabe jannie somewhere else. A latino is more likely to have seen a spanish movie than a Kraut or an Hungarian. Let people talk about animation.
Are you the Quebec retard?
Are you the mexcrement wannabe jannie?
Who do you call mexican?
Huooola, vengo a flotar.
Bueno, chau.

Dispenser: Quebec
Demoman: Me
desuarchive is down again
It's planned downtime... I hope.
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I wonder how awful it must have been.to work in el chavo animado
Oh ffs
Not as bad to whatever the fuck was working on Historias del 8
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"El viaje a acapulco no es gratis chavito"

I dont know judge by yourself.

man I am so hyped for this movie, gotta renew my max account when it comes out in the US
lol, knowing what we know now
Any place to watch the series and eventually the movie in spanish?
Rip of the show.
Just read this, and it doesn't really make sense if it's showing her ass and in that outfit. Wouldn't it be better is it was a frontview? Shows more stuff and it doesn't get bl9cked by the stupid jacket
Cool, what am i supposed to do with that?
>el no sabe
I know the ps2 was a more popular console but c'mon
Possible MEGA link?
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With this and that highschool fanfic, now all the Villanos rooster fit in the Conalep game
Unironically at least Primos has Nellie in it, this show only has like three characters and no one is memorable, i only Iike Brad by discard because his voice half of the time reminds me of Epidemia from Cachureos.

Sorry i dont have it but trust me dont waste your time with this show.
>at least Primos has Nellie
She's fucking ugoy and has a retarded eggplant face
>trust me dont waste your time with this show
Dude, he's a Primos apologist, don't lizten to his faggot ass
Because it awful and boring, is one of the most soft looking bland cartoons i ever seen in a while.

Nobody is defending shit you stupid retard, i am saying that Vamos Mandy is somehow worst then Primos.
>Epidemia from Cachureos
kek, that sounds funny. No reference, intended or not, to Marcelo, Juanito or Chanchoman?
I thought you were talking about Frankelda.
Ok, "Oye Putos" mamador
>"Dude, this child is unsexy. How can you find enjoyment from this character?"
She is funny, that's it.
I'm surprised it the whole "Oye Primos" never mutated to "Oye Gringos"... it literally rhymes. Curious.
>No reference, intended or not, to Marcelo, Juanito or Chanchoman?

Sorry but there was no reference to Cachureos in this for what i see but Guru guru from Profesor Rosa make a cameo in episode 4.
>Guru Guru
>Not Tutu Tutu
Wait... how old is the creator, again?
Okay you are just trolling fuck off retarded faggot
User is Billy.
Cool fag, i don't care. Go post about your shitty waifu on your thread.
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Dude wat
No, really? What gave it away?
A esa leona si la pongo en un cobertor.
Call it a habit when seeing the name “anonymous” and his art.
That was sarcasm
Cute Candela as usual thank you Billy :)
>Cada una individualmente
Thank you very much Billy
Always nice to draw some Candela in these threads. The Malfada's mom guy didn't show up this time, tho
I draw in 8x5cm sheets, so i can't firt them ass three in one without compromising whatever amount of detail i put in them
I know.
Oye Primos is now thread relevant lol
No, puto, no
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Holy shit, argies fixed them. Hire true latinos.
they all still look hideous lmao, whats the fix?
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Skin tone
>Constantly makes jokes about suicide
How did they get away with that?
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yo does anyone else remember this?
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Only this version came to my country iirc
The purple and orange hair just makes them look like relatives of Tommy from Rugrats.
The toys had this scent gimmick and the one I got smelt strongly of detergent mixed with bleach and I still think about that to this day
I had a bunch of them, and the bad guys from o3 smelled like shit. That girl on the right and the evil alien one were cute
>2Veinte studios
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Entendible, gracias
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Capitana Galaxia cosplaying as Ms. Marvel, from the Capitana Galaxia thread
Pero que lindura
Oh that's why I thought Monica was dying.
Okay i am interested what is this?
>beanmouth tumblr art style
>in the year of 2024
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>no news of a third short film
>the second one is not even available online anymore

my boy juan perez can't catch a break
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Cute waifu
I tried reading those Palomita strips i posted in the last thread, but i got broed real fast. Turns out making a comic where the joke is the same and there's a faggot dog saying lame shit isn't fun. Honestly, she'd work better as a straight up porn comic
Nah men, the core of those strips is eye candy, not porn
The same thing you can say about the coomer threads of /co/
What this anon said, Palomita is all about the eye candy.

