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Rotating roster?
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Hard pass. I'm so sick and tired of this faggot Waid. I wish he'd just die.
SEX with Wonder Woman and Star Sapphire NOW
Has Waid ever led the writing for an event before? I know he has done tie ins and collaborative books but has he ever had his own "Final Crisis" or "Infinite Crisis" type book before?
Underworld Unleashed
>Underworld Unleashed
Ah so he did. Heard of that series but never knew Waid was head on it.
looks gay
Doesn't seem to be.
Roster is:
Star Sapphire
Martian Manhunter
Black Lightning
Captain Atom
Dont know if Flash is Wally or Barry and don't know if Atom is Ray or Choi.
>shitty Batman redesign
>more darkseid bullshit
That’s gonna be a no from me dawg.
Have you ever heard of a little book called Kingdom Come
That wasn’t an event retard.
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>Absolute Batman is in his 20s, 6'6, 250 pounds, and is a city engineer.
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Excited for this except the Captain Atom fan in me is ready for more pain
This. I saw some political stuff he said on Twitter so now I also wish he was no longer alive and I hate his work to.
I don't hate twitter, I just don't like his shitty writing and he's all over DC nowadays. Things were better off when he was banned.
>Things were better off when he was banned.
How so?
>Mixing modern with classic designs
Please just fucking pick one
....didn't leaks say he was black?
>what if Bruce looked different, had a different origin, and a different status quo
The thing is this isn’t Batman then. It’s just a different street level vigilante. There were 100s from the golden age. That’s why this “Alt u” bullshit is always retarded. Just name them something different.

>nobody will buy it then!!

That’s the point. If the idea isn’t good enough on its own why is it worth making at all?
not him

do you have sperm in your brain? are you fucking retarded?
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Wally West is the Absolute Flash.
I was already not picking it up, but now I'm actively angry. I'm waiting for some Absolute NuMetalMan news.
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Wonder Woman raised by Ares...this is just Big Barda they literally just made Big Barda but with Greek gods and are acting as if it's something new
Should've just made him Bane. Instead of him hating bats, he becomes one.
He wasn't infecting DC like he is now.
>is still an Amazon
>is raised by Ares
>her tattoos aren't Greek
Waid has never written a good comic and Mora is a shitty lazy artist
Wonder Woman sucks either way.
That's a bummer. I'm sick and tired of Wally.
Shill thread with shill posts.
Also that Batman looks like dodo.
>How were things better off?

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>Absolute Alfred
I can't wait for Absolute Robin to be some homeless drug addicted 14 year old
>zoomer Bruce
so did he watch Madagascar 2 the night his parents died?
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here's a better picture, anon
This is unintentionally really funny to me
What the hell DC
Shill comment from shill poster
No, people on /co/ just made that up to get people mad
It's a really stupid question. The fact that you don't see it is alarming.
Sorry but he's gonna look cool as fuck in Dragotta's hands. Reminds me of that Texas Ranger guy from EoW.
>Bruce possibly waifu'd Gloria
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Jason Aaron on Absolute Superman
-He said this book is about looking at the original concepts of Superman and asking what he'd be like if he was created today
-He said anything can change and the only thing He will commit to is that Krypton explodes
-He said this universe is about them being all alone. And not throwing Superman,Batman and Wonder woman together immediately. Things didn't work out the way they were suppose to work out and that's left Absolute Superman a little bit isolated,a little bit angry...and kinda sexy
See....what? Use your big boy words, you got this!
And a little bit pansexual.
Yeah, no
>I can't wait for Absolute Robin to be some homeless drug addicted 14 year old
It's sad that you think you're being clever and witty. Also leave me alone, he already answered your question, numbnuts.
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Absolute Peacemakers
>give her a Jew nose
Ra's Al Fred
Comics as an industry would be in a much better place if Jason Aaron jumped off a tall building
Supes hair is just...something.
>what he'd be like if he was created today
He'd be garbage, like all modern creations. Especially Jason Aaron creations.
why has DC turned Peacemaker into their version of AmericaCop from Marvel?
Hey, i'm really sorry man. I shouldn't have let it get this far.
That's Barry, you can tell from the mask. Check the baby blues.
Am I blind? Where is The Atom?
>I know what will fix Wonder Woman
>let's make her uglier
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>Zoomie Brucie walks out of RotS
>HaydenVader is his inspiration for THE BATMAN
I now want it to happen.
It’s Barry because the mask isn’t covering his nose
He's on the Mora cover, right in front of Batman
Wally's costume is getting a redesign in the main book with no nose beak so it's still up in the air
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>we want the DUNC audience
Would have liked another C lister thrown in there to mix things up
>le edgy Superman
>edgy Superman
>wut if Superman but today
>dark suit sans undies

Getting Snyder vibes from this. Sounds like crap.
More like absolutely retarded.
When you're in the western comics biz and you desperately try to do something new, but you have to attach it to an existing character because otherwise nobody will even look at it.
Just end it all already...
I hope Absolute Joker is a french clown who keeps sapping Bruce's sentries
Is he gonna fuck Maxima ?
Wally will stay in Titans.
Hey Dan
It will be Absolute Harlequin and he will fuck her vigorously.
That’s not Bruce. You can tell they’re testing the waters of replacing the character by changing the design of Bruce himself. Everyone has the same face and hair color except Batman lmao.
Hopefully he’ll fuck someone other that Lois

It sounds like it’s gonna have a rotating cast
Any other info about this? Writer, artist?
Writer is Lemire, artist I can't recognize.
>person clearly hates writer
>writer is more prominent now than before
>person says things were better off when he was less prominent
you have to be a zoomer.
Jeff Lemire and Nick Robles.
>"Diana is the last Amazon and the world's first superhero." She's not just a warrior, she's also a witch, reveals Sherman about Absolute Wonder Woman. She was literally raised in hell, the artist reveals. "She's armed to the teeth that we haven't seen before. The design, and designing her visually, there's lava running under rocks is what I was thinking of. She is fire underneath."

