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Is sailing extreme?

Introducing the sailing, boating, yachting, etc general.
Any sailors? I recently started as a skipper for a local crew and it's quite fun.
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>I'm thinking is it possible to become a skipper and earn money with it somehow and what the job looks like. Is it always ride office workers along the sea during vacations?
Probably very poor money. I sail with a local yacht club as a skipper just for fun. Nobody pays anyone; they just needed more crew.
I once sailed around the danish islands
got hit in the head with the boom
got a concusion and had to be taken to shore
never sailed again

Sailing is too extreme for me i'm afraid.
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>got hit in the head with the boom
Regular pleasure yachting isn't extreme, but high level racing like SailGP, America's Cup, and Ocean Race most definitely is

Get a friend with a boat if you want to sail, owning your own boat isn't worth it.
Ok sure

Is Judo the best single martial art in terms of self defense?

When it comes to street fights, almost everyone can agree that being on the ground is bad considering the possibility of things like glass being on the ground and someone else coming up and kicking you in the head. Therefore wouldn't the best martial art for street fights be one where the whole goal is to slam your opponent into the ground without falling yourself? Especially because while a person would expect punches and kicks from their opponent, something like a hip throw would likely catch them by surprise
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>me: if my arguments are bad you can simply show why they are bad
>you: your arguments are bad and I used bad logic to show why they are bad
Again, what are these great arguments you used to show GSP did not train wrestling with Canadian wrestling team and Petr Yan did not train wrestling with Dagestan wrestling team? Were these arguments somehow produced by """my""" """retarded logic""""?
Boxing is probably the best. High standard overall and it's the only martial art were I have heard about a guy taking down multiple (untrained) opponents in a fight.
Whenever you see those situations of a man with hands of stone It's always against guys that are wasted. it isn't boxing its that they can't even see straight and already moments away from a stiff breeze knocking them over
I don't have any stats to back this up that I wager that most street fights are between/involve drunk people.

previous >>181554
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What will win kyokushin or LMAO goju ryu?
In an actual fight? Goju obviously, kyokushin is just a simplified version. It's less complete with more restrictions, it lacks all of the grappling techniques goju employs
Oh yeah, famous grappling techniques goju employs that are too dangerous to use them in competitions
Obviously not a clue.
My only guess is the book explains some common ground of both schools.
Jesse likes the wkf so it is mostly just meant as clickbait I guess. It is funny that le secret ancient karate technique is something people did in the jka all the time and Lyoto literally used it in MMA though lol.

>is the most ineffective position for the hand to hit something bio-mechanically speaking
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There is no reason a palm strike would be telegraphed more. It begins in a less aggressive position and the first strike will be more unexpected (unless you're a retard focusing on gladiator matches for Israel). You can easily grab a fag and break his skull on the concrete.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I read all this shit about grappler supremacy and then go spar at my mma gym against 5 year bjjfags and they can't take me down
Well that can easily be explained. You see, BJJfags pull guard. Not actually take down people.
I know what a tko is. Its when the person gets dropped and is too dazed to continue but still awake
Bas Rutten swears by palm strikes and he's knocked out a lot of people with them so the conclusion to be made here is that they are good

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Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
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my dad put me on skiis when i was like 3 years old. At 16 or so I grew tired of looking gay so I began snowboarding. Thank god.
Skiiers are the kind of people who could ride relaxed but tryhard to show good form even when unnecessary because skiing is that boring and easy. Pretentious and gay. People who snowboard are chill as fuck generally and people you would want to hang out with. Then theres the cool skiers who are usually forced to skii because they are teachers and boomers always put their kids on skis.
Ski for me, whether downhill or behind a boat.
I like moving forward, prefer the turning control, and just have a good time going down a nice hill that way.
Also ski injuries are generally less severe.
I prefer skiing because the idea of having my back facing away from the mountain scares me :(
You never really facing uphill much on toeside unless you're traversing or taking very wide turns across the run.
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>not that guy but my opinion is that skiing is easier to learn, but once you are intermediate level at either the progression difficulty beyond that is about the same
Skiing is slightly more difficult on day 1 and 2 just because there is an extra step involved with learning to keep the skis parallel. I have been told if you are already an adult you may want to start with snowboard because snowplow on skis isn't kind to old and inflexible tendons and ligaments. I can see that. I learned to ski when I was 6 so that was not a problem. The jump from beginner to intermediate on snowboard is considerably easier. Intermediate to expert progression is about equal.

