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>Look Back

>can u imagine being gog agog in the bottom panel there, you're just hanging out waiting for allison to hop through so you can do a little pose and drop your line
Huh, her text isn't green.
thank god tom isn't making it a whole Thing that takes like 2 months just for her to realize it's a hallucination.
So is this where Allison beats astral Gog Agog up? I suspect that's why she ate the worm. If she only wanted to keep Cio from it she could have burned it.
>Another single page update
No patreon preview either. Wonder how long this will last.
I hope it's like the ouroboros segment in battle angel alita.
I guess she does have more of a core personality than we've been lead to believe? Then again, she's still in costume.
I like Allison's look, here. Cool that she goes through so many outfits.
Oh good, doesn't seem like we're gonna linger too hard
>Mine is the path of mutilation

Dear God, I think Allison's character growth might actually be sticking this time
Please, Abbadon, I beg of you. Don't make us sit through half a year of Allison genuinely entertaining some righteous hedonism spiel or some such from Gog before rejecting it with some bland speech.
All the speculation about how Allison would get out of it only for her to be like lolnah
So how long before METATRON makes his appearance to wreck everything?
Hey, might as well appreciate some alone time with your dead (but already reincarnated into a different person) girlfriend before getting the fuck out of there.
I love this guy's comedic stuff
Metatron's a gimp, I'm not sure he's ever going to "do" anything in the traditional sense.
I imagine Metatron as being very limited in what he can do. It's why he wanted to use Jagganoth as his agent right?
I thought that was because of some angel law that prevented him from destroying creation
he can turn into a gun
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Just jam some feathers on this and you've got Metatron's true form.
Thread theme.
I've got responsibilities, Cio... and I... have to go now...
Anon, Gog is countless worms. Burning that particular worm wouldn't have stopped New Coke from Gogging herself.
>Mine is the path of mutilation
The line goes both hard and sad at the same time.
I don't think a better response to that could have been conceived by man. Thank you, anon.
I really like this Cio. Abby is very cruel.
she's got to reject the remembered past in order to become her final shape, which is the perfect sword of her decisions
this feels souless and who the fuck would want to follow the path of mutilation. that's just lame.
Yeah I wish we had more character regression that’s a good idea
>to follow the path of mutilation.
a crippled retard.
Allison just soaking it all in one final time because she knows she’s not coming back to this. I predict the next page she’s not even gonna let Gog get her speech out, she’s gonna punch her right in the face.
People who haven't been reading the extra lore in the author comments won't get it, but then there is also literally nothing to get.
If someone doesn’t get it after the long fucking nihilism arc and then the sword absurdism arc that followed they’re never going to get it
Nihilism is empty and the sword thing is just trying to be cool about it. That's all it amounts to.
Same amount of time for Himself to get out.
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>I predict the next page she’s not even gonna let Gog get her speech out, she’s gonna punch her right in the face.
Will Allison burst out of a Gog the way Gog does to her subjects?
That or she just spit out the worm and absolutely terrifies every Gog in the process. Something that’ll make her realize that Allison really has changed up the usual monotony.
I'm into this, I'm into Allison just no-selling the rest of Gogs' bullshit. Hope she can keep up the momentum this time.
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>Allison bursts out of Gog after rejecting the illusion
>Gog however had already finished adding Allison's biomass into the hive
>Allison performs the black art for the first time and creates herself a new body out of nothing
Please Abby. I want to see someone perform the black art in this comic at least once besides YISUN and the Multiplicity.
I think she’s in it to try and win it from here on out. The fact that she just tells Cio/Nukoku how futile this whole thing is really paints how her mindset has changed.
It is absolutely all that is going on. Nihilism is a nothing philosophy. It's as old as sin and just as pointless.
Which is where the absurdism comes in. Right now, we have a protagonist who has found an uncaring universe and, in the face of no god to curse or pray to besides the power stuck in her skull, decided to protect what matters to her, which in this case is best done by protecting what matters to other people too. It's gonna be painful and hard and pretty damn stupid, and carve away at her until she may be a chain smoking head and not much else, but she's gonna make what she wants happen. If life has no purpose, why not do good for the hell of it?
I am highly aware Abbs loves Nietzsche despite the height of that man's brilliance being to defy the pointlessness of things with COURAGE!!!! that he then admits is pointless too but uuuuuuuh still do it for reasons and stuff.

Y'all need to find Jesus. Or beg Jesus to find you.
Well until then, it's better for folks to seek to do good just because.
That's just vanity.
How the fuck did you come away from this comic thinking that it's promoting nihilism? Do you even know what nihilism is?
Just realized I posted in the wrong thread lol
That seems like it'd be saved for a climactic final moment if anything, no?
It could also be that with Allison having eaten the worm, and now being part of the wormtrust, Gog's wormtext is just normal to her.
>who the fuck would want to follow the path of mutilation

Someone who just keeps moving forward.
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I don't really understand the sentiment in this thread that allison is gonna punch gog
She went in there of her own vollition, there wasn't any treachery at play, the cards were on the table. This is an alliance, not a fight.
It's still funny to me that there are multiple flavors and definitions of nihilism, none of them can be accurately summed up as "nothing matters lol", and yet retards still think this is it
Gog isn’t gonna be easily swayed into an alliance. Scaring the absolute shit out of her by outright beating her assimilation will be the best way to show that Allison is serious. Gog’s already scared so this was her last effort of controlling Allison.
Besides it’ll be a nice callback to how Allison caved Gog’s face in when they first met.
>Gog isn’t gonna be easily swayed into an alliance.
But she's the one who offered...
Gog’s “alliance” is putting Allison in her hive mind, keeping her complacent by giving her the perfect world, and letting Jag burn everything so Zoss does his reset. Despite claiming to want the script to change Gog is perfectly willing to let the cycle repeat even if Allison is the only chance of breaking it. Allison is gonna have to beat the stagnation out of our favorite worm.
There's really no indication that Gog wants to stop Allison, she just thinks it can't be done because she tried it all already. To her it doesn't matter if Allison tries it for real this cycle or the next or in the next thousand cycles, it sounds more likely to me that it's pure curiosity that's driving her right now.
That and a certain confidence that Allison can't resist her, sure, but she never hid the implications from her either.
You paint it as if there is some kind of deception going on when the cards are all on the table, Allison just has to prove her sense of self can survive the process.
well said
>Nihilism is a nothing philosophy
The core conceit of nihilism is that we are obligated to find our own purpose, you're just sneering at what you have vaguely heard about Neitzche
there isn't really a clear idea of what nihilism entails besides the general idea that only subjective interpretations of reality are possible
He worships yon pallid Christ God >>144681521 his thoughts on the niceties of nihilism are of no importance since he rejects the basic premise. Y'all are too easily riled.
>this is why you don't talk to people

that one hits a little too close

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