> "She rides a giant black metal skeleton winged horse," Chris Conroy says straight into the mic about Absolute Wonder Woman.
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>what if heroes but edgier
>this is surely what DC readers want
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God, I hope so. I'm tired of Lois. I want to see Superman use his cock of steel to fuck up Maxima's sweet redhead pussy. I need at least one AU where Superman isn't a simp for a mid-tier thot and goes for the 11/10 redhead princess.
Zoomer, right right. Listen, I apologized for triggering you by asking you to explain yourself, and left you alone as you asked. Just take the L and go lay down and cool off for a while.
>Buster Sword
Tumblr using 15 year olds loved this in 2011
What is up with that Darkseid? Looks like a weird cosplayer with that face, for some reason.
Thanks, anons. This thread’s the only place I can find info from this panel and it’s difficult to juck and jive between the typical DC bitching that’s infested this board
So Superman Earth One?
>we haven't seen before
we have seen all of this before
I wish absolute was more like the pitch an Anon wrote in another thread about it being not the ultimate version of the DC universe but the superior version.
to be fair not even aipt is being able to report this very well. snyder posted to his twitter but barebones and with really bad photo angles
looks amateurish
DC reaching back for that Nu52 "what if Joker randomly cut off his face for no reason?" writing I see.

I might even enjoy the Stupid Shit Universe they're building but I doubt they ever get to the characters I actually care about before all this is canceled and buried.
I hope DC fails.
Holy fuck this is edgy.
What’s a good place for comic news anymore? I just went to cbr for the first time in like ten years and it’s literally just listicles. Is newsarama still a thing?
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Welcome back Superbro

Man I miss Rocafort
Where did he go anyway?
I have no idea. I'm getting everything from twitter
I like superbro not ironically
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One of the few Superman's I liked. Most of the other versions are fucking doormats and is "too nice."
based, Star Sapphire is cool
he become a problematic creator, not sure for what though.
what's the catch? he's actually reverse flash or something?
He's on griftstarter now
This is going to fail. I can already see it because DC just repeats it's history of failing far too much to not think otherwise.
Nothing about this is "cool," Christ, read the room
lmao faggot
he is so far the only flash in his reality with no ties with barry
I think Batman city planner/engineer is kind of a neat idea, especially if they make good use of architectural space
>Star Sapphire
>Black Lightning
>Captain Atom
holy kino
> star sapphire
> black lightning
Holy shit that would be so hot if he gave her the BBC
how many issues until captain atom explodes?
i say 13
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something's off

When did they change Star Sapphire's outfit from the mostly nude version to that cowardly burka?
>What if DC Comics…but edgy and grimdark???!!!!

This is really the ground-breaking “awesome” idea from Scott “Shakespeare” Snyder and his cronies?
Let's be honest anon, that shit barely counted as a costumed, like you said, she was mostly nude, it was tacky.
The current one is only slightly better tho, it's trying too hard to be like the GL costume, wish she could have one similar to the Silver Age leotard, that one was an actual good and tasteful costume.
Does this mean he has a relationship filled with sexual tension with his mother who wants him to conquer the universe? Because if Supes fucks Lara it'd be hot.
6 or 7.
I just don't feel like I can get excited about any of these new DC comics anymore. This "Definitely Not The Ultimate" Absolute DC looks so stupid, why couldn't they just make a "meat and potatoes" imprint where the writers could have written classic superhero stories without this unnecessary edginess as if it's the early 2000s again? If they want the Snyderverse fans to read their comics, why don't they hire Zack Snyder instead of Scott and let him write 2 or 3 series, in the style of Batman '89 or Superman '78, where he could just tell what he had planned for his Man of Steel 2 and Justice League 2, 3 and 4. They'll do it 10 or 20 years from now anyway, so why not now?
It's almost as if they want to sink DC on purpose at this point.
Bet he’ll be like Wolverine, a drunk and a whore. Would be kino if true
Kek it really is New 52 Superman again. Based.
>killed off the DCAU solely so they can take the name for their dogshit comic event
Sasuga DC.
One had nothing to do with the other, you idiot.
Also, do you seriously believe they'll use the DCAU again?
Say what you will about Aaron, he did let Thor score. Probably will do the same with Superman
Literally says “Bruce” on the concept art
Reread what I said. They're testing the waters by changing up the actual look of Bruce Wayne. Bruce is just slapped on there so it won't be an immediate turn off like Tim Fox.
Earth One Supes was still kept as a sweet and honest guy living in a much cynical world, what changed was Clark feeling rather isolated at first since the cynical realistic world he was in didn’t want to believe some powerful alien was just a guy trying to help others without any ulterior motive; so not really the same if Absolute Superman is edgy himself, not the world around him.
I hope that Robin is a solo character and goes off to create the Titans over being stuck with this Batman.
It’s going to happen too.
berserker mode again?
kill yourself
>Carol on the JL
Is it difficult living a life where you literally make up things to be mad about even if there’s evidence that the thing you’re making up to be mad about isn’t true?
Okay shill no need to lose your shit over a post on 4chan.
I think Jason Aaron should die.
You're an Absolute loser.
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>Robin's Nest
Great if this is for Tim, about time they found something for him to do, and this fits him perfectly.
Oh hai Magik
Hope he fucks Wonder Woman and Maxima
wtf I'm in love now
I believe this will l have a rotating roster, just like the JLU animated series. What a way to celebrate the show's 20th anniversary btw, really looking forward to it. Fuck Waid haters, at least he's doing something fun with these characters.
Uh no, I vote with my dollars and I will not be supporting somebody who has no respect for the former commander and chief
Super bro ?
>Straight from San Diego Comic-Con and DC's Absolute Power panel, DC Comics has revealed brand new details about their upcoming Absolute Universe, featuring all-new versions of their classic characters. Previously announced as kicking off in October, DC's Absolute Universe will begin with Absolute Batman by Scott Snyder and Nick Dragotta, Absolute Superman by Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval, and Absolute Wonder Woman by Kelly Thompson and Hayden Sherman. During DC's Absolute Power panel the teams behind these new comics were able to pull back the curtain and reveal fresh information about these reinventions of DC's classic characters.

