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Would you?
No. Too creppy, and I only would on 2D
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Gross, and that’s coming from a guy who’d hump a Jim Henson’s Dinosaurs suit.
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Sure I'd give it a shot.
I'd a featureless rock if it somehow had a vagina, sure.
Absolutely. Venus was always sexy as hell. I wish she hadn't been blacklisted for so long.
The shell tits tho
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turtle tits
Mona is better.
Why was she blacklisted?
There's SU.
Those rocks have features, that at least gives it SOME dignity.
There’s no dignity in SU.
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Would you? And which one?
I will never understand Laird hating female turtles so much. You know how this franchise has a lot of trash homo shit between the male turtles? The red eared slider turtles in real life as a species does turn homo when no females are around. Laird and his idiocy indirectly helps the homos get what they want.

We do need female turtles. And another thing seeing the male turtles lusting for different species is gross.
>next mutation
What was Shredder like in this?
Giving the turtles a sister ruins their family somehow

Also girl Turtle means they could potentially breed
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I would accept Venus if she was an alien turtle creature trained by Splinter or the foot or a kappa goblin if you want to get stupid.
>turtle shell boobs
He didn't hate the idea of female turtles specifically, he hated the idea of a fifth turtle (which he knew would inevitably be a sister because writers are hacks) because it would upset the dynamic between the four.
And while I disagree with that in principle because you absolutely could write a fifth turtle that doesn't upset the dynamic, Venus was absolutely a lazy hack way of doing it and exactly what Laird knew would happen when hack writers got a hold of it. Look at the state of the franchise since Laird sold to Viacom and IDW brought Eastman back in and you understand he's 100% right.
what's this obsession with forcing the turtles to have sex? it doesn't count as losing your virginity if you self-insert as them.
who dis?
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Me and FemRaph tag teaming FemDon.
Tonight I dine on turtle pussy
Make sure it’s cooked through. Gotta burn out all the salmonella.
said hackery also meant she couldn't just be their sister or another turtle that got mutated, she HAD to be from the same batch, also the turtles were no longer biological siblings despite being raised as such, so Venus is fair game! It was just a weird compromise.
I think the turtles being the only one of their kind is also a point. They won't have turtle babies.Maybe they'll raise other species orphans like Splinter did.
Mona Lisa? She's cute but so far in the history of the franchise she's a pointless character. She really has nothing to her name except be Raphael's blowjob and IDW is trying to make her Donatello's blowjob. Kind of a nothing character despite existing for decades.
Don't really like that cuck shit. Either the turtles can sire their own offspring or no dice.

And another thing will never understand the idiotic obsession that the turtles MUST be biological siblings. I honestly like that the turtles aren't related by blood. The only time the turtles have truly been biologically related is IDW and frankly you can say that version of the turtles with the reincarnation nonsense is quite bad in its own convoluted way. Simply don't see why the turtles must expressively be biological siblings when they aren't in Mirage or the other famous adaptations of the property.

I say let them be four random feral turtles that through circumstance had to grow up together.
Turtles are good eating.
Yes and FemDonnie
Are you saying Splinter is a cuck, boy?
The muscular legs do it for me, would.
Cute kappa, whats she from?
FemMikey for the body, FemRaph because I'm a sub
I was a horny teenager when this show came out and I'm not ashamed to say I recorded episodes on VHS and paused on frames when her ass and between-the-legs was on prominent display.

I don't know what else to call it really, it would be a panty shot but she's not wearing panties, it's just a thin strip of her shell. It's hot as fuck though.
Thank you, Anon.
Thank you.
Really helps that the actual actor using the Venus is indeed a woman.
>Venus was always sexy as hell
This. Fuck Jennika, or whatever that shit is called.
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Man I miss the mutant girl general threads...
What about Mona Lisa?
Thought I was alone in finding Venus attractive. The show wanted you to think of her as appealing. It's not really this promo image alone but during the party episode a human dude tried to badly flirt with Venus to which she responded she would mace his face. And off screen Venus states another dude called her a fox which confused her because she doesn't understand that fox means she's sexy.

