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obscure waifu thread
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Clara from Pigs Next Door
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my beloved
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Bob chick babe.
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She's about as obscure as her tits behind her breastplate.
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Neither of these are obscure.
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She a cutie
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For whatever reason I thought this was a Galaxy High screencap.
She’s a creep.
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Remember Dream Girl from Johnny Bravo?
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Well then how about this girl.
>Mary the Zookeeper
>She’s Obscure
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i need sex with everything in this thread
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And sex is what you want.
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Every waifu wants to have sex now and then.
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What show
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This art style what show is this
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>haven’t seen the short in years
>”man I should watch it again”
>uploaded 13 years ago
>me rn
Who is that?
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Deceit from the "World of Quest" graphic novel.
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Archie TMNT had some nice ones
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Who is she again?
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Does /co/ related vidya also work?
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Both of these fine bbws.
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She isn't that obscure especially on this site.
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Her comic is never coming out
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tfw no haram
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Awakened the goth thirst
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Early pitch for the Transformers
Cute fish.
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the one that almost raped jerry is a personal favorite
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I think you meant this for>>144618695
That's just the MILF version of Ms. Bellum.
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Nikki from Captain N.
I know she's just a furry version of Vicki Vale from Batman '89, but still...
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Cat noses are too powerful.
where are her ears though?
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can't post my obscure waifu or I'll get banned
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Not the character this version specifically
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I'm into the orange siren, if you catch my meaning.
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Beloved Suzy Bannion
Nice, mine is Powder Rouge. Love that exotic look on her.
You don't say so.
i dont care if shes not a cartoon
i miss scoot
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>no names
>no sources
No wonder they're obscure
Mine's the gray rich bitch with glasses.
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Damn it's been 10 years
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Ccuuttee, what show?
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Here's the ones without sources I recognized
Ms. Mushburgur from clarence
sabrina spellman from the animated series
angelica pickles from all grown up
dana from batman beyond
booby lady from rick and morty s1e4 and lucy from s1e11
Guadelupe from victor and valentino
miss kitty from monkeybone
corey from onward
toilet girl from the flash game of the same name
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this chipmunk milf
rip, guy was funny as fuck and always livened up the commentaries
Whatever loser
Volcana was an important part of my puberty
The moment I realized bigger softer women could be hot
And the video is still on my phone, for reasons
The chances of her not being designed off a staffer are minimal
No Warner gals in this thread? Disappointing.
Give O'Malley's busy with all the Scott Pilgrim stuff, yeah...
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NTA but try the 90s Toxic Avenger cartoon.
She is from the toxic crusader cartoon.
What anon said.
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Olga Pataki.
Sara, Tad the lost explorer
Mai, Next Gen
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Kim Possible.
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Is this the retard thread?
notice how they're all phone file names
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Where's she from?
That moment when it looked like she was growing while the mc looked more and more like a shota...
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i am intrigued. redpill me on goth mouse
name and sauce?
You need to provide sauce my guy
Azrael from Mighty Mutanimals
Would it kill you to give name and sauce?
Not /co/ you fucking idiot
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Not him, but she's Zoe Drake from Dinosaur King.
And like others are saying, it isn't /co/, the show's apparently an anime, which I just found out, I've always thought it was just one of those anime-like cartoons, but I guess not.
Marana from Kassai and Luk
She changes into a gazelle every sunrise, and back to a human at sunset.