>DC's Absolute Batman explained
Writer Scott Snyder and artist Nick Dragotta were on hand to break down the new Absolute Batman, revealing their nickname for him, "The Batman Who Lifts." This new take on Bruce Wayne will be a young man in his 20s who clocks in at 6' feet tall (7' feet tall when in the batsuit) and weighs 250 pounds, he's a big 'un. This version of Bruce will also work as a city engineer/construction worker who will have a French bulldog with bat ears. Snyder noted that he was afraid to return to Batman after his celebrated run on the character, but noted this is a "top to bottom reinvention."

>Dragotta went on to reveal other characters that got the redesign treatment and who will appear in Absolute Batman, including the new Absolute version of Alfred. Described as an MI-6 agent that makes his way to Gotham City while "hunting a target," the new Alfred is also not a butler, and never has been. The pair also revealed the first redesigned villain for Absolute Batman, teasing Absolute Black Mask who was shown wielding duel MAC 11s and a terrifying version of his mask.
>dC's Absolute Wonder Woman Explained
As much as Absolute Batman appears to be a major shift from the classic version, DC's Absolute Wonder Woman appears to push things even further. Unlike her main DCU counterpart that came of age on Themyscira, Absolute Wonder Woman was raised in the Underworld, and you can see it not only in her armor but the fact that she rides on a black skeletal Pegasus.

>DC's Absolute Superman Explained
Opening up about the project, Jason Aaron revealed that while he wasn't interested in writing another ongoing title, learning about the opportunity that Absolute Superman presented was too much to ignore. The writer teased that his take is trying to imagine Superman as he if he was being created for the first time in modern day, and that the only other detail he could confirm is that Krypton would explode. Despite the major differences, Aaron reiterated that their intention with this new Absolute versions isn't trying to veer too far away from who they are at their core.

>DC's Absolute Flash Confirmed
Finally, the DC panel concluded with the revelation of the fourth ongoing series in DC's Absolute Universe, Absolute Flash by Jeff Lemire and Nick Robles. No further details were revealed about this version of the character, but a wild piece of teaser art did arrive.
Absolute Flop.
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You do you, faggot.
Don't project shill.
>DC Comics has launched one of its biggest and boldest crossover story events ever with "Absolute Power," and fans at San Diego Comic-Con were eager to hear the creators talk about the it!

>DC's espionage master Amanda "The Wall" Waller has truly lived up to her name: she launched a multi-pronged coordinated strike against the Justice League and all DC heroes, at once using AI fakery to frame the heroes of Earth as launching a coup, while in reality siphoning many of their powers and trapping them on Earth-Prime, with no cosmic, mystic, time travel or multiversal means of escape. Waller has a squad of Amazo androids now boosted with the powers of the Justice League, led by the Brainiac Queen, and Batman's rogue "Failsafe" android. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the few JL members Waller didn't capture are trying to rally, but with no powers and no reinforcements, they seem to have few options in front of them...

>justice League Unlimited Announced
Justice League Unlimited #1 was announced, with Mark Waid writing and Dan Moira drawing the book. Waid to hero suggestions from the crowd, confirming we'll see all of them – except Jonah Hex. The Watchtower will be back, and so will Darkseid.

>Scott Snyder promises the are investing in this universe to last, and that the characters WILL retain core elements, even though the exterior will be completely new. Nick teased a six-page Batman fight scene that was his favorite; Sampere loved Superman in All In the most. Hayden Sherman delighted in getting to take on Sampere's version of Wonder Woman.

>To end the panel Absolute FLash with Jeff Lumiere and Nick Robles was announced.
>DC's Absolute Power Panel at SDCC 2024 (LIVE RECAP)

Mark Waid, Joshua Williamson Dan Mora, Daniel Sampere and Nicole Maines from the Absolute Power creative team took the stage. Waid discussed the honor of getting to work with all these DC characters in a story like this – especially the World's Finest team of Superman and Batman.

Wait also touched on the premise of Absolute Power and the intrigue it creates for the familiar DC heroes. "The will have to make hard choices," Waid teased, adding that those choices will become very unexpected ones for heroes who have no superpower.

Dan Moira's work was highlighted by Waid, who described him as a storyteller in his own right, through the visuals – visuals that are perfect for an event like this.

