Where are all the black champs?
>>212797Honestly this is refreshing just because of the long reign of Usman and Adesanya. Like we don't have to watch Colby or Whittaker get fed to them anymore.
>>220898I'm actually deracializing it. Sports in general have such a strong racial component, even among supposed anti-racists. I'm rejecting that. I'm not saying that being of a given race automatically makes you superior.
>>220898>Usman lost because Leon had luck in the chamberUsman lost because Leon kicked him in the head. No luck involved.
>>220715Are these really the best ethnicities for fighting?
ITT: we make our own martial art, Attacko, the most effective martial art originating on the /xs/board. Add one thing our more to our great martial art.>It has to include a gi to emulate jackets
>>218778>Four leaf seething palmI second this name, kek.>>218740GI's must be slightly green
>>220282Don't need to. It's 2025, society is gay as fuck now. Those retards will lap this shit up as long as we put a rainbow flag on it or something like that. The work's already been done for us.
Elbow strikes like they did in the old BJJ manuals should be included
>>220138>Icy Kike
>>218740Extensive Finger TrainingTo the point where practitioners can tear through meat.
I'm a 33 year old total failure at life. One of the only things I have going for me is that I am very big and strong being 6'1 290lbs at 30% bodyfat. Despite my bodyfat I have very good stamina; I have been training MMA, tennis and weightlifting for most of my life. I also have some experience with cutting and sawing down wood as I go on dozens of camping trips a year.I was thinking if I quit drinking and lost some weight I could maybe take a go at this sport and finally turn my life around. Is this possible or does the correct technique really take a lifetime to learn like most sports?
>>220749>careerI don't think you'll make enough money to live off timbersports.>Is this possible or does the correct technique really take a lifetime to learn like most sports?Try it out. Find some shit on YouTube. It should definitely be possible to learn the technique, it's not like these people were chopping wood and using chainsaws since 5. Issue would be that unless you have tons of wood lying around the training is going to be awkward, you also need some armor for your feet and shins.
>>220749go to basque country and live cheap and do timbersports and stonelifting, sounds like a good life
The super jacked heavyweights and super heavyweights clearly put a lot of time into strength training. Strength training is the best thing you can do for explosiveness. Feel free to debate me on this, but it's pretty obvious. Once you've mastered technique, the only thing going to give you an edge is further explosiveness. I am a noob at martial arts, so correct me if I'm wrong at this. I know cardiovascular potential is also important, and bigger guys technically have less of it, even if they do plenty of cardio.Now, how much of an advantage would a 7'6, 500 pounds of lean mass giant who can deadlift 505 kilos raw as part of his warmup have against other opponents? He would look like something from DBZ. I imagine he wouldn't have to be nearly as skilled to be super successful.
Mighty Mouse wouldn't beat Brock Lesnar. There are levels
>>220798>the thing that's hitting you is fists, elbows, feet, shins, and knees. >They don't change in mass with bodyweight. That's a fallacy. If you're throwing arm-punches or moving backwards while hitting they don't change much in mass.Punches are thrown with your whole body twisting and leaning forward. That's why coaches will tell you to "sit down" on your punches. You're trying to leverage as much mass as possible so it isn't like a bug bite. Exception would be jabs where you try to score points, and distract to set up larger punches.This principle is also why you only do ground and pound when you're in the top position. Gravity is helping you put your mass into your punches. If mass was irrelevant, and it was all about speed, people on the bottom would be able to strike with as much efficiency as people in mount or on top. Upkicking would be as devastating as stomping, but it isn't because mass is a key factor.>KE = Mass*Velocity^2, so if you increase velocity by 20%, you increase KE by 44%Well it's as I said here: >>220772>ultimately being big and heavy is better because the acceleration decreases only a little bit, while the mass goes way up.The acceleration does not increase to a great degree to the point it matters more than mass. https://forums.sherdog.com/threads/who-are-the-fastest-fighters-in-mma.4279882/ Here they say Mighty Mouse, Dodson, and O'Malley are some of the fastest. Do they have the strongest punches?
>>220798>Correct me if I'm missing something. If you're super strong, those strikes are going to be hitting much harder. >Explosiveness/power correlates very well with strength. Honestly they will be but there will be diminishing returns. It correlates but some people are very strong and stiff, with slow movements. If I think about it more you're definitely more right than I suggested in the previous post, but not completely right.The strikes could hit a decent amount harder, but speed has a limit in humans. You can't really be 2x faster than somebody, but you can be 2x stronger. So being stronger won't necessarily give you bullet-like punches. The difference in 100m sprint times between Usain Bolt and the fastest woman is around 10-12%. The difference in Bench Press between men and women, from what I remember, is around 30-50%. So while strength will make you faster and give you powerful punches, it won't make you insanely faster. Pure mass and weight is still going to be a limiting factor.If it was about swinging an axe, greatsword or a sledgehammer, I think your theoretical super-strength guy would be a lot more terrifying, but mass is just too important for hand-to-hand punching.Who are your favorite fighters by the way?
