soaping bros, we're home
Thank god these things died in the 90's and 4chan is full of underageB&
>>1409Soap or Die is one of the greatest documentaries ever made
>>1409Stealth Sonic Adventure 2 thread?
i got a pair of these when i was 13 and i've never been able to use them because all the handrails have bolts on them. it genuinely pisses me off
im so glad its not the 90s anymore just for the fact that everything I touched then was covered in fucking wax
this looks very easy and unimpressive
>>4970>this looks very gay and homosexual
bumping for based soapers
>>1409Literally why use soap shoes when these exist Infinitely inferior
>>4009Eugen is actually an aggressive inline skater the fact he was sponsored for this is pure marketing and this is basically heelies but for grinds get some skates idiot
>>7108>being a faggot fruitbooter
>>7116>HURURRRR DURRR FRUIT BOTOTTTINGN BUT OMGGGGGG FRUIT SHOES GOODFuck of boarder, you've copied real skating since the beginning and are upset we're all back at skateparks doing cooler tricks than "ME FLIP BOARD" you cringe ass roody poo lookin ass, i'm also 6 feet tall talk to me like this at a skate park i'll push your scrawny wannabe ass down a hill and watch you bail since you have no real sense of balance or control then woops your own board over your head and use my fruit boots to give your asshole a fruit loop with my wheels of fury
>>7118I understand your frustration anon. You have never been given the respect you believe you deserve, because you picked a hobby that sally down the street also enjoys rollerskating up and down the sidewalk with her mother.But thats just how the world works. You picked the Disney Channel Movie of extreme sports, ignore the fact that everyone else looks down upon you and your fruit boots.
>>7127No actually we get the respect we deserve, the sport is going through huge rebirth right now, skate parks full of bladers, boarders are a dying breed, being replaced by scooter kids, meanwhile aggressive skates are sold out world wide and youtubers regarding blading kicking off.You can bail when you fail a trick, we have to commit, you're a pussy boy.I saw a fruit boarder like you outside on the streets once, a hill I go down fast as shit and is tiny this little pussy shirtless looking hoodlum poser had to BAIL off his board not even half way down! I tried my best to not laugh at him... I hope your puny ego isn't hurt over all the posers in your sport...Did you know, inline skates were made BEFORE boards? The first shit boards made actually used a future pussified rendition of inline skates trucks on planks, they took rollerskate trucks and planks to make shitty boards~Go on show me your ollie~
>>7143The funniest part about skateboarder cope is sally and her gaggle of white kids down the street sidewalk haven't touched blades in a decade, the only ones left are true EXTREME sporters, meanwhile boarders are still rife with swag having wiggers who go shirtless around the block holding their boards while they walk or going 2MPH never doing so much as a single jump, just going from point A to point B, the amount of sad pathetic cope from your "sport" full of posers who can't do a single trick is hilarious.The only bladers left are extreme sports.The only plankers left are poser wannabe's who have to resort to ad hominemSad~ it, this is modern day skating.The only boarders left I respect are long boarders hitting up giant ass hills doing something truly extreme or ones who respect their grandfather sport, skating. That's right, skateboarding isn't skating, Skating is. Putting SKATES on your feet is skating.
Soaping is to inline what scooters are to skateboards. Sorry bros, your 'sport' takes less talent and looks more stupid than the one it tried to imitate.
>>7151I get the appeal though sonic adventure games are cool as fuck and you want to grind as a kid but never realise grind skates exist, I used to want soap shoes now I own USD Aeon 60's
>>7151>>7154Sorry for the double post, but i respect scooters more than skate boarders, skateboarders ive seen are always posers who sit around doing jack shit 99% of the time and are there for the aesthetics whilst scooter kids take their fucking scooters do 360 rotations with the bottom part and jump stairs, whilst all the boarders i see lately just bail on hills it's pathetic
>>7156Stop eyeballing the scooter kids you pedo, the skateboarders are probably creeped out by you.
>>7167They peer pressured me into jumping the big stairs at the grocery store and now I jump them whenever there isnt snow and I go by
Surprisingly, I bought a pair a few years ago. There was an online shop in the UK that had them for sale and I jumped on it because it was limited supply. I think shipping was more expensive than the shoes themselves but I still have them today.
>>7193based soaper
>>7135>>7127>>7118You all need to stop being faggots
gayass christa college soap'n
>>5020and thats a good thing
>>8386he started it mooooom
>>7118New pasta?