Waid praised Maines' work on Suicide Squad: Dream Team, which made Maines almost cry and make her "cheap mascara" run. She talked about working with the character of Dreamer and making her a focal point of Absolute Power, when she finally has the realization that she could have stopped Waller's campaign, while at the same time being an eighteen-year-old girl who doesn't yet have the moral compass to handle that well. She teased where Dreamer's visions could be leading, her friendship with Jon Kent Superman as "weird farm kids" and their reunion to come in the Super Sons book.

Daniel Sampere's work on Wonder Woman was given the spotlight. He talked about working with writer Tom King and the pressure of the challenge they faced in taking on such a massive icon. He talked about the struggle of depicting Wonder Woman as both super-strong, but compassionate and soft at the same time.
>Daniel Sampere & Joshua Williamson Collab?
Sampere extoled in the fun he's had working with the character, while it was teased that Sampere and Williamson could be teaming up for a project!

A teaser of some Superman cover art for the upcoming Absolute Power tie-ins was shown, and Williamson talked about working with Superman when he's been de-powered. He also delighted in having Mark Waid write the event instead of him, while confirming that he does keep years of SUperma storylines planned out. He also talked about the creative process of making Braniac Queen's origin a.twisted mirror of Superman, with Braniac being the Jor-El who sent her to Earth when he was facing doom – but Amanda Waller being the Kent Family that raised her. Waid pointed out that Waller "raising" Brainiac Queen in twenty years of virtual reality simulation also gave Waller twenty years to plan.

Williamson teased how he was going to be giving artist Jamal Campbell what he wants and bring Doomsday back – with Dan Moira drawing the book.
>DC All In
DC Executive Editor takes the stage to introduce the DC All In Segment. DC All In Special #1 will be released the same day as Absolute Power #4 – and SDCC will be the place of official first announcements.

Scott Snyder, Nick Derington, Jason Aaron, Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Katie Sherman and were all brought out for the panel. Snyder talked about leaving DC in 2019-2020, and reading superhero comics as a fan for awhile, while also hearing the talk about superhero fatigue. He talked about the love of superhero and the genre being indelible, and how "All In" was an idea hatched for years with the goal of getting everybody re-invested in going back into the comic store for an event (with incentives like contests teased) and having a renewed excuse to celebrate (DC) superheroes. Williamson and Snyder talked about treating All In as an initiative, not just an alternate line.

It was teased that Darkseid unlocks a new form that forces the heroes of the DC Universe to re-invent how they come together and fight a version of Darkseid who has evolved. Snyder teases Absolute Power setting up a Darkseid quest to obtain something that will take him beyond his current limits, and give rise to All In's story.

All In will start with flip book, that can be read from either the heroes perspective or Darkseid's, with the tale perhaps meeting in the middle. Sampere talked about hearing the concept for All In and feeling compassion for the artist who would have to take it on – which turned out to be him. His buffed-up Batman is spotlighted, and he says he's loving drawing Booster Gold.
>DC's Absolute Universe

The DC Absolute Universe presentation begins with Aboslute Batman, which Snyder will write. The concept art shows a body builder-sized Batman who is sketched as a young 20s man, 6' (7' in his Batsuit) a city engineer/construction worker, who owns a "Bat-ear Frenchie" dog. Snyder talks about how it will be new and still the core of the Bruce Wayne/Batman character – while also addressing his fear about coming back after his defining run on Batman.

Nick talked about fans having no idea what this new Batman will be, and how they put real passion and love into the project. Concept art reveals a terrifying new version of Black Mask wielding duel MAC 11's; Alfred is MI-6 agent who comes to Gotham hunting a target, and collides with Bruce. It's wild new stuff.

Kelly Thompson and Hayden Sherman's Abosulte Wonder Woman is teased as a book that changes Wonder Woman's status quo in.a major way. The concept art of Wonder Woman riding a black skeletal Pegasus and in Hades-style armor with anime-sized weapons hints that this Wonder Woman comes from the fiery underworld.

Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval will be taking on Absolute Superman. Aaron teases creating a Superman as if in the modern world, and that beyond Krypton exploding, this will be a Superman stories fans do not expect. Aaron further teases that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman won't be pals that instantly come together; his Superman will have a backstory of things not working out for him, making him angrier and "sexier, in my opinion." His look, his mood, powers and mythos will be very different. A cover for Absolute Superman #2 shows Superman facing a squad of "Peacemakers" who have scribbled the phrase "Lazarus is Life" in the dirt. Aaron teases the story starting in Brazil of all places – even though he may be the first Superman writer who is actually from Kansas. He promises we will get Kansas – to the point of Superman sitting out in a field of wheat for one issue.
This is just New 52 and Earth One Superman
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>Reheated ideas you've all been more or less exposed to before
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I'll give it chance. The Azallo with rape-zons showed there is no change you can do with her that won't piss off someone. So might as well go full retard with it and see what sticks in contained corner.
Now I want to book around a super edgy edge Lord anti-hero that has the most right angles of any hero in existence, but I'm the happiest most optimistic Beaver mcclever type world there has ever been
They've gone Full Retard at least a half-dozen times at this point.
Shit always fails because a modern take supes that that has zoomie/y values wouldn't give a second thought to fuck around in world affairs even if he wasn't planning to Red Sun the world.

You'll get your sassy woman of tissue and enjoy it.

