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boxing general

ITT we talk about boxing, not focusing on fights and events but talking about training, techniques, gym shit, injuries, our sparring and fights, ask for advice etc
Hurr fist go boom boom and then brain damage
how long would it take to get brain damage from amateur boxing and training?
sometimes I get hit pretty well and see the small tv static white dots, it's a rare occurrence tho, but in general from sparring and getting punched
anyway aside from brain damage/cte you can get rekt in other ways just training as an amateur, I know a couple guys from my gym that fucked their shoulder and needed surgery, I myself got a detached retina from an unlucky punch that landed entirely on my eye passing through the helmet, and got some light injury to my shoulder that lasted a week where I couldn't wipe my ass with it, or threw a hook that landed with my thumb bone on the elbow of the opponent and got swollen as fuck for 3 weeks, it happened again today but much less intense itll get good in a few days, and just the other day I got a similar unlucky punch in the other eye but it also hit the rest of the face so not as much energy went into the eye luckily, but I still got a very faint light flash in my eye like when my retina detached, just that it is almost imperceptible while the other time it was very visible.
Go do a style that excludes head strikes or something if you're that worried. Truth is you probably get it from the get go, but the damage is accumulated. Hopefully you learn good head movement before it matters.

a detached retina is brain damage, don't push your luck my dude
I've boxed for 3 years and now I re started 1.5 months ago, i dont want to do other shit just want to know how this brain damage stuff works
Getting hit in the head is bad
Only you can decide how much is worth it
For me it was learning the basics and having one amateur fight
Well then, you know what you have to do. Get really good at avoidance, blocking, and counter striking. Make it your mission to master head movement & punishing anyone who goes hunting for it.
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>just started sparring again
>significantly larger than anyone at my gym
>coach always tells me to keep the power down because of the weight class difference
>always do, sparring is practice, don't want anyone to get hurt
>didn't really mind, have a good jab so I can keep most people away
>fight a guy I haven't seen before
>"keep the power down, but he can fight!"
>lol okay, jab time
>slips my jab and hits me somewhere in the chest
>entire body locks up, chest becomes stone
>still standing, but I cannot stop myself from making this 'HHHHHHHHHHHH' sound
>feels like my lungs got paralyzed on an exhale and I can't adjust the rate of air leaving my body
>coach stops the spar, gives me time to breathe
>chest finally unlocks can breath normally again
>coach starts the spar again
>he hits me in the exact same way
>lungs don't work
>proceed to get my shit beat in
>next guy bigger than the last, still significantly lighter than me
>proceed to get my shit beat in by this guy as well
>both these people are throwing their heart out
>I'm over here pulling my right to prevent hurting anyone
>only 20 seconds left in the last round does my coach tell me to up my power
>as soon as he says this the guy is tripping over himself to get out of my range
I have been hit in the body so much I essentially disregarded any body damage, even the heaviest hitters didn't really hurt that bad. That fucking hit to the chest didn't even hurt, it just disabled my fuckin organs. Guy said he intended it to be a liver punch, but it didn't hurt, so that can't be it. I have no idea where he hit me or how that worked, but he obviously knew what he was doing because he did it twice in a row.
Fuckin sucks, is it over for me bros?
once he started beating you you should've started to fight properly and stop pulling your punches, sound like a liver shot but usually those hurt so idk.
why would it be over, it's good that you found some guys that pose a challenge to you, if you're always fighting guys that are weaker than you you'll never learn shit

how tall are you? what's your weight?
6'4", 280, so it's pretty rare I ever see someone at the gym near my size.
I agree that if you never fight anyone better, you can't learn. Essentially everyone I've sparred is better than me mechanically, so I really enjoy seeing some of the moves people pull. I've gotten the privilege of sparring some professionals in the past, and I've learned a lot each time I get a chance. Unfortunately, I find my sparring to be mostly pulling punches because I outweigh everyone so much. I've landed a straight on someone when I intended no power behind it and it nearly knocked him out with a helmet on. It feels bad when we're supposed to be working with each other. I'm big enough that with good form, any punch is dangerous.
The reason I ask "Is it over?" is because I feel like I'm at a crossroads. Stop pulling punches so much, and potentially hurt my sparring partners at the gym, or sacrifice my own growth and brain health and just roll with it. I can't gauge whether the punches people are throwing are just matching the weight of my jab or if they are just throwing this hard because I'm in a higher weight class. I can take it, as much as anyone else like taking a punch, but it is frustrating to not be able to dish anything back until I get the go ahead.
just go technical and then if they start going hard go hard in return, they will either give you more respect or keep pushing in which case you're in for a nice slugging
talk about it with your coach too