>>1409holy shit I forgot all about these. They couldn't sell shit like to kids today, I remember kids cracking their heads open jumping on railings
>>7175if you've ever used one of those scooter's you'd instantly realise why they're so ballsy.They're insanely easy to use, I used to do huge stair sets (12+) on them when I wouldn't even touch a 6 stair on my bmx nowadays because I'm a huge pussy and I've been riding bmx way longer than I ever rode a scooter
THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO STILL SOAP??????????????????????
>>10812only when i shower
>>10803too extreme for kids
>>7118>>7135lmfao how many butthurt posts have you typed out already? you're clearly the only person who feels this way and it's easy to tell by your posting
>>4009Unironically fuckin' badass. That last roller coaster ride was so satisfying to watch.
>>12249He can do this because he does it with smaller grind plates on inline skates
>>3960Kek this is great thanks. Loved soaping in the 90s
>>4009this is next level.
I never bought soaps but I liked the way they looked. I wished they made skate shoes
soapers rise up
Wow, I actually own four pair of soaps. They're just such solid shoes. I had even more but second gen are subject to warehouse heat or things like that. I'm pretty lucky size 14 suits me because that and kids' size were mainly the only overstock>>7193Still my favorite design, the blue and white Cleans. Looks better to me than almost any shoe bar none before or since. Don't they look amazing in almost any color but especially that one. Such an aesthetic, and the nubuck leather was actually quality.
>>16052I quite like the design of the shoes you posted.If they were regular shoes I would wear them
>>16053Ahh you just need the plate that allowed you to stash your weed
>>1409I thought I created this sport when I was a kid, little did I know shit was actually done
>>14498you mean... aggressive rollerblades...?
>>16052looks based
soaper bump
>>11862They got filtered
>>7116>being in a thread about amatuer footbootingYou're cool>>7118guy, chill
You HAVE made your own pair already, right anons? think we could have a thread for "makeshift" sports, homemade gear and projects, but I fear it would be too /diy/
>>5020this is a very 90's insult. now, not so much, people actually love sucking cock, taking cokc up the ass with the same sex. aids is awesome!
>>7118lmao this is why I used to always see fruitbooters getting their asses kicked in skate parks back in the day. They were always unathletic spergs with a chip on their shoulder.
>inb4 he dropped the soap
>>21546You could say he's about to get "railed"
>>7135What world are you living in? I haven't seen anyone use rollerblades in at least a decade. It's dead.
>>21540id woop your ass now, try calling me sally ill whoop your ass maladaptive fucker
>>21570>>21540>>21568this is a SOAP thread you faggots, nobody cares
>>21568Sounds like you live in some boring town where people only do boring mainstream shit and still watch MTV. It's ironic because your world is a bubble but you type shit like "What world are you living in"? LOL I live in Washington State and I've been seeing more rollerbladers every time I go to the skate park this last year. I've also been running into more people who just started. There are more of us than you think. It's not popular but it's not dead. Look up some aggressive skate brands and watch videos.
>>21568I bet you watch "Ridiculousness" for hours and never realized they just steal videos from the internet.
>>21571GTFO anon. Nobody cares about soap.That's why this thread is 90% skaters vs bladers
>>21533this is so corny
>>1409>>4009Honestly, this would be fucking dope combined with some parkour
>>24138Do you mean that THIS SO SOAPYSOOOOOOOAP
>>1409We used to put big socks over our shoes and slide the handrails in highschool
>>21686soap is literally toddler version of aggressive blading
There's a documentary about the guys who started soaps, but I cant find it anywhere except on DVD. > The true story of the origins of a sport known as 'freestyle walking,' and the four Chicago-area teenagers who spawned it in 1996, along with a multi-million-dollar line of shoes called 'Soaps.'
>>26673>freestyle walkinglooks like the freerunners and traceurs got another category to sort out
>>7135t. Last bladder on earth
>fruit-booters>plank-draggers>Shite-Bikers>Soap-droppers>Scoot-niggiesCringe, now THIS is the real deal, Extreme Pogoing. Watch and learn, wheel peasants and on-foot pedestrians, the SPRING is here to fuck you UP
>>26673looks kino
>>1409>1999-2000: all the fad chasing faggots in my school had razer scooters and soaps>2000-2001: all the fad chasing faggots in my school were now heelyfagsmfw
>>7118KEK. Thanks for reminding me how insecure and short fused fruitbooters are.>mfw a fruitbooter tried to fight me once because I called him a fruitbooter and every time he tried to shove me he'd move backwards 10ft
>>7151as a skater I respect soapers more than in lineat least soapers dont pretend to be cool, they know their shits campy and wack but they love it anywayinlinefags are really insecure, just look at what they named their generalinferiority complex
>>31801It's named "actual skating general" because an anon bitched on another inline thread that there wasn't a general already. And the only insecure guy here is that weird dude who was called a sally, the same one who was bitching about the general.
