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~~Skateboarding Edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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Ngl it’s pretty hard to explain what to look for when buying/trying climbing shoes. You just have to go through a lot of experimentation and therefore pairs of shoes to understand what works and what doesn’t for your feet. So imo just use the current VRS as warmup/beater/volume shoes and try something else.
Makes sense. What shoes do YOU recommend?
Not the guy you’re replying to but I’ve climbed for a long ass time and wasted a lot of money on shoes. The bottom line is that you have to try stuff out (preferably in a store) and find a ’last’ that suits you. For instance I really liked the old five ten dragon but the heel was shitty and full of dead space, no matter how tight I got them which was a pain because I like to use my heels as an extra pair of hands when I climb. I got recommended the Instincts and Dragos and had the same problem with the heel. They’re a great design and niggas climb 9A boulders in them but it doesn’t matter because they are totally incompatible with my weird small heels and are painful to downsize in.

I then bought a pair of Skwamas on sale about five years ago and they fit perfectly out the box - zero dead space anywhere and no pain. Knowing the Katana laces and Otakis are also built on a similar last, I can happily use these three for the rest of my climbing life.

I’d recommend finding a shoe that fits perfect and sticking with the manufacturer. I know if I need a stiffer shoe, I can just grab my Otakis because they fit the same as the Skwamas.
im just going to keep buying beginier shoes. The cost to value ratio is way fucking better. i dont give a shit about having the best gear
Really fucking nice answer man, appreciate it. But what if the "lasts" that are good for you aren't the best shoes there are? Does this mean you can never send with solutions or dragos?

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Being a musician is optional.

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Bam is an earth rocker not homeless, anon.

what did he mean by this?
any heavy music fans let me know what the song is at 51:47 of this video?
still earth rocking in the new year

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First episode is out.
>What is the Ultimate Self-Defense Championship?
A bit over a year ago, former Aikidoka YouTuber Rokas Leo set up a tournament with a self-defense "academy" to have himself and five other martial arts YouTubers compete to see who is best at self-defense. It was a hilarious shitshow that nearly crippled one of the contestants, Ramsey Dewey who would later get into an internet spat with the guy behind the academy (Jeff Phillips) and described the entire event as "piss poor" due to poor management, an incoherent and arbitrary scoring system, running on a very limited schedule, and timing events terribly (like having a zombie apocalypse-themed event that didn't influence score in the middle of the entire thing instead of at the end or something) and doing comically dangerous shit like making people fight on a narrow bridge a good 30ft above the ground.
Somehow, he kickstarted a second one, which features even less martial arts YouTubers.
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More champions in kickboxing and MMA with Shotokan backgrounds than kudo's zero.
i purposely didnt use gun fu due to gun fu being created for movies
>bjj brown belt
it would be kino
This niggas like 5'3 and as we've learned from all this so far, height is the most important factor
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New gimmick for USDC season 3: A bunch of anti-self defense champions like the psycho rangers or some shit who are all kudo practitioners to fill in for the lack of bogan thugs for scenarios.

Asked in the Muay Thai thread but posting again since I didn't realize how slow it was. Anyone know a thing or two about elbow strikes? How the fuck did this guy generate so much power in his strike? What would I have to do to replicate it?
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As a martial artist this is everything. I ate head kicks I saw coming with no problem but just a punch you don’t see coming out you out cold
>elbow strikes
devastating blows. You need to know about them so you do not end up like the loser here. Well trained muay thai guys can throw spinning back elbows with light speed if you do not know about it its just lights out for you. My MT instructor (former champ) gave me a pad, told me exactly what he would do and to be ready and that fugger spun around so fast to strike and then spin back to normal stance so fast I could not believe it. If you get in a mouth fight and you do not know what you are doing you already lost because the other guy is planning it out and will strike while your fat mouth is still flapping. There was vid on here somewhere where a guy throws a spinning back elbow, try to find it.
Slow the video down and watch it closely. It wasn't meant to be an elbow, it was meant to be a hook. You can see the huge wind up from the attackers stance. The attacker's fist missed the guy's face but due to the attackers forward momentum the attacker's forearm connects and then glides across the guys face until the tip of the attacker's elbow catches and knocks the guy out.

