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What if UFC had heightclasses instead of weightclasses?
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They can compete. Manlets have gotten way too cocky lately. They're like women who thinks they can actually fight a grown man. All thanks to this UFC bullshit.
FUCK undercards. Elimination tournament. One big night. No matter HOW fucking long it takes. Don't have the stamina to watch the whole thing? Fuck you. You don't DESERVE to be in the presence of warriors.
I'm inclined to agree with that

preliminaries on day 1, 8 man bracket day 2
They would finally learn
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Sean O'Malley is pretty good and everything but his work on South Park I find a little lack luster.

Training only once a week isn't a waste of time
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How would you know? You don’t train.
This is an unpopular opinion thread, not retarded.
>dEy OnLy CaRe bO0t Oolumpics N jooDoh
>Proceeds to prove they've never even watched Olympic Judo.
How fucking retarded are you? Olympic Judo allows submissions & you will see them in high level Olympic judo more than anywhere else. They train every sub that BJJ does. BJJ is literally watered down Judo you fucking retards, jfc.
Sorry that link was for the world championship. Here the one for the Olympics. Fucking 2nd match in is a submission. Suck it you no training retards.
More for good measure, this is from another world championship, but their rules are almost identical to the IOCs cause everyone at the world championships is fighting for the chance to get picked up for their national teams.

What the fuck is her problem?
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>Except she couldn't stop having mental breakdowns every 2 weeks and disappearing to go and party and get drunk. She fucked everyone in that gym too

>tfw no hot crazy judo athlete girl to ride the life out of me and then disappear forever
Why did the Japanese extend that honor to her specifically? If she was such a well known basket case wouldn't the USA judo counterparts warn them that doing so is a bad idea?
I was googling a bit after anon posted that. From what I can find, this was in 2009, so post olympic bronze. I believe she was part of a delegation of American judoka, but as the highest achieving athlete on team USA, she was the one at the forefront.

As far as I can tell, the Japan trip was pretty much the last straw for her in judo. After ditching Japan, she came back and went to MMA. This led to a rumor that Jimmy and co were adamantly against her, and judoka in general, doing MMA, but that's not the case. In fact Jimmy was Rick Hawn's manager when he transitioned to pro MMA. What USA Judo had a problem with was the way she left the program/team.

USA Judo and and IJF have a super close relationship, probably because there are tonnes of Japanese immigrants that moved over to the US, and their trainers are sort of inculcated within our system. So there's that. It also isn't just beneficial for the US athletes to train over there, but also for the Japanese, who end up getting a good 'feel' for western Judoka, who have a totally different style of Judo than most other nations.

I can't possibly tell you how many people she fucked over during that period. Imagine you spend decades cultivating a relationship with the Japs and she goes and shits all over the table. I was only a middling Judo player in high school and university and even I heard stories about how she's killed opportunities for us.

One thing about Ronda is that wherever she goes, people fall out with her, and she NEVER takes any responsibility for it. Well, not everyone else in the world is a total cunt, and sooner or later people are going to start figuring out that you're the lowest common denominator...
she so ugly it's hot

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Parkour thread.

Where are you at with your training? How have you been working around the limits of weather and lockdowns? How much do you apply the utilitarian Hébertist mindset of being strong to be useful to your training routines?

Freerunners can post, too. Maybe even gymnasts and trickers if you don't get your own thread up and running.

original thread >>1236
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If you're self-conscious (and don't want to address the root issues) or worried about negative interactions with authority figures you could make a point of running long lines at the edge of your skill confidence instead of loitering in one location and grinding out one obstacle at a time. If you've got an acceptable spot to train some basics, like a gym, a park or the woods, you can grind some skills there in between running your routes. Are you trying to figure this out in an urban, suburban, or rural setting?
Urban that transitions in a rural setting.
Name a city or town with a similar landscape and we can point out challenges, or chill areas that we would consider training, on google street view. It would help develop parkour vision and know what to look for. Might be a fun exercise to do here. Anyone else want to suggest a hypothetical location?

anybody in the greater tkaronto want to go out and do some beginner tier pk w a 32 yo?
I live several hours south but I do know people who like to visit Toronto on occasion. If I find myself headed that way in the future I'll post ITT.

In a street fight, is it better to throw the first punch or counter? This is assuming you can't run, or kick because of the terrain. No weapons also.
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The real issue is that like 99.99% of actual street fights are completely voluntary and if you don’t care about looking tough you can almost always just walk away
Where do you get that figure from. You can always walk away and be assertive. If you show too much fear it can initiate the prey drive especially against multiple people

Running isn't an option all the time either
>where do you get that figure
>running isn’t an option
I’m not talking about running I’m talking about just not engaging with retard antics
depends who ur fighting. if they look aggro as fuck then u gotta be dialed in a ready to counter. otherwise try to be more aggro than them and come at them and most time they gonna back out
Don't know what you're even arguing. Sounds like pussy cope though

