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What's the best belt/ranking system out there?

I know some people think belts are useless but they have their pros from a business/teaching perspective for the feedback and the extra money lol Regardless, I am curious, of all I've seen BJJ's seems to be the one that makes the most sense
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? It's the simplest, most recent and hardest one to get to black
>hardest one to get to black
Because they gate keep it instead of using skill as a metric
In order to get a black belt you need to play politics that's how it works

You will find way more really bad black belts then you will purple belts because purple is the last merit based one, everything after that is just buddying up too whoever is giving them out
You really out here defending blowjob-jutsu's belt system? No one can functionally tell the difference between brown belts and black belts skill-wise. Many would argue that the brown belt shouldn't exist, as it's only a way to gatekeep black belts.
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white belt: dog shit babby you don't know anything stop talking
blue belt: you know what you're /supposed/ to be doing in every major position but still suck cock most of the time, at least you're not a total buffoon anymore
purple belt: you're expert level at something, could be anything, but there's a thing you can do that's as good as anybodies
brown belt: erm well I guess it's like that except more things? like at least 2 or 3 lol idk??
black belt: erm well I guess it's a few more than that? but also maybe not lol
Just use the same white belt that gets colored yellowish with sweat, then red-brown with the blood of thy enemies and then it turns black due to it being rotten.

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I have shekels to burn and have no other hobby
tell me why I shouldn't do paramotoring
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Buy a motorcycle instead. It'll be safer, faster, and more fun.
Interesting you say this, I have been flyinh pg since 1999 and can still say that $5 gas in my bike is comparable to flying. Bike is more dangerous tho, not even joking.
uh..extreme sports?
Just make sure you find a good heavyweight boxing match to drop into

is he ok

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Isn't it weird that when you get a high dan, you're too old to beat a young man with a colorful belt?
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(you) had me until the end there. It's ok anon, this is /xs/, not /x/
1st degree you're qualified to teach yourself
3rd degree you're qualified to teach others
simple as
>when you become an army general you're too old to top the physical exams and obstacle courses
>when you become a hospital director you're too old to sleep 15 hours a week like interns
the point is not for them to beat everyone up, but to teach their students, so THEM can beat others of their same age-group.
Every man will get old, respecting elders allows men to age gracefully and move into being respected rather than feared. When a society no longer has that everyone will try to pretend to be 30 forever, like Eminem.
I'm a guro in Kali and Silat I started at 25 and got my my guro ranks at 32

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Why didn't you fuckers tell me this $30 double end bag has literally no weight to it and it's like striking a fucking balloon and is worthless?
I could have spent $30 extra to buy a $60 double end bag and actually have a real work out equipment.
Goddamn it.
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my argument is it doesn't result in any transferable skills
boxers aren't exactly known for high intellect, most die early of brain damage

its strange people cling on to old training methods because they've always been there like that appeal to tradition means anything. Know what else is true of old fighters? they sucked and would spend their lives barely getting to an amateur hobbyist level of today
I look at you hitting these things the same way you look at karate men punching the makiwara
You're still wrong cause the "item weight" includes the 2 resistance strings. They're not specifying what the ball weighs.
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>not using two bands and a basketball
Dumb OP
That seems ghetto as fuck, but if it works...
OP here, ordered a promex double end bag for $50, and it feels so much better with some weight behind it. Fuck that max mma balloon shit

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Dan edition

Aonishiki has tied the record for fastest progress to makuuchi from jonokuchi debut


>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:


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>Juicing is legal in Japan, isn't it?
Pretty much. I don't think you can use the injectable shit, but oral steroids, and their derivatives, are legal there.
>It wouldn't surprise me too much if they actually did a bit
IMO they would be dumb not to take advantage of them for not only performance benefits, but for the healing benefits as well.
I want to be a girl.
Her smile and optimism were defeated that day.
No. Very different lady.
What performance? A 12-3 JY?

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I just started skating
is there any advice anyone can give me?
>inb4 practice makes perfect
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Learn how to fall is probably the most important thing
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago and the second best time is today
I motivated myself at 35yo (1 year ago) to buy a new skateboard and train almost every sunny day, after quitting my job. It was the best thing to do, as said before the mental and physical improve is real, and in one year I can see the progress. A good thing if you live in a city is to try to break your shiness by skating in the same place as other skaters, they will hopefully talk to you and give you advice. Internet is fine too, to learn, but it will never be as efficicent that IRL advice, of experimented skaters.

I started giving advices to begineer skaters after less that 6 months of training, still yesterday some girl talked to me and tried to go down stairs with my skateboard.

Also : get some pads, even for street skating. It will improve your confidence, and you'll push the limits faster.
You must live somewhere nice I guess
Do a nollie heelflip while moving for starters

Ameri-do-te edition

discuss martial arts here

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/8Vw9d7j

What to look for in a martial arts gym:
>Physically conditioned, fit participants
>Trainer with certified professional record and a training history with at least one athlete who competes successfully
>Sparring, "aliveness" in training
>At least one participant competes at amateur or professional level
>Physical conditioning part of training
>Clean facility with mats that are frequently cleaned

What to be wary of:

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depends if he's asking for "real world applications" or if he just wants to practice a martial art where the thing he asked for happens, you'd be right if it was the latter
But aikido just doesn't really work and there is one major reason for that, They do not out of principle disrupt the person's legs
Judo attitudes essence is very simple grab on to someone and start pulling them around so they move, then block their legs so they can't take a step and they fall over

It's a violation of the principle of aiki to trip up someone's let's because you're disrupting the flow of energy and not redirecting it
>As long as the grappler is prepared to eat shit one time
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." - Some dude who, as I understand it, knows a bit about fighting

I think you're vastly underestimating the amount of damage one well placed punch, elbow, knee, or kick can do. Thinking you're prepared to eat shit and the stark reality of eating shit are two different things; it's not a matter of "I can take the pain," it's a matter of a TBI will put you on your back, full fencing response, regardless of how tough you think you are.
>the bum rush is undefeatable
In an enclosed space such as a cage/octagon, under rules where kicking a downed opponent isn't allowed, and certain strikes are prohibited for safety reasons, sure. In a street fight if you go for my legs, you're going to have a bad time. But hey, maybe you ate a punch and you're still standing, and now we're face to face, and you're trying to take me to ground, that's the good news... the bad news is I'm no stranger to a clinch, and I hope you're hungry, because you're about to eat some knees.

