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James Gunn posted Creature Commandos trailer. DCU officially starts December. https://x.com/JamesGunn/status/1816954436448813267
Looks cool
Can't wait for /co/ to talk about it for a month and then go back to saying Western animation is dead
Nice trailer.
Animation looks decent enough
It looks well animated, so that's good.

I'm not sure why Caped Crusader looks noticeably cheaper than this.
Wonder how many references, if any, this will have to TSS/Peacemaker, since they might be soft canon to the DCU.
ehh... looks bland as fuck, zero interest so far
Based on the set photos for Peacemaker, they probably will explain what caused the reboot because set photos showed a mural of the White Dragon in a slightly different costume with Peacemaker and another guy in a costume who's likely his brother.
I thought they will do the typical DC animation style but like the linework on this looks unique
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Here the picture.

The designs were by that one French guy who draws that one big titted anthro cat
This just looks like suicide squad but with more members lol. This kinda looks vapid and the animation isn't far too different from any other DC animation we've seen recently. Should've made a Wonder Woman show.
wow i actually like the artstyle with the slightly thick outlines
ya bc wonderwoman IP been handled so well they should take another chance
Hopefully this means a pause on the train of shitty Suicide Squad pushes in the comics.
Even if it means we're never ever getting an Agents of S.H.A.D.E. relaunch.
i need the fish
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The skeleton guy, he has a famous reaction image, post it for me please
Doctor Phosphorus and Blight are completely different characters. The latter ripped off the former.
Circe is the main villain in this and is being played by the actress from the witcher, magic is probably going to explain the soft reboot
>Pedo Gunn
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Looks great
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Why the fucking the Mexicans so obsessed with James Gunn "saving" to DC?
>how about more suicide squad but with another name?
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Balak did the character designs for this show, too bad he couldn't go full coomer on the female designs like he usually does and give The Bride huge watermelon tits.
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So is this DC's Darkstalkers?
Looks cool
Surprised they are using grant morrisons version of Frankenstein and the bride
Wonder Woman is boring as fuck
If he's not quoting Milton the entire time is it even Grant Morrison's version of Frankenstein?
how about suicide squad with another name?
There has been way more success with suicide squad than wonderwoman so is it so fucking wild they will make a suicide squad related show
We have Hellboy at home
Damn I thought that was atomic skull for a minute
He seems to be wearing the same steam punk jacket from seven soldiers
oh really? the only success suicide squad ever had, the 2016 movie, was still lesser than wonder woman
Why are you trying to prove a point that doesn't exist
>2 dog shit movies vs 2 movies with a HBO series spin off and an anime based off it
make another suicide squad while you're at it
I did not expect Jake to sound like that
>They can't stop making Suicide Squad slop in the hopes that it will catch on, that means it's a success
yup that's how the industry works
Stuff that isnt popular or interesting get seasons and new shows
yup yup u are so smart
They arent making wonder woman shows bc it is TOO popular and TOO interesting
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>an entire cinematic/animated/comic book universe revolving around Suicide Squad shit
they do when it's the new boss' pet project
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>Stuff that isnt popular or interesting get seasons and new shows
ya you are SO smart do whatever the boss says not what the investor say of course bc the bosses have the final say not the people trying to make a profit.
You seem like a REALLY smart individual and not just talking outta your ass
are you just trying to prove my point?
That got hate watched to death so of course it will get a second season
Looks decent
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>Wonder Woman movie is significantly more profitable than the Suicide Squad movie
>She gets nothing while Suicide Squad gets the keys to the DCU
it is strange, isn't it?
You keep mentioning the wonderwoman like that was the end of wonderwoman like were you in a coma the last 20 years or something?
They tried to keep wonderwoman a thing but it didnt work out they ruined it
Trailer looked decent so I'll at least watch the first episode. Im kind of tired of Amanda at this point and I'm annoyed that its not the real creature commandoes but thats pretty minor
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james gunn if quirky band of misfits scripts didnt exist. Hes doing this stupid shit with superman again with le epin 80s music again.
This is better than SS by default because Harley isn't shoved into it
were you in a coma to not see the huge suicide squad flops? but they keep making it
maybe they can have a joke with bride giving herself huge tits
It never gets old huh Gunny my boy
It already started with Blue Beetle
based rememberer
Looks like a fun watch. Trailer wasn't a cringe fest.
They cast an actress who could play a retarded island hick, but not one who could play a century-old warrior-scholar.
Skwad without Joker was just a doomed endeavor.
This is his THING. The thing he is Good at.
Putting him over the whole DC universe is like putting Garth Ennis over all of DC comics.
already retconned
I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish
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>Matt Reeves can't even make a Gotham show because they want to focus on "marquee characters"
>Meanwhile, I guess the Amanda Waller TV Series must be the television event of the decade
you must be James Gunn or something
>suicide squad 2021
>budget $185,000,000
>Worldwide $168,717,425
>Wonder Woman 1984
>budget $200,000,000
>Worldwide $169,601,036
you know the biggest fucking difference between these two other than one losing more money one film was actually GOOD and even resulted in a TV series that got good reception