>Pros for snowboard to the newbie:
-comfortable boots
-the movements feel more natural to begin with
-no poles to carry around when walking from slopes to car
-the technique for powder is the same
-pushing a snowboard across flat parts of the base and easy -trails really sucks (some just unclip entirely and walk)
-riding chairlifts is less comfortable
-riding t-bars is torture

>Pros for skiing to the newbie

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How would you beat him?
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I'd use a gun. Maybe a Taser.
force him to fight in weightclass that has him do a hard weight cut. don't do any cutting myself and break my pinky a few days before the fight. agree to a new date and repeat a couple of times. he'll just die at some point.
Leg kicks. It's the only thing I've ever seen him fear in his short career. He hates those leg kicks and he hasn't quite learned how to check them either.

Then, since you know he's gonna shoot for the takedown when he sees you twitching for a leg kick, you feint into a knee or a very strong teep right as he's going for the shoot, and then you cut angles. He likes to feint for the takedowns too, so you're gonna have to interrupt those feints by jabbing him every time he does, and have that knee ready to throw when he actually does commit to the takedown. Since his focus is on your leg kicks now, you can then level change and really make things difficult for him. His boxing is pretty decent, but it's not elite-level striking. I obviously can't compete with a pro fighter, but someone with a strong boxing background could then really piece him up by using this "legkick-jab-knee-stuff" type of ranging strategy.
damn only if gaethje had you to listen to
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By informing him that the Mahdi is the Anti-Christ

when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
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what would you say the average person is like in the standard mma gym, and would you say there is enough discussion and camaraderie in the gym to make potential friends there, or is it more just like an individualistic competitive environment and you dont end up getting to know the others very well. im talking completely average entry level place you would expect in any city
guys that train together rarely fight on a card.
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What do you guys think about this fag? I think hes probably one of the more tougher BW's, hes as slow as a heavyweight though. Still wanna see him win...

Our guy or just zoomer aura
The places I've been remind me of any dojo, pretty friendly, in a jocular way. There's a bit of edge of course since you're all punching hobbyists and particularly among MMA guys since they're the most combat-effective, least-frills version of unarmed martial arts (compared to for example Aikido dojos I've been in which were noticeably less intense). But mostly if you're respectful they will be too, and if you're eager to learn they'll like you a lot.

Most people are hobbyists and not even amateur competitors, much less professional, so if you're worried about competitiveness don't be, for the most part people are just there to learn and never intend to fight. I certainly don't, I don't want CTE, plenty of guys like me.

Depends on who specifically shows up to your gym of course, but it's a good place to make friends.
In my experience
Has some good striking application but otherwise waste of time unless you're doing kyokushin with headshot spars

Best kicks in combat sports overall due to precision and speed if applied properly with other martial arts, good for your back.
Otherwise its horrible on its own because anyone that can get through your leg strikes is gonna kick your ass.

Best striking sport overall due to its skill ceiling while also making you precise with your hands.
Only weakness is your legs being very open to kicks and grappling if you aren't a 200kg fast twitch ball of muscle like mike tyson.

Kyokushin on steroids, boxing and karate in one, high volume and fast kicks, teaches you to account someone legs in a fight as well as conditioning your legs, solid choice.

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which one looks better?

Why are girls that do climbing/bouldering so damn cute
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I don't see them, climbing gyms near me are 80% male with half the girls there with their bf.
Elementary school 6th grade
Nah. World Cup Style. Each event gets its own set. Athletes get Friday to practice, Saturday is quali to eliminate the low performers that round, and Sunday is essentially a track meet. 10-16 rounds per year around a bunch of countries.

Pick 1 round to use the current standard format and have a bunch of countries also double up and hold their national championships and/or world championships at the end of the year (which is obviously separate from the cup championship).

