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What do you hope for in Season 7?
A definitive conclusion to the show it ended in a cliffhanger
I want Tobias's sister to come back. That is all.
Would you still want her if she became a glitchy freak? Picrel
>liking a girl is considered faggotry
Darwinian evolution
>cracker skin
Anon Darwin is orange therefore its unrecognizable I already said this in the previous thread
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More development of its lore called the Void but it was already announced this season will be focusing on "whats in the void?" So I'm hyped
Give it a chance
More naked scenes of Gumball and Darwin
>More naked scenes of Gumball and Darwin
make her thiccer then we'll see
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With a hint of incest
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her boobs and butt will be like glitchy cubes like Rob's body
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Call-back to this scene
How would your reaction be if they do an episode about diapers?
I know a few artists who would be VERY happy to see that... and I can't say I'd disagree
The ep should just be Gumball acting like a baby and wearing diapers and Darwin has to be the mother and give him milk you can add more
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More eps about them
they were underatedly cute together!
i hope they stop making this shitty show
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I hope they wont stop so they can piss off you even more lol
More development of this ship so carball fags can get BTFO
if its an actual thing, just make something in the same way the show was before now.
So just basically keep the show as it is?

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