If you want to replicate this technique be careful as glancing a target with knuckles can break the knuckles. Practice this as a forearm strike mimicking the arc of a hook but with the knuckles pulled back toward the chest and not toward the target.
Power probably didn't have much to do with it.
it was matter of it being a surprise attack.

On top of totally not seeing it coming, he craned his neck his a way that exposed his chin and jaw.

I dont know the context and there's no audio, so for all I know this guy totally deserved to get hit, but still this seems like total nigger coward shit.

The biggest thing to learn from this video is to never let someone who has this kind of body language get close or leave your sight.
Kek based
Should've drawn a dick on his forehead too

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Ritual Satanic Vertical Knifing Edition

Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6W

Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

last thread >>215829
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it's rhythm mostly. don't just flail left to right like you're doing stationary kickturns, lean into them as anon said above. it all comes from the back wheels, so pay attention to those and force them to start moving left with your weight, then with good rhythm change to the right and keep going and it literally takes maybe 4 turns to get a decent speed if you do it right.
you are probably just lightly doing it. put your weight into it more than light taps. the force you use to push off is what builds up your momentum. not simply just lightly taping the front wheels off the ground.
land a trick sketchy

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Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
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Im an AASI Certified Snowboard Coach. Ive taught thousands of people at various resorts around the country.
Ill teach you how to ride for the cost of a lift ticket +50/an Hour
$40/hour per person for groups of 2 or more.

Cost of lift ticket +gas + $50 an hour for destinations outside of Utah.

Willing to travel to neighboring states. (Wyoming, Colorado)

The trannies at Vail Resorts charge $1,700 for a single private lesson.

Reply to this with your contact info
Park city used to be good. If you ever want to know what it looks like when Jews take over a town a leave it with a dead heart and soul, just go see it now. Vail owns the whole thing and its a corporation run by pedophiles and trannies and they all sign their emails specifying their pronouns.
Whoever told me to scrape with a credit card should kill themselves
I learned on skis when I was about 10 years old and stuck with them until around 15 when I began snowboarding because it was "cooler" and that was important to me as a teenager. I've stuck with boarding for nearly the last 20 years only for the fact I'm better at it. I respect skiers and would love to try skiing again just for the hell of it.

The best sport is whatever you like the most. It's as simple as that. It's funny when skiers shit on snowboarders saying they're just trying to be cool, but then proceed to explain how as skiers they're more sophisticated and upper-class, as if that isn't the exact same immature mindset of trying hard to impress others. Get over yourself.
>It's funny when skiers shit on snowboarders
Only see this on 4chan as almost every skiier I've spoken to on the mountain is friendly, polite and good for a chat on the lift. We're all there for fun anyway.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: you know why you're here edition

>Daily deals


https://smoothcomp.com (not sure why we post this)

>Belt Checker
https://www.beltchecker.com (dead)

>Thread question

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Did he shoot him in his ass
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Looks like it entered either his inner thigh, lower abdomen, or groin.
Its facts fr fr
Why are posting this broccoli hair dweeb
Because he gets the drillybois really butthurt by producing world class black belt level athletes inside of 2 years and they have to do lots of mental gymnastics to justify repping for thousands of hours and not getting any better

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>/xs/ is slow as fuck, practically dead at times
>pic rel is the alternative
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Yes you are the most intelligent supreme gentlemen lmao
I stumbled across this forum for extreme sports discussion on a different imageboard. It’s dead, but it looks to be because the board is not very well known and very new

Name a couple of majority female hobby groups that aren't also desperate for men.
name a couple of females
>there was no response to this

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I train boxing 6 days a week and 2 an a half hours each day minimum, is it enough for competing amateur?