isnt his penguin show happening so what is your point
now I see how much of a bigger success it was, time to greenlight another suicide squad game
>The Suicide Squad home video sales: $15,884,698
>Wonder Woman 1984 home video sales: $39,221,719
Time to get Max Lord his TV show
So is this basically Suicide Squad but with monsters instead? Because that’s the impression I got from the trailer.
The actor will continue playing him, but the movie will be soft canon at best.
An animated series was announced recently, which will actually be canon to the DCU.
Warner Brothers Discovery is currently valued at $20 billion dollars (somehow).
I bet Bezos wheedles them down to 10-12.
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I find funny how only one of those (G.I Robot) was part of the original team
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redpill me on this semen demon
I mean weren't some of the Squad monsters/demons already?
Was in production before James Gunn got promoted
Wonder Woman isn’t getting anything (excluding Paradise Lost somewhat) in order to create some distance with the Gadot portrayal.
Same thing for Flash (the Rogues are rumored to be getting a show) and Aquaman, creating distance from the DCEU versions.
A show centered around The Batman's Penguin sounds awesomely boring.
Hellboy sucks
I don't like Flag's voice and hair.
I thought GI Robot fought in Vietnam?! I wonder how they'll justify him being in jail.
Also can we really say Dr. Phosphorus isn't human?
Anyway, I'll be watching it once it comes out.
This would be like making a show about BP II's Namor (a movie that sold more tickets than The Batman), except at least Namor was the main villain and in most of the movie.
Truthfully, I’ll probably end up watching this show because of these two.
The DC nations shorts had a lineup closer to the OG comics
wait til you see the... oh no no no
which reminds me of the main thing: "rebooting" and "creating distance" with the DCEU... except for, you guessed it, the Suicide Squad
Well of course, that was the work of a True Genius.
but black panther 2 was bad so ur point doesnt make sense
At least the batman and the 2021 suicide squad was good
Dont know about the penguin bc it didnt come out but peace walker got good reactions
Is there an Suicide Squad project announced? Creature Commandos is connected to it, but is not an SS project itself. Same for Peacemaker S2.
>"why would they keep making shows based off one good DC movie made in awhile, it doesnt make ANY sense..."
You thought BP2 was bad, I thought it was so-so, but The Batman is just a shallow homage to Nolanbats, with more shitty coat-wearing social justice bombers. Fuck that boring movie.
yeah man, those rotten tomato reviews really bring in the cash
dont matter what YOU personally thought i thought it was pretty bad compare to nolan batman but the public loved it
>"it doesnt matter what the critics or the general public says.... if i hate it it means it is BAD and im always RIGHT no matter what...the world is WRONG"
>A flop justifies pushing the IP everywhere because it was "good" and it has nothing to do with it being made by the guy who is in charge, that's just silly!
Not enough to sell more tickets than BP 2 though.
Lowest grossing Batman in a long while.
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I hope they don't try to shove Amanda Waller into this as the person behind the team or something since in the comics she has absolutely nothing to do with the Creature Commandos and I'm really fucking sick of seeing Amanda Waller on everything now
>"good movie gets attention and praise...NO i do not like the guy and he is charge so i disagree it must be bc he is the boss not bc the movie was popular and the show it got was popular so it lead to an anime and more TV related stuff.... it must bc he is the boss not bc the IP did well"
we already know the IP didn't do well, so yeah
I mean i have NEVER heard of someone say they loved black panther 2 like imsure people went becasue it was a sequel to BP but for sure I heard a ton of ppl praise The Batman and loving it so I can see why people will keep making more related movie/show for it.
Wasnt ironheart suppose to come out like wtf happen to that show, so much of marvel projects just being canned or delayed
Didn't you watch the trailer?
Gunn is good, even great at the loveable misfit sorta movie. But that's all he's shown he can do.
>"what I say is FACT"
calling the batman shallow in comparison to the nolan movies is crazy
>DCU aka Gunnverse, 2024-2025
I hate how the modern industry can't let these guys be themselves. Gunn is also a full blown coomer and has been forced to tone it down.
Defo wifing the Bride
Yes, we've all heard the same Batfags declares "this Batman is the greabest evar" Batman after Batman after Batman.
Batfags will loudly praise Batman, it is known.
Making Batman a 40 yr old edgy teenager doesn't add depth, nor does retarded "detective" shit, and it's the same old same old Nolan villain.
Not exactly, the Suicide Squad gimmick is that a member of the team (that isn't Harley) always dies, the Creature Commandos always survive since many of them are inmortal or in the case of G.I. Robot they just fix him
I guess I'm a necrophiliac now
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Guess who says the first line in the trailer
no, he just came here to complain
She wasn't part of the original team, they added her in the 2000s comics, so read those if you want more of her, the 80s lineup was this: >>144678360
it had a little more going on with the characters but sure
DC is so fucking trash. They have no idea what they’re doing.
Rightfully so
Amanda Waller is DC's Evil Nick Fury now and I think you're just going to have to accept it.
but nothing you could actually name. Unless you want to mention White Guilt, and you do not.
remember that time they made Amanda Waller the boss of the JSA? that was wild
Hold on, the guy who designed Maxine worked on this?
It always feels weird when a big mainstream appeal show gets made then you go through the main artists twitter and 5 posts down from the show announcement is a girl with her nipples poking through her shirt and showing off her bush
nah i just cba rn
>Cool designs
>Good animation
>Great art style
>Coomer scenes like you're always complaining don't exist anymore
>Adult action animation like you're always begging for

