Does /xs/ prefer step or strap on bindings? Do step ons work in deep powder?
>TFW the money grubbing jews at Vail won't pay their employees so I can't fucking go snowboarding
>>218920>snowboard all day>play miku game all nighti love japan bros
>>218920I bought clickers and had no idea what to expect as I'm a noob to the sport. I thought they were just what everyone used but so far I've seen no one else with them. No complaints about them, but my boots are old as shit apparently and the straps broke off. Thinking about just getting conventional bindings and not having broken gear
>>219162build a kaczynski shack in the trees at the top of the mountain; But You will have to evade the vail corporate ski death squads that patrol the mountains.
>>219490>shack in the trees at the top of the mountainthe jerry garcia shrine?
>>219225Real life Agartha
>>219490dope smoker classic
Should I buy new snowboard from mid-priced brand like Termit or better to buy used one but from Burton?
>>219574Used is just fine as long as it's not beat to shit
>>219575But what would be main advantage if we compare basic options, like no step ons and stuff like that and for someone who is still learning to snowboard?
>>219576I'm just thinking maybe better to buy a cheap one for now and later on, in a year or two buy a good board
>>219576Personally I think step ons suck ass. They're a bitch and a half to get back into if you crash anywhere but flat ground. Plus I just dont trust them.
>>219580agree, i'm thinking about getting a strap board but the ones which don't fully detach
what's the best resort in Europe for absolute beginners? been wanting to try snowboarding for years
I went from being a heel side hero to a toe side hero. But at least I had the balls to go straight a bit too. I need to intentionally practice turns next time. Whenever I try it I devolve into spinning heel toe heel toe until I get dizzy
>>219574I’ve got a $50 2017 Burton clash. I crash. I suck. But I’m learning and yeah it’s kinda fucked up but that means I don’t worry about it. Same with boots.
>go snowboarding on Saturday>immediately get hooked>go to board shop on Sunday and buy $1600 worth of gear>try out new board on Monday (Capita DOA)>get absolutely fucking banged up because new board is much faster and sensitive than the rental I used on Saturday>left ass cheek incredibly sore>right quad is incredibly sore>right shoulder incredibly sore>can barely sit down properlyI want to buy pic related. Anyone use them? I'm in Ohio, and our ski resorts are basically hard icey with a thin layer of snow. Felt like I was falling on slightly softer concrete.
>>220103Take it easy and stay upright by any means necessary, those pads aren't going to save you. You also probably should have gotten comfortable on the rental before going to a whole different setup. Rental boards are typically very flexy and forgiving for the n00bs, stiffer boards like the DOA much less so.
>>220117I assumed it would be smarter to buy my own gear ASAP so I could learn faster via a consistent setup. My friend taught me how to carve to slow down though, which will help me. I was riding flat and going really fast down hills and crashing at the bottom. Basically, I was riding like a fucking dumbass.So moving forward, I will fall much less, or at least my falls will be less gnarly.
>>220123Well you have the board now so might as well learn on it and you have a buddy to help you which is even better, shred on anon.
>>220168>shred on anonthanks anon, I will :3
>>220123>I was riding flat and going really fast down hills and crashing at the bottom. Basically, I was riding like a fucking boss.ftfy
>>220103Remember to target fixate on the bigges tree you see
I seriously need to get to the mountain in the morning or ask for work to change my schedule so i can avoid school ski club nights. Every fucking time I've been hit while snowboarding it's been some kid on skis going down the mountain like a missle and not watching where they're going.
LFG (Colorado) Ikon Pass must have beacon, probe, shovel, whistle, gopro. Can ride weekdays/weekends. Exclusively 2x black EX terrain & hike-back.I was dropping 25' cliffs and starting slides on unstable slopes yesterday and I'm done doing it without a partner. I want someone to find my body.Reply w your favorite access gate and I'll drop a burner e-mail.
Taking a girl snowboarding Saturday. How tf am I supposed to teach someone to baord when I barely can myself. They weren’t running the free lesson I took so it’ll be just my bad advice.
>>222563Taught many females to snowboard. Made some of them cry in my younger days. Some of them still get season passes.My advice: all your advice is bad advice.-Remind her to bend her knees and distribute weight evenly, if only so that she doesn't fall as far-Let her practice spinning from heel to toe and toe to heel down a green/easy blue-On a steeper blue, have her cross all the way across the run the execute a single turn-Nobody likes to feel like they are going too fast, so encourage her to actually turn uphill and make the transition at 2mph-Once you can make one turn you can link all of them-Just don't yell at yo bitch>babe, let's just call it a day and get you some hot cocoa. you'll figure it out, don't worry. ha, no, you didn't ruin my day, i'm just glad you're here.btw I hate all beginners and hope you both break bones
>>222567She actually is ruining my day. Finally getting powder in Oregon and I’m stuck on the green all day. Then she put me in the “all I can offer you is friendship” zone the day after I paid for the tickets >wanna blow my top smooth off
>>222569You should have just taken her iceskating or tubing, faggot.