Jennika is a failure. Venus despite being controversial has multiple thousands of fan arts at least on Deviant Art and they're not badly drawn. Jennika on the other hand really failed despite having more screen time than a one season failure show. The only breakout character from IDW was Alopex.
I would. She was my scalie awakening.
I like her but I have to ask. What can she even do in this franchise? Forget the shitty Stupid Warrior Woman who is an alien thing from the Nick cartoon version that is NOT Mona Lisa especially since she has a different actual name. People like her being an intelligent college student but how useful is that? April has had this role of being the smart girl but Donatello satisfies the intellect area unless Mona Lisa covers an area of expertise Donatello is a rookie at.

Unless she finds a niche she will forever be a rather pointless character. Which is a shame because I really wish she would find steady ground so she appears more often. You don't know how angry I was that she was not playable in Shredder's Revenge so that a piece of shit like Karai who did not exist in that universe became playable.
We had those? Wouldn't the mods crack down on them?
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on /trash/ but keeping a thread alive on that shithole is a full-time job and people just got tired of trying to keep them bumped 24/7 so they didn't have to make a new thread 3 times a day just to post turtle tits.
I don't think anyone likes Jennika and once she became a dyke that permanently sunk her character. Does not help she went dyke for a fat pig. Not even Korra fucked up that badly at least Korra went dyke for a bland looking yet feminine girl. Well that and it was saved for the final scene of the whole series. The writers of IDW are convinced people want to see more of Jennika's relationship with her pig girlfriend.
Well if it makes you feel better these days you can make anthro girl threads liberally. You don't need to worry anymore. The mods have given up for the most part.

Whose popularity fizzled out. Turns out aimless generic fox girls don't have much going on. Not even other furry bitches like Loona from Helluva Boss is as aimless as Alopex.
She's for the turtles to let off their sexual frustration.
It's a war between Raph and Donatello. I prefer Donnie getting Mona Lisa because Raphael gets enough undeserved pussy thrown his way. And I just don't see the so called chemistry of an educated woman being into an idiot with anger issues. I don't get women but I don't see the allure for god's sake Raph's relationships with Alopex and Ninjara fell apart because he's a short tempered and short sighted brute. Mona Lisa deserves better than THAT.
Need to see Venus and Mona Lisa in giantess stories and art. Ideally with human dudes.
Want to hear a sad thing? IDW TMNT recently killed off Venus while allowing Jennika to stick around. In IDW Venus was one of the few characters the horrid writers did not mess up so what a lousy end result.
How does the breast even works?
Nah, they nuked a TMNT Rule 63 thread last week.
Her problem was first being turned into Angel's sidekick, which no one gave a single fuck about because Angel is extremely boring, and then she got turned into a piece of set decoration too early on and then only came back into being important by causing totally unnecessary drama.
80's Raph didn't have anger issues. he was just snarky
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absolutely, i wish i had a dvd rip to make decent quality not blurry webms of her and get ass shot screens
ooze my friend
she cute
you think anyone made her wear the costume during sex?
i mean idk if thered be any holes to be able to, unless its just a blowjob
Urusei Yatsura.
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Ooze is magic. That's how.
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>Venus' suit actor was a lady
>And a pretty one at that
Want her to appear in more media that's good? Yes.
Fem Mikey is objectively the right answer
>male TMNT have to live in the shadows because they're big weird freaks
>female TMNT have to live in the shadows because Mistress Splinter in afraid her daughters will get romanced by some horny monsterfucker pervert.
>female rat
The horniest of them all. Boy april is in danger when he visits the hideout.
Another victim of the sexy wiles of the kunoichi. Woe upon any young virile male who dares to enter their sewers.
>Master Splinter teaches her daughters the art of ninja
>not for revenge
>but to snatch up a man of herself and a father for her girls
Would the girls be jealous when they return from patrol and find Splinter riding April?
Eastman and Laird broke up over her
Lizard breasts are stupid, even for porn purposes.
you ever just think wow "I was a ball of innocence at one point in my life"
I never knew I needed Rule 63 Splinter before. Any other good pictures
many, but I'd get banned for posting them so check the usual sites for girl splinter images
Anon we all know you know most folks here would fuck almost anything that moves, did you really need to have this thread?
Seriously? What is it about anthro females that breaks the rules so much? Can think of WORSE things the staff should be eliminating.
In a weird way yes, not the dude who created the thread but among reptiles turtles have got to be the most difficult to turn into anthro females. You know the shell front and back prevents shapely hips, breasts, and ass aka the feminine assets.
Why was like 50% of this show the other turtles just bullying her?
Didn't stop the Argonians from Elder Scrolls from having breasts. It's all fiction so who cares.
Her show of origin is just that bad.
Because the show was written by horrible writers. They think that having antagonistic bastards as main characters works somehow when realistically Venus would snap and use her magic to kill all of them minus Splinter who didn't really insult her.
So is the origin of Black April and yet those idiots from Viacom keep repeatedly trying to make Nigger April a thing for new productions that aren't a retro reference to the first cartoon in any way.

