In BJJ, the blue belt signifies the ability to defeat a larger, stronger opponent that is untrained (or should do, as defined by Helio Gracie.)A boxers garb has no signals to represent ones proficiency. So what would an amateur boxer have to look like, perform, and demonstrate his proficiency in order for a coach (or an experienced boxer) to think that person could defeat a larger, stronger but untrained opponent?
>>220196>the blue belt signifies the ability to defeat a larger, stronger opponent that is untrained I always thought this was such a remarkably low standard, Because no kidding 12 weeks of boxing or less will get you to the same level then what up to 2 years of bjj? that's ridiculous
5-6 months of boxing should be way more than enough to beat someone who has never fought in their life even if they outweigh you by 80 pounds
>>220254Yes but the 2 years bjj guy is absolutely smoking mister 12 weeks boxing majority of the time, same for >>220290
>>220254>bjjdifferent skill floors and skill ceilings
I'll start>Scorpion Rib CrushThis is a variant of do-jime (banned judo technique but legal in BJJ and MMA) where you have an opponent in closed guard and squeeze your knees on their floating ribs.Here's a video of a WMMA fighter using it to win in Bellator: hit-or-miss but can either>do nothing (if they have a strong core)>break ribs>fuck up organs (supposedly)You can hear the opponent yell out and tap immediatelyComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>220352>get gently pushed and concede the takedown so you can pull guard anywaywhat now
>>220397You're being disingenuous. You know damn well I mean when one competitor gets in dick sucking position or bottom missionary and the referee doesn't force the guy to stand back up and actually fight. If they're both already grappling on the ground and one chooses a defensive position, then that wasn't what I or anyone else was criticizing.
>>220352If You remove strikes these things become exploitable and it's not beneficial to run in there and get quickly takedowns
>>220403>If You remove strikes these things become exploitable and it's not beneficial to run in there and get quickly takedownsYou know what's less beneficial: training bad habits that would get you stomped in a real fight/non-competition environment.
They should make it legal to kick someone who pulls guard in the face. Simple.
Does bjj teach you anything useful?
>>220100There's a BJJ thread already, you fucking mongoloid. Every time you create a thread, another thread dies. Stop shitting up /xs/ with your retarded inquiries. Btw, I didn't bump this thread.
>>220104>a wannabe bjj fighter is retarded*gasp*
How to resist deadly attacks
>>220104Shut up. The threads here are hardly worth saving from page 10 anyway
>>220100Its good training if you want to learn how to rape. lol jk
Why isn't muay thai a big thing outside of ladyboyland if there are so many people who hate grappling and for some reason watch mma?
>>217230If it isn't MMA no one gives a fuck. Why would we settle for only partial full contact?>Why not Muay Thai big?Fuck muay thai, why not Kudo bigger? All the upsides of MMA + the variables introduced by gear + resets when tap attempts go on too fucking long.
>>218510>If it isn't MMA no one gives a fuck.Boxing
I'm glad it's not more popular to be honest. One is fun to watch but i'd much rather watch RWS, Thai Fight, Petchyindee, Jitmuangnon etc over it. I like the pace, I like the tradition, and becoming more popular would just water it down. Plus there's amateur promotions here that people in my gym fight for so I get to see live amateur fights from time to time.
>>217357>People want to see fights with the least restrictions possibleExplain the popularity of boxing then.
>>217230>>218526Muay Thai is boring compared to boxing. You would know this if you had decades of experience of watching combat sports.
>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
So glad I get to play maple hill fairly regularly. Marshall Street is literally Disc Golf Walmart
I'm making disc golf patches. What ideas do you want?
>>194266It's because the people are too small to handle larger discs.