>>222569>buy shit for her>"I just wanna be friends"played yourself
>>222604I thought I was inviting her out, and the "men pay" psyop worked on meaint doin that again
>>220168>>220178Alright, I went out a couple more times. I learned to use both edges and now I can carve somewhat, skid brake to allow merging when trails meet, and I rode blue trails all day, and would only fall about once per trail (on average).I fuckin love snowboarding now, bros. I'm 28, and the huge amount of hot high school girls makes me feel weird though.
>>222679Invite her over to your place next time. Have a bucket of chicken and a box of condoms chilling on the table when she arrives. She will get the message.
>>222693What if I just blow my shit clean off whole she’s in the passenger seat as we approach a cliff
>>222780Anon, stop being an edgy doomer. That won't get you laid. What you need to do is figure out if she's even into you. If she's not, then drop her and find another grill. Life is too short to orbit women that don't actually want you.
whats a good album to listen to while snowboarding next weekend? I will be high and drunk btw
>>223261i always start my day with this one
>>218920I don't like step ons. I was just at Mt Hood and tried them for the first time. Fresh powder was sticking to it like bubble gum and it was annoying having to swipe it off my boots every time I needed to step in.
>>220103My sister bullied me when I asked her for buttpad recommendations
>>223270you shouldve known pnw would be incompatible with them
It's my 2nd season, I am finally making some deep carved turns with razor thin lines on red/blue/green slopes.I am also now starting to be able to navigate in between trees, hitting side cuts and slowly becoming comfortable with being airborne and sticking my landings, though I only land on my heel side because my ankles are kind of fucked.I have these old bindings with thick foam straps. All the new ones seem to have that webbed plastic strap instead.I'm wondering if switching to a new one will help improve my toe side feel/response? There is definitely a lot of play/cushion with the foam straps and I always kind of have to exaggerate my movements when I'm doing anything toe side. It's very noticeable when initiating toe side turns.
Today I took a "break day" just to learn how to ride switch the bunny hill and green runs and so far it's been some of the most fun I've had this season and it's just been slipping and sliding around like a jackass.
>>223478Maybe. This is a personal feel thing that you may or may not like. Just rent a board with the kind of bindings you're thinking about switching to for a day.
>>218920I ski, every binding is step in.
If anyone in the US is looking for a good deal on gear, Curated is having a going out of business sale so you can get some good stuff pretty cheap.>>223581Turns out this was a huge mistake and I strained my left hip flexor pretty bad. Heed my warning and always make sure to adjust your stance properly before trying something new.
>huge snowfall in my area>stuck on couch with upper respiratory infectionI pray it snows again this season :(
My local shop has flux bindings on sale for $99, should I cop them or save up for some supermatics if I want a rear entry binding. Burton stepons were too loose feeling for me and I miss wearing my vans.
>come back to snowboarding after 10 years>literally everyone including skiers wear helmets nowhuh?
>>225342We don’t want to get injured
>>225342The other day I ate shit in the park and hit the back of my head so hard that it dented my helmet. I'd rather shell out $75-150 for a new helmet than deal with traumatic brain injury or death.
>tfw snow day after a couple days of spring ridingFeels good man
Any Coloradofags here? I've always wondered if it's possible to ride all year since there are so many mountains. Or do the mountains also melt down in the summer?
>>219225IT KEEPS FUCKING SNOWING >>225447>all yeartechnically yes but it really strains the definition of riding and the effort you will have to exert for not very much poor quality snow by like, june makes it really not worth it. there a a couple of places like copper and buttermilk that build a psuedo-glacier for park kids but even that is highly weather dependent. if it gets too hot for even a week, that shit is just gone.otoh, we do sometimes get really good years where the snow just doesn't run out. 2 years ago we were getting full on big mountain powder days through may and front range resorts were open like a week into june.preseason sometimes we get lucky as well but you really want a rock board for that.
>>225460>big mountain powder days through mayso lucky
>>225463the flipside of that is last year where the snow just never really showed up and it was rock & ice skiing all the way from november until the spring. idk what this year is like because i'm not there but the reports i've gotten from home haven't been inspiring, we got an absurd early season deep day in november though (possibly the most snow i've ever seen from one storm) then it didn't snow again until after christmas, which is colorado in a nutshell; you can get very big storms but they are surrounded by long periods of nothing. it truly is a case of YMMV