I genuinely hope the Jews from Viacom go bankrupt and die. Though it's an uphill battle to hope for that. You know normies are STUPID and will probably accept Nigger April. I mean look at how much undeserved money Nigger Ariel made for Disney as an example. Never underestimate what shit for brains normies are. I've reached the point of being so disappointed that as much as I hate corporations I hate normies and casuals much more since they do buy this trash.
Have you actually seen The Next Mutation? It's honestly a lot worse than you probably remember based on how you're talking about it.
Hell to the no!
Of course it's a bad show. Simply saying that bad ideas seem to keep happening in this franchise. And I'm angry over the future of TMNT right now. I keep seeing people acting positive towards Seth Rogen's shitty TMNT. And it makes me angry because I hate that racist Jew bastard who openly hates white people.

And I got to say remember how Leftists flipped and tripled down on their agendas when Trump won? That's going to happen again if Trump wins this incoming election. So expect more trash than usual for TMNT if Trump wins. More TMNT media filled to the brim with Leftist agendas.
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>You know the shell front and back prevents shapely hips, breasts, and ass aka the feminine assets.
That's kinda reminds me that one time when April was turning into a mutant turtle. But not only that, physically, her form hasn't shown any feminine traits and was pretty much masculine-looking, and I was like "wtf? How?"
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Since she's an anthropomorphized female turtle mutant, developing human secondary sex characteristics should not be seen as weird.
Having said that, it is true that turtles don't have such prominent characteristics (there isclaw size, tail length, how big is the opening to the cloaca is), and she being a turtle first, mutant second should mean she shouldn't look that different from the others.

The irony comes when new female turtles have been introduced, Jennika being the biggest example, they look, for the most part, exactly the same as the main four, yet they were human first, mutant second... meaning HAVING human secondary sex characteristics is totally justified.
But, deep down, we all know why Jennika looks just like another male turtle.
Remember that the original cartoon had Mona Lisa as a human mutated into a female turtle.
But Eastman and Laird fussed, so Mona Lisa was changed at the last minute to a salamander.
It's not simply that, this design of April as a turtle looks more macho than Leo or Raph. She has bigger sharp claws and her nose isn't soft it's a hard sharp beak. So she looks tougher macho than the dudes.
Well, it's me, the one anon who likes Next Mutation. Glad to see Venus still gets some love, at least.
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Which of the girls would make a move on male!April first?
Female Leonardo I feel would be a dommy mommy
Of course, who wouldn't ?
That's such a dumb question. Of course I would, everyone would my guy
Would I?
Why discuss them in /trash/ or in /b/?
Rogen is white, you mean he openly hates Christians
Either Raph or Mikey.
Donnie seems too shy, and Leo looks too stern to make a first move.
Not to mention that both of them are heavily into the damsels in distress thing.
Edit: why not
>Her name is actually Mei Pieh Chi.
>The other four just call her Venus as some sort of mocking joke
>She never really owns the name, she just puts up with it like it's some kind of hazing
I wish she actually used fans like the toy implied. From what I remember in the show she would just throw magic confetti since there was barely actual fighting in the show, more like kids slapfighting.
For the rule 63 anons, which versions of the turtles would you pick?