All the more reason to keep it doing it in the litter box.
This was sovl
I would like this design alot more if they weren't cowards and had exposed boobs. If your doing a suicidegirls.com version of wonder woman at least commit to it
If Absolute Wonder Woman got a no-kill policy despite being raised by Ares, not even going to bother with the book. Cool spooky skeleton pegasus though.
>"The Batman Who Lifts."
>what if Batman but zoomer?
>becomes the Engineer
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You seen the kind of damage Aaron did to Thor and She-Hulk. Now we will see the kind of damage Aaron will do to Superman.
Dragotta's art looks terrific, as always, but have a feeling colorists, even the good ones, will degrade it.
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Well the Absolute universe can serve as a dumping ground/containment universe for stupid edgy ideas DC is prone to do if nothing else
We'll have you reaching for the vodka.
The idea of Batman protecting and saving the city his quite literally rebuilding with his hands is neat on paper, but from I’ve read of Snyder in the past he’s got a bad habit of jumping the shark with neat ideas. But at the same time Last Knight on Earth was cool
Tis a reboot coming sir.
You've been saying that since forever man, let it go, they're not trying another reboot after the shit that was New 52, they've just been debooting the universe.
The Absolute Universe is their compromise, a whole new universe that instead of replacing the old one, it exists alongside it.
Looks like the speedforce sucks balls for its user.
>Captain Atom

Either Waid will make him a bigger jobber or he'll redeem himself for starting that trend.
They make it seem like the book is a rotating cast so if that's true he explodes at the end of the first arc.
He's still writing Wonder Woman like shit after starting the bloodthirsty trend so he's just gonna make Nate a bigger jobber.
Alright tough shits, what would YOU do as ptiches for Absolute DC instead of Supertwink and Bathunk?
do you know what a twink is
Jesus. This is all truly awful.

DC is legit dead, aren't they?
Make it more like Manga.
Make Batman more like Naruto, Superman more like Goku, and Wonder Woman more like Sailor Moon. It’s More fanservice.
I dunno, I think it looks kinda neat.
More like DCeased!
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Holy based
I'm happy that at least you'll keep the ship afloat.

You're alright, Carlos.
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Meh I'll check out the storytime when it comes out if I don't have anything better to do at the time.
>Darkseid again
See this sounds like two edgelords having fun so at least I an respect it. Absolute Batman looks like Snyder ran out of ideas but if I hear good things after a few issues come out I might give it a look. Superman is guaranteed trash on account of Aaron writing it and the fact that one of the promo pics has 50 Peacemakers on it reinforces my opinion.
So is it the DCAU timeline?
I think Mark Waid is not a good person, but for me personally, I've accepted that most people hate me and want me dead. I got that message loud and clear during covid. So fine, I keep to myself, but I still want to be entertained. And Mark Waid entertains me. As long as he keeps his retarded takes out of the comics, I'll keep reading them. That's just my perspective.
I'm extremely excited for the Absolute Universe and for a new Justice League book. I think DC is in a really good place right now creatively and I can't wait to see what comes of this.
This is the fiftieth shill post you’ve made.
No. I will continue.
Oh yeah? If you love DC so much, then why don’t you marry it?!
We've seen pics of him in color for weeks now.
>The Golden Quarters
>Home of the JSA
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Chosen from among all others by the Wizard Whatley
Billy Batson and his Uncle Dudley travel the highways and byways of the land on a never-ending mission: to protect humanity and the planet earth until the stars are right! In time of dire need, young Billy has been granted the power by the old ones to summon awesome forces at the utterance of a single word!
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>I think DC is in a really good place right now
>I don't read comics at all, but I browse cringe threads on /co/ and watch outragebait youtube channels, so I'm sure you're wrong about liking the comics you read
Captain Atom is back to his old pre 2010s self now?
who are you quoting lil zoomie?
This might be the first time greater DC has actually acknowledged Carol having a power ring since she got it 15 years ago.

She was only ever Star Sapphire in a GL book and nowhere else.
Well I'm obviously asking because the DCAU had a show literally called "JLU" and some of the scenery here looks like its pulled directly from the show, namely the Watchtower setup
Lemire's Absolute Flash is going to be so good.
I'd f'tag'n read this.
Invisible Skin Pegasus instead of jet now?
DC ends up making a lot of their multimedia stuff canon when it's well liked, like Harley or Red X.
Hmmm.....I'd do an Aquaman book where it's purely a divers suit, and Arthur isn't the half-atlantean heir to Atlantis. In fact, he'd be the controversial outsider Queen Mera would fall in love with, and he goes from glory seeking treasure hunter to hero
I'm going to preorder Justice League Unlimited #1 and Absolute Flash #1 and nobody on /co/ can stop me!
I feel like this would have really worked in 1995 back when DC was reinventing all their main hero cast.
That image isn't Azzarello, and his Diana was in character/compassionate in that run (which outside of the sailor thing the book was great)
Dangerously based. I'll be right with you brother. My DCBS list will have a ton of DC ordered next month.
So Ilyana Rasputin but in DC and call her Wonder Woman.

Would rather DC have made a knockoff of Storm for their updated Wonder Woman.
Anon, when was the last time you read comics?
Because his primary introduction to greater pop-culture was a well liked action movie where he's played by Gen Z's Hulk Hogan. Like it or not, he is a DC character that normies are aware of and like.
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Hasn't this been DC's game plan since 2012 or so, and their entire tv/film media game plan for almost as long?

Go Dark
Go Darker
Go Grimdark
Go Grimdarkier than that!
Make everyone talk slowly with angsty breathy voices,
Make all scenes dark and blue
Everyone wears black leather!
You'd know if you actually read the comics, obviously not all books have the same tone.
I dropped almost all of DC titles except Green Lantern around 2019
Superman but he's truly alien in a sense that he's some entity found dormant in a capsule orbiting the Sun and learns of the world through brave astronaut Lois Lane. Think space Tarzan mixed with the Iron Giant.
Then fuck off and go crack a book and find out for your own damn self faggot, quit asking for a spoonfeeding
He's been for quite a while now.
Jesus fuck off obvious noobfaggot
>go crack a book
good advice for any comicfag. and by book I mean an actual book, not comic book slop.
Might have been true if DC did not cancel every other title that was not Batman or some other Gotham character like Penguin, Catwoman, any variety of Bat girl and Robins, and Poison Ivy...who is in three books.