If you want to read comedy gold comic strips, you better look somewhere else (I had a soft spot for Juanelo way back when it was published in some newspapers, but I have no idea if that one continues, or if got ruined with time).
What happened with the calendar one?
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it's not a comic, it's a weekly funnies iirc.

Reading them in one go is definitely not reading as intended, lewd or not lewd, newspaper or magazine. Cono Sur strip culture is... iunno, more lowkey? characters rant about inane things and the punchline is optional. It's best described as aimed towards the comfort of knowing it's there.

pic very related
shittiest white bread on existence, how much fucking sugar can you put on it jfc
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>argentine version
not enough depression
>conalep game
Someone on twitter say that this shit was being produced since 2015 and honestly i kinda believed.
Delicious Danuza thanks
no, it's a parody of tinder
Here's the interesting thing, in the new book Villanos describes the heroes and fights like they were talking about a couple and sex, it's great to represent how doing it at a very young age can be a problem, choosing a young character and make her wear a conalep uniform, we all know the meme with that
Captch: 8ass
Oh, I was talking about the little tradition that our thread has of drawing female characters in Conalep uniform
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Se nos acabo las nalgas de toro :(
That series was ass.
De que habla?
Cute Mafalda.
Nagatoro, a romcom about a tan girl who bullied her senpai but not really.
Oh no, another generic, poorly written jap romcom ended!
Meh at least the ending was good?
El doblaje salvadoreño de The Boys era bueno.
El Arca (2007)
What's with South American countries calling girls with fat asses "fat"? It happened with that one and then with Regue Chicken
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Here is the list of lat waifus for the calendary

Mexico - Teodora From Legend Quest: [Done Already]. / Capitana Galaxia from Zor y los Invencibles

Chile- Palomita from Palomita/ Yayita/ Gina/ Calcetinera/ Sexilia / Pupi

Colombia - Violeta from Regue Chicken: [Done already] / Negra Nieves

Brazil - Lara from Jorel's Brother / Anymalu from anymalu / Morte from Haunted tales for wicked kids

Guatemala-Carol {Flotania} from Campeonix [Done already]

Argentina- Raquel from Mafalda / Laura from Metegol / Kariel or Panthy from El Arca

Peru - Sol Segura / Vicky Segura: [Done already] / ENA

Spain- Brianna from Lucky Fred / Candela from Marcelino pan y vino / Mina from Jelly Jamm: [Done already] / Nefer from the movie Mummies

Uruguay- Nancy Gonzalez from Rarisimo: [Done already] / Choronga from Peloduro

Cuba- Coralita (a black mermaid that became memed because of the Live Action Little Mermaid movie)