>>212748nice, I've gotta make it up there sometime, its not that much farther than going to wickhamtower ridge skins match is finally out, too bad luke wasnt there and we had to listen to that dumbass instead forgetting who's on the box every single hole
I know the japanese tourism and animation industry have a lot to thank toriyama for, but something underrated is how much the martial arts industry has to thank him forfact is it wouldn't be nearly as popular of a hobby as it is if this show never existed since it's the thing that inspired so many kids to get involvedso ITT we will discuss all things related to our training and self improvement and helping each otherexercises, training routines, diets, motivation, hard, study well, and eat and sleep plenty
I've been losing weight, the trick was to stop eating vegetablesI only eat meat and fruit, no leafs stems roots or seeds. I've been thoroughly convinced they're toxic and not meant to be eaten in the absurd quantities we have them I lost 27lbs in a month and a halfAnd the neat part is its actually impossible to overeat meat or fruit so I get to have as much as I want whenever I want
The training with Master Roshib was very Kino and by the way also subversive. The turtle master actually has his disciples perform physically demanding jobs such as delivering milk or construction work.There is also the fact of having fun and relaxing during training.
Got the DOMS something fierce today lads
I'm trying really hard to unlock my splitsThe only thing is I'm really afraid to do the split itself. Like I'll go down too far and not be able to get myself back up, or slip and blow something out
There was a two hour queue to climb past the bottleneck at K2 .What's the fuckin point of climbing mountains, even supposedly the most hardest one if there's gonna be lines full of tourists like a Disneyland ride?
idiots climbing short cold mountains instead of Mauna Kea, the worlds tallest mountain, easy to get to and in a nice climate
>>216683Bad luck
>>216683The climbing season is incredibly short to begin with and inclement weather can make it even shorter.If there's two or three teams on the mountain and the weather is nice, the expedition leaders will space out the summit assaults (which can take days) to avoid traffic.If there's an incoming storm, though, it's either go now or go home and try again next year, spending tens of thousands more dollars.To call them just a bunch of tourists is a little disingenuous. They're still experienced climbers. It's not like they're just on an easy hike while everyone around them is killing themselves.
>>216683>>217063not k2 BUT the Everest has become -in some tourism packs- indeed a vanity ride for rich old men. I think the Moon youtube dug up a website which was "sherpas will carry ALL your stuff + your oxygen, luxury rest tents, etc". Not everyone is like that but..the trend is a thing.>also calling the porters "sherpas" is cringe, sherpa is an ethnicity. Imagine calling the tennis ball boys "the caucasians"
>>217063they are experienced ishThis isn't the 90s anymore, the Everest Tourism shit came to K2
Is this legit or just another bullshido scam?
Bar fight starts at 1:38
>>219420>>219422just do boxingdo either of those kung fu guys look like they've ever done hard sparring?be real
>>219435Found this snippet in their instagram channel. i think they are training not only kungfu.
>>219420my hands are sticky because I never wash them, I just rub them in someone's eyes and face to give her an infection.
/xs/! What is best in life?
>>124333I’m thankful for this thread still being up
>>216640Happy Thanksgiving anonsSeek what is best in life
Happy New Year anonsThis thread will never die as long as you all remember what it best in life
>>147951OP in shambles
Holy shit, this thread has legs.
So i’m 19 and can’t stand my family and I feel i’m not respected at all. I am constantly mocked and treated like a child. What I would like to do is starting fighting back physically. I want to train like a combat sport but I’m not sure which. Any advice
I think you should get into combat sports to get rid of the mentality you have. Idk if you're still here but learn a combat sport to better yourself, sure being able to beat people up is a plus but don't get into it for the sole purpose of beating up family lol. I recommend muay thai or mma. Boxing is full of nogs and any mma/muay thai gym in the states will have you practicing kickboxing too. BJJ is probably more practical but I personally like being able to use my 8 limbs
How many of you practice,sword fighting/kendo ,knife fighting,archery
>>219546I also have a longsword so I'll see you on the field
>>218220No, I decided to learn martial arts by myself at home, from time to time I invite friends to come or I sign up to a gym to spar and pressure test some stuff, but it's mostly aimed at self defense and it's not like I am going to be walking around with a sword. But I do practice with knives and stuff that I might find laying around in the streets, for exemple staves, fabric and rocks, I also test a little bit with random objects like chairs and tables. I'm soon getting my gun pass to practice shooting too
>>219746Yes I often leave my table, chair, stave and knife on the side of the road just in case someone needs them
>>219755You probably assumed I'm American, bars are built everywhere here and they are usually half outdoor, I wasn't even thinking when I typed that part as I was referring to close quarters stuff, but realistically speaking where I live I could pick up a chair or table at almost every street corner lol
>>219766All the outdoors furniture in my city is chained down. America!