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Mmmmm girl farts.................
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I love Bling-Bling so much.
Panda Delgado?
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Bling-Bling from Lobo.
>Images and discussion should pertain to media of Western origin
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For me, it's the Noun from The Pro.
Did you report them?
two or three more of her?
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The three female villains, Isis, Countess Moska and Professor MacDougal from Mighty Max
Then does a Chinese comic strip with a pretty western style (小贝蒂) go to /a/?
Did you just blow in from the Creepy Freaks /tg/ thread?
She's supposed to be a wombat
five fingers, four toes?
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Oh yeah, she was definitely almost lynched when her powers manifested
the one with the mole is better
>Bill Cousins
i'm gonna need an ep # ! :D
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everyone always forgets Sizzle
Who dat? Reverse image keeps showing only pics of some russian toon Helga with bow in hair.
Helga pataki(hey arnold)
What kino?
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I love Meredith the Mindtaker!
No toddlers allowed.
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Nice pretty girl.
I remember on one of the versions of the game Math Blaster, the female character was drawn extra mature and thick. Wish I could find that CD cover.
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fox ass
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My beloved
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Is there one? I don't see it.
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Seek medical help animal fucker
>shares obscure waifu
>doesnt provide sauce
and thus the waifu remains obscure. good going OP
there's some real patricians in this thread
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Lost in Oz is not a masterpiece, but DAMN these two are great designs
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my beloved
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Traci Torpedoes from that one game
Tell me more
I think it’s from that spinoff of Geronimo Stilton with the bunch of rodent girls
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Fucking forgot here's Kitty malak from tripping the rift
Both of them. Brit is a tremendously positive influence, whereas Jane was just enforcing Daria's worst personality points.
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Not /co/ you fucking retard.
But I, too, love her.
>down to earth girl x popular bimbo
Excellent taste
I was mulling over how obscure any Italian Duck Comic character would be considered, but I think one or two should be alright
whomst is the artist
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Kill yourself phoneposter scum
Shame she really just left, but I guess that's a good a sendoff as any.
Not obscure
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this, wtf
gonna need a source
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Angel - Fish Police
Pearl's pretty good too though shes cute
Off topic.
nta but its a comic and its obscure, presumably one of those two is the waifu
Megas XLR
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For me, it's Aracely.
The down to earth girl and popular bimbo are both Brit. Daria is a poser who pretends not to care, but cares a LOT, yet still acts like a bitch. Under Brit's influence, I envision her stopping dressing like a butch lesbian and acting like a kind human being to her peers.

Yoto, it's in the filename.
A female deputy from the Western River Expedition, a water ride that was going to be built at Disney World, but they built Pirates of the Caribbean instead.
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This whole short is a fever dream
And they say trans propaganda isn't real.
I bet this got tons of kids to troon out.
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My balls are refilling

I dunno, made me wanna fuck Miss Deli
I remember the way she'd be drawn sometimes made her look really ripped.
Beauty, the Boar King's wife.
picrel is censored; the uncensored one got me a ban: https://files.catbox.moe/138qhx.png
Sweet Paprika
A kockásfülü nyúl (The rabbit with checkered ears) - Kriszta születésnapja (Krisztina’s birthday) https://vimeo.com/89820414
Who is she?
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damn they really ruined her design in the cartoon, what the hell
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C'ian from Lanfeust Quest
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Nah still dat ass
It’s a really bad translation of the character as shown prior, but she’s rather cute looking to me there
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If she were a 2000s cartoon, she'd have so much fan art.
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My wife of 10 years.
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That was a fun summer
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Her r34 is kinda bland honestly.
I know. I know. Jen was a total hater in the show, but chicks like her just need a good dicking. Alex should've fucked this slampig instead of chasing Serena every episode.
Name of show?
I found it. So she's from a show called "Dumb & Dumber The Animated Series.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8tPiOaxn2E " The episode she was in called "Home Cookin' " I hope it's helps.

Pic of my choice that I post is unrelated, btw. And it's from here.>>144633429
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Excellent taste, anon.
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>I found it. So she's from a show called "Dumb & Dumber The Animated Series. The episode she was in called "Home Cookin' " I hope it's helps.

Sure does. NICELY DONE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiIrKaKhg9U
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Fair enough.
whats this from
Lascars from the looks of it.
Fuck Ms. Bellum
Get in line.
>implying it's not her amazing red hair
I think Olliver's Mom is way hotter and sexier than Bellum. DEAL WITH IT!
It means that Ms. Bellum needs to die in hell because she's nothnig but a pile of shit
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Always my ride or die
Eh, semi-obscure maybe.
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He didn't know what he had.
It's a real bloody shame this artstyle fell out of vogue, probably because it takes actual talent to draw something that's both highly stylized & appealing. (modern "cartoonists" are clearly not up to snuff)
well come on, gimmie sauce
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To be fair the whole point was they were probably better for eachother as friends. Like imagine how bad their relationship could get? Alex is a risk-averse virgin and Jen is a bitter insecure cynic. If they got together I can only assume they'd just feed into their worst natures because it's a relationship built on convenience and doubting they could do or be better. They both need to grow better self-esteem rather than cave to "I don't hate you and you've got the kind of genitals I like"
This is why I wish Downtown had another season, or at least a comic book series of some sort. They were obviously teasing the ship but the show was cut short before anything could happen. I feel like this happens more often than it should...

Yeah there both not confident or mature enough to just have a one-night stand and laugh it off. Like Undergrads, the main character is too busy gawking at something unattainable to see what is within reach, but that's part of growing up i guess.