When i rest on sunday, i feel like i could do much more but with the gym closed i don't have the same will to do exercise.
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So why are you asking. You're basically training like a pro. Do you have the willpower and aggression to step in the ring? That's down to you
That’s way more time most people can invest in a sport… if your not totally untalented your good.
But how about asking your coach instead …?
I thought "amateur and pro" were STYLES of boxing ,tho? Amateur is the one with helmets, and more focused on points ,the one seen at the Olympics. and pro is the one based on KO
what's the correct terminology if YOU are an ameteur doing "pro style" fight?
No. Amateur is when you get carded by an official boxing governing body(of your country), have a medical and get your bouts registered officially. Amateur literally means "for the love of,(the sport)" you don't get paid, at most you get a medal/ trophy and wins on your card

Maybe your coach will find you a fight outside of those terms and conditions, can you still call it amateur boxing? Idk. More like heavy sparring or interclub. In order to truly say you do "amateur boxing" I think you need to get "carded". I think that's where the line is drawn. Otherwise if you simply "train". I would say it's a hobby. You're not an amateur boxer youre a hobbyist who trains and spars.

Pro boxing is when you get your pro boxing licence. This allows you to compete at a "higher" level although to my knowledge there's plenty of amateurs who would wipe the floor with "pros". As far as I know anyone can get their pro licence. This is where you start getting paid for wins and fighting in general. I don't fully know how this side of it works but I'd imagine it's similar to being carded. And yes this all costs money to do.

Olympic boxers (I just found this out btw since you asked) seem to have specific rules like the boxer can't be a pro with more than 15 fights, they don't make money off it, and it's mostly amsteurs using it as a stepping stone to turn pro or make a name for themselves

Headgear has different rules as well. For Olympics it's required. Here for amateurs it currently isn't since around 2018. For women it is still required. Pros don't wear headgear. In different countries it may still be required. The conditions vary depending on country to country. Weight classes also differ between amateurs and pros.

Neither are based only "on points" you can KO or TKO in both of them
Correction, apparently olympic boxers can make a shitload of money, government grants etc

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In this thread, we discuss all things kitesurf related (windsurfers, kite wingers, foilers, and others are also welcome). Spots, gear, tricks, stories, questions, anything.

> Why kitesurfing is xs?
- Outdoors in natural beauty
- Available to all ages, fitness levels, men and women.
- Feels amazing flying through the air with power of the wind
- Introvert sport. Bros help you launch/land, but you're mostly on your own.
- Always new tricks to try and ways to improve.
- High "action to waiting" ratio. Sessions can last hours with no breaks.
- Undisputed coolest people on the beach (sorry surfers, but it's true). Everyone wants to be friends with the kiters.
how do you start getting into this? Flying the kite? Then surfing? Then combining?
The kite is powerful and can pretty easily throw you into rocks or trees or dive bomb into the land, so I always recommend getting an instructor. Learning progression is:
1. Fly kite on land.
2. Fly the kite without a board in the water (called body-dragging). This adds movement and lets you understand how to control the power and direction of the kite.
3. Add a twin tip board (like a wakeboard). This is the combination part.
It's obviously much easier if you have experience with board sports (best is if you have wakeboard experience), but it's actually not as hard as wakeboarding because the kite tends to lift you up out of the water (as opposed to the more horizontal power you get from a boat or wake park). Takes about 3 1hr sessions to get up, but then it's mostly just going down wind, and then you need to walk back upwind and try again. Takes another handful of sessions before you're actually able to stay "up wind" and then can ride indefinitely. Takes about 20 sessions to feel fully comfortable and then you can start working on jumps/tricks. Or then you can trade the twin tip into a proper surfboard and ride waves with the kite (kite brings you to the wave, then you ride the wave like a surfer while kite is just floating next to you).