I'm 5"7' 170lbs, I usually spar guys my own size or bigger, like 6" 180/187lbs, atm I just re started after a long time off, I used to be in the amateur fighting team at my gym years ago before stopping, I noticed that my coach makes me work with the top guys from my course bc all the others aren't good enough, and in the end only one was hars for me, the others I didnt dominate, but I was better, which annoys me bc I feel I didn't do well enough against them.
but the really tough guys are in the other course, where the fighting team is.
months ago I went for a couple lessons, and I noticed that even if I was a lard that hadn't worked out for a year, when I sparred some randos in the gym I still had enough technique to bust them up because they were just "casuals" that didn't take it that seriously, some guys may have been going to the gym for 1 or more years but just treat it as fitness, while others have been going for just 6 months and they're much better, like the guy I said that gave me problems in sparring
I appreciate the advice.
Signed up for boxing, gonna start this thursday, what am I in for?
>t. 6' 330lb dude
Gas out learning to sit behind your jab. Once you do, you're gonna be a problem.
Idk what that means but it sounds sweet. I have pretty good stamina for my size, probably still gonna hack up a lung the first time I assume.
Also, I do powerlifting and archery, does any of that carry over to punching power?
Unless you've been doing a bunch of sled dragging for GPP, don't expect much carryover of anything at first. Even the shoviest of punches still had more whip to it than the typical pressing movements of weights. Having sturdy legs will help long term, but at first everything is going to feel very strange, and more likely a temporary hinderance.
I would imagine that having stronger legs and back would lead to being able to punch harder once you have the technique dow no?
>>198249 He probably hit you in the solar plexus.
I practice muay thai, I noticed that I don't punch properly without gloves, gloves give me more area and it seems like I punch well, but when I practice without them I look like a noob.
TLDR, how do I practice better punching without gloves?
My idea now is to just practice pun ching without gloves and focusing on little targets. maybe marking a column to punch or something
>static, flashes of light
>detached retina
Never experienced this in all my years. You need to find a new sport
If your take off your gloves and your punches look bad, you have bad form and just haven't realized it yet. You should start by having your coach correct the issue and should also devote some of your training time to work without gloves
Might be helpful to put just your wraps on so you have a similar tension in your hands, giving you a feel to judge from as well. Potentially even doing it bare, wrapped, and wrapped w gloves for contrasting.
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don't fucking give up. it took me two years and 100lbs but I was in your position and not giving up is the hardest part.
Yeah, I've been lifting for half a year pretty seriously now, I'm a pretty self concious guy for obvious reasons, but I've been trying all the hobbies I dreamed of doing as a kid and I've been pretty good at all of them and people generally weren't as mean to me as I expected, so I've been emboldened. I'm gonna get down to 230lbs this year for sure.
thanks. any videos on how to improve punch? I'm afraid of searching this stuff on youtube because anyone is a master there and gives bullshit advice, but maybe there's some boxer here that can suggest me a good one

Skillr boxing
the modern martial artist
Andrii Khotin
I went today, it was tough but fun. My lead shoulder tired out super quickly, I sweat so much I kept slipping on my own sweat trying to do pushups and tbe hardest parts aside from cardio were footwork and keeping my hands up, also trying not to vomit.
If they have a bucket, don't be afraid to pop. More often than not, you'll feel better after. Just clean off and go right back to working.
Question for home gym, if I were to only get two types of hanging punching bag which ones should I get? I'm thinking a double end bag and a teardrop bag would probably be the best.
Am I correct in thinking the teardrop bag would be better then a heavy bag?
Also, regular teardrop bag vs aqua bag?
If you're looking to maximize movement, that's a good combo. Depending on your class/power and the weight of the bag, tear drops can be pretty mobile. Get a few different length solid cords for the double end, and one adjustable. The tension differences will let you play with how much bounce it has, and if it's loose enough some wobble that will keep you on the move. Hit up your local hardware store for different swivels that will change the action of the bag too. More spin if you wanna be accurate, no swivel if you want to get wacked if you're in the path on the rebound. Be mindful of ceiling height and weight ratings for everything too.
Okay I don't know what's up but it's impossible to find a teardrop boxing bag for sale anywhere near me, so would a water bag like this work?
I've never used a water bag sorry. I've never heard anything bad about that brand, but I imagine the physics of it make things much different from any standard filling.
I've started this recently and I have a question. After I have the basics down, should I try and learn the peekaboo style? I'm shorter(6'0" and same reach) but I have a very large frame, there is no way I'm cutting weight all the way down to cruiserweight, so generally the guys I'll be going against will all be way taller then me, so I'm thinking peekaboo would suit me well.
There are probably 3 or 4 people in the world that can train you in a real peekaboo style. Stick to the fundsmentals until you demonstrate some talent newfriend
Can anyone reccomend some cheap aliexpress gloves that are okay? I mostly see kickboxing, MMA and sanda gloves despite searching for boxing gloves and the ones that are for boxing never say how many oz it is.
Yeah I'm focusing on learning orthodox first, but once I have the essentials down couldn't I self learn peekaboo?

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