>>31808the same guy who started that general was bitching before he made it IN /esg/he was whining about eternal skate general being called that instead of skateboarding general and literally said he was going to make an "actual skating general"if yuuki la was still alive id find the posts it was really pathetic
found it the overuse of the "actual skating" termafter this specific thread the first "actual skating general" thread was madeknow your 4channel history
>>31828Damn, and I thought it was bad enough with the sally dude. Honestly, I just wish those inliners would just stop caring about that stuff, not all of us are still seething at you boarders, I guarantee
>>28082 what the fuck
>>7150This shit is kinda cool, but also gay. nah dude. There is something magical about wood and wheels man.Boarding belongs to everyone with enough guts to stay on the board.
>>33332now THIS is based
>>30982>short fusedmore like we're sick of skateboarders bullshit and as a result dont tolerate nancy pancies like you
>>31801>inferiority complexyou realise inline skating predates skateboarding, it is literally a form of skating that came before skateboarding and requires skates, your inferiority complex is showing, boarder. you have a plank of wood with rollerskat trucks.
>>31801>>31808>>31827>>31828>>31878a lot of samefagging coming from you, placeholder. don't you have more people on /vg/ to harass for money because you're "dying"?
>actually bought a pair of used soap scabs when i was 16>still don't know what the fuck i was thinking at the time
>>37224>>38981a week apart. I love slow boards
>>21662Ridiculousness is kino. It feels likes I'm back in the 00s watching it with retard west coast and black guy
>>1409Wtf this is actually a thing? We used to slide on curbs and rails when it was icy outside in middle school, never knew there was actually shoes made for it.
I can't even begin to imagine the damage these do to your spine after wearing them regularly for any amount of time, hilarious nonetheless
>have the thread followed for some reason>its still not 404'd>people actually SOAPLmao kek
soaping will never die
soaper's delight bump
>>33332they could increase jump height if they extended the absorbents
>>33943That's what that fruit booter thought too. Until he humiliated himself trying to shove me around with his roller skates on.
I only rollerblade because my hero (shadow the hedgehog) has inspired me to do so.
>>7108Because doing tricks is about style and rolling around on roller skates is not nor will it ever will be cool looking
>>4009lol these spots are in germany, that rail spot with glass walls is in my hometown
Wasn't ever expecting to see a soap shoes thread. My original pair from like 97-98. I haven't used them in probably 20 years, but I didn't want to throw them away.
soaper bump. soaping in the next olympics soon
New soap part just dropped:
This looks absolutely fucking retarded. The inbred child of skateboarding and parkour that's worse in every aspect.
>>1409>saw some guy in an advertisement or video somewhere sliding a rail on his shoes>didn't think anything of it>this was like 1998>2003 rolls around and I have a dream about it>ask my dad if he can make me shoes like that>he mis-interperits what I said and attaches metal rails to my shoes>I can now grind down rails>tell him that isn't what I wanted>he attaches some weird epoxy to my shoes>now I can slide and walk normally>like 6 years later I tell somebody about these crazy shoes I got my dad to make me>they tell me that Soaping was a real thing>Mind blown>go back to my parent's house recently and find the shoes>they were regular Airwalk shoes with this pink epoxy all over the bottom of them and looked terribleThanks dad, I'm sure you had to bite your lip while making these for me
>>21659im in washington too and i've seen alot of girls on skates and more rollerblades then ever, hell my gf started skating shes getting pretty good too.
>>1409whats soaping?
Guys. Guys! What if you added heelie wheels to soapie shoes?
>>24138Ant brain mentality. This man is gonna BREAK NEW GROUND SOAPING IN NEWBALANCES and you're gonna front? That's the real corny, bro
>>28082All on wheels must kneel.The spring reigns supreme.
>>65450These were a thing. Quite logical in my opinion.
chad soaper bump
>>7112i was sponsored by heelies, pretty sweet gig bro
>>56548Explains the eurotrash music.
>>4922this video shows him clearly hopping over obstructions on the rail stop being a pussy
Anyone else hoping for a pair of soaps for Christmas?