It would have been one hell of a ride for Alex - but even his buddy Goat couldn't help him.
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I just said mole because it was the most rememberable part of her but I agree her hair is better
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Does anyone even remember 7D?
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XR sure had a type.
Barely remember it.
Wtf I've never seen this even though I've watched a bunch of Oh Yeah Cartoons.
So weird, it's literally the same art style, voices, and music of Dexter's Lab.
that depends... is that character from the show? does she actually wear that?
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she didn't have the keys to the wombat mobile
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Her ass is nice, Star is a jerk.
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Who is she?
Honorable asian anime adaption?
Cute doggo.
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For me it's Mars
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Always happy to see some Jen love.
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sauce pls? which ep?
Billy and Mandy
>A random fucking cartoon nobody’s heard of from 2003 aesthetically mogs most cartoons this decade
We’re so FUCKING cooked.
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Brown girl’s very cute but I like this one.
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is she still considerable obscure?
Monsters at Work did her so dirty.
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The 2002 version of Penny Gadget from Gadget and the Gadgetinis is pretty much obscure, and I do love her design a lot more for some reason.
Hot bitch
Any more obscure lolis to cunnymaxx to?
Do you like bread spread?
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I hate when people do that. Post some random image and don't even to bother to put a name or source. What's the point then?
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But where's the fun in giving people names?
Die in a fire, both of you.
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>cutie trapped in a silly kiddie show
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I require more Mary Anne.
Absolute slampig, please request art of her in the request thread.
Not obscure, but good choice. AI slop is bad choice though. So two negatives and a plus. Overall negative. Try harder. Be better.
You deserve nothing more than the absolute bare minimum. And you should consider yourself lucky if you even receive that much.
Want people to try harder for you? Learn to be someone worth trying harder for
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Yeah Candela is a cute
>Not obscure

I feel like no one mentions the girls in billy and mandy anymore. Plus, i thought she was now obscure due to her being from evil con carne and only making a brief appearance which would be even worse for people who are young now not growing up with billy and mandy.
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Holy shit I remember a younger me getting a knobber from her swapping bodies with the male main character
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Which cartoon is she from?
We have these threads a lot and stuff like this:
Is super common. So I'd like to present a potential ruleset for these threads going forward, if I may. Just as a suggestion. Because it's not like I have any sway in these threads, but I feel like we would all benefit a little from threads like these being more structured.

1.) An "obscure waifu" must have less than 100 images on the major rule34 sites.
2.) If a waifu possesses more than 100 images on the major rule34 sites, but received her most recent image more than 1 year ago: she is considered a valid "obscure waifu".

I think these two additions add a lot to the concept while being super simple. But of course, people are free to tell me to go fuck myself and debate on these as much as they'd like. I'd love to hear opinions, if possible (personally I think 100/1 year might be too loose a definition). If nothing else, I know we're more than capable of having really autistic discussions about cartoons and rules here.

Whose the bottom third? (braided blonde ponytail?)
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shes from who framed roger rabbit comic.
Heres a comic panel she appears in >>144609291. Shes supposed to be jessica rabbits arch enemy in the comic.
Are you retarded? We don't need a rule set, those posts are obvious jokes/shitposts. We don't need to rigorously define the concept of obscure. Your post is one of the most austistic things i've ever read on this site
Chronically Australian?
Huh, I thought she was a wolf but she is a weasel….is related to the weasel gang in the movie?
Edit: is she?
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Honestly, that would be pretty cool if she is related to the weasel gang. So far, i think its not mentioned if shes blood related to them. By the comic itself it seems she personally hates jessica for other personal reasons from their past interactions. Plus she wants to be seen as prettier than jessica rabbit which nobody in toon town thinks its a close comparison. I think the town sees her as a dumpster fire whereas jessica as the hottest girl in town.
They might be shitposts, but they might not be. A ruleset would make sure the people doing it are definitely shitposting and not just being wrong. We lose nothing implementing simple rules, but we potentially gain a lot in that regard. If artists see these threads and know that the waifus in them have virtually no art, because the rules exist, they might be more likely to draw them. Just saying. What's autistic about maybe cleaning these threads up and potentially attracting artists?
>does she or doesn't she
>you bet she does
Blow? Swallow?
Toon hotness doesn't work like that. It's directly connected to how entertaining they are. Roger is considered extremely desirable because he's very funny. It's specifically mentioned that Jessica was very lucky to hook him.
>potentially attracting artists
/co/ has been doxxing and harrassing artists for years at this point
/co/ has also spent all that time saying artists should work for free because it should be 'about the art'
Now /co/ and the internet at large has gotten what it deserves with endless soulless AI shit
Why the fuck would any artist come here?
There are already a fuck ton of artists here, are you new or something? I meant attracting artists on the board to these threads. /co/ has some of the highest numbers of artists across any non art boards on 4chan.
>implying half these waifus even have a name
w-what happened?
>There are already a fuck ton of artists here
There isn't.
Football head ass
Nobody post her milf design.
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>Toon hotness doesn't work like that.