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I want to do some sort of martial art but there are only judo places and an MMA place nearby, the MMA place focuses on BJJ, kickboxing and catch wrestling, they are part of the Zé Radiola team and some jap jiu jitsu org so I don't think it's a mcdojo at least, no clue how to check if a judo place is a mcdojo or not tho.
I'm mainly worried about tearing an acl due to my fatness.
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You're on 4chan. There is a 95% chance you're just as big & shorter. He already pointed out he was overweight. You're just being a downy captain obvious.
you should just start. go and do it, don't worry about being fat. the first classes are going to be tiring and you'll have to take it slowly, but your body will adapt in time. fighting is very cardio intensive. you're likely going to lose a lot of weight. i'm a skinnyfat and i lost 33 pounds the year I started doing judo.
boxing is for fat fucks
head it's not good for ya knees

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Sígueme stalkeando, no me puedo ir con nadie y aún así eres un tacaño.
Si me pudiera ir con alguien no crees que ya estaría en Irlanda? Please, Ni con tu cheeto puedes.
Te voy a desvanecer y sabes que me funciona. Adiós, sácate.
No es no
Lo bueno es que gracias a mi ya no te van a dar leña los azules.
Non violence or insults for evil freaks
Te hablo a ti y a tus enanos, fatboyslim
Not allowed to send you postcards, only if you call me even then. Call me.
I really am looking for any way to not be a light slave
Bye not even allowed to come here

when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
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take EPO
>says based things
such as?
Jesus. That twitching on the ground, I don't think I've seen that before

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A new comfy F1 general now that the old one has gone off the rails lately

No Anime
No Twitterposting
No Redditposting
No posting literal shit
Strawposting and Gimiposting welcome

Also reminder that F1 has had more deaths than many of the sports on this board, therefore extreme
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Heikki Kovalainen
Charles Leclerc 2024 World Champion

Is Judo the best single martial art in terms of self defense?

When it comes to street fights, almost everyone can agree that being on the ground is bad considering the possibility of things like glass being on the ground and someone else coming up and kicking you in the head. Therefore wouldn't the best martial art for street fights be one where the whole goal is to slam your opponent into the ground without falling yourself? Especially because while a person would expect punches and kicks from their opponent, something like a hip throw would likely catch them by surprise
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>Then so is MMA.
No, as already was shown - for MMA you need to study separate martial arts from specialized coaches, like Petr Yan whose base is some striking MA and who travels to Dagestan all the time to train with russian wrestling team, and there is more such examples. But you just go in full denial without any arguments.
I refuted your """arguments""" using your own retarded logic and all you can do is stomp your feet and cry.
If you used retarded logic then you can't refute any arguments. If these are not real arguments then you can use non retarded logic to show why they are not real arguments. You didn't do any of that
>you have to make my own argument for me or it doesn't count!
You're too stupid to be having this conversation.
>me: if my arguments are bad you can simply show why they are bad
>you: your arguments are bad and I used bad logic to show why they are bad
Again, what are these great arguments you used to show GSP did not train wrestling with Canadian wrestling team and Petr Yan did not train wrestling with Dagestan wrestling team? Were these arguments somehow produced by """my""" """retarded logic""""?

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If I go to a boxing gym and I specifically tell my trainer I want to be good at the peekaboo style, how retarded will I look?
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Redpill me on soviet style. It feels like the least brain-damaging style for the user. I also have long arms and legs for my height so I feel like it'll be good to adopt.
It's for guys with short arms
what if i have a short dick
You'll look like a new guy that watches a lot of YouTube and wants 5o make a positive change in his life.
It's a meme in the sense that the internet sucks Tysons cock all day.
In truth, he is one of the GOATs for making his own style.
Copying him won't make you him and it won't make you better than him.
Learn basics, take things from other styles. Figure out what works for you.
Maybe you'll find out you don't like being a punching bag and accidentally leaning into a ha4d lead hook. Maybe you'll be a prodigy and you'll improve on it.

Try lots of stuff, but don't be a meme.
philly shell should be your choice

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how realistic is this game?

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Favorite moments?
watch is slow mo, none of the punches by blue shorts actually hit, fight is rigged.
Cro Cop gay????
Some hit, most importantly the uppercut
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What is your boxing style and stance? Why did you choose them?
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i dont looks like none of these
I'm a switch-hitting counterpuncher. My power isn't that great but I body punch a lot and string good combos. I use pressure and fight at angles. I don't like being cornered and had to develop better defense.

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Being a musician is optional.

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>Bam is "scammed" and can't possibly do the rest of his UK tour
>but can somehow go on a multi-country holiday with plans already in place

The fucking balls.
Earth rockers, I don't feel so good
i have received from a very credible source that bam margera may have been killed in a bar brawl. keep an eye on the news.
Halo, Tony Hawk Underground and Manhunt
Motherfucker lived the dream every edgy teenager from the late 90s/early 2000s yearned for.

Which meant that when those teenagers grew up bam got outdated pretty quickly

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