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Before anyone here says anything about the potential match up between Merab and Suga Sean at UFC 306 just remember that Merab beat Yan (bantamweight goat) with ease while Suga won by a commonly disputed decision

Strikingfags: Your rainbow twink doesn't stand a chance against the Georgian Machine
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They both look like they suck some mean cocks
merab is a blockhead and got wobbled by cejudo
Yan is not the bantamweight GOAT
But I did think he beat Sean
This has always been my gripe with the UFC. "We have a world class striker? Better only line up high level grapplers for him"
Or conversely "a high level grappler? Better give him nothing but strikers who can't grapple as competition"
It's never been the fight I wanted though. I wanted to see stuff like "who's the best kicker versus who's the best puncher? Who's the best inside fighter versus long distance fighters? Which wrestling style wins, Greco roman or jiu jitsu?"
But unfortunately on the rare instances we have two high level grapplers they get scared of being embarrassed so they just have an incredibly boring, low level striking match.
MMA math doesn’t work like that anon

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>known steroid abuser
>punches fan during walkout
>suspended by nevada state athletic commission for 9 months
>athletic commission offers to take 3 months off ban if he hosts an anti bullying campaign
>Arman says “no”

Absolute chad this guy
I really enjoy the completely arbitrary punishments and their lengths. Some motherfuckers will get sat 5 years over nonsense. Others have to take what's essentially a medical suspension. And everyone just nods along with it all.
>known steroid abuser
Wait really? When?
>he said no
I thought he wanted to fight makhachev in October?

Also he’s seems to be a pretty cool guy, met him in person at one of his meets. The event was supposed to end at 9 but he kept it open so everybody could meet him.

/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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thank you very much. im getting closer to going in for a trial class.
>most clubs only use longsword
That’s still retarded, retard
Yeah, just go for it man. Don't ruminate too long, go find out.
>anime website
>anime mods
>anime jannies
>anime threads

sorry zoomer, you have to go back
what do you think about poleaxes? They are the ultimate weapon:

>pointy stick
>hardened staff

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Roller skate thread.

Mostly Inline & Quads, Hockey & Derby welcome, Soaps & Heelies too if they're chill. Ice skates? Who knows.
Discuss rollerskating tricks, gear, hobbies, complaining about the cost of new wheels and anything else relating to rolling around and it's culture. Cool roller skating /mu/sic is welcome, but talk about other shit too, don't just post music links with nothin else. Definitely not!vandalism belongs on >>>/po/stencil

FAQ first edition

Last thread (next thread before 2026?)
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Low speed high maneuverability inconspicuous strollin frame.
fair enough. i'm not sure enough people would be interested in such a set up to justify it existing. you could try using a rockered set up on a longer aggressive frame, I guess.
Any boot recommendations for a first timer that is obese?
I see a lot of fat chicks on impalas. If you're using quads stick to metal plates as opposed to nylon.
Two things: Purposeful practice (e.g. drill left-foot t-stops like 20 times as the first thing you do when you put skates on), and just time spent on skates.
If you don't drill, you'll never learn how to do it; and without time on skates, you'll never learn to do it without thinking.

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please find the place from the photo if it’s not difficult for you, the place is located in Kyiv, but there are only assumptions that it’s on Ozernaya Street
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if you can tell me where to put this
nigger I literally did
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The urbex kids on TikTok and Instagram seem to be able to find it easily enough, perhaps dig around there or do some urbex yourself. Reverse image search will get you pointed in the right direction. I would ask in the >>>/xs/urbex thread or >>>/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests board, possibly even >>>/b/ - Random, if you want 4chan help. Please read board descriptions and search the catalog before making new threads.
thank you very much

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Just finished rereading Teppu and All-Rounder Meguru after remembering a storytime on /a/ 2(?) years ago where some Brazilian dude got me into martial arts. If you browse this board, thank you you bastard, soon I'll be participating in my first competition.