Puerto Rico-a cute one from show coming up named Slimies by Gladius Studios

Bolivia- SuperCholita

Venezuela- Yuleizi

Feel free to sugest more lat waifus if you want.
Furry and biblical, weird
i love lara from irmão do jorel, i wish we had more of her in the adult form
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Agree with you but more fan art of Lara in general is also a win for me.
american travelled to buenos aires and drew his first impression of the uptown CABA fauna
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What a cutie, if she looks so nice as a young adult i wonder how fucking good she would become as a milf?
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Is Super Bigote toast in the next veneco elections? Even if he rigs it, there will massive marchs on the streets. And if he sends the army to kill them, America and Europe will bury the country in even more oil sanctions while their proxy Ukraine keeps raping his suggar daddy Russia. If he doesn't find a Golden Parachute soon like Pinochet, he will get Gadaffi'd by his own.
I just want veneniggers to stop moving to my neighborhood
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My hand hurts, but when it stops, i'll draw some more girls, her included
she is brazilian, not mexican
Are (You) a hue?
Why are you speaking English then, fag?
Because it's the website language
Well, you're not making much sense woth your complaining, then
I chuckle when I think this chick thought she was fat in the movie, and yes, this picture emulates her actual proportions accurately.
Aquí esperando que el sgte. manga de 774 sea sobre exhibicionismo, el tipo claramente tiene ese fetiche visto en Presidente y Shikki.
>Implying chavismo can't get out of the government democratically
>Implying either US or Europe are going to do something if the government starts a massacre
I'm sorry anon but Venezuela is fucked
You guys are annoying
I don't mind chamos in my country since most chamas are prostitutes. The one who is my main prostitute treats me well.
>double dubs
There's one venezuelan woman near my place who has a big ass and it's so soft...
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>Dame un pedazo de ese chocolate
America and Europe buy their Oil. And also China, but china gets it basically for free because of an old debt.
Oh come on just because her creator is a Pedo does not mean Vambre is one as well, she just gets along really well with Jorels Brother :), thats it.
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>Disney XD? Jetix? yo veía Fox Kids
Actually, she is a japanese girl living in Brazil
The enviroment will make sure to give her a sweet ass tho (her future self proves it)
Meant to: >>144617839
Hay un equivalente latino de Bronceadatoro?
>t. pdf file apologist
What a mess
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Don't forget about Cybersix!
Only the comic, tho
Basado, Jetix era una mierda
Salió el trailer de Guason 2.
Where is she from?
No debió de haber una secuela
I dont know if to mock her for supporting the wrong country or just enjoy all that meat on display
Okay i would put her on the list.
>Now make a mexifu or merxican waifu in a brazilian carnaval costume or any stereotipical clothes.
There's carnavals here in México too, so it wouldn't matter if she was "brazilian". I'll still do it, tho
Ese es el punto, la comedia es solo una excusa para dibujar y ver chicas sabosas
huh, never expected that at all...but I think that brazilian costumes are bit more explicit, don't ya?
brazilian here, all the brazilian womens are sluts
Idk, they look the same to me
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Your lousy asses only made her stronger
Damn it
mortal ones? where?
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>Death threats
Oh no, the Cartel is going to kill me because I made a shit cartoon! The horror!
Guess boomer humor isn't your thing
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The use of "Latine" in that interview is the real hate crime
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If the "death threads" are just people shitting on twitter and not actual death thread send them to her home or her love ones, i dont care.
There's no humor to that shit. It's like watching the episodes of El Chavo that they remade cause an actor quit
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De marioneta
OC or real character?
Sorry, guys. Your suggestions, ideas and life experiences are too shit for her career and body of work
Real, wish a few new assets
Where is she from?
31 Minutos, her name is Patana
I hate that artstyle.
Any more art or is that it?
A real character, she is Patana from 31 minutos.

Regular fan art or her with a fat ass?
Any possibly MEGA link of Vamos Mandy?
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>When your comic routine in Viña del Mar is so shit, thats makes Meruane look good in comparison
Based drawanon, if you are here, please draw Patana farting
I am here. No :)

Different OR, how about having Patana posing and dressed like in the photo with a big diamond BHC tattoo on her ass with looking at the viewer?
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La mexicana en carnaval
Who is she and what cartoon is she from?
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Teodora's Mom, from Las Leyendas. Personal obsession of mine. I take pride in having drawn her more than anyone else, and i should do so more cause i've been slacking on her
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And this ones from last threads.
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Time to s-a-g-e the thread
Ok, crapsmeller
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Como siempre deliciosa la mama de la Teodora
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La Teodora no se queda atras
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Fito is a fucking CHAD
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Add Rena on Chile
>death threads
In just those few excerpts I can tell how much of a shill piece this is...
Okay i am going to put her and i will post the updated list at the end of this thread.
>"Fuck you... Anyway, I love the human experience and consider myself an empath"
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There were other two, but they involve fisting a puppet
>Fisting and puppet
Sounds logical
Nice, I suport you obsession
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You guys think the controversy will come back tomorrow or that's dead for good?
It depends on several factors, but if the aired episodes have been changed any further there is a bigger chance than if they remain the same as the leaks.
It would also depend on how Disney promotes the show, if they keep using slurs like "latinx" or "latine", then people will get mad, but if they play it safe, it could go ok.

Most passive Youtube Reviewer already saw the leaks and gave their opinions.

