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bmx riders are coolest, most talented, and do the most dangerous shit
BMX is dead because it's impossible to ride in baggy jeans and only boomers wear skinny jeans nowadays.
I don’t see adults ride BMX just teens. I don’t want parents thinking I’m a creep for participating in a children’s sport.
bmx riders are inherently creeps (look at adam22 for example).

learn to skate instead (inline or board, either works)
I’m tall and heavy, not fat just heavy from my height and the board is hard to balance
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>not fat just heavy from my height
6’5 210 pounds
that's pretty hefty dude
185~ would be one thing but 210 even at 6'5 is pretty generous
if this dude can skate I promise you that you can
Wtf I was not expecting to see that, maybe it’s my tall lanky body that makes the trucks bend easily.
Finally a bmx thread where have you fuckers been all my life
I wanna get into BMX but I somehow feel like I'll look gayer than if I was even rollerblading
you probably bought shit trucks or your body is too stiff.
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Who is the most stylish skateboarder and why is it Jim Greco? Also what video parts is everyone watching???
They are venture trucks. I tried tightening them only to realize they won’t get tighter.

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