Anyway, I'm looking for more stuff like this, I already read Ippo btw. Also, movies and other media are also cool
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Others have already said it but Baki, the Anime and the Manga are both good
Yeah Mou Ippon is good.
It doesn't have flashy moves and secret techniques but does a great job at showing what judo looks like for most people.
The only problem with Mou Ippon is that english language translations are dead.
It did get an anime though.
There are a bunch of sumo and judo series untranslated
Sakuraba. (you don’t know who that is but the rest of us do) got into professional fighting because he read the old manga Tiger Mask when he was a kid. Ipso facto, manga demolished the gracie dynasty

Looking to start Judo pretty soon, but I have a major concern - not worried about bodily injuries as I know that sort of thing is expected in full contact martial arts. But how common are head/brain injuries, even if they are light? I’m talking concussions or any significant bumps to the head.
Anyone have any experience of this, or know how common head injuries are in Judo?
t. Physicist, need my brain for work
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Med student here, this one sounds retarded and unplausible.
This 100%, kek.
BJJ is not the way to go since cumulative joint/muscle/etc damage is a huge risk. BJJ people of all levels get injured all the time, Judo people not so much.
There are a million reasons your brain could be permanently/progressivly fucked. It's almost hilarious just how many ways there is. Genetics play a huge part, so if you're out of luck you might as well enjoy yourself. But to summarize, Judo won't get you fucking punch drunk lmfao, because that's what you actually fear.
what's implausible about trauma to arteries causing a stroke? that's not some controversial take
>Med student here
The primary author of that paper is a reasonably well-published neurosurgeon. 80% of med students are good at cramming for tests in school and are a lazy liability to the public after graduation. If you're going to try to credentialfag try to do it in a way that isn't a self-own.
Upon further analysis I conclude you fags are correct and I retract myself.
>lazy liability to the public after graduation.
Beats the other option. Plus, I'll be slaving away for a long decade, enough to learn.
Yeah judoka are way more prone to head injuries than BJJ fags

I did judo for only a year and our coach who is a brown belt had given two concussions in his judo career, all from accidental head on collisions, like he was executing a throw and he accidentally headbutt his partner. And that coach has a head like a bowling ball, super hard, no joke.

You can also knock yourself out if you fall incorrectly which will probably be the first thing you learn in your judo class is how to breakfall. It essentially comes down to having the reflex of tucking your chin whenever you’re about to be thrown.

Like anything, there are risks, but under proper conditions those risks can be negligible. Judo is super fun and I encourage anyone to do it. It will really make you a better grappler.

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I injured my wrist playing rugby back in May. After spending the last month and a half trying to figure out what was wrong (nearly all of which was spent in some sort of brace or splint), I finally got word on Friday that I have a torn scapholunate ligament that’s gonna need surgery to fix. The surgery is scheduled for 22 July. After the surgery, I’ll be in a splint for 2 weeks, followed by a hard fiberglass cast for 8 more weeks. I’m pretty bummed and have no idea what I should do with my time this summer. Any suggestions? I’d also appreciate any suggestions for dealing with a cast during the summer. Thanks.
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go hiking.

And the smelly cast is mainly caused by bacteria, so try to kill them, use hand sanitizer or high % alcohol.
You've come to the right website. Many of us are lifelong experts at sitting inside on our computers all summer, and we can recommend a range of exciting activities such as:
>Watching every single episode of a popular and long-running anime, like One Piece or Pretty Cure
>Doing horrid things to figurines in jars
>Interfering with the American elections by trolling people on both sides
>Arguing in bad faith about topics you have no sincere interest in
>Cyberbullying and harassment
>Amassing a large collection of porn for your niche fetish
I think that since I’m getting surgery, stuff like hand sanitizer is supposed to be avoided. Nothing wet is supposed to get under the cast which is especially unfortunate since I live in Florida. Does anyone have any advice for adapting to other parts of life with only one hand? Like when I get surgery my whole hand is gonna be useless for at least a month, likely longer.
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you'll manage and adapt fast. Like some anon said - build your intellect. Read books, learn stuff etc.