I'm mostly interested in knowing if the LatinAmerican Spanish dub is ready or not.
Jaja, nice one
Someone nuke Bolivia please
Die thread
Venezuela is higher on the "to nuke" list. What happened now?
Dont worry it looks even worse in movement
Dumb retard
You have a point, Lara looks kinda asian and from what i remember, Brazil have a big colony of Japanise people in the country.
>it's ok when gringos does it
German for The Thread
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>I'm mostly interested in knowing if the LatinAmerican Spanish dub is ready or not.
Apparently there's an episode about the Primos teaching Tater (the protagonist) spanish. That's gonna be a nightmare to adapt. And, no. It will be harder than just, swapping spanish for english like an episode of fucking Dora la Exploradora.
>The Primos claim Tater must have "some" spanish inside of her because she is brown like them.
>They set up an escape room with lots of spanish language based riddles that she has to solve to get out.
>The show already has tons of signs in spanish, I can't imagine how many it will have in the one they are actually trying to teach spanish.
>*Señal que pone: Vaca*
>¿Me pregunto que significara esta palabra tan extraña?
I just hate aymaras
Can we actually talk about latam comics here?
Mas de ella por favor, de donde es?
And what comic do you want to talk about anon?
Put your name back on so I can filter your shitty art.

Whats the joke?
Still a smug shithead /beg/ I see. As you were, retard.
Me la pone gorda, she thinks she is fat and now will fix her dress with a bigger belly
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>Still a smug shithead /beg/ I see. As you were, retard.
Sorry clicked on wrong anon. Me la pone gorda, she thinks shes fat and will fix her dress now
Why? The guy fucked her. did the guy say she fat?
No (that's spanish for No)
she thinks she will get pregnant so now she adjusts her dress
maduro said he was gonna start a civil war and invade colombia if the opposition wins the elections because it means the opposition is controlled by the gringos
Super Bigote is alone as fuck, if Trump decided to invade or send Drones, they are fucked
lol, they literally only have one damage control mode: frame the failed idiot as a victim. They don't even care that the hate came from the original culture she bastardized.
the guys are a real hit or miss, hits like the Peru civil war or the Pre Israel-Palestine war videos just next to the reverent cope of the Russian-Ukraine war. apart from that, often miss for being optimistic, they said the same in the last elections, Sr Bigote still have enough money left for a few more years, especially with Biden buying, besides, Maduro will go with a small guerrilla no matter what and It will take years to rebuild and so one last wave
They are never going to put another statue, are they?
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I finally found and watch the movie of Capitan Avispa, a movie that other anon post the trailer last thread is not absolute peak like Bee Movie but it was good and i recomend you give it a watch.

Also the soundtrack of this movie is full of Bachata and that was based on my opinion.
>Peru civil war
That never happened
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I miss it bros
Anyone really
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Does anything important ever happen in SA? I follow US, Chinese and RU news, then EU to some extent. But the only thing I ever hear from SA is Maduro being retarded or the Brazilian president acting literally mentally divergent.
There's Bukele, Milei and that's it.
Very hot covers
I think he is talking about the theory that southern Perú would Have fought to secede after the president shoot himself in the foot with that self coup
Have the south tried that they would have got Palestine'd by the rest of the country.
>Artist trooned out
What America does to a mf
Wait really?
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Wow, that's fucked up
>faggot posting Palomita slop
Nothing is sacred anymore
I came
to accurately represent them
>faggot spamming AI shit
>jannies do nothing
Cool. Fucking worthless faggots
Okay, thank you, good bye, we will not miss a mini mod who contributes with nothing of value and would rather sit and watch the thread slide off instead of adding something to it.
>contributes with nothing of value
But enough about you, slopmuncher faggot piece of shit
Just for U.
You mad, sir?
It's AI, retard, there is no source
>AI art
This is low for us. Let that shit for talentless comic industry artists. We are way better than that.
that's a asian girl, jucika
Juzgando el progreso que llevamos, yo digo que el proyecto del calendaroo va muy bien, buen trabajo señores

kek, me gusta el toque del movimiento de tetas
Palomita, a chilean comic character from the 80's.
Please shut up.
>ai slop spam

welp it was good while it lasted.
see ya!