Would fucking love to see some non Gotham grimdark shit if DC would let any book fucking live.
god I wish they had canceled catwoman before howard took over.
This looks like a sloppy paper machete project done by a third grader. I can fucking see where their glued the jap screentone to it.
>intentionally read something you don't like
>get upset
Anon, are you stupid? You CHOOSE what to read, you don't have to read all the Bat-Books DC publishes, you can ignore that shit, you know that, right? There's still plenty of non-Batman books, you just have to actually read them instead of bitching and whining about Batman.
There's so many good comics coming out now, but /co/ denizens would rather spend their time complaining about the comics they don't like.
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welcome to drawing for reproduction.
>There's so many good comics coming out now,
name the good DC comics
Christ will you shut the fuck up already?
Waid said it's rotating, this is just the first team
Batman and Robin
Batman Off-World
Batman/Superman: World's Finest
Green Lantern
Green Lantern: War Journal
Kneel Before Zod
The Penguin
No one would ever print something like this.
>Golden Quarters
>Home of the JSA
Meanwhile, their actual JLU continuation mini-series was called Justice League Infinity.
So they're taking inspiration from the cartoon? I can't fault them it was a great vehicle for different kinds of stories with as many heroes as fit the bill of whatever story they needed to tell.
Yes s'ir DC in very good place now
DC be doing the thing to be very very good
What he do ?

Years of waiting for this, cheap fucks
Great a giant sword that she will never use because cutting your enemies in half is just not as exciting as a fist fight
Who would you prefer?
Ever hear of Jim Lee, Jason Fabok, Ivan Reis
boring boomer. Fabok's women are trrrraash.
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I am loving Fabok on Rook right now. Looking forward to Reis on Hyde Street.
You will never see something like that in a fight with a big villain unless its the final hit or something like that, what Im trying to say is fights need to last to be interesting

Jorge Jimenez is way better than Mora and their drawings are very similar they rely heavily in anime style, also ``boring boomer`` sometimes I forget this boards homosexuality
Jimenez and Larraz suck too
New Superman logo shirt sold out at SDCC
Honestly this is still my favorite WW outfit
Larraz does suck or at least Im tired of his style just like Moras but Jimenez is waay better than Mora, much better
Jimenez sucks ass. His art being paired with that shitty Zdarsky Batman run made it ugly to look at.
Because they need to astroturf him into as much shit as possible, just like they did with Black Adam (at least Black Adam earned Some money + closed some of original Superman big budget action niche that "Superman" will never ever do in the live action because of many Superman "fans")

>a well liked action movie
Most people don't know it even existed in the first place, and his show has abysmal numbers too.
There is a reason it is Bloodsport who got an actual Fortnite skin

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Super Pets cartoon for little children and bbw giantess lovers by context earned MORE than "The" Suicide Squad and actually wasn't a flop either!

After Superman L flops this and MK1/Injustice 2 Mobile shoehorning and COIE part 1 cameo (yeah, he was in original comics, just not in DCEU costume) and Suicide Squad anime will be looked up with same level of amusement as picreleated.
But even more so because at least Dwayne Did earn some money and had an adequate credit before all of this, not Gunn who made nothing but flops outside Disney, especially for DC/WB.

It is a shame that John Cena will never get a chance to play Peacemaker straight like in normal comics.
wtf are you rambling about?

Something about how the Rock should’ve gotten support as Black Adam instead of Peacemaker getting pushed? I think
You typed a total nonsense.
>>edgy Superman
so ... original Superman
>>wut if Superman but today
so... original Superman in a contemporary setting
>>dark suit sans undies
blue is accurate to original blue, which always should be similar "blue" with Batman's color and as bright as "blue" of a gun
>Getting Snyder vibes from this. Sounds like crap.
Sounds great. Superman done straight instead of shallow. IF Jason Aaron wasn't a libtard. Because in the end this will be as halfassed as Earth One and new52

it is similar to original WW face in comics

Batman in comics has Alfred in the first place because of 1943 live action, especially Serious Alfred, same with bat CAVE (before that there was tunnel through an old building at best)
Alternative versions is how MCU were able to build up their giant movies. Nobody gives a shit about non-lethal pc Avengers, so they just too Ultimates and renamed them (and sawed off some edges, but still it is government sactioned task force of brutalizing superheroes)
And most non Zack Snyder's superhero adaptations have barely anything to do with source material, especially with original one, that isn't defact "alt" already. Original Batman wasn't irrational gunphobe nor was he an irrational absolutist,S coming from Krypton made it into the comics because too many people at DC liked Richard Donner's film (which btw was in many ways deconstruction of Superman at that point in time and VERY "Alt" compared to comics, and also first mix mash of elements (Kal-El being infant loaded into rocket like original Kal-L but arrived as 3 years old like classic one)
Drax is now forever alien because of James Gunn movie, instead of American who got killed by Thanos in USA and who's body was rebuilt by alien wizards.