>You guys still aren't happy because Amanda Waller is in it

You'll fucking whine about anything won't you?
She also made Superman her bitch in that movie.
Thank god it’s not canon to the DCU.
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>Wonder Woman isn’t getting anything
Sorry anon, but Amanda Waller and Harley Quinn are more important now
The Creature Commandos came out before Hellboy
>a big mainstream appeal show
This is just Gunn's Harley Quinn cartoon series, no one in the mainstream gives a single fuck.
the sad reality is that women don't want to be Wonder Woman and they never really have. They've always wanted to be Harley Quinn - a carefree slut who fucks the bad boys and is beloved by everyone because she's actually the funniest, smartest, hottest person in the room
maybe dont fuck up your chance after a good initial reaction
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new DC Studios intro
Wait till the show is out shill
I like it
Right back at you, bitch
>They've always wanted to be Harley Quinn. The Joker's damaged girlfriend
No one at all wants to be lezzo don't need no man Harley. No one at all.
Ah yes, Golden Age Superman, the one who killed Japanese people
whatever helps you sleep at night, chief. Fact remains, the Harley everyone went gaga over was "I don't need no man, I can do whatever I want and fuck whoever I want" Harley.
I do occasionally get sick of this site's need to constantly be negative about and anticipate the worst from everything
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>. Fact remains, the Harley everyone went gaga over was the one who left in a Helicopter with the Joker
Fix'd again.
This is Warner Brothers, it's a pretty reliable stance.
Go take out your anger on women, I'm just the messenger.
No, you are retard.
They tried to sell Jokerless Harley, even the SAME Harley, and absolutely no one was buying.
Nor the second time. Her entire popularity is based on being an insert for chicks to be Joker-boys girlfriend. She is shit without the Joker.
Again, I'm just the messenger. Go vent to someone who gives a shit.
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She has no vagoo, how do you fuck her?
Wetworks is "Hellboy At Home" and infinitely better than it should be
>Butthole, presumably
I swear, you guys have no imagination
Again, no you are just a wrong retarded person who can't see the evident.
It's not even Robbie's fault, she killed it with better characters.
Will Balak sneak in some weasel dick and bride bush?
MA Harley show wouldn't even show tiddies, so good luck with that.
Fucking dropped
Would plap fish and corpse
what a pussy
Considering its part of the DCU it likely has higher priority. Gunn wants make his DCU the main universe so all attention is going towards. It’s also why My Adventures with Superman got a budget cut for season 3.
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I assume the whole reason Balak is a staff member on Creature Commandos is because Gunn is a "fan" (aka total gooner)
Yes, THAT Balak
Had to include him again, huh?
desu, as a bit of a coomer myself, I'm glad Balak had to rein it in. I've never understood people who get off to proportions this exaggerated.
Looks edgy and cringe.
Not bad but feels very Suicide Squad. I know, it's SS: Monsters edition but still.
>one film was actually GOOD
Yes, Wonder Woman 1984