Classic, 2012, or the rise version?
All of Chochi's designs are pure sex, so it's the safe pick. Cartoonzy's Rise girls have a ton of personality though, and I really like the ways that they're different instead of being the same as the originals.
Sorry, I can't, I must pick them on a case by case situation:

Classic, she's just perfect
Rise, that one comic of her wishing to be a damsel in distress made me fall for her
I'm not very keen on any on them, so I will go with Classic, just because I like shy girls... though 2012's seem pretty as well.
This one is the toughest one. On one hand, I love thicc genki girls, on the other hand, Cartoonzy's "semen demon, sex goblin" version is just too awesome. Yup... I can't decide.

It seems Classic would be the closet to win, but Rise is a tough opponent. Also, are Chochi's the classic 1987 ones, or the 2003 ones?
They are based on the 1987 version due to bebop and rocksteady.
No, because I already know what turtles smell like and this is a five-foot tall one that lives in a sewer. Saying she'd smell like shit is an understatement.
Mutants smell good. Trust me, bro. My dad works for TCRI.
This shit is so ugly
The art style and overall look is fine, but the way everyone moves and speaks and emotes is really off-putting. It's trying way too hard to be quirky and endearing.
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Damn I wanna fuck femCasey
Incredible thighs
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>But Eastman and Laird fussed, so Mona Lisa was changed at the last minute to a salamander.
Allegedly both of them thought it was a corny thing to do, and it usually was considering it's a bad sign for any cartoon to drop a new Poochie in to try and boost ratings. Laird never gave up that grudge and continues to seethe about it, while Eastman had a direct influence on IDW bringing in new versions of Mona and Venus, along with Jennika, Lita, and every other female mutant character they added to the roster. At minimum, he was on board and had the chance to voice his disapproval, but didn't, and even collabed on covers featuring them without a single peep about any problems with female turtle characters.
Do I fuck the robot or Krang?
The dragons had potential to be cool but they ended up even more moronic than 80'sKrang/Shredder along with constant burping. But I kind of liked the mad scientist villain.
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I don't remember if it was Eastman or Laird, but one of them really absolutely fucking hated her.
Laird seemed more assblasted about it, in the long term.
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A short comic done by the same guy.
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Horny character designs aside, Chochi has some undeniable talent for comics and storytelling.
I mean he was the only reason I read Spinnerette.
Second he left, I basically dropped the comic.
The Chochi years of Spinnerette are really the only ones worth reading anyways.
Well titless women are just cuntboys, you want cuntboys you sick freak. Also it's a mutant anthro animal, it is already not real so may as well give them tits
The only thing this thread shows is why we need canon female turtles because I disapprove of this:


That simply comes across as gay similar to the anime Ranma with the dude turning into a girl.

Was it dumb to add her? yes.

Did it actually get little girl me to get more interested in TMNT? Yeah.