>kek, me gusta el toque del movimiento de tetas
If Dross doesn't travel back to Venezuela to vote he is a fraud
What he does now? I used to read his blog when he used to post short stories, opinion shit and messeger chats.
Bitching about le woke on twitter
>Palomita jogging through a formerly nice residential area now infested wih Venecos.
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>That scenario actually gave me a boner
The funny thing is that if Eduardo de La Barra still were alive, he already would have made at least a couple dozen jokes about Palomita being harrased by Venecos and other foreign scum.
>Every bush hides at leasy a couple of trashy Venecos or Haitians.
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I like Marilu
holy shit nigger you have a containment thread for a reason, piss off.
it's not banable.
I'm sick of Indigenous people culture.
never saw anything of it or mention.
the only well known is because of the themes.
>Electricmon : parody of digimon with heavy sexual themes aimed at children.
>Newbreed capsule monsters : pokemon parody with sexual themes.
The most known joke of newbreed capsule monsters is one that happens in the episode
>Hey misty how about you play with my dugtrio while i play with your pokeballs
it was funny since that misty had small breast with erectt nipples, quite good for something aimed at children, sadly no one post them online.
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This, we need more shows about the hispanic side like Primos
>Hispanic side
Yeah, listen I may not the be the European-est looking guy around but I'm 6 feet tall, tan and bearded, Indigenous people don't. I find it really fucking hard to relate to small asiatic looking people with nahuatl or mayan names when I look and sound lot more like the Conquistadors they keep shitting on; I felt a lot more fucking "seen" with fucking Dwayne Johnson playing "Francisco Lopez de Carvajal" in Jungle Cruisier than any of this "We Wuz Azteks" garbage.
Spamming is
That Rock movie was a great popcorn muncher lol
>Nachito and Big Naco
Imagine two kids in a white family named Lil' Mayo and Big Mayonnaise
Nachos (food) are named like that because their creator is named Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya
Yeah, having siblings named like that ain't that uncommon in Spanish speaking households, their names could be something like "Jose Ignacio" and "Juan Ignacio" with "Don Ignacio" being their dad's name and rather than calling them "Jose and Juan" they end up calling them "Nacho and Nachito"
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His shadow casts large
Same she is a cutie
spamming is commercial, he's not shilling anything. the term you are looking for is flooding
Same crap
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>oh no i can't relate to this
Speaking of Maduro, the elections will take place this Sunday in Venezuela.
De donde es la monita?
>almost all of them look like literal goblins
It's like it was made by a racist.
mas sexilia apenas la he descubierto y no he encontrado mucho de ella
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Historietas assombradas (para crianças malcriadas).
Serie BR, tiene un doblaje en Español latino.
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>an innocent Cucaracha car horn was censored in Primos
The internet broke these people kek. At least the Soda Stereo reference remained intact, even if the joke is lost because the town isn't named Terremoto anymore
I found out like a month ago that her VA passed away back in 2021. Was pretty bummed out about it cause she voiced a lot of good characters like Blossom, Harlequin, even /co/ favorite bug, Maggie.
Americans are racists by nature
They can't escape from it
Al principio pensé que era Catalina la Catrina
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>The AI nerfed her ass

>The AI nerfed her ass
I like that her real name is Patricia Ana but combined
>Latam thread: AI art edition
Fuck you guys
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Wait what? which one the lat one or her brazillian one?
Hubieramos esperado hasta el fin de semana para hacer el hilo.
You can put more than one I see
Este hilo esta desde el viernes de la tarde pasado
El Bump
Post something then
No tiene los huevos
What are the chances Maduro actually does that? And how many chamos will come to my country again?
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So, am I the only Venezuelan here?
Also, here's a trailer of a /co/ Venezuelan movie:
I kinda wish you guys were in a situation similar to my country where, despite having retards at power, they somehow always get themselves out of the government.
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They would need a junta to stop me from giving her ass an injection, if you know what I mean.
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Do girls on SA beaches really habitually dress in micro bikinis, or is it something only on TV and in Rio?
Some do but mostly exhibisionists
>Triggered autist: the post
Do something of value or go elsewhere with your childish whines and autistic entitlement.
The micro bikinis were a late 80's to early 2000's fad. And yeah, lots of young, beautiful women used to wear them to show off their figures. Some still do, but with the current fad where ugly tr00ns harras beautiful women because of the so-called "impossible gener and beauty standards" that beautiful women apparently create by merely being alive, the micro bikinis are getting harder and harder to wear.
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>go to beach
>no young women
>mothers in conservative swimsuits with little kids
>only out of shape middle aged men and women tanning their pudgy stomachs in bikinis and speedos because they just don't care anymore
Do I need to go to some expensive fashionable place to see bikini babes or what?
Eat shit AI negro
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I miss the /co/mbeadoras covers
give me ideas then.
its this lara from jorel's brother?
If you go to a trashy beach frequented by trashy, low income families you are going to find nothing but trashy, low income-like bodies, my friend.
Go to a fancy beach or expensive pool and you will see a lot of nice bodies. Heck, unless you are fat and ugly you might even get lucky with the girls there a few or several times as well.