What's gonna happen if Gunn's projects are flops?
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I would have thought they'd spend more money on the animated show that's going to open the whole DCU
If this is true then I'll watch it.
We gotta support the big titty artists whenever we can.
Superman Legacy will. Nobody cares about Superman with exception of his fans.
Sure pal
>It’s also why My Adventures with Superman got a budget cut for season 3.
Good, that show is genuinely shit
The trailer is up on Youtube for those who don't have Xwitter
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I'm like 90% sure this is AI generated
Not a smart move to cutt My Adventures with Superman Budget.
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hell nah it didn't. it was greenlighted to two seasons from the get go, "two" seasons.
Exactly. I'm always thinking of a quote from... I think Babylon 5?, in reference to these situations:
>I can see a mouth and hands from here
Look at Superman Returns.
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DC showcase had most of the original lineup
Source: Youtube
i love this critter
Yeah writers already clarified they see it as an elseworld Superman not “THE Superman” of the DCU so they were given alot more freedom than usual,
Looks meh but better than shit like MAWS
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It's true, Balak confirmed he drew the group shot in the main promo image.
its james gunn. He cant make anything good to save his pedo ass life
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>They needed to add a Batman villain to the team even if he was never part of it previously
At least it was Dr Phosphorus which isn't as well known
double down until they sell WB again
The fact that they used Doc Phosphorous and not someone like Killer Croc or Man-Bat suggests to me that Gunn just liked the look of the guy and his gimmick as opposed to just fishing out a Batman villain to use to boost ratings.
>Weasel instead of the Wolfman
>Dr Phosphorous instead of the Mummy
>Fishwoman instead of Fishman
>presumably Rick Flagg as designated the human "commander"
Eh... that's not too bad in terms of substitution. No Vampire but we get 2 Frankensteins
It literally did start out as a Suicide Squad spinoff before Gunn took charge of DC
Don't they got a Medusa lady?
>Bullet logo is back
Kino for that alone
What a waste. You have an artist who draws great huge breasts and tell him "don't draw huge breasts".

If I had $$$ I'd pay him to embiggen my generic character designs as he sees fit.
Phosphorous is in a fairly well regarded run(Englehart's Strange Apparitions) that was one of the go-tos before the modern era, so it's not too surprising Gunn would know him.
The new Hellboy looks like Hellboy we have at home
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The 80s version does, not this one, they also have not a single Vampire member like they usually do
Designs don't matter if the characterization is shit.
No Paradise Lost quotes no Seven Soldiers Frankenstein.
Based Supes
Am I crazy, or did they used some weird-ass cover of "Moliendo Café"?
I think Gunn is serious about making Superman the heart and soul of DC
wut dis
The bullet is BACK.
She cute
well the original team is from ww2 and then got shot into space and this team seems to be set in modern time. I guess both teams could exist in this universe.
Well she must get a second pair of arms at some point so maybe she finds some giant boobs at some point too.
BASED! I'm gonna fap to her tonight
Looks better than Batman Caped Cucksader. What's funny is how this looks like a more interesting version of the Suicide Squad, kek.
Really, because I'm so done with DC. There's too many damn humilation rituals and shitty writing.
>Humiliation rituals
You should try having some of your own thoughts and opinions for once in your life
The fuck, it's just Suicide Squad?
That feels so mundane.
You should try paying attention for once.
Everything wrong with Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League was already in-place before Gunn had any say at WB/DC.
I just ignore nihilists these days
When has it ever stopped though? WB is a revolving door of morons, what's James Gunn going to change. He likes gore shit and thinks superheroes are too retarded as fuck to take seriously. And no I'm not a Snyderfag, because Snyder was a complete moron too with a shit version and obsessed with edgelord nonsense.
Fishes aren't for fucking
I say there's an 95% chance of a rock version of Monster Mash being in the soundtrack
Not with that attitude
why do all of these adult animated superhero shows/movies have the exact same art style
I don't honestly know how anyone could entertain the idea he was chosen because he was a "Batman" villain. I'm not the biggest Batman person, but I've been hanging around here for years and I didn't know he was a Batman thing (or a thing at all). You think any significant amount of people know enough about him, much less associate him with Batman enough, for it to be considered an effective way to draw eyeballs?