The difference is ofc Ultimates were allowed to be "edgy" and "controversial"
>/co/mbler trannies lacking reading comprehension
shocking development
Oh fuck, Wondy is hot again. I hate her outfit but her face is sex.
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what's your position on the tattoos
They’re there.
now THAT'S a shill post
"Ultimate" DC superheroes really is just original versions of these characters. Just like Ultimate Marvel some of them kill, use guns, above the law and not always right even within their own issue's narrative. Slam Bradley (who is basically Clark Kent without glasses), Batman, Wonder Woman, the (Mighty) Atom, and basically lots others had "racist" moments with Chinese at first before having these moments with "teh Japs" during WW2 period. This isn't some soft ball "this doesn't stand for France!" (silly white europeans, got it?) and they weren't "wrong" or satire for doing it either. They really were Superman DC National publications.

Also had TDKR Batman before TDKR Batman existed.

Many "people" have skewed view of these comics due to infestation of pozzers and the bad ones within superhero comics fandom.
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>that's left Absolute Superman a little bit isolated,a little bit angry...and kinda sexy
He should fuck Vixen. She debuted as a Superman character after all.
Not that guy but one of her tattoos being a Hecate symbol is pretty cool.
Are you retarded?
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SuperChad should fuck Maxima in front of Lois.
He’s pansexual. Expect him to get buttfucked like Jon Kent and Constantine.
So what are people expecting the Absolute Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter books to be like?
We've already seen them
This shit looks retarded, like someone wanted to make TDK but was too fucking retarded to do it.

Why is she carrying a helicopter rotor?

Yep. Batman with a degree in Civil Engineering. Exactly what fans have wanted for 80 years.
People never thought spider-man, but black would be a character worth looking at, but now that he's here he's one of the most beloved and enduring characters in the history of the medium

> enduring
> since 2011
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>If Absolute Wonder Woman got a no-kill policy
I will only complain with Superman and Batman will have no kill policy or at least absolutist one.
Original Wonder Woman was one of THE first true non-lethal superheroes, meanwhile original Batman and Superman killed, especially Superman

And alt versions are great when they have some original or classic (in case or Red Son which was "commie" towards Silver Age (actually towards All-Star Superman, both couldn't unshrink their bottle cities), even tho it had original Kal-L name and 1934 reference, but still it is post-yellow sun) CORE element shines through no matter what the overall context
If your only knowledge about WW is post-Crisis DCAU, Waid and Johns looney troony versions it is YOUR problem, You are tourist here then and need to wash yourself.
Neat seeing Cap Atom and Carol taking larger roles, at least. Hope Nate isn’t there just to be “this guy actually likes America lol” the punchline.
>If you don't like it, then don't read it?
I don't see what the problem is

Between mainline, Absolute, Elseworlds, Black Label, movie-verse adaptation, OGNs, and webtoons, there isn't one version of DC that works for you?
I thought it was going to be in black and white
>Between mainline, Absolute, Elseworlds, Black Label, movie-verse adaptation, OGNs, and webtoons, there isn't one version of DC that works for you?

No, there really really isn't.
The DC that worked for me was approximately 1995-2005 and that's the period DC has tried to erase as hard as it can for two decades.
>>144659054 #
Why would THAT upset anyone? It's a bigger deal if he's gay and/or a leftie, because those people can't control themselves and tell a good story. Everything has to be about them.
Damn you sound whiny as fuck then.
Absolute GL is Jessica Cruz
Sorry but I just don't love the taste of feces like you do.
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>I think DC is in a really good place right now
Bro, you're telling me you haven't liked anything for 20 years but you still hang around like shit on the heel of a boot. And what you like is a mere 10 year period in a publisher's 100 year history, your tiny brain can't process how self centered you are because maybe someone liked 1985-1995 and thought the period you liked was crap. You're pathetic and whiny.
I honestly think he’s too buff, his head is small too
This anon gets it
>You're pathetic and whiny.

You're the one having a cry-scream fit, not me. I follow DC because I want to know if the good times have come back, and if they haven't, I say so.
>You're the one having a cry-scream fit
The irony...
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He wrote almost the entirety of Impact Comics

I asked and I care.
no you haven't lol
Nobody has pointed this out ITT but the reason this Batman is so different and weird is because DC will lose copyright to normal Batman in ten years. They want a legally distinct version that they can sit on for another century.
Starman ended, Hitman ended, Lois and Clark got married, Bruce had a kid, Dick grew up, Wally grew up and had a family, Hal & Ollie got older,

a big part of the reason you love that era is because it kept pushing forward. those stories had to end at some point.

what do you want, 40 year old Kyle Rayner headlining Green Lantern? 25 year old Time Drake?
Has to be if Waid's boast that everyone's favorite characters will be there is meant to hold even close to true.
Thor and Jen were all mainline comics. This is a self-contained elseworld universe that can be expanded on or forgotten at editorial’s whims.
>They want a legally distinct version that they can sit on for another century.
They have like 30 at this point.
Is there something wrong with any of that?
We might be getting a new DC logo reveal soon. Apparently it's the bullet.
>what do you want, 40 year old Kyle Rayner headlining Green Lantern?
Yes actually that would be pretty cool.
>25 year old Time Drake?
Yeah, that too. Give me that. Give me a grown up Cassandra Sandsmark as Wonder Woman. Make a 30-year-old Cassandra Cain Batwoman. Conner Kent as adult Superman. Connor Hawke as Green Arrow. Give me grown up versions of all the 90's sidekick characters, and then give THEM their own kid sidekicks. That sounds great. Best idea in years. When are you launching this? I'm hyped for "Earth 90" now.
I am not That anon, but what I'd love to have is Superman written by same guy or Louise Simonson (other women writers are probably irreversibly retarded) and preferably something that is honest introspection of beginning >>144668169 and middle and an end.
And same for others.