Oh! Oh! Can I play too?
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It was looking for some covers, this one with Adult Lara and Ana Catarina please?

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>Do girls on SA beaches really habitually dress in micro bikinis
The fitness craze of the 80's inspired many women to wear micro bikinis to proudly display the gorgeous bodies they built for themselves.
The micro bikinis clearly weren't for just anyone-having the figure needed to wear one AND having the courage to wear it in public served as inspiration for many jokes, comic characters and 80's pop culture.
Palomita here is referencing the logical side effect of wearing a micro bikini, aka making every man around struggle to not stare or trying to look in a discrete way.
I never watch the show in portuguese but my condolences to her family anyways.
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This one is literally perfect for Palomita
neat, great fanart
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Palomita is here wearing one of the famous (and scandalous) "Tangas" and excusing herself by saying she is aware that her bikini is very racy, but with her current pay, she simply couldn't afford a more discrete one. (The old guy says that if that's the case, he would have docked all of her paycheck.)
Poor girl :(
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Caricatura culia penca, pero que buen culazo se carga esa milf lptm
>Caricatura culia penca
Found the Chilean.
Thanks, JT! Looks great as always, and a funny idea too. You're literally the reason I have a Jorel's Brother folder. I really should watch the show one day.
Awesome, it's rare to get some fine Ana Catarina
Sorry anon, I only play with your mom
>Spic coomers
>Almost no comic talk
Great thread guys, better than gringos
Seconding this one with Palomita
You know, I had to stop to laugh for a LONG while because my mother is a nurse, and she actually works with mentally disabled children, so probably she played with you for real.

Man, I think this has been the most disastrous "Ur mom" comeback I have ever seen in my life.
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Niggas explaining a small piece of the Dumverse to gringos and getting it completely wrong and still getting likes because people will believe anything that pops up on their feeds is so funny to me.
See you next thread anon :)
>she actually works with mentally disabled children
With you as her son, I can see why she decided to specialize in retards.
See you in Twitter
>Palestine flag
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Muy bien
>Lo hace cubano
Podría ser peor, lo pudo haber hecho Haitiano o Venezolano.
lol, even the dog is there. He could say something like "Would you believe me if I told you that this is only the third thickest "hose" she had between her legs this week?" or "She made hoses blast after putting them between her legs all the time, now she joined the fire brigade and is finally getting paid to do it!" these can be polished a bit, but there definitely is a good lewd joke there somewhere.
Too many words. Remember, Platon was a dog of very few and precise words.
What is next for Venezuela after the sunday? I am asking because I am sick of waifufags and want to talk about something different related to Latam.
literally go to /pol/
what did he got wrong
i think the only wrong bit is that an attention whore made up the teeth bit.
Well, yes, but he usually had someone saying something else to play off of. Maybe
>Palomita (looking proud at doing a good job putting out the fire): "I finally got the hang of making this hose spray where I want it to!"
>Platon: "A skill she practiced on and off duty."
>Palomita (soaked and looking frustrated, struggling to direct the hose): "Ah, I'm soaked! This damn hose sprays wherever it wants to!"
>Platon: "Bedroom problems follow some people to work."
>Palomita (struggling with the hose): "Ah, it suddenly goes hard, jumps up from between my legs, and starts spraying before I'm ready!"
>Platon: "Now she knows how men feel when she takes of her clothes."

Again, the lines could be polished to sound tighter or funnier.

another quckie for fun
gringos love oye primos, it's literally over for latinos.
They are fucked. Maduro isn't going to lose and even if he does, he won't leave the charge without trying to start a civil war first.
>Lara viendo como lo mueve esa muchachota

Thanks Terrible it looks really good thank you :) also i like that detail of Lara having a flecked ass.
>the guy burning alive with a smile on his face
The artist is also Chilean, not Mexican
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Never see anyone talk about Tromba Trem in these threads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEBbg20WRsM
Sorry anon i have not watch that show, how is it?
Dat arse
It's nice, I recall the sound design being really poor at least on the first season. The first Season also had a simpler art style that changed after the second one came along. I personally like the first one but I don't mind the change much. There's a movie too that came out 2 years ago but I haven't seen it yet.
Duda's a cutie as well.
If Maduro tries a legit Civil War, America 100% will intervene and he will end up like Gaddafi
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