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Hazbin Hotel is now confirmed to be getting a season 3... and 4.
Will you be watching?
What about Season 2?
Why would I watch this blue pilled blasphemy?
They're skipping over it.
Hell no, Hazbin Hotel dropped the ball in season 1, I can only imagine how bad season 3 and 4 will be.
how many episodes are in a season now?
Fuck no.
2 will most likely also be 8 episodes like Invincible's second season. 3 and 4 are up in the air.
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We like knots here, sir.
I didn't even watch the first season.
Will it be properly paced now?
I haven't watched the first one yet
Only if Charlastor become canon
This. So much this.
kill the jobber deer and bring adam back
God has abandoned us and this is one of the reasons
Family Guy but in hell.
Yes, so much yes!
How fast can Peter become the kingpin of H-E-double-hockey-sticks?
My god, so much this.
I wanna fill Vaggie with so much seed she looks pregnant and you can hear the cum sloshing around when she moves.
Hazbin Hotel was good.
Yes, season 1 was great.
Fujos typed this.
I will draw the characters getting their asses kicked for an alternate, manlier take on the series. More interested in this
No, it was a pretty gigantic downgrade in quality from the pilot. Vastly inferior writing and voices, shouldn't have booted those writers and VAs. Another project claimed by ego.

Only voice not a downgrade was Husker due to Keith David being awesome.
fujos are all about gay couple retard
holy fuck lol
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Daily reminder that HH/HB lost to skibdi toilet that's how fucked the ip is
Yes but I worry there's going to be a very big Adam-shaped hole in the rest of the series
Also the new voices are good, except Stephanie Beatriz
daily reminder to cite your sources? where did you get this from?
Season 3 will be about the search for Season 2.
Fujos hate Charlastor, and would rather he end up romantically with another man
She won bros...
God, I hope the writing gets better.
if by "better" you mean any distinct possibility or you quirky headcanon or fanfic being referenced or utilized in any way, or the writing not being "DEI" or whatever new chudlet term is flying around these days, then no.
I feel if it's not that much different thematically from Helluva Boss the least they could do is be more significantly edgy than HB. I demand significant amounts of that sweet A21/Amazon budget be spent on detailed smoothly animated gay bukkake scenes with Angel Dust.
This is great, so now season 2 which is already in production can probably extend it's story progression beyond it's self contained single season.
>Will you be watching?
No. This cartoon is not for me.
Hate how you're right. I just want to watch HH or HB without feeling disappointment or shame.
Great for them, still not watching.
I thought they were already giving into huskerdust shippers
lmao remember that one industry anon that pretended to know that viv got kicked off her own show and that the show was in shambles?
Im not a tranny, so, no
Huh the janny is deleting any criticism of the show in this thread too
yeah i member
/co/ is a dead board now so it has to manufacture drama and outrage in order to justify its own existence, like a faggier, more underaged kiwifarms
Charlastor is the new Zutara
Michael Bay is poised to ruin skibidi toilet too. Everything will be fucked in the end.
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>hating miss piggy
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>watch show made by and for fujos
>get mad when theres gay shit in it
How retarded are you guys?
Vaggie is such a nothing character lol
They obviously just want to fuck Alastor and self-insert as Charlie. Or vice versa on /co/. Can't tell which one is more pathetic.
Pentious is in love with a woman and he's the nicest guy in the show.
He's bi, he gets fucked by men.
The art too. Yeah it looks more polished now, but the shitty art in the pilot gave it a little more identity, like a DeviantArt gallery come to life
OK this confirms it one of the jannies is an assblasted tranny that likes Hazbin
>4 fully produced seasons and one youtube webseries that gets 1 million views in 10 minutes
>a rumour about a movie that is 100% fake

yeah ok. I bet you're also still looking forward to that Minecraft movie that was totally happening in 2016
>Will you be watching?
nah doesn't look like my type of show. glad the fans are happy at least
>incomprehensible ESL
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Yes. The storyline is dogshit but the music is great.
>cuz I know your poison you're feedin' me poison
Oh they got green lit? guess I'm behind. I only really liked hellova boss, but even that's gotten less funny for drama shit.
get fucked lol
don't you use ai now, guy?
that movie is never happening and it is a fake rumour, just like said minecraft movie with jason momoa that has been "totally happening" since 2014.

this shit never happens.
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>seasons 3 and 4

Alastor is mine sorry girls and gays
I checked out after watching that disgusting pilot episode years ago so no.
>you can hear the cum sloshing around when she moves.
Fuck I love it when r34 artists do that.
Skibbitty Toilet faggots deserve the rope
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Black Gooners are ecstatic.

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