And go hiking and quit whining.
Leg day every other day, cardio and use the other arm as much as you can.
ALSO perfect excuse to stop fapping.

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Lmao if I can deadlift 500lb I can just pick you up and slam you on the fucking ground, all you're little bjj and wrestling bullshit doesn't mean jack shit XD
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Ironic that you use a photo of Tom Hardy because the dude trains BJJ
Barbells don't bite you.
Someone's never wacked their shin on a competition bar.
further proof that mma is scum
Explain this:

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Thinking about getting into skateboarding. Is this a good starter board on a budget?
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my job is changing your mums car battery
If 5 below's skates are anything to go by, these are literally trash that could potentially hurt anyone that isn't a literal toddler. I'm pretty sure you can get a lightly above Walmart-tier board for cheap if you have a Sierra trading post nearbye or something.
lmao just fork out the 50$ for like a blind or enjoi complete on sale or whatever
buy one for each foot
Have you considered used items? Idk if there is market for stuff like that where you live, but getting full sized, used board might be better for practicing normal skating

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If someone start graplling you can yoi just do this but with your teeths?
Biting is not really a good idea. You'll probably just end up losing your teeth. It's especially bad if they're wearing tough clothes
you'd have to be in the right position to do it. It's really hard to get your teeth in such a position. They're not just gonna let you grab their neck man. If you want to stop a grappler in an unarmed fight you have to be a grappler yourself, OR get super lucky with a strike.
Or have good takedown defence

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I'm a 2nd dan black belt in Judo and brown belt in BJJ, recently my dojo closed down due to financial circumstances. I still want to practice and keep my skills sharp, could I hire escorts as my Uki's? I would put them under the pretense of wanting the girlfriend experience package but I'd just end up taking them to my home gym that has a tatami mat and tell them the deal.

Would they find this weird? I wouldn't hit any seriously big throws, just things like osoto, koshi guruma, ura nage, and of course I'd teach them breakfalls.

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I've been trying to get my girl to work out with me for 10 years. I'd recommend you try the boyfriend experience.
Where do you live that it's easier to get an escort than to find a gym ?
Even in my middle of the European woods I have like three cities within 90 km with dojos.
I don't know if I have any advice to really offer you, but if you have a brown belt in BJs, maybe you can offer some kind of quid pro quo, where you help them to improve their technique and they let you beat them up to improve their technique.
t. 2 black belts in BJJ
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HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAAHA PLEAAAAAASE for the love of GOD do this at least once, what could possibly be fucking funnier than that?
On a serious note, like the other anons said, if you have your own mat at home you should contact some of your old bros from the previous gym to train with you. They're in the same predicament you're in and they'd be ecstatic to train with you. Black belts are rare man

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Why the fuck do so many extreme sports faggots bring up guns in any regard with martial arts? “Muh gun”, I don’t need to train. Faggot if you get attacked by a martial artist with a gun you are an inferior being in every regard. Kys ngmi twink.
But guns are also martial arts

Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.

I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.
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Kharkiv. They've still got their salesmen going around at the European competitions, and there's also a newer Ukrainian fencing manufacturer that's popped up around 2021 called Folo, they just so weapon components and wires right now.
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Why does Olympic fencing take place on a linear strip instead of a circular arena? Is this a compromise for electric scoring or an older convention?
Older convention, evolved from Italian rapier fencing that theorized that controlling the center line was the safest and most efficient way to attack the opponent, continued on with smallsword fencing which became foil and subsequently epee. Saber too since foil fencing was often taught as a training exercise for saber since it taught really good point control.
Neat, thanks. Can you recommend any good books or other relevant sources?
Toughts on Classical Fencing?
It's essentially like Olympic, and where it came from. Except the scoring rules give defense more priority over "reckless" offense and there is no right of way.

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>Felix Baumgartner (German: [ˈfeːlJks ˈbaʊ̯mˌɡaʁtnɐ]; born 20 April 1969) is an Austrian skydiver, daredevil and BASE jumper.[1]
>born 20 April
>is an Austrian
Is jumping out of airplanes /xs/?

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