It is a fucking dogshit that at best you have Frankenstein of original Siegel's vision muddled by restrictions of 1941 and when in 1958-1966 he Had to work under retards like (((Weisinger))) (though it wasn't That bad or bad at all, just not His vision and direction) and then ASSumption and combination of his other non-Suprman comics like The Starling, all pre-1938 takes and comics that Somewhat similar to original Superman in moments like Rob's Supreme and Invincible (comics, not troony adaptation by Amazon).
AND "best" there is is Superman Red Son. Fucking idiotic. Even tho I should be "happy" since I am somewhat of Russian (and even Hohol) myself, and not to mention Red Son has retarded moments I just can't gloss over like bottle city. All-Star Superman is somewhat close to "normal" USA Superman but "even" there too some tranny moments one of which having to do with bottle city too.

But I will have to wait until public domain and just eat and combine what I can. No way Superman can start Naturally and from THERE go and have a complex journey. But Louise already did rather cool breakdowns of original-esque stories, but she didn't do it by Her self as THE boss.

AND have other heroes appear within that comics and within that take (and maybe he introspect and "legacy" like Solar Man in Savage Dragon but good or good intentions guy man) , so like SnyderVerse way, but comics, because Batman DOES appear in Superman #20 and not the other way around!
I’d be down.
Finally get 20 something Cassie Sandsmark
Who the fuck makes good art if yall hate Mora, Jimenez and Larraz?
You want the thing that Dan Didio got fired for
>making a world where Cass is relevant
el oh el
literally 6 months after he got fired(the average production cycle of a comic) they made Cass Batgirl again
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The reason that era ended was because Mike Carlin was demoted as Executive Editor and they replaced him with Dan Didio whose first order of business was to take the smile from comics (his own words).
I liked the Carlin era, but it is a shame that sales ended up slipping so much during his tenure. However, their fix to boost sales ended up doing a significant amount of long-term damage. The Didio era led to the dire straits of today.

I will never forgive Didio for the terrorist campaign he led upon all the 90's characters.
>You want the thing that Dan Didio got fired for

No, Dan Didio was fired because he wanted to replace Batman with some random negro he invented. I don't want new characters, I want the already existing sidekicks to take over. Even if it's an alternate universe book I want to see the world where they are at the peak of their power and in charge.
Oh, I forgot Secret Identity. That's the best there is for what I seek.
Even tho Kurt Busiek is a goddamned retard , but then again, so are most of writers , I fully suspect they aren't even same "people" as they were back in the day. Pozzed or scared or else.
>He said this universe is about them being all alone. And not throwing Superman,Batman and Wonder woman together immediately
How did that work out for Earth One label?
Kino births kino
He looks like a long lost Wildstorm character

I wonder how much of Earth One's failure was because of the Wonder Woman comic poisoning the brand.
very little since the final WW earth one book came well after every other Earth one Book was done
Damn, after looking through this thread.. Why can't DC make anything with love and passion anymore? Meanwhile Kinnikuman is back, and their is so much energy and passion put into it. The ending credits videos here shows a montage of all the manga covers throughout the series.
Silly shit will never be love nor passion. Superheroes are always meant to be cool as fuck.
Wally confirmed for the Flash on this. Hell yeah
When does it comes out?
I think you're a nutjob
Don't care. My money counts the same as anyone's, and I like comics.
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We're back
>blue and white
I actually liked the current DC logo quite a bit, but I can't complain about this.
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These covers are all cool. You know what, I'm buying all of them. At least the first issues of each of these new arcs.
10 books star a Batman character
of the 8 that don't 3 star a Superman character
Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Shazam make up the rest.

I miss when DC had team books full of C listers. People can hate on the 00s all they want but that was the last time they really tried for brand diversity. I miss books like Secret Six, Shadowpact, R.E.B.E.L.S., Checkmate, etc. Morrison's Seven Soldiers was great and relatively successful and the biggest name character in the entire series was Zatanna. Now nothing gets greenlit if it isn't two degrees away from a batman logo.
me too sister! in fact I'm going to buy two! who else is with me???
i dont know much about GL lore but isnt star sapphire a villain
>Waid has never written a good comic
Have you been in a coma since 2006?
i dont read every comic book, anon. a lot of what ive read is marvel and indie shit. when it comes to dc most of what ive read is flash, some superman, some batman, and some events.
Anon, we can’t even get Jim Lee to be passionate about his Wildstorm characters.

Marvel meanwhile can get fanboy writers who were reading there comics when they were kids and in their teens.

But none of these fanboys-into-writers care to work for DC these days.
animation for the new logo

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Absolute Green Lantern

please try a gym membership instead
I dont mind the lineup but Dan Mora, really? is the justice league that irrelevant now???
Why are there so many human GL?? is it really that crazy to use an alien as a character??
This might be the first time go fuck yourself casualfaggot.
This is the same company that gave us a Kill the JLA game before we ever got an actual JLA game.
Morrison already did this
Holy fucking casualfag!
To be fair, after the events of Blackest Night, and the revelations that came from it. It makes sense the Guardians acquire more Earthling GL’s.

I’m more shocked the other Corps haven’t gotten more humans for their memberships. (Except Larfleeze of course)
Why the deku hairdo?
I don t like any of these
not reading every comic ever doesnt make me a casual but i know you know that and just wanted to bump the thread so i forgive you, anon
Used to be like back in the 80s I think, anyway, things changed, she's good now.
Based understander

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