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Wrestlingbros... It's the truth.
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yeah just look at how gay this is
Damn, violent homos
Big time virgin energy that simply being in physical contact with someone else is sexually arousing
>the homohugfag is mad
Gimme that ass lil nigga
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damn this is accurate
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This would be funny were it not for the experience of meeting tons of gays in wrestling & BJJ. It's like the pedos that got busted in the disney security ring.
>Say what?
If it can be sexualized, those who are attracted to it, will be there.
No one can tell me that kid with the highlights is not a faggot.
It's not gay, it's psychology. Red guy will be forever handicapped mentally by the humiliation.
Why does girl named Maki is always so cool?
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it's definitely gay, but also it's only gay if you're getting aroused by it
like penis inspection day at school isn't gay for example
Turn your monitor on
that same girl soon after gets destroyed by a wrestler and she starts training it
More like big dick energy
It's not just wrestling. Any activity that involves forcing your bodies together and struggling for dominance has explicit sexual undertones. The fact that combat sports are detached from the concept of fighting for your life and are instead done as a ritual with special and often highly revealing costumes reinforces this, as does the intensely voyeuristic way that people watch the contests. Combat sports are incredibly homoerotic in a way that other moderately gay sports like tennis and cycling could never hope to be. Just be thankful that combat sports exist, and provide millions of men with an outlet to satisfy their dark and confusing urges, as a viewer or a participant.
Perfectly. Not everything is about sex.
this post hurt my feelings

which i guess means i have to admit it's true
That's why this thread isn't about chess or trainspotting or carpentry or any of the other simple and non-sexual pastimes people engage in. It's about wrestling, which is notorious for being sexually charged and always has been.
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If you're fucked in the head enough that you need to find something inherently homosexual in a non-sexual activity, then you'll always find it. But everyone will ironically think you're the gay one.
What did your family say when you came out of the closet?
>yea I took that boner like a champ
>sweet chin music
the fact that I image reversed this and it led me to some shit called gaytwinktube or something LMFAO
Thanks for proving my point.
We won't judge you.
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I don't believe you.

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