Whatever his history or appeal, it's certainly not something that made him attractive as a stunt choice to draw in normalfags who like Batman. Though knowing he was a Batman thing does make me realize he was probably the inspiration for the Batman Beyond villain. But that's not something most people are gonna be thinking about when they see him anyway.
This. If it were a cynical choice to bring in the Batman fans then Man-Bat would be in instead
Suicide squad is CEO beloved pet
>>Wonder Woman movie is significantly more profitable than the Suicide Squad movie
No? The first Suicide Squad made about the same but far more in merchandise while the second Suicide Squad movie did a little better than 1984.
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Dude what are you talking about? Wonder Woman is getting a game and there is the Amazon's shows that she will clearly be involved with or spinoff from. We're not getting a movie because we just had one 4 years ago. There isn't another Suicide Squad movie happening anytime soon either. We're only getting a Superman film because it's been 11 years since the last solo.
>Mr Terrific has a comic accurate suit
>everyone is praising, "see Gunn knows what he's doing"
>a week later Guy and Hawkgirl's shitty suits are revealed
>shills start saying "um actually they're supposed to look corporate and bland, okay, a-and they'll get their REAL suits at the end of the movie of course............"
Green Lantern is literally an intergalactic police officer who answers to a completely different power than Maxwell Lord. Of course he's going to have his own suit. Hell, Hawkgirl's the same with the Thanagarians, kinda.

Just wait and fucking see with this shit.
Both are true. Mister Terrific is accurate but the other suits are similar and corporate as they're a team based off the Terrifics. You don't have to like it but that's clearly what's happening
i have capeshit fatigue and I'm sick of quips and quirky one dimensional james gunn characters
Boring as all hell
bring back that comic book shop intro and zoom into a custom issue of whatever the animation is
>Suicide squad but z-list/oc
What OC?
>bride/Frankenstein romance/breakup subplot
I'm yawning already
She is a lesbo in this
how is this capeshit?
>DC is capeshit
What capeshit exclusive elements that you're tired of are visible here?
You know I haven't seen too much of DC's version of The Bride but isn't she supposed to have four gangly arms? In fact:
This line up looks rather strange. I'm not particularly familiar with Creature Commandos, mainly the earlier WWII version, but I'm fairly sure half of these characters have never been a part of the group. Dr. Phosphorus and who I think is Weasel I know for a fact have never been members, The Bride I don't think was every an actual member just a tangent character because Frankenstien was a member in the later incarnations, and I straight up have no clue who that fish girl is. The robot man I think is an actual Commando but I'm also pretty sure he never served with Frankenstien but with Patchwork, not too sure on that though it's been a while. What a bizarre line up. Also who is the human guy supposed to be? Lucius, Mathew?
>Also who is the human guy supposed to be
Huh so she is an actual character from Creature Commandos? Odd I've never seen her even in a cameo before.
I'll watch it, but I'm not gonna have high expectations.
as opposed to sassy black woman and her wacky hijinks?
That's kinda of odd, I mean I guess it works since he worked with the another of the robot guy on the first iteration of the suicide squad before it became the modern villain grinder. Still Flagg's been used a lot, seems odd to shove him in here over one of the other human commandos.
the connecting fiber is that he's senior, the one who died in TSS was Jr.
I always just pretend that Flagg Sr. and Jr. are just in the same situation as Black Cannery and treat them as one person.

Overseas censorship laws? Doesn't Red China have a no "supernatural" law. Vampires are supernatural, Frankensteins aren't.
Fish sexo
so, who are you guys excited for? for me, it's dr phosphorus
Creature Cum
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These are all from the comics, so no OC
The Bride did had 4 arms and bigger tits in the comics tho, they probably want this version to look more like Universal's Frankenstein Bride which is odd since they removed the team's vampire
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Yeah, removing the vampire is dumb
dolphins do it
Just rumors no confirmation of either, they did confirm that they only gave her 2 limbs to make it easier for the future live action movies
>This version has two arms, instead of four as depicted in the comics, to simplify her depiction for both animation and live-action.
>Frankenstein is a member of the Creature Commandos and the Bride's love interest, who Harbour described as "very colorful",The animators gave the character more complex emotions and a softer silhouette to better reflect Harbour's performance.
oh shit it literally is Hellboy at home
So this Rick Flagg is supposed to be the dad of the previous one?
either him or weasel
>This version has two arms, instead of four as depicted in the comics, to simplify her depiction for both animation and live-action.
The Nazis were the good guys.
yeah its rick flag sr
>Animation for the series is provided by Bobbypills.
So the people behind Super Fuck Friends is working on this? based

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