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Isn't it weird that when you get a high dan, you're too old to beat a young man with a colorful belt?
>always have an excuse as to why you lost
The perfect system
no, because the ranking denotes your place in the hierarchy and its only recently we stopped giving elders respect because they're not as physically capable

of course I'm against the whole silly costume people wear as it is
I like the japanese way
>You're good enough to teach it
Any other connotation is silly and white was always more aesthetically pleasing
Jedi doe jujitsu is a brown belt. Do you think he's not competent enough to teach white belts?
No I'm saying black was just "you're qualified to teach"
Which has nothing to do with how dangerous you are
The only thing you could do at that point was he infamous and make a name for yourself
Wasn't the idea that you wore your white belt and it would just get dirty over time with experience and become black

And then all this color bullshit came out
That's just krotty lore and it's not true
Kano picked white because that's what color cotton is, and black because a black ribbon was already used to denote advanced level swimmers in school so japanese were already familiar with the system and it wouldn't need to be explained

It's not muh purity, muh grass stains, muh blood

The BS may have been partially lifted from sumo not washing their mawashi since it's so big and they use it every day they just lay it out in the sun to disinfect it between practices
That's something never washed, up big fat asses, wrestling on dirt. Still stays white, just dirty looking white
That's a myth that came to be after colored belts became a thing.
Formerly there were only white and black belts, for kyu and dan ranks respectively, then someone had the idea that having an indicator of a student's approximate skill level would be useful
High rankers wear white mawashi

Only rookies wear black
That's why I always tell people I'm a black belt in sumo and don't elaborate any further
>you're too old to beat a young man with a colorful belt
Instead of:
>I've reached a ripe old age
>I am still alive while most of my age peers are dead
>Practicing martial arts made me fit enough to get to this point
>My fighting days may be over but "the way" of my art kept me strong and healthy
OP is a nigger and this thread is incredibly satanic. You're probably the same niggers who think they can upload their consciousness into AI so they can live forever in a CPU.
This is how it should be.
Huge jump in logic at the end there. Absolutely staggering. Lost all the previous credibility your was building up.
(you) had me until the end there. It's ok anon, this is /xs/, not /x/
1st degree you're qualified to teach yourself
3rd degree you're qualified to teach others
simple as
>when you become an army general you're too old to top the physical exams and obstacle courses
>when you become a hospital director you're too old to sleep 15 hours a week like interns
the point is not for them to beat everyone up, but to teach their students, so THEM can beat others of their same age-group.
Every man will get old, respecting elders allows men to age gracefully and move into being respected rather than feared. When a society no longer has that everyone will try to pretend to be 30 forever, like Eminem.
I'm a guro in Kali and Silat I started at 25 and got my my guro ranks at 32

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