So by business standards, mission accomplished.
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Laird will eagerly attach his name to TLR, because it's the only successful TMNT comic in decades, but also one of shittiest TMNT stories put to page. I respect both of them for their hand in creating the TMNT, but they're old men and different people than they were 40 years ago. They don't get to coast on the work they could have done, but chose not to for decades.
>Girls don't care about TMNT and that's okay.
It's actually far worse than that. There are female TMNT fans and they're all reprehensible degenerates who love making tons of gay incest fanart and fanfics, along with edgy as fuck AU comics that are still actively being made today.
"Kunoichi means nine plus one my daughters, and I WILL train you to master that hole."
If I was a tentacle monster sure
No, thats a reptile.
See >>144621297
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>Kunoichi means nine plus one my daughters
Ayckshyually, Kunoichi is just the three strokes that compose the Kanji "Woman", that happen to be a hiragana (ku), a katakana (no), and a kanji (ichi, "one").
くノ一 = 女
>we need canon female turtles
With the likes of Jennika? No, thank you...
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I wouldn't really want them back or in charge of the IP either way. Not just because they've long since lost their touch (Eastman's art is still pretty slick though) but because I don't think they really know what to even do with TMNT except try to relive the past with it.
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I don't know if it's an actual rule at IDW or if it's just been that every artist they've ever hired has gone out of their way to never draw any mutants except Sally Pride with tits. It seems like it's the cry of obnoxious autists that "UHM ACTUALLY" mutants should have breasts or feminine features of any kind... even though the mutation process is explicitly a merging of human and animal features and most of the time it's so heavily stylized and full of artistic liberties that it's pointless to try and talk about the realistic way a giant mutant animal should look.

The turtles aren't even cold blooded, they have teeth, the wrong number of fingers, can eat foods that turtles can't digest, etc etc... When it comes down to it, whether it's logical for female turtles to have breasts doesn't even factor in. The real question that retards have to answer is "why shouldn't they?" considering how human-ized they are otherwise.
Real turtles have 5 digit-like claws on their arms and legs. Sea turtles have flippers, but there's no turtles with two finger-like digits. All the same, I like the 2-finger look because it's distinct.

She had the potential to be an interesting character in a lot of ways, but she never got the chance to do much and then just kinda stopped having any character development of her own. So now her most important moment in the entire comic is starting a fist fight at a support group and being angry that the turtles weren't spending enough time doing hokey college activism with her, so they could do an election that ended with another riot and no other candidates running.

Mutation Nation is a new ongoing.
>Seems to me like they brought her into the series without any idea of what she can do long term a problem that happened to Alopex.
That's because Campbell was originally only given 12 issues to write, and then got told he had to keep killing time for the next 4 years before Waltz would come back to shit all over the comic and force Campbell to write around his retarded multi-comic event. The results were bad, as we can all clearly see.

It's a sort of situation you'd only wish on your worst enemies because you want them to suffer and ruin their career by being forced to write unfocused, chaotic, atonal bullshit for 5 years, in hopes that it breaks them and they never return to writing.
Who should voice them?
>I genuinely hope these assholes go wild with their agenda as much as possible so that consumers even dumb normies reject it and many products fail costing companies billions
Isn't that... well... happening already?
The only reason companies are not firing them is because they can't find a way to turn the situation without admitting they made a huge mistake.
Is it just me, or are those shells to small to even start covering their butts
On a completely unrelated note, are there any of them that are behind views?
………did FemSplinter know about this or no?
You think she's got any authority over what their shells cover?
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>Bare turtle cheeks visible for anyone to see.
How has a foot clan member not bent her over in an alley and gone to town on her green ass?
Shredder did not install dicks on her Foot Soldier robots.
I mean, she is their mother along with knowing a thing or two about men.
>looks over at male April
Hell yeah!
any more?
oh I meant more turtle butts, but I get that
I’m more into having splinter have a mother-son relationship with male April rather than that.
Does a cloaca count?
Any further and we're headed right back to /trash/
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What feeling does this image convey?
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and there's no war in Ba Sing Se
>"No matter how hard Laird seethes, and how much my show sucked... fans still remember me fondly, for the most part"
>"We do need female turtles"
>IDW introduces a female turtle, officially designating her as the fifth one
>Physically looks exactly the same as the main four
>Ends up being a lesbian, anyway
Anon, the trash homo shit is inevitable at this point...
>Ends up being a lesbian, anyway
Maybe it was a way to make fans avoid making gangbang porn of those 5. Just maybe.
FemMikey until femRaph gets annoyed with her and then FemRaph.
Jennika was always lousy but what pisses me of is Venus got introduced and she didn't really want to be part of the main group and just when she was learning to hang out with Donatello in the recent arc she's written to commit suicide and dies. We see her soul along with Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen in the afterlife.
You know I don't think Laird cares about the female turtle issue anymore. That is Laird still hates female turtles as an individual but internally he has to admit that fans love the female turtles and he can't stop fans from liking them. I'm not entirely sure but seems to me old age has mellowed Laird out a bit.
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>she's written to commit suicide and dies
>that fans love the idea of female turtles