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I see Defendo places around me, from their descriptions it seems like Krav Maga but with more focus on unarmed fighting, on their website it says their bases are taken from Muay Thai and catch wrestling.
How effective is this? Why would someone learn defendo over just going to a regular old MMA gym?
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>at 15 years old I created my own lethal combat system
This is Frank Dux tier
By the name alone, bullshit
Anyone actually good at submission grappling is doing BJJ
Wasn't the guy who made defendo also the guy who invented what they called combato for the military? some sort of Hong Kong cop or something or my memory is wildly wrong
You're thinking of WE Fairbairn who made Defendu and was a cop in Shanghai.

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Bruhurt thread
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>maybe a little more athletic
the top fighters are all ultra fat rich people kek and now because of the armor
and not*
so this is the consensus, really? ive snooped on a group in a city i will be moving to and from the pictures they look moderately older than the hema people and... only a few of them look tistic. if they really are just as tistic though on the whole then its gonna be a no go. sad. i felt hema because i couldnt stand the people. they all think they are anime protagonists.
If you read the >>>/xs/hema thread you'll see discussions about varying levels of 'tism between clubs. You're posting on /xs/, which is an autism marker itself.
>only a few look tistic
They probably looked more autistic when they were awkward teenagers, they just mask better now after decades of practice.

Golden Ring IV from yesterday. A couple of the fights are decent.

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>mma fighter trains endlessly to be an unstoppable force
>I bring this to a fight and it’s over in less than 5 seconds
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you don't have the heart to shoot somebody you fucking faggot
Literally in my country the a Self-Defense with fireguns can be easily overturned by a minor thing like waiting for the robbers to enter your house to shoot them or shooting them on the back
>the guy that just falls at the end
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>elite marksman trains endlessly to be an unstoppable force
>I bring this to a fight and it's over in less than 5 seconds
You left the door open. So the 3-5 violent men can easily walk right through. Rookie mistake.

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Im an AASI Certified Snowboard Coach. Ive taught thousands of people at various ski and snowboard schools in resorts around the country.

Ill teach you how to ride for
>cost of a lift ticket + $50 an Hour
>cost of a lift ticket + $40 an Hour for groups of 2 or more.
>cost of a lift ticket + $50 an Hour + Gas for any skit resort outside of the state of Utah.

Willing to travel to neighboring states. (Wyoming, Colorado)

The trannies at Vail Resorts charge $1,700 for a single private lesson and who sign their emails specifying their pronouns.

Reply to this with your contact info, you will not be disappointed.
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i guess white man sports dont jive to well for teh Jews, huh
Or we could go to our local resort and get a free two hour lesson with lift ticket
I've only done it once and I managed to get the hang of it after an hour on the bunny slopes but the only thing I couldn't figure out how to do was properly stop. I'd stop by turning then quickly falling on my ass. Went on the beginner real slope, was catching serious speed and almost crashed into the giant crowd of people below.

how do I properly stop? or some tips to practice if i ever go again.
how often to people fall off the lift?
>Reply to this with your contact info
Kamala Harris
Number One Observatory Circle
Washington, DC 20500

resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff

>Understanding traditional scoring

>Live shows
>Siam Fight News
>Lumpinee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMw_GleQjXnKMjhCY58V4w
>MAX https://www.youtube.com/user/maxmuaythaichannel
>PETCHYINDEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN96OvHRSZWiecrdPvy5Wg
>ONE Championship https://www.youtube.com/c/ONEChampionship

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what the fuck do you call it when someone catches your kick and you jump into them, lock your other leg around them, like a front way piggy back
i get that my explanation is retarded but idc how else to describe it
Anaconda squeeze
move when you hit the heavy bag, shadowbox, spar more, simple as. honestly though that's all good advice, that and keep doing it. ask your partners for advice, we're all here to learn. no matter how dumb you feel just ask for help, you won't get better if you don't at least try to learn

I’ve narrowed my choices to
1. Tiger Eye in BANGKOK

+ Veteran Owner and Competed in MMA.

+ Trains BJJ as well as Muay Thai.

- New, so no reviews.

- I’m not so sure I want to spend so long in the city, not a big city guy.
2. Lanna Muay Thai in CHIANG MAI

+ Across multiple discussions this places comes highly recommended

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