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I'll start

>Scorpion Rib Crush

This is a variant of do-jime (banned judo technique but legal in BJJ and MMA) where you have an opponent in closed guard and squeeze your knees on their floating ribs.

Here's a video of a WMMA fighter using it to win in Bellator:

Very hit-or-miss but can either
>do nothing (if they have a strong core)
>break ribs
>fuck up organs (supposedly)

You can hear the opponent yell out and tap immediately


Post more clips of unusual/banned judo/bjj/karate/etc techniques being applied successfully in MMA
Can't find the full video of the fight but iirc in the full version she gets dropped, pulls guard in a panic and then has a lightbulb moment and pulls this out of nowhere, it's pretty great
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>axe kick


Not that unusual as it was made famous by Andy Hug in K-1, but it's rare to see it in MMA.

In TKD we were always taught this was an import from kickboxing rather than part of the TKD canon, but in practice you see people hit axe kicks a lot in ITF bouts. Nothing more satisfying then doming someone with one of these.
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>Kani Basami (scissor takedown)


This is another banned judo one (I think?) but perfectly legal in MMA and BJJ.

Very high probability for injury (youtuber Rokas recently got taken to Snap City when someone threw this at him) so it's kind of a shitty one to attempt (vid above is someone doing it without injury but like half the vids on youtube are people fucking their shit up badly)

There's a few compilations floating around of the Shuai Jiao variations of this. I'd bet the relatively higher amount of leg wrestling they engage in makes both applying and receiving the technique smoother.
Kani means crab not scissors
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Daki Age

Daki Age (抱上) is a throw in judo. It is one of the techniques adopted later by the Kodokan into the Shinmeisho No Waza (newly accepted techniques) list. It is categorized as a hip technique, Koshi-waza. In practice it is very similar to a body slam, the object being for tori to lift uke while in his guard subsequently forcefully dropping uke onto their back. This is a very dangerous technique that has the potential to cause spinal injuries. Generally uke will release their guard if they cannot prevent the lift.

As of 2017, the Kodokan no longer officially recognises this technique and has been removed from the Shinmeisho-no-waza group.
This is my signature move, I call it the dazzler, when I'm hitting it from the back i flip, lift, pin against the wall
Very unpleasant, but I can't imagine tapping to it in an actual match, unless my opponent had just monstrously strong legs and was actually breaking my ribs
>Kani Basami
> legal in MMA and BJJ
I think most BJJ comps ban it now because of how gnarly the breaks can be.
Should be a scoring position desu. Actually powerbombing your opponent should remain illegal, but if you get to a position where you can actually do so, it should be treated as the massively advantageous position it would be in a real fight
Kani basami can be done safely, but most people don't ever learn it properly and yeet their entire body weight into someone's knee.
It's an equivalent English term for the technique, not a translation
Rampage did something pretty similar to this vs Arona


compare to
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This is fairly common in pro wrestling but rare in MMA, probably due to the difficulty in setting it up and the amount of energy needed to pull it off (also not sure if it would be legal under current rules).

Typical example from wrasslin:

It was famously done by Bob Sapp against Big Nog in Pride. Obviously has the potential for big neck/brain injuries. Probably the reason in later years Chael Sonnen saw him feed a carrot to a bus.

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>Jumping back side kick


This is a good example of where TKD can shine if trained properly. You're taught to do these kinds of kicks hitting small targets (often much smaller pads than you see in the video) so you can actually hit someone in sparring with it.

Hard to do but it is possible to pull it off in TKD bouts. Pretty unusual in MMA as it's hard not to telegraph it (and getting enough air requires Randleman-tier vertical jump ability)

Here's an example of Joaquin Buckley pulling it off from a leg grab
It's illegal in UFC, but was allowed in other MMA feds.
Yeah that's probably for the best

Lesnar pulling that out of the bag would have been an uncomfortable watch
This is a fantastic thread OP
Thanks dawg
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>The Boston Crab

This a pro wrestling spine lock (notably used by Chris Jericho, who used an elevated version of it called the Walls of Jericho).

Very weird to see it in MMA but its made a comeback recently due to people like Craig Jones mentioning it as a way to bring cocky grapplers down a peg or two (as its pretty humiliating to get caught in it)

We can see it being done here in FCC, in this spirit:

A variant of it taking only one leg was used to win in some Cambodian bush league:
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This is a rare example of a technique that was created in MMA and then became a staple in BJJ

One of the seasons of TUF featured a guy called Cody McKenzie, who had no formal MMA training but had just trained at home with his buddies

It turned out he had created a guillotine variant that cut off the blood supply a lot quicker (meaning opponents seem to just pass out immediately) done by kind of shifting your other hand upward on the neck

Example of him hitting it here:

Here's a breakdown of someone hitting it in MMA:

To be clear, this was like an average 4channer just showing up in UFC having invented an instant knockout move they invented in their bedroom.