To defeat the recent giant shark villain Armaggon Donatello was willing to risk his life by throwing a plot device object along with himself into the sharp teeth filled mouth of said villain shark. Venus basically decides to spare Donatello from sacrificing himself so she takes the plot device and throws herself into the shark's mouth. After dying Venus does Donatello a final favor by ensuring Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Splinter reincarnate as the story demands that this occurs otherwise we would not have the premise of IDW TMNT.

After Venus completes this task she's shown hanging out with the human spirit of Splinter or Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen. The girl is dead now.
Need more of these designs for the turtle girls (especially with no clothes and shells that don't cover the butts)
getting your turtussy filled with human penis
>Fem!Leo and Fem!Raph competing on which could make you cum first until Splinter makes them work together.
looking forward to raph fighting anemones again after 3 decades
I'll go digging around, but I have very few turtles butts in my folders.
We need a drawfriend to show up and add to the collection.
Very nice
>YWN sneak mutagen into a girl's food so she turns into a hot and willing mutant waifu
What kind of animal would you want her to turn into?

I'd go with a possum girl.
i don't understand why they didn't think of making a new mutant turtle villain?
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I don't know how unpopular this opinion is... but I love Venus' braided "ponytail".
I love it. It's a good way to make her not appear bald without actually giving her hair.
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Dom in battle, sub in bed.
Well not the general use ones any way
If she's willing, why would you have to have to sneak it in her food?
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For the surprise?
Post Chochi's art here.
Post Cartoonzy's art here
Sounds cute!
Who’s YWN?
I wanna fuck Sheena while Jennika watches and cries.
hell yeah dude
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Would you fug the bug?
So FemMikey’s room is basically covered in anime merchandise and FemRaph’s is basically full of typical raph things…………………….. ten bucks that under her bed is romance novels.
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Since she's still a musclehead, she's got weights and stuff to lift, but the rest of his stuff is plushies and cute stuff because she's a big softy who craves gushy romance
FemMikey’s room is probably filled with empty pizza boxes and video games
I wasn’t expecting her to be an… artist, of some sort
Yeah…….. wonder how leo and Donnie’s room look like?
Rise Mikey has a sorta graffiti artist thing going on, so it turned into her being a weird fujo artist.
Leo’s probably very Japanese style, plain and simple. Donnie’s room is maybe like filled with computers and stuff.