Eventually there will be different layouts that evolve. Maybe a slightly altered hold here or there every year, but for the most part, each round has a specific layout that doesn't change much.
This is so true.. even the receptionist at the indoor bouldering gym is hella cute.
They tend to be fit and fit people are more attractive on average

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Favorite moments?
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Why so fat?
Nah, it was wildly know and speculated that Lesnar could not take a punch and that he feared getting hit. Just look at him shy away and cower.
He absolutely couldn't take a hit. Couture was teeing off on him before he engaged a wrestling strategy. He had the biggest problem that large, lifetime dominating athletes have. You don't spend any time getting beat on by someone who has zero fear of you. I don't remember it being said, but I'd bet that's part of the reason the NFL said no thanks.
It's not rigged. Brock was just able to defend really well.

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A place to discuss zorbing and zorbing accessories. A misunderstood but globular extreme sport. Limp Bizkit once wrote a song about this
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how the hell do you retards manage to make this shit more dangerous than flying planes
You have no control over zorb. It's the equivalent of throwing glider with locked controls off the cliff and hope it will still land perfectly somehow. It only works in extreeeeeemely controlled environment.
One must surrender oneself to the Zorb to achieve enlightenment and/or death.
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Q invented zorbing.
That’s bullshit but I believe it

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What the fuck bros? There's no /scuba/ general?

Let's rectify that.

Best dive sites? Hairy or funny stories?

And the obvious question, what's better? PADI or SDI?

Here's an Australian Scuba FAQ until we make our own

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I'm looking to get a pair of decent spearfishing/freediving fins. besides for cressi, who makes good stuff? What about open heel vs full foot?
currently looking at some cressi pro lights.
Autistic question but is it possible to find a GF through a dive trip? Friends have told me it isn't a bad idea.
Most divers are middle aged men. I have never been in a diving group that had women my age over the hundreds of dives I have logged. It's a very male brained activity.
>It happened diving with one other diver, who did not hear it
>Anybody got a guess?

some combination of mild nitrogen narcosis induced auditory hallucination with gas moving around in your body/eardrum

t. non-diver

If he has the ear, steer clear.
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Sorry bud but I already gave you permission from across the room. Nice try though.
>steer clear
Yeah in case of AIDS. Homosexual Spic Ground Karate
Give him back miyagino you sneaky japs.
>le nordestino ear

Hey guys,

Started doing judo a couple of months ago, I know the throws from doing traditional ju jitsu but I'm struggling with the timing and kuzushi. How do I practice that? In particular kuzushi. Thanks
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Its a hobbyist class (hard to translate into English). They are mostly middle aged and it seems it’s more a social meeting with some Sport aspects. 1/3 of the training is playing soccer…

I would love to learn judo… but not on this way. So back to kickboxing for me.

I've been doing BJJ for like 18 months as well but the judo rule set is annoying as fuck, like the rule about not standing up during newaza. For example I stood up originally to pass someones guard and got told to get down again, its probably making my technique better in the long run but it was really difficult in the beginning because I'm used to standing when passing guard. I've started to implement some judo in to my BJJ, so its a nice cross over.
Find a buddy and train together.
Do judo and BJJ, learn off YouTube. Randori, sparring and diet accountability etc. No homo.
Making any progress, OP?
From the couple of talks I've heard from medalist Judoka and high level instructors, struggling to find timing and kuzushi is a lifetime Sisyphean rock.

Before anyone here says anything about the potential match up between Merab and Suga Sean at UFC 306 just remember that Merab beat Yan (bantamweight goat) with ease while Suga won by a commonly disputed decision

Strikingfags: Your rainbow twink doesn't stand a chance against the Georgian Machine
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They both look like they suck some mean cocks
merab is a blockhead and got wobbled by cejudo
Yan is not the bantamweight GOAT
But I did think he beat Sean
This has always been my gripe with the UFC. "We have a world class striker? Better only line up high level grapplers for him"
Or conversely "a high level grappler? Better give him nothing but strikers who can't grapple as competition"
It's never been the fight I wanted though. I wanted to see stuff like "who's the best kicker versus who's the best puncher? Who's the best inside fighter versus long distance fighters? Which wrestling style wins, Greco roman or jiu jitsu?"
But unfortunately on the rare instances we have two high level grapplers they get scared of being embarrassed so they just have an incredibly boring, low level striking match.
MMA math doesn’t work like that anon

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