/HEMA/ General - Power of Sticks and Staves Edition>What is HEMA?HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises>What does it look like?Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - to the source - Fabian Sparring ->Where can I find these treatises? too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>223086Well. You have a point
>>223091You can shadowbox I suppose. It'll have a limit but in Siberia you probably don't have anyone to spar with anything.
>>223092Nah I get it. Practice with it on a pell and then "modify" it to fight polar bears and wolves.
how many of you are actually carrying around weapons in daily life
>>223611Not a sword.
Do you guys know anything about WAKO K1/light contact tournament's?I was talking to my muay thai coach about competing and he said that's one option but I'm probably good enough to just do some development day fights (muay thai rules but with all padding).From what I can gather is "light" is meant to be hard enough to drop you if you get hit clean but not hard enough to prevent you from sparring the next day. It's kickboxing so no knees, elbows, clinch or catching kicks.
I fight K1 light contact and I'll kick you in the nuts
Not this specific one but these types of tournaments seem to be exploding in popularity lately. I think people have noticed the CTE problems and are trying to get ahead of them
>>215757>MUH CTEif you want glory and real fights you put your health on the line. That's how it isIf you want patty cake tag youre it! You might as well go and just do something else
~~Skateboarding Edition~~>Where do I start?People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.>What shoes do I buy?If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).Here are some useful resources for sizing:>> too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>223567Pretty much, buttermilker might take some time to repeat but most other climbs at the milks I have on lock. And yeah I dropped the lip like 8 times before I finally nutted up. That shit is heady, it's not a gimme after the lip.
>>223299checked. Great fucking video, really made a lot of shit palatable
>>223601Ok if true that's crazy but you're also implying you'd be down to do too big to flail or ambrosia or uhhh lucid dreaming Anyways if you actually got Evilution direct that's extremely based
>>223628Right? So unlike the modern shit.>Videos longer than 9+ minutes to explain one technique>Most of the video not even relevant to showcasing the technique, it's just watching bros climb>Adverts shoved in your face>What buttplug/hangboard you need that, without, WOULD KILL YOUR GAINS BrahhhJust pure climbing shit from the 90s. Love it.
>>223636Alright I admit I haven't done any of those 3. Although I have done rastaman vibration which is the hardest move of lucid. I was only so bold with the I'll climb your dream proj statement because I doubt that anon is looking at anything harder than a v7. I've been going to bishop 10+ years now so my tick list isn't that impressive. I might work ambrosia if I'm feeling good this year. >>223646Fuck (most) modern climbing media. Fuck (most) modern tipsters. If I ever meet Hannah Morris I'll make sure she never climbs or makes a video again.
Ritual Satanic Vertical Knifing EditionBasic brand info for beginners > reviews:> a shoe review:> thread >>215829
>>220079it's rhythm mostly. don't just flail left to right like you're doing stationary kickturns, lean into them as anon said above. it all comes from the back wheels, so pay attention to those and force them to start moving left with your weight, then with good rhythm change to the right and keep going and it literally takes maybe 4 turns to get a decent speed if you do it right.
>>220079you are probably just lightly doing it. put your weight into it more than light taps. the force you use to push off is what builds up your momentum. not simply just lightly taping the front wheels off the ground.
>>220079land a trick sketchy