>>4009>mfw this is literally just rollerblading except without the fun factor of having wheels
>>28082>sinkhole>heh nothing personal kid
>>1409just say you're gay
happy 1 year anniversary soaperchads
soapers are jokers
>>7118I hope this is bait or a pasta, this is the most upset I've ever seen someone get on this site lmao
gotta love sopaing
I use Heelys with soaps at the skate park, the old mega wheel models. I'm ok with them but not super good, I've just been using Heelys for daily activities I guess near 20 years. I just bought inlines to improve my skills, hoping it'll help me get better at grinds.
>>21659fuckin chad fruitbooter
Ok What now
Good news SOAP chadsEPIC grindshoes is bringing soap shoes back!
>>89391Pretty cool that this is even happening, its just a shame that Powerslide is behind it. Don't expect too much on the quality side.
>>89452What's so bad about Powerslide?
What is it about skateboarders that makes them need to shit on anyone else having fun?
>>90891It's for kids who want to feel cool. The vast majority of them are not the least bit cool, so to feel cool they look down on others instead.
>>90978>>90891It's hilarious cause skateboarding has become the most mainstream corpo sport today.
>>91086I'm surprised skateboarding wasn't cancelled for homophobic remarks about rollerblading in the 90's.
>>4009Lmao, Eugen puts out some of the most hilarious blading parts as well.Dude is a super talented grinding shitposter.
>>7108>have to shuffle up stairs>have to be 'that guy' when going indoors>have to put them on and take them off>they're fuckin heavy
>>12297Comfy book shell!
>>62979Wholesome but funny.
Jesus fucking christ how is this thread still alive?
soaperchad bump
never seen anyone soap before until I saw some h3h3 video about it. yeah I'm a zoomer, but is soaping really more fun than rollerblading, skateboarding or bmx?
>>110173it's the ultimate sport brother
soaper chads keep winning
>>75243You wouldn't get it.
>>50098>being dumb enough to not know they are called rollerbladesopinion discarded
>>30982not as insecure as faggot plankers that think they're hardcore because they miss a trick nine times out of ten and can run away from their board at the first sight of trouble lmao. the guy is stupid for pushing you with skates on but you're probably one of those riot idiots that can only fight with your piece of wood and have woman fists
>>110173imagine being a fruit booter, but with the freedom to bail whenever you want with 5x the efficiency and safety
>>4009It's pretty much parkour, I guess skateboarding looks this stupid to your average person
>>89391its gay when you know people have done this rail on a skateboard
69ing on xmas
>nooooo you can't have fun outside!>soaping blading skating pogo-ing parkour, it's all cringe!Fuck off
anyone get any soaps for christmas?
>>76195 Looks like one of those things that I bet feels sick from your pov but you look like a retard in 3rd person (t. retarded looking skater who feels sick skating)
>>7135My God the absolute cope. Skateboarding is infintely more difficult and complex than roller blading in every conceivable way. Give a 6 year old 2 hours and he'll grind down a rail on blades. It'd take a week or two to learn how to Ollie. Even longer to start hitting rails or doing flip tricks. There are probably like 100 tricks you can learn on a skateboard whereas on blades you... like... grab your heel? Grind cross legged? The only time blading is impressive is it a half pipe, but of course the skateboarder is going to steal the show. There was a reason blading was dropped from X Games for so long. It's fucking boring and you all look like faggots. Keep coping though your posts are funny.
Slide aside, dorks.
>OP 696 days agosoapsisters... we're winning
>>12297you guys read?
>>132112Isn't boardskating all just like 3 tricks but you grab your board in very slightly different orientations?
>>136293No dude you don't understand there's like a MILLION different tricks you can do but no one cares. I clap everytime I see someone pop a shov it out of a manual from a bank at 2MPH, sickest shit ever bro you will never get it.
>>132491One of those bands snapped and hit me in the glasses when I was a kid.
>>4009lmao sick
>>7118lol you tell him!
>>21533this is so cool
>>33332Looks fun af but that fast forward at 0:41 looks soooo funny.
2 years of soaping god bless
>>132491I wanted these so badly as a kid, but my parents (rightfully) thought they were gimmicky shit and wouldn't buy them. I'm sure if I asked for some soap shoes instead they would have bought them immediately.
rolling around at the speed of sound
posting in a 2 year old thread
soaping the days away bump
Can you actually get into soaping now? Are there places that sell shoes?
ahaha how is this shit real soap lmao
bump exclusively for posterity. this thread is making me think. ALOT.
Why doesn't anyone combine skateboarding WITH soap shoes?
>>1409This is so cool
>>62979You better take care of your old man when he goes senile. He had every right to call you a faggot and push you down by the face.