>>220847>Punches are thrown with your whole body twisting and leaning forward. That's why coaches will tell you to "sit down" on your punches. You're trying to leverage as much mass as possible so it isn't like a bug bite.That whole technique is for the purpose of moving your fist as fast as possible. Strength is largely correlated with muscle mass, but still distinct. The fat tissue on your body isn't going to be doing anything to allow you to throw more energetic punches. Kinetic energy requires mass. The mass comes from your fist. That is the thing that strikes your opponent. The faster your fist is moving, the more energy is going to be behind it. If you're stronger, you're going to be more explosive, and if you're more explosive, you're strikes are going to have more velocity behind them, and you're strikes will be more energetic. I've heard that putting something heavy in your hand will give you much stronger strikes. This is because you're adding mass to your fist, and you're still able to accelerate it to roughly the same degree.
>>220847>If mass was irrelevant, and it was all about speed, people on the bottom would be able to strike with as much efficiency as people in mount or on top. Upkicking would be as devastating as stomping, but it isn't because mass is a key factor.When you're on the ground, your body can't just move back to absorb the blow slowly; it has to take everything all at once. If you stomp someone on the ground, his body isn't going to be moving back to absorb the strikes slowly; his body will be absorbing the strikes all at once and fully.
What's the kinkiest Martial Art and why is it Hojojutsu?
It's the other way around. Ngannou dodged Jones and now Jones dodges Aspinall cause he knows he's too old to fight him.
>>215690Jones refused to fight unless they pay him more because ngannou is "dangerous." And he wanted to be paid for "taking the risk."
>>219638>takes 3 years to bulk up 5 pounds above previous out-of-camp weightDon't forget that he wanted to say he wanted to "properly" bulk up and be huge for the weight class, but when he actually fought at HW he looked doughy as fuck as if he just didn't cut weight like he usually does.
>>215690He is. Nignogoo won't hesitate to swing like a gorilla through the eye poke hand and would just murder Jones. Nignogoo sucks, don't get me wrong, he's low IQ dindu with no technique, but he is just too powerful and he knows it now which is why he goes 100% from the moment the bell rings. No one can survive that onslaught. He got tricked by Stipe into fighting MMA. He doesn't do that anymore.
>>220316>Gorilla Expansion: Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers>Jones gets a new asshole
>>215690None of the Jones stans commented on the Aspinall dodging.
My friend made this
>>215960>frog postingWeird way for your friend to tell you he's a gay retard
>>215960iron pepe
>>216097Bout to take a dive against s-0yjak for 20 gorillion pepe bux.
I'm looking for a fight this guy was in where he doesn't even take his hands out of his pockets, he just does a troll face, waits for the other guy to charge him, and rocks his shit with a kick to the head.
>>212831Of course the guy just imitates an anime character so he is not fighting real fighters, it's just for the show. Get a grip nigga and touch some grass instead of caring about a cosplayer making fights faker than jake paul.
>>212831You are a retard.
>>212831sexooooooooo>>215661>>215983you have to be 18 to post here
>>218680>sexoooooooooYou have to be straight to post here.
First episode is out.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCsR-zxwN1Y>What is the Ultimate Self-Defense Championship?A bit over a year ago, former Aikidoka YouTuber Rokas Leo set up a tournament with a self-defense "academy" to have himself and five other martial arts YouTubers compete to see who is best at self-defense. It was a hilarious shitshow that nearly crippled one of the contestants, Ramsey Dewey who would later get into an internet spat with the guy behind the academy (Jeff Phillips) and described the entire event as "piss poor" due to poor management, an incoherent and arbitrary scoring system, running on a very limited schedule, and timing events terribly (like having a zombie apocalypse-themed event that didn't influence score in the middle of the entire thing instead of at the end or something) and doing comically dangerous shit like making people fight on a narrow bridge a good 30ft above the ground.Somehow, he kickstarted a second one, which features even less martial arts YouTubers.
>>216218i purposely didnt use gun fu due to gun fu being created for movies
>>213393>bodybuilder>bjj brown beltit would be kino
>>216535This niggas like 5'3 and as we've learned from all this so far, height is the most important factor
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCazByhbmztoIg6ZKeI25PGw/community?lb=Ugkx9Km-ScWyPHftFLSU4lWZcaZ-JrvZDs_bNew gimmick for USDC season 3: A bunch of anti-self defense champions like the psycho rangers or some shit who are all kudo practitioners to fill in for the lack of bogan thugs for scenarios.
>>213481>have them attacked in a car rather than a bus as that is more common and has even less spaceThere's a competitive BJJ event that takes place in a car;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am9H1KMpNz4Doing this with strikes and such allowed would be interesting.
Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.
>>210191where you at
>>115460isnt sports fencing an arbitrary stagnation of rules addendums to fencing?
>>220288not anymore than football an arbitrary stagnation of rules and addendums to kicking a ball
fencing is barbarismt. ex foil champ
While following video guides and doing bag work and drills? There is no boxing gym or any martial art gym near me.
