Does punching power increase forever the longer you train? Or is there a limit?
Force = mass x accelerationTo increase power you need to increase your action capacity
>>216253if you inject steroids there is no limig
>>216253There is a limit, but the impact needed to drop someone is well below that limit, so it's not that big of a deal.
what a retarded thing to ask
>>216255your shoulders need to be strong enough to transfer that mass
>>216253There is no limit. This is what's actually going on in "nuclear" power plants. Nukes aren't real.
For thousands of years, people have wondered about the pugiverse. Did it stretch on forever, or was there a limit?
>>216253there is a limit but a perfectly executed punch is perfectly executed... You need the perfect ratio of velocity and weight as well as perfect form in the execution of the punch.
>>216253A combination of things can work in tandem. You either have power or you do not. It's true. I was knocking people out since I was a kid and had no idea how to punch. When you add good technique, and most importantly, timing, even a lack of power can appear as power and get the desired results. Nignogoo can KO people with no technique because of massive power. But Cowboy Ceronne can KO people because of great timing and very little power. Great foot work and trap setting can deliver KOs for you even without natural power.
>>216253Basically Forever.I don't think you're ever going to reach your maximum hip or serratus strength potential.
Eventually you get old and your power goes down. Same with injuries or lack of training over long periods. Time is a cruel thief that robs us all.