Napoleon Blownapart (whose vids I highly recommend if people are getting into MMA or interested in MMA history) did a short segment on it here as part of his TUF series:

Here's an example of it being used in a BJJ comp:
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His record is pretty mixed but you can see how effective his new technique was in his pre-TUF fights
>someone hitting it in MMA

actually that was Cody himself, my bad
BJJ comp vid should be this one, my bad:
I don't think I understand this, it seems like a standard arm-out guillotine?
Watch the Blownapart vid (it has the TUF footage), he's doing something weird with this other hand that cuts off the artery on the other side of the neck too

It's a slight variation on the guillotine, it just has an unusual origin
Apparently piledrivers come up more than I thought in MMA

>Neil Magny doing a variant of it in UFC

>A classic piledriver from some bush league event in 2011

>Another one from early 2010s
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>twist[ing] kick (biteureo chagi)

This is an unusual TKD kick that you don't often see in TKD sparring. It's tricky to pull off with any power while doing the bouncy footwork, you sort of need to have your other foot planted, so it's pretty low-percentage for TKD competitions.

This is a textbook example of it:

It's conceptually similar to a Question Mark kick, in that it gets chambered normally and then veers off at a sudden angle. In theory good for hitting like a liver at a weird angle or something.

Justin Barry KO'd a guy using this kick in Cage Warriors:

At the time it was claimed to be a crescent kick, but that's quite a different motion. Here's a video discussing the difference:
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>Kata guruma (shoulder wheel)

A sort of firemans carry throw from judo

>Textbook example:

>Guy hitting it in an FCC bout

Apparently this also exists in Aikijujutsu:
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>Rolling Thunder

This seems to be pretty common in knockdown karate like Kyokushin, but pretty rare in MMA (as if you don't knock them out you're in a terrible position)

Here are two good examples of it being used in Kyokushin (courtesy of my new favourite channel Unusual Strikes & Submissions):

It's not seen that often in MMA due to how risky it is, but Justin Gaetje of all people seems to like throwing it right as the buzzer sounds so there's no risk of a followup:

Here's an example from Probellum where it actually got a knockout (against a former UFC fighter):
>illegal in UFC
And strangely enough despite this nobody has ever been DQd for doing one.
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If you want an unusual application of it in MMA, check out GSP. He used it to hit people on the ground as a legal way to get around the stomp rules.
And an even more unusual application in an MMA ruleset where grounded strikes are legal.
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That's clever, never thought about using it like that

It's surprisngly versatile. In TKD you sometimes get people just chambering their leg (like pic related) and kicking repeatedly to manage distance. I used to find that axe kicking directly into the chambered leg was a good way to remove that problem so you can get to close range
Would a gogoplata be considered rare or do you guys consider it common?
Axe kick is used to finish downed opponents in some schools of Kung Fu afaik
but I'm not a kung fu fag so don't quote me on that
>Iminari roll

This is one that was developed within MMA (I think?) by Masakazu Iminari, who still fights in Rizin.

It's a sort of inverted rolling entry to a heel hook, it's since become a fixture in BJJ but you also see it in MMA occasionally.

Here's Iminari himself doing it:

Tony Ferguson doing it:

Ryan Hall beating BJ Penn with it:
Imanari is great at submitting his opponents, but him doing shit like pulling guard is the reason why so many people dislike MMA or find it boring. Either take your opponent down or stand up.
Hands down my favorite bjj move, it looks so fucking cool. I really want to learn it, is it hard?
Do you suck at rolling backwards?
Kinda stupid it's banned
The solution if they have their legs on you and about to get bombed, is to just release the fucking guard
It just helps the retard doing the leglock to succeed off of something stupid
GOAT weird mma grappler
>Bulldog choke

This is a catch wrestling choke that has made its way into BJJ and MMA

It's sort of like a choke done with your opponent in a headlock. Not that unusual but interesting to see a catch move that gets used in modern MMA

>Carlos Newton (after big plates of chicken + rice) nearly tearing Pat Miletich's head off to win the WW title:

>Ben Askren vs Robbie Lawler (this was a controversial stoppage)

>A bulldog win in ONE MMA

>A particularly brutal WMMA win in LFA
I think its unusual enough to be included for sure

We rarely get interesting wins like this anymore
This feels like some schoolyard bully move, interesting that it has found its way into the octagon
Also mirin' that dude's arm
>We rarely get interesting wins like this anymore
Submission wins are becoming rarer because fans find them boring.
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The Mir Lock! Can be done form closed guard or standing!
dragon's tail/iron broomstick leg sweep kick
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Pretty much dropping a nuke on their ACL
just pass the guard bro
>"Oh, the fighting community doesn't want to see two guys humping each other on the floor for 2-5 minutes, so you should hump him on the floor anyway."

Why I wish Daido Juku/Kudo would gain more popularity. They reset if you're on the ground too long. Keeps the action intense. No one gives a shit how 'cerebral' bjj is lol
I don't dislike BJJ. If they just eliminated "pulling guard" and forced competitors to do takedowns, then it'd be perfect.

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