Weirdly works for that Mikey, I’ll say
I feel like that is the classic turtles, what about their rise versions?
Not all that familiar with Rise to say
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there was already mutant turtle villains,
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Leo's room is pretty typical for what you'd expect
Donnie is only shown in the kitchen, so uhh... take that for what you will.
We don't have a major villain. Slash and Tokka just a minor villain. Sometimes, Slash will become a good guy. I want a irreparable asshole who is more dangerous than Shredder and Krang.
Exactly what I thought her room would look like
Worth the medical bills.
I think Donnie is the only one who is undercooked out of the 4.
>Leo has plants and eastern traditons. She can do tea ceremonies and flower arranging.
>Mikey loves art and comics and is an unrepentant hyperactive fujo goblin.
>Raph is still a musclehead, but she also loves trashy romance novels and cuddly things.
>Donnie is... a weird dork in a stupid hat and trenchcoat?
I like her hat. It’s cute.
I think it's kinda silly to give her the twin-tail style on her mask and then cover it with another accessory.
Just noticed that. Yeah, that’s really dumb to cover up such a cute mask design.
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Lmao fuck off.
I prefer reptile women without tits, it's not a scientific accuracy thing I just think if you want to fuck a reptile you should commit to it.
Now, is the pussy cold? Does she smell like a fucking sewer?
Your taste is horrendous and your personality is worse.
>makes an OC rat girl
>looks nothing like Splinter
>calls her Splinter
ok THAT design at least says mature ninja sensei mom, not sure which Splinter it's based on though
Based off the TMNT movie version.
His look drastically changes all the time.
I think the chochi fem splinter was made right around the time the 2011 show first aired or slightly before so that
if you were the writer for TMNT what kind of female mutant would you create? Don't lie and claim you wouldn't
Rogen is a kike. Kikes are not white. They are israeli niggers
Venus can work but the show she originated from is really just a hack job of a TMNT show.
Its understandable to be disappointed but he kinda went above and beyond with his hatred about a character that came from a Power rangers knockoff
What do you think about Koya?
Shit character who despite being female looks like a male. Also disgusting shit character who gets shipped with Leonardo. Hate the idea that Leo always gets shitty criminal psycho bitches as his potential love interests. And on the whole Koya commits the worst sin any character can commit that she is not interesting. She's in every way a worse Alopex with not an ounce of sympathy because Koya loves killing others. This trash character should be killed off.
Although I also never like Leo ship with Blossom or Radical, at least they're not villains. But I still prefer Leo is a virgin monk who only focus on training.
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Old Raph had sex with a young female mutant turtle, but in the end he learned that the female turtle was actually the reincarnation of Leo.
Cartoonzy's stuff is all Rise-based
Think this version of splinter was a famous actress before she was turned into a rat?
For pure fetish reason? Cow girl. Otherwise, I feel like Mona and Venus both deserve a fair shot at being consistent characters who are around all the time and part of the story from early on. Reuse Mona's origin story and have her be a girl, around the same age as the turtles, who gets ooze'd while trying to be a hero and do the right thing. Only, instead of disappearing immediately after the episode is done, she sticks around. Can't go home. Can't run off alone. So she stays with the turtles.
>female splinter with four teen daughters
>absolute fucking chaos every month on their periods

>female splinter with four adopted teen sons
>that's not cheese on that pizza
Wouldn’t the sons version be more afraid than horny due to being in the wrath of a mother?
Getting caught being weird and horny around their traditionalist Japanese mother would get them worked near to death.
I'm absolutely divided on this guy's Donnie... on one hand, I find her very cute which plays well considering Raph is meant to be secretly cute and Mikey is a sex goblin. So Donnie being "the cute one in a dorkly way" works great... that is, when she is not dressed up like crap. On the other hand, I hate that shit-eating grin he insists on giving her, makes me wish Raph would punch a hole through her face.

Glad to find someone else bothered by the default outfit. I think it specially bothers me because we can see and appreciate the potential in the hidden design.
I want to marry her.
For sure. Though they seem to do everything together and I doubt you could survive a threesome.
Now I wanna see her in a wedding dress
Turtle soap.
Laios would write a doctoral thesis on turtle tits.
so the worst version of TMNT
Pretty much, but you can't deny these designs are top tier.
>female Rise Casey
isn't that Cassandra from the show?
I'm going to do some rule 63 tmnt drawings so drop any suggestions. Nsfw welcome
FemMikey getting mad at a video game and quoting AVGN
Put fem-Raph in a wedding dress >>144644511
FemSplinter "accidentally" flashing Anon

https://files.catbox.moe/3yn6wg.png (Symbol)