>>214001>>214007>>214168>You can't learn to box/do martial arts at homeAll you faggots know this isn't 100% true. The overwhelming majority of training is 1)conditioning 2)solo drills 3) partner drills 4) sparring.So no, you cannot learn the totality of boxing & martial arts at home alone, but you can do ALL of the conditioning and still practice a lot of the basics. Basic striking & footwork patterns etc.>inb4 won't learn it rightAnd? Most people training in a gym will also not geg it right. Lol. But its still better than nothing. You are all being gatekeeping lil bitches.
>>220303You're training bullshido if sparring isn't the most important part of all training
>>220362>t. Retard who doesn't trainIt never fucking is dipshit, I don't care what style, trad/sport/full contact, doesn't matter. Even fucking MT gyms in ladyboy land don't put the primary focus on sparring. Sparring generates the most wear and tear, the highest injury risk, requires the most supervision. There are zero fucking gyms where sparring is the biggest focus. The only time that ever fucking happens is in fight camps and even then its the lightest of light sparring cause no pro is going to risk injury in camp.
>>220370>>220362Let me rephrase, sparring is the singular most important aspect. Its the one place where it all comes together.But it is never the primary focus.You spend way more time & effort conditioning & drilling.Sparring is just the cherry on top.But you can still develop a lot of skills without sparring that anyone who does no training at all won't have. So don't be gatekeeping faggots pretending like this is an all or nothing issue, it isnt.
>>214001you can learn a lot of boxing at home. ur still missing the partner aspect. So no not like 100% probably not. But you can transfer what you learned into boxing. I was self training and when i started sparring with other people i was already semi decent at slipping and thowing back combos because thats all i did at home. footwork was good day 1. your skills will transfer over but u are missing out if you dont spar.
How to do sports? I've always looked at stuff like BMX, surfing, skate boarding etc and admired it, been interested and thought I wish I could do that. Never considered maybe I could.I love surfing and I've tried it once. But I'm basically landlocked. How might I find one I like, and I'm overweight and non athletic so what are some sports with lower bars for entry until I get into shape? Any off the wall ideas rather than bikes, boards, the common ones?
>>220663You do that shit as a kid, if you're really about that life. Then at least as an adult it's not completely cringe. Still is a bit but not as much.If you're an fat adult gamer posting 9gag tier images and asking how to skateboard, yeah it's too late. It's over. Try at your own peril, the damage to your body will only be outweighed by the damage to what little dignity you have left
For example Conor Mcgregor got absolutely humiliated by Hafthor, but would a 6 foot trained fighter get brutally mogged by a 7 foot guy, or a 6'4" guy get brutally mogged by a 7'4" guy? Surely at some point there's diminishing returns due to the square cube law and also the kind of genetic disorders that cause Guiness Book of World Records level tall people to die early and be very frail. So what height is the cutoff? And what height is the ideal?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aaehn1aY8Ig
>>215057twinks have a shorter shelf life than women
I'm happy you asked.As you can see reach matters more [spoiler]and jon jones has a 7 foot reach. Proving he's not good.[/spoiler]
>>215065>twinks have a shorter shelf life than women
>>208416People who work out to get muscular tend to be afraid of other men and want a feeling of dominance, they don't do it for women (and if they do they don't understand women)
>pulled mixed martial arts out of oblivion after 2000 years>made the world know grappling is a valid way to fight>now disrespected by martial arts fans
>>220575>Faggot JJ people (whether the Japanese or the Brazilian kind) will claim that it was JJ that was used insteadExamples?
>>220578Jiu Hitsu tard is under your bed, beware!
>>220601>i didnt mention judo politics>"BUT MUH IJF!!!!" in previous postlmaoXDD>currently training 6 times a week>twice a dayYou should write 7 times a week three times a day, keyboard will bear anything
>>220574And this picture is funny because BJJ doesn't need IJF or another big organization boot in the ass to do anything?
>>218322>Bjj in the streets!And BJJ in the sheets! Just need to think of some stupid latingroid name for moves ill be pulling on a jannie's mom!
Does punching power increase forever the longer you train? Or is there a limit?
For thousands of years, people have wondered about the pugiverse. Did it stretch on forever, or was there a limit?
>>216253there is a limit but a perfectly executed punch is perfectly executed... You need the perfect ratio of velocity and weight as well as perfect form in the execution of the punch.
>>216253A combination of things can work in tandem. You either have power or you do not. It's true. I was knocking people out since I was a kid and had no idea how to punch. When you add good technique, and most importantly, timing, even a lack of power can appear as power and get the desired results. Nignogoo can KO people with no technique because of massive power. But Cowboy Ceronne can KO people because of great timing and very little power. Great foot work and trap setting can deliver KOs for you even without natural power.
>>216253Basically Forever.I don't think you're ever going to reach your maximum hip or serratus strength potential.
Eventually you get old and your power goes down. Same with injuries or lack of training over long periods. Time is a cruel thief that robs us all.