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*ends your parkour career by the time you are 31*
I don't think femboy thights can do that.
I think that's just a drawing of a regular little boy. Have you tried not getting arrested for fucking children, op?
why do you have random pictures of little boy drawings
Yes? Successfully too.
just learn how to land properly and strengthen your whole leg, its not that difficult
Parkour is retarded
>efficient movement is retarded
Career? You need to be making money from it for it to be a career.
Should have done squatz lil nigga
By choosing parkour you have specifically selected a type of gymnastics that isn't in the olympics and has no big international competitions. You could have chosen gymnastics (any of the three disciplines), skateboard/bmx, or even dancing but no. You chose to jump around in cities and make youtube videos about it.
People like Storror did seem to make money from it

But yeah that shit has an even tighter time limit than MMA, they won't be at it in their 40s
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>parkour career
If I rob people and use parkour to run away, then it DID make me money.
WTF I love parkour now.
In order for it to be a career you need to be paid anon
In America they'd just shoot those dudes in the back
Probably not. Those kids are probably being chased for minor reasons (likely related to parkour) but even shooting a young adult running from a felony traffic stop after participating in a drive by shooting can trigger protests and get your police department shut down.
it isn't the 90's anymore
Fucking niggers
More like parkour ended your walking career

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