FemMikey and FemRaph have thicc bouncy asses. Both of them discovered twerking and try the dance out while having tattoos on their asses being the Hamato clan symbol. Both of them looking at the viewer with their tongues out while both having their own poses. First row is femRaph’s and the bottom row is FemMikey’s.
Fem Mikey and Turtle April vigorously comparing busts
Krang's original android body is the worst character design I've ever seen in a cartoon. You couldn't even redeem it by slapping tits on it. It's just completely unaesthetic. The visor and stomach cockpit are the only elements that work.
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funny thing regarding rats that could be usued for fem splinter
>they're such clean freaks that one of their dominance displays is forcibly cleaning/grooming another
>normal sized pet rats will even try to clean humans
>another thing rats do often is wrestle each other and do little rat slap fights over food
>rats are extremely social and get depressed without it
Just these versions of the girl turtles >>144613395 with these shells >>144631973 with their backs to the 'camera'/butts visible, their heads turned towards the viewer and each asking him why he's looking so red/embarrassed
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Here ya go
Who would be the nostalgia critic to her nerd?
Lmao based trips and based art
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Shell tits are too weird for me, I'd rather April or one of the boys.
Can't believe this thread survived to hit the bump limit.
Wow, this is really good! Thank you!
500 is the bump limit
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Here ya go
Unbelievably, extremely, dangerously based
She's... perfect...
Thank you!
muscular green women are not natural
That's what makes it so great
Newtralizer, the Newtstalgia critic
so more a fan of the IDW or Rise movie's take on the android body since not fond of classic?
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Fem Turtle of choice bound like this in Shredder's Revenge but more risqué

I wouldn't be surprised Cartoonzy designed the character BEFORE it was revealed.
And his take on a female Casey actually looks like a female Casey!
instead of live action TMNT reviews it's live action Street Sharks reviews with Baxter Nerd Comedy
>Baxter Nerd Comedy
Shit, I laughed louder than I should have, kek
no problem mate, joke so natural even their reviews made it. Though shame when Angry Joe eyeball became so political
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Ok, I'm gonna go and say it... like everyone here, I love milfs, and like everyone here, I specially love big titted milfs... but I hate this portrayal of milf Splinter as some promiscuous rat whore, ready to ride the next dick her daughters bring to the hideout.
I don't care, I'm going to get them all pregnant and bust fat nuts in them while their bellies are massive.
She only fucks M!April to test him before he fucks the fem turtles.
What a responsible mother
She wants the best for her girls.
And male April passed the test.
I bet she will supervise his first time with each of the girls. Just to make sure they're properly taken care of.
some anon in a previous thread posted how each of the fem turtles have sex and i remember it as
>fem raph is dominant and likes cowgirl position
>fem leo is vanilla and likes missionary
>fem mikey is the most fun and likes doggystyle
>fem don is very delicate and likes being in a sitting position face to face
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Why not simply imagine that she man she's eager to fuck is you and only you, instead of fussing over some equally imaginary situation where she's fucking every man in New York, since it bothers you so much? Not that I'm even seeing that many posts gushing about how much they want fem-Splinter to be a whore anyways.
>Why not simply imagine that she man she's eager to fuck is you and only you
Because I will not cheat on my lovely thicc Mikey, thank you.
Which of the fem turtles should have the best assets? Best tits? Best ass? Thighs?
Very nice
I wanna fuck this nerd
Forget the turtles, did this dude do any more Mistress Splinter art?
You drew this just now?
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Fem-Leo and Fem-Raph foxy boxing
Sounds like you are a faggot.
Stop being a faggot, anon.

lol got deleted,
No I wouldn’t.
And I’m glad there was no playable female Turtles DLC in Shredder’s Revenge.
But there is one character I wish was there with Usagi and Karai.
Are you gonna do Ralph, Mikey, and Donnie too?

i did mikey already. it got deleted, .Too lewd i guess.
Was it this one? >>144631973 or another Mikey butt?
You should upload it to the /co/ booru.
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Female Cody
koopa troopa
I'm at the point where I would take anything that isn't morbidly obese, a single mother and 35 years old

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