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Your girlfriend thinks she can beat you in an mma fight. You wanna show her she's wrong but don't wanna hurt her. What do you do?
hurt her
Let the wookie win
But no one ever said anything about making it easy
Maintain the status quo and let them win so they get what they wanted
But make it suck so they don't feel the desire to escalate
Grapple her into submission. Assuming you’re healthy adult weights (she should be less than 130lbs, you should be more than 180lbs), this will be ludicrously easy. Similar to wrestling a 13 year old boy.

The only reason this wouldn’t work is if you were chronically victim weight and she was personality maxing, or if she’s a legitimate grappler and you aren’t. In that case, you could still possibly knock her lights out with a few quick punches, but you can’t safely test it.

a) if your gf can wrestle and you can’t she might beat you. Deal with it. Either fix that discrepancy or decide which strapon you’d like her to use on you
b)if you gf is a hambeast cut that shit out. The porker doesn’t deserve love. Stop pretending that she does.
5 minutes of play wrestling will clear up any misconceptions.
wrestle her? are you stupid?
You wrestle her, and you let her think she cam win. Then when she gets too big for her boots you heave her on top of you so that she sees that you were playing nice the entire time. Then you kiss her while tickling her.

This is what happens.
You play wrestle. Pretty soon she'll be going full force and you'll still overpower her without trying that hard. If she doesn't realise the severe disadvantage she's at by this point, then she isn't going to. At which point you just do >>215697
>Less than 30 years later, I am forgotten.
I've found trying to get my girlfriend in a headlock or whatever is basically a losing battle
They will just pinch you hard until you release them. You don't want to crank it or escalate so you will let go

Only way to win is to maybe bear hug with double overarm grip and maybe increase pressure until they say oww stop stop!
T. Seething after rejected by multiple fat ugly woman
While you're around the house doing nothing in particular, casually pick her up and move her out of the way so you can get something.
>You ... don't wanna hurt her.
That's where you're wrong.

I didn't soundproof a room in the basement so we could play the bagpipes.
get her in the guard pull her panties down and start fucking her

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