You are correct. However, i stand by that jessica is still seen more attractive to the town folk than winnie weasel. The entire comic she is trying her hardest to make her ugly so she could have a chance to be the next in line as toon times.

If you think im lying read the first panel and explain to me why she would say this.
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If this is some retarded ploy to attract a drawfag here, then I'm not falling for it.
Animation reminds me of an edutainment game

Also ya'll niggas sleeping on the medusa girl
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Not sure if she counts as obscure but you are a man of the utmost quality in taste
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They took the goth out of her.
You're welcome to stick your fingers in your ears and bury your head in the sand, but you're legitimately retarded if you think that'll change reality, tourist.
>That bad hair cut
>That fat neck
>No more goth girl makeup
>Professional, no choker
Ruined. Honestly mad.
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FUCK. FINALLY. I've been trying to remember where this unbelievably cute girl was from for ages. I've had this image of her since that short came out and completely forgot the name of the short. She's perfect.
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I dunno. Wild Thornberrys us one of those shows that was never really BIG and hasn't been culturally relevant in over 20 years. I mean, there are a lot more obscure ones, but I get it.
There used to be lots of artists here.
But evil millenial fucks like you hounded them off the internet.
Go on anon. Tell the truth. You yourself took part in harrassing artists didn't you?
You're confusing how toons think with how toons operate. They emulate the human world to a certain extent, so a conventionally pretty toon would be put on magazines. Even if that beauty doesn't even resonate with most toons aside those specifically designed to react to it, like womanizer characters, shy guy characters and envious female characters. Winnie is the latter. Her becoming envious and attempting to sabotage Jessica would result in her hi-jinks backfiring for comedic effect, so it happened.

Why does she look like she's been rolling in dirt?
>Why does she look like she's been rolling in dirt?
She's from a Jurassic Park cartoon where she's been stranded on an tropical island of dinosaurs. Some dirt on her outfit is pretty much guaranteed.
You're welcome. Sad that this show got overlook since the cat witch and bunny show took most of the limelight. It has a nostalgic feel
No? I am an artist. Also, there's still a ridiculous amount of us. Have you even been to the request threads? Check the migrated /co/llection, we still get nearly 50 images a day in there alone.

Are you a fucker zoomer or something?
>Doesn't deny harrassing other artists
Yeah I knew it. You can always tell.
You really are the most creatively bankrupt and vindictive generation in human history.
I'm Gen-X and I am genuinely horrified by people like you.
just ignore him
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>stuck on dinosaur death island
>still vlogging
Do people get eaten on the show? Or is it more of a kid-targeted thing where they always get "almost" eaten?
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People and dinosaurs do die, but it's pretty restrained on what it shows and obviously they don't kill off the kids
Have a Yaz
Almost no main characters in any Jurassic Park movie dies.
>still vlogging
Yeah. She's based.
God they're both so fuckable ToT
Anyone into alien butterfaces with big tits?
(Marie, MTV's The Head, episode The Bad Seed)
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based kyle
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Leonie from Dance Class - Studio Danse 12
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Looks like the threads about to die. Any plans for which girl to use for next OP picture.

>conventionally pretty toon would be put on magazines. Even if that beauty doesn't even resonate with most toons
>resonate with most toons
Why are you making it seem like I'm disagreeing with you in this statement. Im mentioning that by most standards jessica rabbit is pretty that even winnie acknowledges it. This is not to say every one agrees in toon town that shes pretty but quite alot do since shes on the mag which is for pretty females.
>sabotage Jessica would result in her hi-jinks backfiring for comedic effect
yes, this is the whole point of the comic. Toons are wacky and what they find desirable is different compared to regular humans in the real world since they are suppose to be zany
Kys spammer
She is from Marcelino pan y vino, a cartoon made in spain.
I got one.
She honestly deserves more art.
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Bloody Mary from Gary and his Demons.

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i win...
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>Haha, made you look! It's normal!
Still with that one anon wondering what the source is...
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>sees dick of her human neighbor
>makes this face

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Props to that drawanon of many threads ago.
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Why don't you do that?

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