>>132491I had a pair of these in college (found them in a thrift store), they ended up being pretty dumb, so i took the rubberbands off of them and would put them on the doorknobs of opposing doors in the dorms (they open in towards the room like a prison) then knock on both doors, these industrial rubberbands would make it near impossible to get the doors open so the people inside would be stuck playing tug of war.
>>33332whoa. almost wrecked my back on a handrail with soaps, this looks like so much better of an idea>>91094fuckin LOL
>>1409Wow and also what the hell is this
A good modern alternative to Soap shoes is Epic grind shoes.
>>91094Money, babe.Nothing is cancelable if it brings money to corpos
>>28082>>33332Forgot those things exist. I wonder how strong you could make the springs.
>>33985Learn to soap so you can go down stairs faster
Man I miss my Soaps. And the 90s.
Damn this is an old thread. I remember it was one of the first ones I saw when I came to this board for the first time. I never soaped but I had friends who did
>>162563yeah it's crazy how old this thread is, looking back at how much time has passed since i first took a peak at this board myself lol
extreme soaper bump
has anyone tried using soaps as skate shoes? double your pleasure
>>168347I want a soaping skate shoe with heelys
fuck fruit booters soap on brothers
>>1409it's been 1007 days since we first came here, soap bros. i'm still soaping, are u?
Is this one of the oldest active threads up on 4chins? Seems like it. I remember soaping when I was in middle school and high school. Never did it myself.
>>176883you're not a true soaper if you haven't had PUA blackpill coaching by ryan j
>>168347looks good on paper but the grind plate takes out all the shoe flex out you need to pop
>>176883I never knew there was a gayer version of roller blading
>tfw posting on oldest thread
>>181788I didn’t even realize this thread was still up
3 year anniversary soaper bump
i unironically kind of want some of these to test out rails
How the actual fuck is this thread still here?
>>188877the s in /xs/ stands for soaping
>>1409bump for oldest thread
>>1409sope 4 lyf
anyone have any advice for royales? i can't get the angle right and keep slipping out
Schlawg done forgot his board while hitting that 50-50
soap will never dies
>>176808There's slower boards out there, I think /po/ had/still have a thread started in 2015
>>61785is that the gh3 tom morello boss battle music lol
>>75243that shit is popular with Americans too. kids just don't like four to the floor.
>>90891teenage mentality. Also skate culture is lame and image driven.
>>188877who cares. slow boards are 100% better than fast boards.
>>33332damn imagine that you combined this with a really big umbrella so you could slowly float down, maybe got a drone that always pulled you upwards slightly so it was like low-gravity pogoing.
i love the 90s vibes these videos give off
I kind of want to buy a pair of theseI tried to get into rollerblading but I bought a pair that was somehow way too small and I don't wanna risk it on another pair
anyone else wanna buy grindshoes, link up, and travel the world to shoot a revolutionary grindshoe video and create a new extreme sports trend?
dimeless shitter board holy kek
>>202252lame. why don't soapers ever do switchups?
why don't the epic grind shoe faggots make a broadside model already?having vertical and horizontal grinding would save soaping
>>202278because I imagine they'd be pretty horrible to actually walk in, plus the impact on landing would be brutal.i guess it would be cool to be able to do "soul" tricks like mizu, etc on soap shoes.
>>202315>plus the impact on landing would be brutal.why? genuinely asking because any information in the original broadsides or the mr wilsons is like impossible to find aside from one webpageI don't think I've ever actually seen a video of them in use for a sole plate grind
>>1409good thread
>>206892ugliest fucking skates on earth. plus the fact that you have to use the specific, equally ugly 'shoes' that come with them defeats the purpose, most people just use them as regular skates.Also, freestyle frames are the ugliest shit on earth. They're like training wheels.
>>7118>>7135lolroller blades never have and never will be cool. and trying to explain why they're "actually" the most extreme!! only makes them less so. sorry bud
>>110173pretty sure the "appeal" was that you could always wear them with no extra equipment necessary, so you could BUST A MOVE on the fly if you ever came across a good spot.of course that type of logic mostly applies in movies and advertisements. in the real world they were just poorer skaters with uncomfortable shoes.
>>207082watch ryan juanzemis philosophy on soap. basically the point was to bring skaters bmx everyone together.. its a SIDE thing not your main thing that unites all extreme sporters together during school or whatever etc.
>>207205makes sense
Would be cool to have a set with grind pegs on the side
bump for the soaps
I urban rollerblade so I sometimes soap things I want to trick on
The skateboarders are stealing our spot