BJJ isn't useless by any stretch; I think it's invaluable for situations where you're trying to pacify someone without harming them, but if the name of the game is "hurt the other person before he can hurt you" I take Muay Thai every time.

I second Judo and Sambo as good suggestions, but Muay Thai clinch drills will cover how to strike someone in a clinch, how to throw someone in a clinch, how to sweep someone in a clinch, etc.

You're overthinking things. It's kind of like how an intermediate lifter who can bench two plates for reps is stronger than 90% of people, even basic familiarity in a legitimate martial art as trained by a legitimate instructor will allow you to fuck up 90% of people, lack of ideal genetics be damned. Remember, most people are untrained, out of shape, and functionally retarded.
You don't honestly think you could clinch better than a grappler do you?
You're playing right into it
I do, clinch drills are a regular part of Muay Thai training, and a great deal of emphasis is given to sweeps and throws.

Looking to start Judo pretty soon, but I have a major concern - not worried about bodily injuries as I know that sort of thing is expected in full contact martial arts. But how common are head/brain injuries, even if they are light? I’m talking concussions or any significant bumps to the head.
Anyone have any experience of this, or know how common head injuries are in Judo?
t. Physicist, need my brain for work
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If christmas goes as I hope it might I'll have been black in 6 years
This is the power of weaponized autism
First one could be avoided by not competing outside your gym and just learning for self defense.
Second one could be avoided by training in a not crowded gym. Just pick a smalled club or a big one where the coach gives a single fuck about your safety.
>he doesn't know about BJJ and stroke risk.
Why must you be evil
>protective gear
And it's at that moment that the entire thread realized: this anon is fucking retarded. Protective headgear LITERALLY ONLY MAKES IT WORSE.

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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

Most Mentally Sound Judoka Edition

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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new thread pls
We're only on page 3.
>judo tonight
>cant stop shitting
it's over
Has anyone done the 12 month Kodokan training camp?
If so what's it like?
Why does competitive judo not use nihon (二本) any more? When did ippons become the winning condition?

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What makes BJJ culture so insufferable compared to other martial arts?
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>the idea was to train to have the best response to every puzzle thrown at you by an opponent.
>Not to go in with some blueprint you have to follow to win the same way over and over.
How are those two things different?
> since the instructors are too busy browsing facebook or somehit.
Literally my old "professor"
Sport that has no irl use unless someone closes to grapple range with a plan that does not involve punching your face, grabbing your leg, or stabbing you pretending to be a martial art
Realizing all you need to do is hold someone to make them stop fighting and then convincing everyone this is considered a "win".

Nerds and hippies

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whats the idea behind fighting
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>A lot of people that do it dont realize they may need extra stimulation in order to actually exercise
Not sure if I understand you, but I think I am one of these people. I was an athlete for every single sport season of my youth life, and when I graduated high school and suddenly became an adult who just had to stay in shape to look good, I couldn't handle the boredom. Sports keep me engaged and give me goals that mean something to me. "Looking good" isn't much of a motivator.
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its fun
Speak for yourself
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making one submit to your overwhelming power

Do you consider horseback riding an extreme sport?
Depends on how far you go with beating the horse.
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Depends on the horse.

Asked in the Muay Thai thread but posting again since I didn't realize how slow it was. Anyone know a thing or two about elbow strikes? How the fuck did this guy generate so much power in his strike? What would I have to do to replicate it?
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Slow the video down and watch it closely. It wasn't meant to be an elbow, it was meant to be a hook. You can see the huge wind up from the attackers stance. The attacker's fist missed the guy's face but due to the attackers forward momentum the attacker's forearm connects and then glides across the guys face until the tip of the attacker's elbow catches and knocks the guy out.

If you want to replicate this technique be careful as glancing a target with knuckles can break the knuckles. Practice this as a forearm strike mimicking the arc of a hook but with the knuckles pulled back toward the chest and not toward the target.
Power probably didn't have much to do with it.
it was matter of it being a surprise attack.

On top of totally not seeing it coming, he craned his neck his a way that exposed his chin and jaw.

I dont know the context and there's no audio, so for all I know this guy totally deserved to get hit, but still this seems like total nigger coward shit.

The biggest thing to learn from this video is to never let someone who has this kind of body language get close or leave your sight.
Kek based
Should've drawn a dick on his forehead too
fake. guy on the floor is staring at the camera
Stepped in
Guy's neck was drunk and relaxed
Nailed him in the jaw, which can knock out anybody

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please tell me im not the only one who swears his name has always been Mike Valley
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Sure is fren
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Mikey Valleney presents himself as the ultimate alpha but in reality has a long story of participation in underground gay sex parties, in most of which he exclusively acts as the bottom for large groups of men. His signature outfit at these events is all leather and he is known in certain circles known as "Meat Valley" due to his alleged gaping talents.

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A new comfy F1 general now that the old one has gone off the rails lately

No Anime
No Twitterposting
No Redditposting
No posting literal shit
Strawposting and Gimiposting welcome

Also reminder that F1 has had more deaths than many of the sports on this board, therefore extreme
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Leclerc WDC

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